• Title/Summary/Keyword: path information

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The Effects of Learning Transfer on Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use in Enterprise e-Learning - Focused on Mediating Effects of Self-Efficacy and Work Environment - (지각된 유용성과 사용용이성이 기업 이러닝 교육의 학습전이에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 -자기효능감과 업무환경의 매개효과를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Dae-Bum;Gu, Ja-Won
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 2018
  • This research performed the empirical test for the effects of learning transfer on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, self-efficacy and work environment using 390 employees who have experienced e-learning in domestic and foreign companies. Analyzed the mediating effects of self-efficacy and work environment in addition to direct effect of each factor on learning transfer. The results showed that perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use of e-learning learner had a positive(+) effect on self-efficacy and a positive influence on supervisor and peer support and organizational climate. Self-efficacy showed a positive effect on learning transfer, and supervisor support, peer support and organizational climate had a positive influence on learning transfer as well. Perceived usefulness also had a positive effect on learning transfer. However, perceived ease-of-use had no significant effect on learning transfer. As a result of the mediating effect analysis, self-efficacy and work environment were analyzed to have mediating effects between perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and learning transfer. The implications of this study are as follows. First, this study designed a new research model that reflects factors influencing the effect of learning transfer on acceptance of e-learning that is common in corporate education. It has derived a research model of perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use, which were used as mediating variables for external characteristics factors, as independent variables, using self-efficacy and work environment as mediating variables, which were studied as external factors. Second, most of the studies on technology acceptance model and learning transfer are conducted in a single country. The reliability was enhanced by testing the study models using different samples from 26 countries. Third, perceived usefulness and ease-of-use in existing studies have been considered as key determinants of acceptance intention and learning transfer. This study explored the mediating effects of learner and environmental factors on the accepted information technology and strengthened and supplemented the path of learning transfer of perceived usefulness and ease-of-use. In addition, based on the sample analysis of various countries used in this study, it is expected that future international comparative studies will be possible.

Implementation of integrated monitoring system for trace and path prediction of infectious disease (전염병의 경로 추적 및 예측을 위한 통합 정보 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Eungyeong;Lee, Seok;Byun, Young Tae;Lee, Hyuk-Jae;Lee, Taikjin
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2013
  • The incidence of globally infectious and pathogenic diseases such as H1N1 (swine flu) and Avian Influenza (AI) has recently increased. An infectious disease is a pathogen-caused disease, which can be passed from the infected person to the susceptible host. Pathogens of infectious diseases, which are bacillus, spirochaeta, rickettsia, virus, fungus, and parasite, etc., cause various symptoms such as respiratory disease, gastrointestinal disease, liver disease, and acute febrile illness. They can be spread through various means such as food, water, insect, breathing and contact with other persons. Recently, most countries around the world use a mathematical model to predict and prepare for the spread of infectious diseases. In a modern society, however, infectious diseases are spread in a fast and complicated manner because of rapid development of transportation (both ground and underground). Therefore, we do not have enough time to predict the fast spreading and complicated infectious diseases. Therefore, new system, which can prevent the spread of infectious diseases by predicting its pathway, needs to be developed. In this study, to solve this kind of problem, an integrated monitoring system, which can track and predict the pathway of infectious diseases for its realtime monitoring and control, is developed. This system is implemented based on the conventional mathematical model called by 'Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered (SIR) Model.' The proposed model has characteristics that both inter- and intra-city modes of transportation to express interpersonal contact (i.e., migration flow) are considered. They include the means of transportation such as bus, train, car and airplane. Also, modified real data according to the geographical characteristics of Korea are employed to reflect realistic circumstances of possible disease spreading in Korea. We can predict where and when vaccination needs to be performed by parameters control in this model. The simulation includes several assumptions and scenarios. Using the data of Statistics Korea, five major cities, which are assumed to have the most population migration have been chosen; Seoul, Incheon (Incheon International Airport), Gangneung, Pyeongchang and Wonju. It was assumed that the cities were connected in one network, and infectious disease was spread through denoted transportation methods only. In terms of traffic volume, daily traffic volume was obtained from Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS). In addition, the population of each city was acquired from Statistics Korea. Moreover, data on H1N1 (swine flu) were provided by Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and air transport statistics were obtained from Aeronautical Information Portal System. As mentioned above, daily traffic volume, population statistics, H1N1 (swine flu) and air transport statistics data have been adjusted in consideration of the current conditions in Korea and several realistic assumptions and scenarios. Three scenarios (occurrence of H1N1 in Incheon International Airport, not-vaccinated in all cities and vaccinated in Seoul and Pyeongchang respectively) were simulated, and the number of days taken for the number of the infected to reach its peak and proportion of Infectious (I) were compared. According to the simulation, the number of days was the fastest in Seoul with 37 days and the slowest in Pyeongchang with 43 days when vaccination was not considered. In terms of the proportion of I, Seoul was the highest while Pyeongchang was the lowest. When they were vaccinated in Seoul, the number of days taken for the number of the infected to reach at its peak was the fastest in Seoul with 37 days and the slowest in Pyeongchang with 43 days. In terms of the proportion of I, Gangneung was the highest while Pyeongchang was the lowest. When they were vaccinated in Pyeongchang, the number of days was the fastest in Seoul with 37 days and the slowest in Pyeongchang with 43 days. In terms of the proportion of I, Gangneung was the highest while Pyeongchang was the lowest. Based on the results above, it has been confirmed that H1N1, upon the first occurrence, is proportionally spread by the traffic volume in each city. Because the infection pathway is different by the traffic volume in each city, therefore, it is possible to come up with a preventive measurement against infectious disease by tracking and predicting its pathway through the analysis of traffic volume.

Experiment for Various Soils on Economic Duty of Water in Paddy Fields (각종토성별 경제적용수량 결정시험연구)

  • Hwang, Eun
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1561-1579
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    • 1969
  • In Korea, the duty of water in paddy fields was measured at the Agricultural Experimental Station in Suwon about 60 years ago. After that time some testing has been made in several places, but the key points in its experiment were the water depth of evapo-transpiration. Improved breeds, progress in cultivation and management techniques as well as development of measuring apparatus in recent years have necessitated the review of the duty of water in paddy fields. The necessity of reviewing the conventional methods has become even more important, as no source of information has been made available through survey of water utilization on a soil use basis which requires data on peculiar features of the water depth of evapo-transpiration. For example, the duty of water in paddy field is largely affected by the water depth of evapo-transpiration in connection with the wetted paddy field, whereas in connection with the normal paddy fields without this characteristic the vertical percolation become the predominant factor in measuring the decreasing depth of water. Therefore, it becomes important. that not only the water depth of evapotranspiration but also the vertical percolation process should also be observed in order to arrive at a realistic conclusion. As the vertical percolation has aclose relationship to the height of the underground water, the change of the latter can be measured. As the conclusion of this experiment, the following subjects are indicated. 1. In order to determine the economic duty of water in paddy fields on a basis of varying soil features, the varying soil features in the benifited area should be investigated thoroughly. The water depths of evapo-transpiration(ET) ratio to evaporation in the evaporator(V) on a basis of the varying soil features are as follows: clay loam ET/V = 1.11, loam ET/V = 1.64, sandy loam ET.V = 1.63 2. The decreasing depth of water consists of the water depth of evapotranspiration, the vertical per colation and the percolation of foot path. Among these three, the percolation of foot path can be utilized again. 3. As the result of this experiment, it shows the decreasing depth of water as follows. clay loam 9.3 mm/day, loam 13.5mm/daty, sandy loam 15.3mm/day 4. On a basis of the varying soil features and the height of the underground water, the vertical percolation varies. 5. The change of the vertical percolation on a basis of the varying soil features shows as follows: clay loam $1{\sim}2$ mm/day, loam $2{\sim}3$mm/day, sandy loam $3{\sim}4$mm/day 6. The level of the underground water changes sensibly by priority of clay loam, loam, sandy loam. When it rains, the level of the underground water rises fast and falls down slowly. 7. The level of the underground water changes within the scope of 25cm 8. The transpiration ratio is given in table 8 and their value are as follows: clay loam 168.8, loam 255.6, sandy loam 272.5

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Dynamic Virtual Ontology using Tags with Semantic Relationship on Social-web to Support Effective Search (효율적 자원 탐색을 위한 소셜 웹 태그들을 이용한 동적 가상 온톨로지 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Hyun Jung;Sohn, Mye
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2013
  • In this research, a proposed Dynamic Virtual Ontology using Tags (DyVOT) supports dynamic search of resources depending on user's requirements using tags from social web driven resources. It is general that the tags are defined by annotations of a series of described words by social users who usually tags social information resources such as web-page, images, u-tube, videos, etc. Therefore, tags are characterized and mirrored by information resources. Therefore, it is possible for tags as meta-data to match into some resources. Consequently, we can extract semantic relationships between tags owing to the dependency of relationships between tags as representatives of resources. However, to do this, there is limitation because there are allophonic synonym and homonym among tags that are usually marked by a series of words. Thus, research related to folksonomies using tags have been applied to classification of words by semantic-based allophonic synonym. In addition, some research are focusing on clustering and/or classification of resources by semantic-based relationships among tags. In spite of, there also is limitation of these research because these are focusing on semantic-based hyper/hypo relationships or clustering among tags without consideration of conceptual associative relationships between classified or clustered groups. It makes difficulty to effective searching resources depending on user requirements. In this research, the proposed DyVOT uses tags and constructs ontologyfor effective search. We assumed that tags are extracted from user requirements, which are used to construct multi sub-ontology as combinations of tags that are composed of a part of the tags or all. In addition, the proposed DyVOT constructs ontology which is based on hierarchical and associative relationships among tags for effective search of a solution. The ontology is composed of static- and dynamic-ontology. The static-ontology defines semantic-based hierarchical hyper/hypo relationships among tags as in (http://semanticcloud.sandra-siegel.de/) with a tree structure. From the static-ontology, the DyVOT extracts multi sub-ontology using multi sub-tag which are constructed by parts of tags. Finally, sub-ontology are constructed by hierarchy paths which contain the sub-tag. To create dynamic-ontology by the proposed DyVOT, it is necessary to define associative relationships among multi sub-ontology that are extracted from hierarchical relationships of static-ontology. The associative relationship is defined by shared resources between tags which are linked by multi sub-ontology. The association is measured by the degree of shared resources that are allocated into the tags of sub-ontology. If the value of association is larger than threshold value, then associative relationship among tags is newly created. The associative relationships are used to merge and construct new hierarchy the multi sub-ontology. To construct dynamic-ontology, it is essential to defined new class which is linked by two more sub-ontology, which is generated by merged tags which are highly associative by proving using shared resources. Thereby, the class is applied to generate new hierarchy with extracted multi sub-ontology to create a dynamic-ontology. The new class is settle down on the ontology. So, the newly created class needs to be belong to the dynamic-ontology. So, the class used to new hyper/hypo hierarchy relationship between the class and tags which are linked to multi sub-ontology. At last, DyVOT is developed by newly defined associative relationships which are extracted from hierarchical relationships among tags. Resources are matched into the DyVOT which narrows down search boundary and shrinks the search paths. Finally, we can create the DyVOT using the newly defined associative relationships. While static data catalog (Dean and Ghemawat, 2004; 2008) statically searches resources depending on user requirements, the proposed DyVOT dynamically searches resources using multi sub-ontology by parallel processing. In this light, the DyVOT supports improvement of correctness and agility of search and decreasing of search effort by reduction of search path.

A Study of Guide System for Cerebrovascular Intervention (뇌혈관 중재시술 지원 가이드 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sung-Gwon;Jeong, Chang-Won;Yoon, Kwon-Ha;Joo, Su-Chong
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.101-107
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    • 2016
  • Due to the recent advancement in digital imaging technology, development of intervention equipment has become generalize. Video arbitration procedure is a process to insert a tiny catheter and a guide wire in the body, so in order to enhance the effectiveness and safety of this treatment, the high-quality of x-ray of image should be used. However, the increasing of radiation has become the problem. Therefore, the studies to improve the performance of x-ray detectors are being actively processed. Moreover, this intervention is based on the reference of the angiographic imaging and 3D medical image processing. In this paper, we propose a guidance system to support this intervention. Through this intervention, it can solve the problem of the existing 2D medical images based vessel that has a formation of cerebrovascular disease, and guide the real-time tracking and optimal route to the target lesion by intervention catheter and guide wire tool. As a result, the system was completely composed for medical image acquisition unit and image processing unit as well as a display device. The experimental environment, guide services which are provided by the proposed system Brain Phantom (complete intracranial model with aneurysms, ref H+N-S-A-010) was taken with x-ray and testing. To generate a reference image based on the Laplacian algorithm for the image processing which derived from the cerebral blood vessel model was applied to DICOM by Volume ray casting technique. $A^*$ algorithm was used to provide the catheter with a guide wire tracking path. Finally, the result does show the location of the catheter and guide wire providing in the proposed system especially, it is expected to provide a useful guide for future intervention service.

Estimation of Surface Solar Radiation using Ground-based Remote Sensing Data on the Seoul Metropolitan Area (수도권지역의 지상기반 원격탐사자료를 이용한 지표면 태양에너지 산출)

  • Jee, Joon-Bum;Min, Jae-Sik;Lee, Hankyung;Chae, Jung-Hoon;Kim, Sangil
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.228-240
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    • 2018
  • Solar energy is calculated using meteorological (14 station), ceilometer (2 station) and microwave radiometer (MWR, 7 station)) data observed from the Weather Information Service Engine (WISE) on the Seoul metropolitan area. The cloud optical thickness and the cloud fraction are calculated using the back-scattering coefficient (BSC) of the ceilometer and liquid water path of the MWR. The solar energy on the surface is calculated using solar radiation model with cloud fraction from the ceilometer and the MWR. The estimated solar energy is underestimated compared to observations both at Jungnang and Gwanghwamun stations. In linear regression analysis, the slope is less than 0.8 and the bias is negative which is less than $-20W/m^2$. The estimated solar energy using MWR is more improved (i.e., deterministic coefficient (average $R^2=0.8$) and Root Mean Square Error (average $RMSE=110W/m^2$)) than when using ceilometer. The monthly cloud fraction and solar energy calculated by ceilometer is greater than 0.09 and lower than $50W/m^2$ compared to MWR. While there is a difference depending on the locations, RMSE of estimated solar radiation is large over $50W/m^2$ in July and September compared to other months. As a result, the estimation of a daily accumulated solar radiation shows the highest correlation at Gwanghwamun ($R^2=0.80$, RMSE=2.87 MJ/day) station and the lowest correlation at Gooro ($R^2=0.63$, RMSE=4.77 MJ/day) station.

A Comparative Study on Communication of Agricultural Innovation (농업 기술 전파 커뮤니케이션에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.121-136
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    • 2000
  • This study reports on a comparison between the Korean diffusion of agricultural innovation or extension service and the cooperative extension service in the United States of America. It focuses on relevant differences between the two systems and provides recommendation for improvement of the Korean system to insure success in important areas related to the diffusion of agricultural innovations. After a comparative study on diffusion of innovations it is clear that: in order to have a productive agriculture that makes effective and efficient use of natural resources and helps achieve sustainability goals, a mechanism that delivers knowledge to agricultural communities must be established and maintained. This mechanism is clearly an agricultural extension service that is cooperatively funded by federal, state and local governments and that insures participation of constituents in the process of establishing priorities and evaluating achievements. The success of US agriculture, the most productive in the world, is to a large degree to the Cooperative Extension Service. Based on the results of this study and the differences of the United States and Korea, the following recommendations should be emphasized for more effective communication for agricultural innovation and rural development in Korea: 1) In order to insure that extension educators are high caliber professional individuals, it is important to establish a system that nationally recognizes these individuals as such, and that provides a professional development path. 2) The results of the decision of transfer of extension educators to local governments has not yielded positive outcomes, especially in terms of professional status. It is clearly demonstrable that valuable professionals are leaving the service, that local governments do not have the will and resources to implement a successful extension program. 3) Because of the critical importance of diffusing innovations to agricultural producers in order to insure and quality and steady food supply, it is of critical importance that these issues be addressed before the extension service is further deteriorated. Given the cement situation, it is clear that the extension service should become nationally supported again in cooperation with local and state governments and that extension professionals be given appropriate rank at the national level, commesurate with their peers in research and teaching. 4) The common current committee practice of lengthy reporting and short discussion needs to be changed to one that results in char, brief and substantive action oriented goals. Joint participation by researchers, extension educators and farmers should be encouraged in planning, implementation and evaluation of communication for agricultural innovations. Roles and functions of committees for institutional cooperation, and or agricultural extension committees should be enlarged. 5) Extension educators should be encouraged to adopt new communication technologies to improve their diffusion of innovations methods. Agricultural institutions and organizations should be encouraged to adopt farmer-first and or client-oriented approach in agricultural extension and diffusion of agricultural technologies. The number, complexity and rapid change of information in agricultural extension require the development of a computer based information and report system to support agricultural extension. 6) To facilitate and expand the further development of communication for agricultural innovation and rural development, agricultural communication programs in universities especially in colleges of agriculture and life sciences. 7) To strengthening the sense of national and social responsibility communication for agricultural innovation and rural development among students in agricultural colleges and universities through participation in learning activities by proactive recruitment. 8) To establish and reinforce a policy that insures participation in communication for agricultural innovation and regal development activities. 9) To improve further development of communication for agricultural innovation and rural development in Korea, more research activities should be encouraged.

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Management Strategies of Ventilation Paths for Improving Thermal Environment - A Case Study of Gimhae, South Korea - (도시 열환경 개선을 위한 바람길 관리 전략 - 김해시를 사례로 -)

  • EUM, Jeong-Hee;SON, Jeong-Min;SEO, Kyeong-Ho;PARK, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.115-127
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to propose management strategies of ventilation paths for improving urban thermal environments. For this purpose, Gimhae-si in Gyeongsangnamdo was selected as a study area. We analyzed hot spots and cool spots in Gimhae by using Landsat 8 satellite image data and spatial statistical analysis, and finally derived the vulnerable areas to thermal environment. In addition, the characteristics of ventilation paths including wind direction and wind speed were analyzed by using data of the wind resource map provided by Korea Meteorological Administration. As a result, it was found that a lot of hot spots were similar to those with weak wind such as Jinyoung-eup, Jillye-myeon, Juchon-myeon and the downtown area. Based on the analysis, management strategies of ventilation paths in Gimhye were presented as follows. Jinyoung-eup and Jillye-myeon with hot spot areas and week wind areas have a strong possibility that hot spot areas will be extended and strengthened, because industrial areas are being built. Hence, climate-friendly urban and architectural plans considering ventilation paths is required in these areas. In Juchon-myeon, where industrial complexes and agricultural complexes are located, climate-friendly plans are also required because high-rise apartment complexes and an urban development zone are planned, which may induce worse thermal environment in the future. It is expected that a planning of securing and enlarging ventilation paths will be established for climate-friendly urban management. and further the results will be utilized in urban renewal and environmental planning as well as urban basic plans. In addition, we expect that the results can be applied as basic data for climate change adaptation plan and the evaluation system for climate-friendly urban development of Gimhye.

A Study on the Job Productivity by the Smart Work Investment - Focused on the Organizational Change Resistance and the Communication - (스마트워크 투자에 따른 직무 생산성에 관한 연구 - 조직 변화저항과 의사소통을 중심으로-)

  • Jung, Byoung-Ho
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.83-113
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study to empirically examine a smart work investment and job performance by change resistance. Firstly, There investigates mediating role of the communication between the smart work investment and the job performance. Secondly, It will identify the job productivity differences through a level of organizational change resistance that reduced smart work investment. The smart work is to provide the flexibility of time and location and is a working method to improve a work productivity of organization members. The introduction of smart work means the adoption of new organizational culture, institution and technology and requires a novel change of a custom and pattern on existing organization culture and institution because of transformation form of communication and collaboration. The method of this study adopts a structural equation model to test a mediating effect of communication and a moderating effect of change resistance level. This model confirms whether smart work investments provide a positive impact on communication and organizational productivity. In addition, I will classify a change resistance level of smart work by cluster analysis and then check a critical path difference of job productivity between each group. As a result, The organizational IT, institution and culture on the smart work investment appeared to important influencers in communication and also had a direct influence of individual performance. Also, The three independent variables of smart work investment have an indirect influence of individual and organizational performance through communication mediating variables. However, the organizational IT and institution as independent variables do not provide direct influence of organization performance. Nevertheless, two independent variables of organizational IT and institution have an indirect influence the organization performance through communication mediating variables. As a result of confirming a productivity of three groups on organization resistance, there was a difference the individual and organizational performance among groups. The low-level group of organizational resistance showed high coefficient value of performance compared to other groups. The group analysis implications, The smart work investment appeared significantly to revise the institution first, build culture secondly and advanced technology lastly. The theoretical implication from this study contributes an extension of social science theory through socio-technical systems, institution, culture, change resistance and job performance based on smart work. The practical implications explain the smart work success in step-by-step investment rather than radical investment as level management of change resistance. In future research, the smart work performance between private and public firms will analyze a difference of the organizational culture, institution, technology and performance.

Development of Intelligent ATP System Using Genetic Algorithm (유전 알고리듬을 적용한 지능형 ATP 시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Tai-Young
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.131-145
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    • 2010
  • The framework for making a coordinated decision for large-scale facilities has become an important issue in supply chain(SC) management research. The competitive business environment requires companies to continuously search for the ways to achieve high efficiency and lower operational costs. In the areas of production/distribution planning, many researchers and practitioners have developedand evaluated the deterministic models to coordinate important and interrelated logistic decisions such as capacity management, inventory allocation, and vehicle routing. They initially have investigated the various process of SC separately and later become more interested in such problems encompassing the whole SC system. The accurate quotation of ATP(Available-To-Promise) plays a very important role in enhancing customer satisfaction and fill rate maximization. The complexity for intelligent manufacturing system, which includes all the linkages among procurement, production, and distribution, makes the accurate quotation of ATP be a quite difficult job. In addition to, many researchers assumed ATP model with integer time. However, in industry practices, integer times are very rare and the model developed using integer times is therefore approximating the real system. Various alternative models for an ATP system with time lags have been developed and evaluated. In most cases, these models have assumed that the time lags are integer multiples of a unit time grid. However, integer time lags are very rare in practices, and therefore models developed using integer time lags only approximate real systems. The differences occurring by this approximation frequently result in significant accuracy degradations. To introduce the ATP model with time lags, we first introduce the dynamic production function. Hackman and Leachman's dynamic production function in initiated research directly related to the topic of this paper. They propose a modeling framework for a system with non-integer time lags and show how to apply the framework to a variety of systems including continues time series, manufacturing resource planning and critical path method. Their formulation requires no additional variables or constraints and is capable of representing real world systems more accurately. Previously, to cope with non-integer time lags, they usually model a concerned system either by rounding lags to the nearest integers or by subdividing the time grid to make the lags become integer multiples of the grid. But each approach has a critical weakness: the first approach underestimates, potentially leading to infeasibilities or overestimates lead times, potentially resulting in excessive work-inprocesses. The second approach drastically inflates the problem size. We consider an optimized ATP system with non-integer time lag in supply chain management. We focus on a worldwide headquarter, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities are globally networked. We develop a mixed integer programming(MIP) model for ATP process, which has the definition of required data flow. The illustrative ATP module shows the proposed system is largely affected inSCM. The system we are concerned is composed of a multiple production facility with multiple products, multiple distribution centers and multiple customers. For the system, we consider an ATP scheduling and capacity allocationproblem. In this study, we proposed the model for the ATP system in SCM using the dynamic production function considering the non-integer time lags. The model is developed under the framework suitable for the non-integer lags and, therefore, is more accurate than the models we usually encounter. We developed intelligent ATP System for this model using genetic algorithm. We focus on a capacitated production planning and capacity allocation problem, develop a mixed integer programming model, and propose an efficient heuristic procedure using an evolutionary system to solve it efficiently. This method makes it possible for the population to reach the approximate solution easily. Moreover, we designed and utilized a representation scheme that allows the proposed models to represent real variables. The proposed regeneration procedures, which evaluate each infeasible chromosome, makes the solutions converge to the optimum quickly.