• Title/Summary/Keyword: perception model

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Water Rockets for Rocket Engineering Education, Part II: Development History, Creation Examples and Competitions (발사체 공학교육을 위한 물로켓, Part II: 발달사, 제작사례 및 경연대회)

  • Kim, Jae-Yeul;Hwang, Won-Sub;Jung, Seung-Min;Choi, Jeong-Yeol
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.47 no.11
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    • pp.803-811
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    • 2019
  • Water rocket is a non-chemical rocket mechanically powered by pressurized gas and liquid (water) propellants. Since water rockets share many engineering commonalities with liquid propellant rockets for space launch vehicles, it is as a education tool for rocket engineering. Present paper investigated the availability of water rocket as an engineering education model by surveying the history of water rocket and making examples from K-12 education, commercial products and club activities. Finally, a way of improvement is suggested for water rocket competitions make changes in the perception on water rockets by examining the limitations of present competitions.

A Perceptual Audio Coder Based on Temporal-Spectral Structure (시간-주파수 구조에 근거한 지각적 오디오 부호화기)

  • 김기수;서호선;이준용;윤대희
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1996
  • In general, the high quality audio coding(HQAC) has the structure of the convertional data compression techniques combined with moodels of human perception. The primary auditory characteristic applied to HQAC is the masking effect in the spectral domain. Therefore spectral techniques such as the subband coding or the transform coding are widely used[1][2]. However no effort has yet been made to apply the temporal masking effect and temporal redundancy removing method in HQAC. The audio data compression method proposed in this paper eliminates statistical and perceptual redundancies in both temporal and spectral domain. Transformed audio signal is divided into packets, which consist of 6 frames. A packet contains 1536 samples($256{\times}6$) :nd redundancies in packet reside in both temporal and spectral domain. Both redundancies are elminated at the same time in each packet. The psychoacoustic model has been improved to give more delicate results by taking into account temporal masking as well as fine spectral masking. For quantization, each packet is divided into subblocks designed to have an analogy with the nonlinear critical bands and to reflect the temporal auditory characteristics. Consequently, high quality of reconstructed audio is conserved at low bit-rates.

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Pre-service Elementary Teacher' Knowledge understanding and Teaching-learning type about 'stratum and rock' ('지층과 암석'에 대한 초등 예비 교사의 지식 이해와 교수유형)

  • Lee, Yong-Seob;Kim, Soon-Shik;Lee, Ha-Lyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.69-77
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    • 2013
  • The study aims to figure out pre-service elementary teachers' knowledge understanding on 'stratum and rock' as well as teaching-learning types on the same topic. A total of 65 seniors in an advanced science education course at B University of Education joined the research to fulfill the purpose above. With PCK classification framework, the study examined pre-service teachers' knowledge understanding on 'stratum and rock' while it analyzed how the teachers would teach the given topic to students. The results of the study are presented as follows. First, it was observed that the pre-service elementary teachers have a great understanding on 'stratum and rock' that would be taught via a science textbook for elementary fourth graders. However, regarding terms in 'shale and limestone', they appeared to have a relatively short understanding. Second, PCK elements of the pre-service teachers related to 'stratum and rock' were analyzed and according to the results, the teachers would be interested in teaching model selecting in the teaching-learning strategy field while they would be well aware of how important it is for them to perform an experiment in a teaching process. The teachers also appeared to understand that the teacher question can be mutual complementary during class. However, it turned out that the teachers would have a very much low understanding on learners' prior knowledge as they particularly believe that learning could be significantly affected by the learners' perception level as well as their learning interest and motive. Third, the pre-service elementary teachers were told to design teaching plans on 'stratum and rock' so that the study could find out what learning-teaching methods the teachers would adopt to teach the topic. It was learned that the teachers would proceed with the class basically by giving the learners a descriptive explanation on the topic and also by using pictures and drawings to enhance the learners' understanding during the class.

Interactive Shape Analysis of the Hippocampus in a Virtual Environment (가상 환경에서의 해마 모델에 대한 대화식 형상 분석☆)

  • Kim, Jeong-Sik;Choi, Soo-Mi
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.165-181
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents an effective representation scheme for the shape analysis of the hippocampal structure and a stereoscopic-haptic environment to enhance sense of realism. The parametric model and the 3D skeleton represent various types of hippocampal shapes and they are stored in the Octree data structure. So they can be used for the interactive shape analysis. And the 3D skeleton-based pose normalization allows us to align a position and an orientation of the 3D hippocampal models constructed from multimodal medical imaging data. We also have trained Support Vector Machine (SVM) for classifying between the normal controls and epileptic patients. Results suggest that the presented representation scheme provides various level of shape representation and the SVM can be a useful classifier in analyzing the shape differences between two groups. A stereoscopic-haptic virtual environment combining an auto-stereoscopic display with a force-feedback (or haptic) device takes an advantage of 3D applications for medicine because it improves space and depth perception.

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Image Quality Assessment by Combining Masking Texture and Perceptual Color Difference Model

  • Tang, Zhisen;Zheng, Yuanlin;Wang, Wei;Liao, Kaiyang
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.2938-2956
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    • 2020
  • Objective image quality assessment (IQA) models have been developed by effective features to imitate the characteristics of human visual system (HVS). Actually, HVS is extremely sensitive to color degradation and complex texture changes. In this paper, we firstly reveal that many existing full reference image quality assessment (FR-IQA) methods can hardly measure the image quality with contrast and masking texture changes. To solve this problem, considering texture masking effect, we proposed a novel FR-IQA method, called Texture and Color Quality Index (TCQI). The proposed method considers both in the masking effect texture and color visual perceptual threshold, which adopts three kinds of features to reflect masking texture, color difference and structural information. Furthermore, random forest (RF) is used to address the drawbacks of existing pooling technologies. Compared with other traditional learning-based tools (support vector regression and neural network), RF can achieve the better prediction performance. Experiments conducted on five large-scale databases demonstrate that our approach is highly consistent with subjective perception, outperforms twelve the state-of-the-art IQA models in terms of prediction accuracy and keeps a moderate computational complexity. The cross database validation also validates our approach achieves the ability to maintain high robustness.

The study of the field customized SW training course design based on the analysis of the field suitability of the university SW education (대학 SW 교육의 현장 적합도 분석에 기반한 현장 맞춤형 SW 교육 과정 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Cha, Joon Seub
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2015
  • Recently, it is entering the hyper connectivity age due to the development of sensor and communication technology. In particular, it is emerging new industries such as the IoT, bigdata, cloud by convergence with the ICT and other industries. Because these industries are high the gravity of the software, the demand for software manpower is increasing rapidly. But university curriculum don't deviate from the traditional curriculum, and lack of positive response to these changes is occurring a mismatch with the industry demand. In this paper, investigate a software curriculums of the four-year university, and will attempt to investigate the perception about the university software course of the corporate perspective. Also, we draw a on-site fitness of universities training course by analysis of importance on software training courses between universities and businesses. Finally, we propose a strategy model for software training course design appropriate for the field.

A Case Study of Family Therapy for a Daughter with a Binge-Drinking Problem (폭음문제를 가진 성인자녀(딸)에 대한 가족치료 사례연구)

  • Lim, A Ri;Park, Tai Young
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.31-48
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    • 2015
  • This study examined the factors affecting the client's binge drinking, and the client and parents' change led by family therapy. From August to November 2011, the counseling case of this research was consisted of a total of 9 sessions-individual, parents, mother-daughter, father-daughter, and family counseling. This study utilized verbatim and audio recordings, and employed Miles and Huberman(1994) matrix and network to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that the factors that influenced the client's binge drinking included the family's dysfunctional communication method, adverse rearing attitude owing to unresolved emotional problems from the family-of-origin, and the client family's peculiar environment and culture. The therapist's intervention included making the client aware of his own problem, helping to gain insight and understand the parents' family-of-origin, connecting the past family-of-origin and the present, identifying attempted solutions, making aware of new change, and suggesting new communication methods. Through the therapist's intervention employing MRI interactional family therapy model and Bowen's family systems theory, the family members experienced changes; perception of all family members that participated in the counseling changed, and accordingly, their communication method and attitude changed as well. Through these changes in the family, the client's alcohol consumption reduced in terms of both frequency and amount, thus was able to solve their binge drinking problem.

A Study on Immersion and Presence of VR Karaoke Room Implementations in Mobile HMD Environments (HMD 모바일 환경에서 가상현실 기반 노래방 구현물의 실재감과 몰입감 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hong;Seo, Beomjoo
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2017
  • There exist a variety of VR(Virtual Reality) contents that have been developed by the use of the latest VR technologies. Unlike the rapid advances in the recent VR devices however, the development of VR based game contents that fully utilize such cutting-edge devices has been lackluster. Using more accessible form of smartphone-based HMDs(Head-Mounted Displays), we compare two popular VR presentation methods(a realistic 3D VR karaoke room and a 360 degree video karaoke room) and analyze their users' immersion and realistic perception. We expect that our study can be utilized as a supporting guideline for future smartphone-based VR content developments.

Factors Affecting Quality of life in the Elderly with Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain (근골격계 만성통증 노인의 삶의 질 영향요인)

  • Jeong, Hyesun;Lee, Yoonju
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.92-103
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study aimed to identify factors affecting the quality of life of the elderly people with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Methods: The data were collected from 307 older adults aged 65 years or older with chronic musculoskeletal pain, who visited senior welfare centers in two cities. We used self-rated questionnaires including NRS for pain, WHOQOL-BREF for quality of life, Pain Response Inventory for coping responses to pain, and MSPSS for social support. Stepwise multiple regression analysis were performed using SPSS/WIN 23.0 to identify factors affecting the study subjects' quality of life. Results: The regression model explained 43% of quality of life, which was statistically significant (F=34.11, p<.001). Educational level of high school (${\beta}=.13$, p=.006), pain (${\beta}=-.13$, p=.013), restriction of function (${\beta}=-.13$, p=.028), accommodative pain coping (${\beta}=.24$, p<.001), family support (${\beta}=.18$, p<.001), colleague's support (${\beta}=.25$, p<.001), and perceived health status (${\beta}=.25$, p<.001) were identified as influential factors on subjects' quality of life. Conclusion: Developing integrative interventions is necessary to improve accommodative pain coping skills and to engage family and colleague in support for positive perception of older adults' health status and management of symptoms.

Current Situation and Perspectives for Home.Visiting and School Physical Therapy in Korea (한국 가정.방문 물리치료 및 학교 물리치료의 현황과 전망)

  • Kwon, Hei-Jeoung;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Ann, Chang-Sik;Hur, Jin-Gang;Hwang, Seong-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Physical Therapy Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.47-58
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to analyses the main factors of research papers for related with home physical therapy. This study was retrospective descriptive study, the period of data collection was from 1991 to 2011. The data was collected by the journal related in physical therapy, the dissertation of academic degree, National Assembly Library and the web-site for academic information. In the web-site, searched with the keyword 'home physical therapy' and 'after school voucher'. The results were as follows; 1. In the home physical therapy, visiting physical therapy, school physical therapy, there were different based on laws; home physical therapy was based on medical law, visiting physical therapy was based on law for community health and law for long term health insurance, school physical therapy was based on special education law. 2. The summary of research title/thema from 1991 to 2011 was as follows; for the home and visiting physical therapy 'the needs and necessity of home and visiting physical therapy' was 18 papers, 'the contents of service of home and visiting physical therapy' was 18 papers, 'program and skill development' was 16 papers, 'system developing and induction strategy of home and visiting physical therapy 'was 15 papers, 'costs of nome and visiting physical therapy' was 2 papers, 'perception and information of home and visiting physical therapy' was 9 papers, 'Recoding system and administration management' was 9 papers, 'the others 'was 14 papers, for the school physical therapy 'after school voucher system' was 9 papers, the others was 4 papers. The total papers was 114 papers. 3. Finally suggested 'Model of Educational Program for HomeVisiting and School Physical Therapy'.

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