• Title/Summary/Keyword: personal community

검색결과 871건 처리시간 0.02초

The Effects of Multi-identity on One's Psychological State and the Quality of Contribution in Virtual Communities: A Socio-Psychological Perspective

  • Suh, A-Young;Shin, Kyung-Shik;Lee, Ju-Min
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.57-79
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    • 2010
  • In a virtual community, one can possess multiple identities and pretend to be different by creating self-identity in contrast with his or her actual self. Does false identity undermine the qualitative growth of a virtual community by reducing members' accountability? Or does it stimulate their contributive behaviors by ensuring freedom of speech? It is imperative to understand the effects of multi-identity considering the distinct properties of a virtual community in which people easily change their identities at little or no cost. To answer these questions, we adopted the concept of self-discrepancy from the social psychology theory rooted in the concept of the self and developed a theoretical model to predict quality of contribution of the individual member in virtual communities. Based on the self-discrepancy theory, we first identified two different domains of the self: (1) an "actual self" that consists of attributes that the person believes he or she currently possesses in real life and (2) a "cyber self" that consists of attributes the person believes he or she possesses in a virtual community. Next, we derived an index for two different types of self-discrepancy by using the differences between the actual and the cyber identities: Personal Self-discrepancy and Social Self-discrepancy. Personal Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person's intelligence, education, and expertise. Social Self-discrepancy reflects the degree of discrepancy between actual and cyber identity regarding a person's morality, sociability, and accordance with social norms. Finally, we linked them with sense of virtual community, perceived privacy rights, and quality of contribution to examine how having a multi-identity influences an individual's psychological state and contributive behaviors in a virtual community. The results of the analysis based on 266 respondents showed that Social Self-discrepancy negatively influenced both the Sense of Virtual Community and Perceived Privacy Rights, while Personal Self-discrepancy negatively influenced only Perceived Privacy Rights, thereby resulting in reduced quality of contribution in virtual communities. Based on the results of this analysis, we can explain the dysfunctions of multi-identity in virtual communities. First, people who pretend to be different by engaging in socially undesirable behaviors under their alternative identities are more likely to suffer lower levels of psychological wellbeing and thus experience lower levels of sense of virtual community than others. Second, people do not perceive a high level of privacy rights reflecting catharsis, recovery, or autonomy, even though they create different selves and engage in socially undesirable behaviors in a virtual community. Third, people who pretend to be different persons in terms of their intelligence, education, or expertise also indirectly debase the quality of contribution by decreasing perceived privacy rights. The results suggest that virtual community managers should pay more attention to the negative influences exercised by multi-identity on the quality of contribution, thereby controlling the need to create alternative identities in virtual communities. We hope that more research will be conducted on this underexplored area of multi-identity and that our theoretical framework will serve as a useful conceptual tool for all endeavors.

실천공동체의 관점에서 바라본 학교 ESD 프로젝트 참여 교사들의 경험에 관한 연구 (A Study on Teachers' Experiences in ESD Project of School with Perspective of Community of Practice)

  • 이병준;황규홍
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.284-299
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to look at the elementary school teachers' practical experiences of change and knowledges in promotion of Education for Sustainable Development(ESD) process with Community of Practice(CoP) of teachers and Biographical Approach. ESD project of 'S' elementary school was started by Principal's recognition of further and that was practiced with a common theme over the course through various experiences in educational field with teachers' involvement and finally came to the changes in teachers' personal life and lifelong cognition. Through Community of Practice teachers could look the concept of ESD to a wide field of view and tried various activities in the classroom with students and also, as a further, were able to equip new professional competency with skills. Through the process of learning and experience teachers accepted the ESD philosophy as the engine of life and experienced that their long-term recognition was extended to the whole personal life and the global community.

개인 및 사회적 관계특성과 지역사회만족이 성인 유산소 신체활동에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Personal and Social Relationship Characteristics and Community Satisfaction on Aerobic Physical Activity in Adults)

  • 백은혜;이현실
    • 한국학교ㆍ지역보건교육학회지
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.13-26
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that influence aerobic physical activity among Korean adults, including sociodemographic characteristics, health behavior, health status, social relationships, community satisfaction, and to find ways to increase aerobic physical activity among adults. Methods: In 2019, 191,152 adults in the Community Health Survey were analyzed, and complex sample frequency analysis, Rao-Scott test and complex sample logistic regression analysis were conducted by dividing them into the presence or absence of aerobic physical activity practice. Results: The rate of aerobic physical activity among adults was 36.0%, and males were higher than females. Among individual factors, gender, age, income level, smoking, drinking, weight control attempt, frequency of breakfast, obesity, quality of life, and subjective health status were factors that had a significant effect. Among social relationship factors, leisure activities and contact with neighbors at least once a week were significant factors, and only overall safety level satisfaction was a factor that had a significant effect on physical activity practice in community satisfaction factors. Conclusion: Programs focused on personal factors, social relationships, and networks should be strategically developed to improve the participation rate of adult aerobic physical activities, indicating the importance of these factors over community infrastructure. To development of community-centered professional integrated health education will be necessary in the future.

대전$\cdot$충남지역 학교급식의 위생관리 실태조사 (A Study on the Sanitary Management of School Foodservice Operations in Daejeon and Chungnam)

  • 박상현;임영희
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.234-242
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the sanitary management status of school foodservice in Deajeon and Chungnam and to suggest basic data for sanitary improvement. A questionnaire was used in this study as a survey method. The subjects consist of 529 dietitians that are employed in the school ($primary{\cdot}middle{\cdot}high\;school$) foodservice. These results may be summarized as follows : $71.0\%$ of surveyed school foodservices managed separately place for contamination and uncontamination. $91.5\%$ didn't maintain adequate temperature at kitchen. A holding rate of hygiene utensils is lower in Chungnam than Daejeon. The dietitian group aged 30-34 showed significantly higher scores than other groups in personal hygiene of employees. The dietitian group graduated from a college showed significantly lower scores than other groups in purchasing & receiving, preparation, storage, food remains & waste, kitchen utensils and equipments and personal hygiene. It was significant to sowing, personal hygiene and facilities & structure by Daejeon and Chung-nam. In serving, Daejeon showed significantly lower scores than Chungnam. In personal hygiene, facilities and structure, Chungnam showed significantly lower scores than Daejeon. The foodservice group (started < 1990) showed significantly lower scores than other groups ($started{\ge}1990$) in preparation.

고등학생의 인성특성, 식습관 및 푸드 네오포비아에 관한 연구 (A Study on Personality Characteristics, Eating Habits and Food Neophobia of High School Students)

  • 이선영;김진아;이심열
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study examined the relationship among personality characteristics, eating habits and food neophobia of high school students. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was applied to 512 students who were in the first and second grade in four different high schools in Gyeong-gi-province. The questionnaire was designed to examine the personality characteristics, eating habits, and food neophobia. Results: The personality characteristics of both boys and girls had intimacy, openness/intelligence, extroversion, sincerity, and emotional stability from highest to lowest. The girls (2.00) had better eating habits than the boys (1.90)(p<0.05). To examine the level of food neophobia using the FNS (Food Neophobia Scale), girls tended to score higher in the FNS than boys (36.36 vs. 34.06). The relationship between the personal characteristics and eating habits showed a positive correlation (p<0.01). The relationship between the personal characteristics and food neophoia revealed a negative correlation with all personal characteristics (p<0.01). Conclusions: The findings of the study confirmed the relationship among personal characteristics, eating habits, and food neophobia. This study is expected to provide ways to teach teenagers how to support their proper eating habits and personality characteristics.

커뮤니티 컴퓨팅 환경에서의 멤버 생존시간 최적화 알고리즘 연구 (Study on the Optimization Algorithm for Member Lifetime in Community Computing Environments)

  • 김기영;박혜성;노경우;김석윤
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제57권7호
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    • pp.1273-1278
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    • 2008
  • In community computing environments, various members cooperate with each other systematically for attaining each community's goals. Because community computing environments are organized on the basis of PAN (Personal Area Network), each member commonly uses the power of batteries. If one member in community uses up the power of battery and does not operate normally, the community will not be able to provide the ultimate service goals for its users and be terminated finally. Therefore, it is necessary for accurate community operation to prevent a specific member's lifetime from terminating, as checking each member's power consumption in real-time. In this paper, we propose WEL (WEighted Leach) algorithm for optimizing lifetime of the members in community.

농촌주민의 역량이 농촌개발의 참여확대에 미치는 영향분석 (An Impact Analysis of Rural Residents' competence in Expansion of Participation of Rural Development Projects)

  • 고진영;김지용;양민호;김명일;김기성
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제60권1호
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2018
  • This study is aims to voluntary participation in rural development projects, voluntary participation by analyzing the individual competence factors, how the what and how much influence affect the continued involvement and participation as a concept of strengthening community capacity the plan for it to present. The results of survey, through factor analysis and reliability analysis for extracting the components of individual competence areas and life satisfaction, self acting capacity, was extracted with recognized competence, was the factor analysis and reliability analysis for ongoing involvement and participation. Personal competence was a multiple regression analysis, the participation of three elements as independent variables as dependent variables to evaluate the impact of continuing involvement, and the resulting Regional and life satisfaction (${\beta}=0.301$) have the greatest impact It showed. In addition, regional analysis and life satisfaction (${\beta}=0.247$) on the impact of enlargement on the individual capabilities showed the highest participation. The elements of local life satisfaction and personal competencies exerts the greatest influence on the continued involvement and participation in the study was obtained. It based on the results in rural development for the voluntary participation and participation of the population should be considered with a plan to enhance the regional and life satisfaction, "the software business, which is carried out in rural areas developed for them by local residents the measures to increase life satisfaction will be provided.

소규모 사업장 보건관리 모델개발에 관한 연구 (Occupational Health Care Management Model in Small Scale Enterprises)

  • 윤손녕;정혜선
    • 지역사회간호학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.647-660
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    • 2001
  • Forming health care management model in small-scale enterprises was the purpose of this study. For the purpose, we tried to investigate the characteristics of small-scale enterprises and analyzed the pattern of their health care management. The results are as follow: 1. The strength of health managing agency and technical supporting program lies in team approach by specialized manpower. However, if the liaison between each part of the organization is not smooth, the overall management will be very difficult. 2. Small scale enterprises are characterized by their short life after the establishment, use of rental building, lack of welfare facilities, weakness in sanitary management and aggregation of factories of similar type of industry. Because of these characteristics, it is very difficult to solve problem basically, such as improvement of working environment. Therefore, it is important to focus on health education and community based approach. 3. Many workers in small-scale factories are in middle and old age. They have health problems mainly related to personal habits. Implementation of an appropriate health promotion program is needed. 4. The number of workplaces, which should be managed by health managing agent. is increasing rapidly. But the number of health managing agent is limited. In the aspect of the requirement of manpower and equipment, training personal agent is more urgent than founding institutional agent. 5. The uniform method of health management hampers the choice of employer and workers. The types of provision of health management should be diversified. 6. For an efficient management, a frequent visit of personal agent and the following referral to a specialist should be done. The specialists in charge of secondary management are from the field of occupational medicine, occupational hygiene, ergonomics, etc. 7. The health management of small-scale facilities should have six components. They are community-based approach, multi-disciplinary cooperative system, program based on the need of recipient, forming partnership of employer and worker, change of lifestyle, and evidence-based program.

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YouTube와 Flickr에 사진과 비디오를 공유하는 이용자 동기 연구 (Motivations for Sharing Photos and Videos on YouTube and Flickr)

  • 오상희;신수연
    • 정보관리학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.227-245
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 YouTube와 Flickr에서 비디오와 이미지자료를 웹사이트에 공유하는 이용자의 동기를 파악하는 데 목적이 있다. 소셜미디어 이용자의 정보공유모형에서 제시된 10가지 동기요소 - enjoyment(즐거움), self-efficacy(자기효율성), learning(학습), personal gain(개인적이익), altruism(이타심), empathy(감정이입), social engagement(사회적참여), community interest(공동체이익), reputation(평판), reciprocity(상호협조) - 를 정의하고 YouTube와 Flickr 이용자의 동기조사를 하였다. Amazon Mechanical Turk라는 서비스를 이용하여, YouTube와 Flickr를 사용하는 이용자들에게 온라인 설문을 실시하였고, 연구결과에 따르면, YouTube와 Flickr 이용자들은 learning과 social engagement에 가장 영향을 많이 받고 있으며, altruism과 reciprocity의 경우 상대적으로 낮은 동기로 나타났으나, 다른 동기요소들과의 연관성은 높게 나왔으며, personal gain의 경우 YouTube와 Flickr 이용자 모두에게 가장 낮은 동기요소가 되었으나, 두 이용자 그룹을 서로 비교했을 때는 Flickr 이용자들이 YouTube 이용자보다 personal gain에 영향을 더 받는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과는 이용자의 동기를 반영한 YouTube나 Flickr와 같은 서비스디자인이나 인터페이스업그레이드 등에 반영될 수 있다.