• 제목/요약/키워드: perception of breast feeding nutrition education

검색결과 3건 처리시간 0.016초

포천지역 영유아의 수유 및 성장발육상태와 수유방법에 따른 모유영양지식 정도의 비교 (A Study on feeding Practices and Growth Status of Infants and the Correlation of Mothers′ Perceptions of Breast Feeding with Infant Feeding Methods in the Pocheon Area)

  • 최경숙
    • 대한지역사회영양학회지
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    • 제5권4호
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to investigate the feeding practices, growth status and correlation with maternal perceptions of breast feeding and lactation with infuts' feeding methods in the Pocheon area. The subjects were 103 infants ranging from 3 to 21 postpartum months and their mothers. The results obtained were as follows : In this survey, 36.9% of the infants were breast-feeding, while 53.4% of them were bottle-feeding, and 9.7% of them were mixed-feeding. The reason for bottle-feeding was due mainly to the lack of breast-milk secretion. Z-scores of weight-f3r-age and height-for-age were similar to Korean standards, but malnutrition and overnutrition were also noticed by kaup index and WLI. The average maternal perceptions of breast-feeding and lactation was 3.7 out of 10 possible points, the breast-feeding group scored 4.7, and formula-feeding and mixed-feeding group scored 3.0. That of BF group was higher than FF+MF groups and was positively correlated with growth status. Therefore to ensure proper growth of infants and to promote breast-feeding, efforts should be given to community nutritional services including nutrition education for the importance of colostrum and breast-milk, practical breast-feeding methods, and nutritional management during pregnancy. Also nutrition education for mothers will be continued to 1-3 postpartum months to promote successful breast-feeding.

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모유영양의 실시 시간에 영향을 주는 생리적.사회행동적 요인 분석 (Research on Biological and Sociobehavioral Factors Affecting Determinants of Breast Feeding Duration)

  • 안홍석
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제28권4호
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 1995
  • The process of breast feeding was investigated from the 36th week of pregnancy to 12 weeks postnatal, in order to analyze the factors affecting breast feeding duration and provide the basic data on an education program for successful breast feeding. The general characteristics of study group had no marked effects on the breastfeeding duration. The young and highly condition during pregnancy and the degree of morning sickness affected the practice of breastfeeding. In the study of prenatal sociobehavioral factors, intended duration affected the breastfeeding duration, and the maternal perception that breastfeeding is good for weight loss after delivery as well as infant formula milk is not as good as breast milk, led to successful breast feeding. Among the postnatal biological factors, the duration of gestation affected the breast feeding. Among the postnatal biological factors, the duration of gestation affected the breastiffeding outcome. In the case of early parturition, breastfeeding rate was low. Among the postnatal biocultural factors, time of first feed, milk volume and maternal perception of infant's sucking ability affected the bresatfeeding duration. From these result, it is suggested that an education program such as participation of nursing class to the pregnant women should be provided for successful breastfeeding.

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모유수유 저해요인에 대한 산모와 신생아실 간호사간의 인식정도 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on the Perception of the Impediment Factors between Mothers and Nurses in Nursery)

  • 이미자
    • 여성건강간호학회지
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    • 제1권1호
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    • pp.138-152
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    • 1995
  • The condition of nutrition during infancy will greatly affect infants' physical, emotional growth, especially breast feeding is important in their growth and development, and emotional stability, too. Despite such advantages of breast-feeding, its rate has continued to fall year after year in Korea : the 95% rate in 1960's has fallen to 25.4% in 1990. It is known that such a downfall of breast-feeding rate is associated with various factors. The purpose of the study is to examine mother's and nurses' in nursery perception of the impediment factors of breast-feeding : to compare those between of breast-feeding : to compare those between two groups : to provide fundamental data for developing strategies for increasing breast-feeding. The subjects were 45 new mothers from one hospital and the same number of nurses sampled from 3 university hospitals, in Seoul. The data were collected for 11 days from April 12 to April 23, 1994 and a questionnaire was developed based on the interview with 14 nurses and 10 mothers and the literature reviews. Liker's Five-Point Scale was used as measurement. The Data were analyzed using SPSS / PC and descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA. The results of study are as follows : 1) Most new mothers get the information about breast-feeding from their mothers, books or newspaper, and relatives in rank than professionals(nurses or doctors). 2) The impediment factors the breast-feeding are categorized as mothers, hospital system, medical personnels and social factors. The most frequently mentioned impediment factors from mothers are 'Difficulty by operational wounds'(3.13), 'Lack of will for breast-feeding'(3.47), 'Insufficient rest and sleep'(3.52) and 'Opposition from husband or his family members'(4.77)in rank. On the other hand those factors from nurses are 'Inadequate nipple condition'(2.37), 'Decreasing milk secretion given medicine after operation'(2.63), 'Mothers knowledge deficit by poorly prepared education'(2.79) and 'Mothers abhorance of breast-feeing'(3.87) in rank. 3) As for the hospital system, the highly perceived impediment factors by mothers are 'Seperation of baby from mother after birth'(2.78), 'Lack of space for breast-feeding in the hospital'(2.93), 'Lack of facility for informing the time for breast-feeding'(3.18) and 'Because of babys' preference artificial nipple by being accustomed to it in hospital(3.97), in rank. Meanwhile, those from nurses are "Seperation of baby from mother after birth",(1.92), "Inconsistency between hospital's nursing time and mother's breast secretion time" scretion time(2.97), "Lack of space for breast-feeding in the hospital"(3.39), and "Lack of facility for informing the time for breast-feeding"(3.74) 4) As for the medical personnels, the highestly perceived Impediment factor from mothers in "Lack of professional nurses for breast-feeding"(2.96), and the lowestly perceived one is "Doctors' reluctance"(4.75). Nurses perceived same as mothers, too. 5) As for the social factors, the highestly perceived impediment factor by mothers and nurses is "Inconvience of social activities"(2.83) and the lowestly ones are "The sense of self-sacrifice"(4.22) by mothers, and "The sense of old fashioned"(4.13) by nurses. 6) The difference of the perception of impediment factors between mothers and nurses is statistically significant only in mother factor.

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