• 제목/요약/키워드: phonetic loan

검색결과 6건 처리시간 0.019초

중국의 언문(言文) 부조화와 음역어의 활용 (A Study on the Mismatch between the Spoken and Written of Chinese Language and the Use of the Phonetic Loans)

  • 김태은
    • 언어사실과 관점
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    • 제44권
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    • pp.99-124
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    • 2018
  • This study is about the mismatch between the spoken and written language of Chinese language. In the past, many Chinese intellectuals insisted on abolishing Chinese characters, since they are too difficult for common people to learn, write and remember. However, Chinese characters are still kept as the only formal letter in China, and probably, Chinese characters will not be abolished in the future. On the other hand, problematic situations often happen, because Chinese characters are used to transcribe foreign sounds such as phonetic symbols, even though they are ideograms. The most important part of the characters as an ideogram is the meaning, but sometimes the meaning is ignored for the phonetic representation of foreign sounds. Chinese phonetic loans show this situation well. Therefore, this study discusses various types of Chinese phonetic loans, the problems of variations, and the solution to overcome the problems.

음운표기의 음운론 (Phonology of Transcription)

  • 정국
    • 음성과학
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    • 제10권4호
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    • pp.23-40
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    • 2003
  • This paper examines transcription of sounds from a phonological perspective. It has found that most of transcriptions have been done on a segmental basis alone, without consideration of the whole phonological systems and levels, and without a full understanding of the nature of the linguistic and phonetic alphabets. In a word, sound transcriptions have not been done on the basis of the phonology of the language and the alphabet. This study shows a phonological model for transcribing foreign and native sounds, suggesting ways of improving some of the current transcription systems such as the Hangeul transcription of loan words and the romanization of Hangeul, as well as the phonetic transcription of English and other foreign languages.

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외래어 발음에서 나타난 영어와 한국어의 운율적 차이 (A Note on Prosodic Differences between Korean and English - in loan words from English -)

  • 김선미;문수미
    • 대한음성학회지:말소리
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    • 제35_36호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 1998
  • The prosodic properties of Korean and English stress were examined with focus on syllable duration and pitch by loan words. 14 loan words were selected by the criteria of the numbers of syllables and stress positions. 3 Korean males using Seoul dialect and 3 American males using general American English served as subjects. Each tokens were uttered 3 times and second one was chosen to be analysed by CSL. We measured the duration and F0 of each syllable. In English, duration is the most salient acoustic correlates of stress, and pitch is the second. In Korean, by contrast, it seems that neither duration nor pitch is the acoustic features of stress, from our data

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형성자(形聲字) 생성에 대한 연구

  • 강혜근
    • 중국학논총
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    • 제65호
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2020
  • 一般認為, 形聲字是"在表意字上加聲符"而產生 ; 或者為了明確表示一個漢字的本義, 假借義或引申義, "在本字或假借字上加義符"而產生, 而且只產生一個形聲字。可是通過分析, 我們不難發現存在由一個本字或假借字產生兩個以上形聲字的情況, 比如 : 一, "II.在假借字上加義符的形聲字"中存在三種情況 : 1.為了明確單音節詞"辟"的三個假借義, 在假借字"辟"上各加義符"辶", "門", "亻", 產生"避", "闢", "僻"的情況 ; 2.在"科, 斗"前加義符"虫"而同時產生"蝌"和"蚪"來記錄"聯綿詞""蝌蚪"的情況 ; 3.在"末, 利"上加義符"艹"而同時產生"茉"和"莉"來記錄"音譯詞""茉莉"的情況。二, "III.在本字上加義符的形聲字"中也存在由"他"字產生"她", "牠", "祂" ; 以及由"四"字產生"泗"和"呬"等兩種情況。三, "VI.因一個漢字裡有一個本義和幾個假借義所產生的形聲字群"裡有為了保存"采"字的本義, 加義符"扌"產生"採"字的情況 ; 同時又存在為了明確"采"字的四個假借義, 在假借字"采"上各加義符"彡", "目", "艹", "土", 產生"彩", "睬", "菜", "埰"的情況。除此之外, 也有直接由"義符"加"聲符"產生的形聲字, 比如甲骨文 [止(義符)+土(聲符)]字。

北京话区别于普通话的词汇特点及发展趋势 (Lexical Features and Trend in Development of Beijing Dialect Distinct from Putonghua)

  • 赵晶晶;나민구
    • 중국연구
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    • 제80권
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    • pp.117-150
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    • 2019
  • 1955年10月召开的"全国文字改革会议"及"现代汉语规范问题学术会议"将普通话的定义规定为"以北京语音为标准音, 以北方话(官话)为基础方言, 以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的现代标准汉语。" 国务院政府办公室(1956)<国务院关于推广普通话的指示>, 《文字改革》, 1982年, 第三期, P33 由此看来, 北京话与普通话渊源较深, 两者既不等同又难以区分。 很多现代人不区分北京话与普通话, 认为学会了北京话就等于学会了标准的普通话。甚至在一些对外汉语教材中也常常出现北京话词汇及表达方式。但北京话与普通话有较大区别。究竟哪些词汇及表达方式属于普通话, 哪些又属于北京话?本文力求通过语料分析将二者加以区别。在现代中国各地方言均逐渐失去特点并向普通话靠拢的趋势下, 区分北京话与普通话的词汇特点在方言记录方面有其意义, 另外这也有助于对外汉语教学的规范。虽然汉语学习者在口语中使用北京话没有任何问题, 但对外汉语教学的目的并不仅限于口语, 在正式的文章书写和阅读方面以及各种公文和正式语体的使用中必须使用规范的普通话。

Teaching English Stress Using a Drum: Based on Phonetic Experiments

  • Yi, Do-Kyong
    • 영어어문교육
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.261-280
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    • 2009
  • This study focuses on providing the pedagogical implications of stress in English pronunciation teaching since stress is one the most important characteristic factors in English pronunciation (Bolinger, 1976; Brown, 1994; Celce-Murcia, Brinton & Goodwin, 1996; Kreidler, 1989). The author investigated stress production regarding in terms of duration, pitch, and intensity by a group of native speakers of English and a group of low-proficiency South Kyungsang Korean college students for their pre-test. For both of the pre- and post-test, the same stimuli, which consisted of a one-syllable word, two two-syllable words, three three-syllable words, and three four-syllable words, were used along with the various sentence positions: isolation, initial, medial, and final. Soft ware programs, ALVIN and Praat, were used to record and analyze the data. Since Celce-Murcia et al. (1996), Klatt (1975), and Ladefoged (2001) treat duration of the stressed syllable more significantly than other factors, pitch and intensity, with respect to the listener's point of view, the author developed a special method of teaching English stress using a traditional Korean drum to emphasize duration. In addition, the results from the native speakers' production showed that their main strategy to realize stress was through lengthening stressed syllables. After six weeks of stress instruction using the drum, the production of the native speakers and the SK Korean participants from the pre- and post-test were compared. The results from the post-test indicated that the participants showed great improvement not only in duration but also in pitch after the stress instruction. Pitch improvement was unexpected but well-explained by the statement that long vowels receive accent in loan word adaptation in North Kyungsang Korean. The results also showed that the Korean participants' pitch values became more even in their duration values for each syllable as the structure of the word or the sentence became more complex, due to their dependency upon their L1.

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