• Title/Summary/Keyword: pharmaceutical company

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MPTP-induced vulnerability of dopamine neurons in A53T α-synuclein overexpressed mice with the potential involvement of DJ-1 downregulation

  • Lee, Seongmi;Oh, Seung Tack;Jeong, Ha Jin;Pak, Sok Cheon;Park, Hi-Joon;Kim, Jongpil;Cho, Hyun-seok;Jeon, Songhee
    • The Korean Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2017
  • Familial Parkinson's disease (PD) has been linked to point mutations and duplication of the ${\alpha}$-synuclein (${\alpha}$-syn) gene. Mutant ${\alpha}$-syn expression increases the vulnerability of neurons to exogenous insults. In this study, we developed a new PD model in the transgenic mice expressing mutant hemizygous (hemi) or homozygous (homo) A53T ${\alpha}$-synuclein (${\alpha}$-syn Tg) and their wildtype (WT) littermates by treatment with sub-toxic (10 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 5 days) or toxic (30 mg/kg, i.p., daily for 5 days) dose of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Tyrosine hydroxylase and Bcl-2 levels were reduced in the ${\alpha}$-syn Tg but not WT mice by sub-toxic MPTP injection. In the adhesive removal test, time to remove paper was significantly increased only in the homo ${\alpha}$-syn Tg mice. In the challenging beam test, the hemi and homo ${\alpha}$-syn Tg mice spent significantly longer time to traverse as compared to that of WT group. In order to find out responsible proteins related with vulnerability of mutant ${\alpha}$-syn expressed neurons, DJ-1 and ubiquitin enzyme expressions were examined. In the SN, DJ-1 and ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, UBE2N, levels were significantly decreased in the ${\alpha}$-syn Tg mice. Moreover, A53T ${\alpha}$-syn overexpression decreased DJ-1 expression in SH-SY5Y cells. These findings suggest that the vulnerability to oxidative injury such as MPTP of A53T ${\alpha}$-syn mice can be explained by downregulation of DJ-1.

Efficacy Evaluation of Anti-wrinkle Products in Japan

  • Masaki Hitoshi
    • Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea
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    • v.29 no.2 s.43
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    • pp.67-77
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    • 2003
  • Two categories of cosmetic products, cosmetics and quasi-drugs, have been established by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (MHLW) in Japan. Japanese pharmaceutical law has defined that products categorized as cosmetics do not exhibit any effects on human skin. In fact, cosmetic products are not permitted to claim any efficacy. On the other hand, products in the quasi-drug category can claim several efficacies such as anti-inflammatory effects, whitening/lightning effects, hair growth effects and so on. Unfortunately, the Japanese MHLW has not yet approved the efficacy of anti-aging/anti-wrinkle effects as a claim point. However, the population is aging, and the demand for anti-aging/anti-wrinkle products is increasing year by year. Japanese cosmetic companies have proposed to the MHLW that anti-aging/anti-wrinkle agents be approved as a claim concept of a quasi-drug. However, unified evaluation methods for anti-aging/anti-wrinkle effects have not been established. Currently, each company evaluates the efficacy of products/materials using their own original methods. Thus, to request approval of the MHLW, the establishment of a unified evaluation method is needed. Consequently, the Japan Cosmetic Industry Association (JCIA) has established a task force to develop guidelines for evaluating anti-wrinkle effects in 1998. In conclusion, the JCIA would like to adopt visual and image analysis scales to evaluate the anti-wrinkle effects objectively. Generally, wrinkles are roughly classified into three groups as fine wrinkles, linear deep wrinkles and crow's feet. However, academic societies of dermatology or cosmetics have not yet established a definition of wrinkles in Japan. Thus, in advance of setting up an evaluation method, the definition of wrinkles f3r evaluation must be decided. Wrinkles are defined by the task force of the JCIA as follows; furrows that people can recognize visually and that appear on the forehead, the corners of the eyes and the backs of the neck with aging. In addition, furrows are emphasized by exposure to solar light and by dry conditions. Visual evaluation is the most sensitive method and can be applied to most types of wrinkles. However, visual evaluation is hard to express digitally as results. Besides, in the case of image analysis, comparisons of data obtained from distinct examinations can not be done, because data from image analysis are relative values. Thus, to enhance the reliability of the evaluations, the adoption of an objective scale was required. The principle of the evaluation method is to analyze images taken from silicone replicas of wrinkle areas using several parameters, such as the proportion of the wrinkle $area({\%})$, the mean depth of the wrinkles (mm), the mean depth of the deepest wrinkle (m) and the deepest point on the deepest wrinkle. Lights are shown on the skin replica from an orthogonal direction of the main orientation of the wrinkle, and the resulting shadow images are quantified by the image analysis method. To increase the precision of the data or to allow comparisons of independent examinations, a scale with furrows of several depths, 200, 400, 600, 800, and $1000{\mu}m$, is adapted in the evaluation system. I will explain the guidelines established by the JCIA in the presentation.

Evaluation of the Pharmacy Student Practice Programs in the Mono Community Pharmacy and Multiple Community Pharmacies (단일약국과 다약국 프로그램에서 수행한 지역약국 필수실무실습에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Min Cheol;Cho, Min Hwi;Jung, Young Joon;Lee, Ji Young;Yoon, Hyonok
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.296-303
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    • 2014
  • Background: The first pharmacy student practice undergoing 6 year pharmacy school curriculum have begun in the hospital pharmacy, community pharmacy, pharmaceutical company and administrative office since 2013. Although most of practice sites have prepared the program of pharmacy student practice education for several years under guideline of Korean Association of Pharmacy Education, generally community pharmacies which start the pharmacy student practice education have difficulty in performing the desirable student practice program due to absent experience for it. So we reported the comparison of student practice programs between mono pharmacy and multiple pharmacies conducted by Gyeongsang National University College of Pharmacy to provide the future design information of the ideal pharmacy student practice in community pharmacy. Method: Students who practiced both multiple (multi) and mono pharmacy (mono) programs for each 5 weeks were participated the survey to evaluate the student practice programs. Results: The results of the survey on the student practice program reported that students were much more satisfied with the multiple pharmacies program than mono pharmacy program in both practical contents ($4.12{\pm}0.72$ : $3.27{\pm}1.28$; multi : mono) and satisfaction ($4.54{\pm}0.54$ : $3.54{\pm}1.3$; multi : mono) and they all gave the highest points ($5.00{\pm}0.00$) to multiple pharmacies program for recommendation because the multiple pharmacies program was significantly helpful for their experience to plan the future career. Conclusion: Mono and multiple pharmacy practice programs would be a great helpful for student's future career. However, the disadvantages of each program should be amended gradually for the unified and specialized program to be established the ideal community pharmacy student practice in Korea. The results will be affected the pharmacy practice program for students in community pharmacy and the other colleges of pharmacy to design the ideal community pharmacy practice program.

Development of Method for Possibility Assessment on Organic Resources for Using Raw Material of Compost (유기성자원의 퇴비원료로 활용 가능성 평가방법 개발)

  • Lim, Dong-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Hwan;Seong, Ki-Seog;So, Kyu-Ho;Shin, Jung-Du;Lee, Jeong-Taek
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to find a system for screening organic resources with 16 species, 62 samples which were selected to randomizing point from city, province and industrial areas in the whole country. Content of organic matters were $65.3%{\sim}98.0%$ in all samples so that they were largely over than 60%, raw material regulation of compost. Concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus were $0.7{\sim}4.8%\;and\;0.8{\sim}5.0$, they could look for effect of the nitrogen and phosphorus supply as a raw material of compost. In case of 8 elements concentrations of heavy metal, they were too high to use as raw materials of compost which were over to regulation limit in Cu, Cr, Ni, and As from fiber industry, Ni from food company and leather industry, and the others are adapt to limit levels. HEM contents fro the highest to $113mg\;kg^{-1}$ from liber industry and PAHs content were the highest to $3,462ug\;kg^{-1}$ from paper-mill manufacture. Distribution of PAHs concentiations were naphthalene>phenanthrene>pyrene>fluoroanthene>acenaphthene. $Microtox{(R)}\;EC_{50}$ values for bioassay were pharmaceutical company>paper-mill manufacture>industrial area sewage sludge>fiber industry>urban sewage sludge>metropolitan sewage sludge. HEM between Zn, Cu, and Ni was significant at the 99% and between Cd was significant at the 95%, Microtox between Hg and BEM significant at the 95%.

A Study on the Formation of Liquid Crystalline Structure depend on pH Change in O/W Emulsion (O/W형 유화상에서 pH변화에 따른 액정구조의 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ji-Seop;Hong, Jin-Ho;Jeon, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, In-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.545-554
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    • 2017
  • This study is concerned with the stability of liquid crystal forming emulsifier with localized depend on change of pH using liquid crystal forming agent of advanced company. The liquid crystal emulsifying agent was localized using Sugar Crystal-LC (bio-tech Co., Ltd., Korea), and comparative samples were measured by using Nikkomulese-LC (Nikko Camicarls, Japan) and Alacel-LC (Croda Camicarls, UK). Liquid crystal formation was confirmed microscopically to show the formation of liquid crystal structure at acidic (pH=4.2), neutral (pH=7.0) and alkaline (pH=11.7). The particles of the liquid crystal were observed with a polarizing microscope according to the stirring speed. The stirring time was all the same for 3 minutes with a homo-mixer, and the stirring speed was increased to 2500 rpm, 3500 rpm and 4500 rpm to observe the liquid crystal state. As a result, it was found that the Korean surfactant was more stable and clear liquid crystal structure was formed than the two foreign acids. In the case of the UK in acid zone, the emulsion particle size was uniform and unstable. In the case of Japanese surfactant, it has similar structure and performance to those of localized Korean. It was found that Korean surfactant had superior emulsifying performance in acid zone compared with foreign products. It is possible to develop various formulations such as liquid crystal cream, lotion, eye cream, etc. using Sugar Crystal-LC emulsifier as an application cosmetic field, and it is expected that it can be widely applied as emulsifying technology for skin care external application in the pharmaceutical industry and the pharmaceutical industry as well as the cosmetics industry.

The Structural Relationships between Control Types over Salespeople, Their Responses, and Job Satisfaction - Mediating Roles of Role Clarity and Self-Efficacy - (영업사원에 대한 통제유형, 반응, 그리고 직무만족 간의 구조적 관계 - 역할명확성과 자기효능감의 매개효과 -)

  • Yoo, Dong-Keun;Lim, Jong-Koo;Lim, Ji-Hoon
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.23-49
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    • 2007
  • Salespeople act at the point of MOT with customers and deliver the enterprise's message to the customers. They build up relationships with customers as well as deliver the customer's message to the enterprise. The salespeople's activity at the point of MOT with the customers and the degree of satisfaction of the customers' needs will affect the customers' attitude toward the enterprise, brand loyalty, and retention intention. Ultimately, it will influence the enterprise's financial performance. The control of salespe1ople is one of the most interesting topics of marketing. This research investigates the relationships of the control types over salespeople(positive/negative outcome control, positive/negative behavior control) and job satisfaction and their mediating variables. The mediating variables in the relationships have been identified as outcome/behavior-related role clarity and self-efficacy. The purpose of this study is more specifically as follows: First, it investigate how the perception of salespeople control types affect role-clarity. Second, it examines how the perception of salespeople control types influence self-efficacy. Third, it investigate the mediating role of role-clarity between the perception of salespeople control types and self-efficacy. Fourth, it investigates how role-clarity affect self-efficacy and job satisfaction. Finally, it will investigates how self-efficacy influences job satisfaction. Data were collected from the pharmaceutical industry salespeople and analyzed by SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 6.0. The data were collected by 400 respondents and 377 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The results are summarized as follows: First, positive/negative outcome controls had a positive relationship with outcome-related role clarity. Also positive behavior control had a positive effect on behavior-related role clarity, but negative behavior control didn't influence behavior-related role clarity. Second, positive outcome control influenced self-efficacy positively, but positive behavior control didn't have a positive effect on self-efficacy. In addition negative outcome control and negative behavior control had a positive effect on self-efficacy due to the mediating role of outcome-related and behavior-related role clarity. Third, outcome-related role clarity and behavior-related role clarity influenced self-efficacy positively. Behavior-related role clarity had a positive effect on job satisfaction, but outcome-related role clarity didn't influence job satisfaction. Finally, self-efficacy didn't have any effect on job satisfaction. The contributions of this study are as follows: First, existing studies have investigated the direct causal relationship between salespeoples' control type and performance, but this study investigates the structural causality between salespeoples' control types, responses, and performances. Second, this study found the mediating role of outcome-related/behavior-related role-clarity between outcome/behavior control and self-efficacy. Finally, the findings of this study further insight to existing studies on the relationship between job satisfaction and self-efficacy. The confidence of salespeoples' task influenced job satisfaction positively in existing articles,field studies, but the relationship between these two variables was not significant in this study. This means that there can be a different relationship between confidence and job satisfaction according to salespeoples' business. That is, the business environment may not be satisfying, even if the salespeople say that they have ability and confidence about their business. This means that able salespeople who have ability and confidence about their business are not satisfied with their job advancement in the company. Therefore, enterprise need to provide training that can establish a business environment that can satisfy the salespeole's expectation level which will secure good salespeople. This study may have limitation when applied to future studies. First,in this study as with existing studies it investigates the control level that salespeople feel is being measured. Actuality, the control level that a manager enforces and the control level that salespeople perceive when one is late can be different. There is need to measure lateness from both the perspective of the manager and salespeople should be done to supplement this study in the future Second, this study used variables that were connected with action result but salespeople's job satisfaction is due to the result of control. But, focusing on result of control can provide a more important financial result than sales performance. This study is also limited in that it did not consider financial result by result of control. Further studies on this will need to be done in the future. Third, this study may have a further limitation,because the investigation was restricted to pharmaceutical salespeople selling to hospitals. It is necessary to execute investigations in various industries to increase the generalization of the study findings Fourth, in this study, role clarity and self-efficacy by response variable for control and considered job satisfaction by outcome variable of control was considered. But, can other variables be considered beside response variable and result variable for control? For example, can financial affairs and change of post by outcome variable along with business stress by response variable for control be considered? Therefore, future studies need to consider various control variables. Finally, there is limited supporting research in the field of marketing which restricts the generalization of the study finding along with collecting material through random sampling of a limited size. This research summarizes the research in this area, the difference from the previous research, and provides a discussion of its limitations and the need and direction for further future research.

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Managing Duplicate Memberships of Websites : An Approach of Social Network Analysis (웹사이트 중복회원 관리 : 소셜 네트워크 분석 접근)

  • Kang, Eun-Young;Kwahk, Kee-Young
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.153-169
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    • 2011
  • Today using Internet environment is considered absolutely essential for establishing corporate marketing strategy. Companies have promoted their products and services through various ways of on-line marketing activities such as providing gifts and points to customers in exchange for participating in events, which is based on customers' membership data. Since companies can use these membership data to enhance their marketing efforts through various data analysis, appropriate website membership management may play an important role in increasing the effectiveness of on-line marketing campaign. Despite the growing interests in proper membership management, however, there have been difficulties in identifying inappropriate members who can weaken on-line marketing effectiveness. In on-line environment, customers tend to not reveal themselves clearly compared to off-line market. Customers who have malicious intent are able to create duplicate IDs by using others' names illegally or faking login information during joining membership. Since the duplicate members are likely to intercept gifts and points that should be sent to appropriate customers who deserve them, this can result in ineffective marketing efforts. Considering that the number of website members and its related marketing costs are significantly increasing, it is necessary for companies to find efficient ways to screen and exclude unfavorable troublemakers who are duplicate members. With this motivation, this study proposes an approach for managing duplicate membership based on the social network analysis and verifies its effectiveness using membership data gathered from real websites. A social network is a social structure made up of actors called nodes, which are tied by one or more specific types of interdependency. Social networks represent the relationship between the nodes and show the direction and strength of the relationship. Various analytical techniques have been proposed based on the social relationships, such as centrality analysis, structural holes analysis, structural equivalents analysis, and so on. Component analysis, one of the social network analysis techniques, deals with the sub-networks that form meaningful information in the group connection. We propose a method for managing duplicate memberships using component analysis. The procedure is as follows. First step is to identify membership attributes that will be used for analyzing relationship patterns among memberships. Membership attributes include ID, telephone number, address, posting time, IP address, and so on. Second step is to compose social matrices based on the identified membership attributes and aggregate the values of each social matrix into a combined social matrix. The combined social matrix represents how strong pairs of nodes are connected together. When a pair of nodes is strongly connected, we expect that those nodes are likely to be duplicate memberships. The combined social matrix is transformed into a binary matrix with '0' or '1' of cell values using a relationship criterion that determines whether the membership is duplicate or not. Third step is to conduct a component analysis for the combined social matrix in order to identify component nodes and isolated nodes. Fourth, identify the number of real memberships and calculate the reliability of website membership based on the component analysis results. The proposed procedure was applied to three real websites operated by a pharmaceutical company. The empirical results showed that the proposed method was superior to the traditional database approach using simple address comparison. In conclusion, this study is expected to shed some light on how social network analysis can enhance a reliable on-line marketing performance by efficiently and effectively identifying duplicate memberships of websites.

The Study on Effects of "the Unsafe Food Program" designed For Improving Children's Eating Habits (유아들의 식습관 개선을 위한 "위험한 먹거리 프로그램"의 효과에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Sun Suk;Lee, Ju Rhee
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate the effect of "The unsafe food program" designed for improving children's biased eating habits coming from defenceless exposure to the instant food, fast food and adulterated food with MSG and artificial additives with analyzing the current condition of children's biased eating habits and preference for the unsafe foods. This program was performed for 5 year old children who was attending the kindergarten run by the author every day for two months. "The unsafe food program" consisted of the surveys on the parents' attitude towards food and health and children's eating habits, and of programs that was designed to attract children's attention to their daily food intake and to provide physical fitness, information about differences between wholesome food and junk food, and junk food's bad impacts on human body for children. In order to see the changes of children's body through this program, two physical examinations was preformed: SH pharmaceutical company's hair test to measure the accumulation level of toxic metal in children's hair and children's nutrition level before starting the program, and Ilsan Health Center's 'INBODY' test to analyze children's body composition such as body weight, skeletal muscle mass, body fat mass, BMI, body fat percentage and so on before and after the program. The results from this program follow as below. First, the unsafe foods were excluded from children's diet after parents came to recognize the negative effects of the unsafe foods. Second, children became highly interested in their daily diet through the course of gathering information by themselves and discussions together while testing and analyzing foods, and children demonstrated more self-restraint on fast food and instant food. Third, children's body constitution turned out to be improved by physical fitness in addition to this program. Fourth, children formed a good habit of eating well-balanced diet consisting of vegetables, staple food and fruits through this program designed to improve children's biased eating habits. From the results of this study it was confirmed that "the unsafe food project" had effects on improving children's eating habits.

Functionality and Components of Burdock Tea Prepared by Steaming and Drying Method (증숙 건조 방식에 의해 제조한 우엉차의 기능성 및 성분)

  • Hwang, Eun Gyeong;Lee, Seon Hyeon;Kim, Byung Ki;Kim, Soo Jung;Ann, Yong Geun;Doryoon, Monk;Oh, Sung-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2019
  • After making tea by steaming the Burdock(Arctium lappa) nine times and drying it nine times, the ingredients and functions of the Burdock tea were compared to those of M company. The tea's calories were 346.48kcal/100g, carbohydrates were 72.75g/100g, crude protein was 11.98g/100g, and crude ash was 5.01g/100g. The total of free sugars were 31.93mg/100, among them, fructose was 26.27, sucrose was 1.27 mg/100g. The inorganic material contents were 1,476.21mg/100g of potassium, 255.96 mg/100g of calcium and 311.41 mg/100g of magnesium. The saturated fatty acids were 40.73mg/100g and the unsaturated fatty acids were 59.27mg/100g, among which the linoleic acid was 41.28mg/100g, the palmitic acid was 33.11mg/100g, the oleic acid was 10.07mg/100g and linolenic acid was 7.92mg/100g. DPPH radical scavenging was 33.9% of teas that were developed, 2.3% of M's tea for comparison, and 37.2% of indiex material. ABTS radical scavenging were 90.7% of teas developed, 85.9% of M's tea and 37.2% of index materials, and SOD like activities were 11.3% of teas developed and 50.5% of M's teas. The flavonoid content was 2.6 fold of the tea developed, 2.9 fold of M's tea and 1.7 fold of index material. The polyphenol content was 33.8 fold of teas developed, 38.9 fold of the M's tea and 13.8 fold of the index material. The sensory evaluation compare to the one-time extract and the five-time extract. Based on the one-time extract, the color were 65.9 % of the five-time extract tea were developed, 12.8 % of the M's tea. Flavour were 78.0% of the tea developed and 33.3% of the M's tea, tastes were 71.4% of the tea developed, 20.7% of the M's tea. The cart for comparison showed that while the extract decreased as we developed it, the overall symbolism decreased to 21.4% after five time extracts, the developed tea decreased to 72.1%. We believe that the developed tea will have a greater effect on preventing and improving diseases as it has a stronger antioxidant function, more effective substances, and a higher level of symbolism than the comparative M squared tea and surface substance.

Development and Testing of the Model of Health Promotion Behavior in Predicting Exercise Behavior

  • O'Donnell, Michael P.
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.31-61
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    • 2000
  • Introduction. Despite the fact that half of premature deaths are caused by unhealthy lifestyles such as smoking tobacco, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol and drug abuse and poor nutrition, there are no theoretical models which accurately explain these health promotion related behaviors. This study tests a new model of health behavior called the Model of Health Promotion Behavior. This model draws on elements and frameworks suggested by the Health Belief Model, Social Cognitive Theory, the Theory of Planned Action and the Health Promotion Model. This model is intended as a general model of behavior but this first test of the model uses amount of exercise as the outcome behavior. Design. This study utilized a cross sectional mail-out, mail-back survey design to determine the elements within the model that best explained intentions to exercise and those that best explained amount of exercise. A follow-up questionnaire was mailed to all respondents to the first questionnaire about 10 months after the initial survey. A pretest was conducted to refine the questionnaire and a pilot study to test the protocols and assumptions used to calculate the required sample size. Sample. The sample was drawn from 2000 eligible participants at two blue collar (utility company and part of a hospital) and two white collar (bank and pharmaceutical) companies located in Southeastern Michigan. Both white collar site had employee fitness centers and all four sites offered health promotion programs. In the first survey, 982 responses were received (49.1%) after two mailings to non-respondents and one additional mailing to secure answers to missing data, with 845 usable cases for the analyzing current intentions and 918 usable cases for the explaining of amount of current exercise analysis. In the follow-up survey, questionnaires were mailed to the 982 employees who responded to the initial survey. After one follow-up mailing to non-respondents, and one mailing to secure answers to missing data, 697 (71.0%) responses were received, with 627 (63.8%) usable cases to predict intentions and 673 (68.5%) usable cases to predict amount of exercise. Measures. The questionnaire in the initial survey had 15 scales and 134 items; these scales measured each of the variables in the model. Thirteen of the scales were drawn from the literature, all had Cronbach's alpha scores above .74 and all but three had scores above .80. The questionnaire in the second mailing had only 10 items, and measured only outcome variables. Analysis. The analysis included calculation of scale scores, Cronbach's alpha, zero order correlations, and factor analysis, ordinary least square analysis, hierarchical tests of interaction terms and path analysis, and comparisons of results based on a random split of the data and splits based on gender and employer site. The power of the regression analysis was .99 at the .01 significance level for the model as a whole. Results. Self efficacy and Non-Health Benefits emerged as the most powerful predictors of Intentions to exercise, together explaining approximately 19% of the variance in future Intentions. Intentions, and the interaction of Intentions with Barriers, with Support of Friends, and with Self Efficacy were the most consistent predictors of amount of future exercise, together explaining 38% of the variance. With the inclusion of Prior Exercise History the model explained 52% of the variance in amount of exercise 10 months later. There were very few differences in the variables that emerged as important predictors of intentions or exercise in the different employer sites or between males and females. Discussion. This new model is viable in predicting intentions to exercise and amount of exercise, both in absolute terms and when compared to existing models.

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