• 제목/요약/키워드: painting process

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고구려와 중국의 무관(武冠) 비교 연구 (A Comparative Study on Mu-Gwan(武冠) of Koguryo and China)

  • 이경희;서영대;조우현
    • 한국의상디자인학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.51-69
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    • 2007
  • Mu-Guan(武冠) is a headgear of northern nomadic people's costume, Ho-Bok(胡服). It became a part of Chinese(中原) Costume through the adoption of Ho-Bok(胡服) by King Muryong(武寧王) of Kingdom of Cho(趙). Chinese(中原人) did not use it as the formal costume of high class but the Costume military or low-level classes because Chinese(中原人) reguad it as a practical costume only for low-level classes. In this process, Mu-Guan(武冠) and it's clothes had got changed. It became high in shape by an influence Hsien-pi(鮮卑族)'s headgear and became generous in it's going with clothes for Chinese(中原) Costume. It needs to attend that Mu-Guan(武冠) could be found in Koguryo(高句麗)'s mural paintings. Mu-Guan(武冠) of Koguryo(高句麗) had kept the same pattern from middle of 4C to late of 5C. Actually Koguryo(高句麗)'s Mu-Guan(武冠) was similar with Han(漢) dynasty's, but It was quite different from Qin(晉) or Wei(北魏) dynasty's which belong to same period with Koguryo(高句麗)'s. It is possible to guess at Koguryo(高句麗) advanced Mu-Guan(武冠) as their own. Koguryo(高句麗) could be aware of 'Changed Mu-Guan(武冠)'. Because there are frequent diplomatic event between Koguryo(高句麗) and Chiese Dynasties, Barbarian Dynasties. Moreover the guess have persuasion by the existence of 'Changed Mu-Guan(武冠)'in Jee-an(集安) district's mural painting as a Costume of holy person. In brief, It could be noticed that Koguryo(高句麗)'s Mu-Guan(武冠) is distinguished from Chinese and Barbarian dynasties' and Koguryo(高句麗) advanced Mu-Guan(武冠) in their own style.

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세시풍속 전통지식기술의 개발가치 평가와 활용방안 분석 (Assessment of Traditional Knowledge on Seasonal Customs and Its Characteristics for Practical Use)

  • 김미희;박덕병;안윤수;전영미
    • 한국지역사회생활과학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.175-197
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to assess the traditional knowledge on seasonal customs and its characteristics for practical use. The Delphi method and correspondence analysis were hired to collect and analysis the data. Twenty six professionals for the Delphi participated in three-round process. The followings were concluded. The number of items valuing and resourcing for seasonal customs. were 118(40 for folks and ceremonies, 53 for foods. 25 for plays) on Delphi results. For example are Bokjori, Dano fm, Bokjumeoni, Chuseok, Tano festival, New Year Card, washing hair with an iris, Soup with rice cake, Boiled rice with five cereals, Rice and red-bean porridge, Kimchi-making for the winter, Sharing walnut with friends, Game of yut, Playing kite, Play with Hanga etc. Nowadays the ideas of modernized practical use on seasonal customs was to connect with modernized scientific technology and designate commemoration day. The items for connecting with modernized scientific technology were new year card, painting and recording sound with traditional seasonal customs, food areas, cake with seven kind of cereals, play areas, hand wrestling, cockfighting in folks and customs areas. Also the items for designating commemoration days were the Suelbeam and Suelbeam Socks present for the aged people, man cooking day, Korean traditional workers day in folk and ceremony areas.

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말레비치의 "Victory Over the Sun"이 현대 패션디자인에 미친 영향 - Martin Margiela를 중심으로 - (A study of the influences of Malevich's "Victory Over the Sun" on contemporary fashion design - Focused on Martin Margiela -)

  • 박윤정
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.839-853
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    • 2016
  • This study proposes that Malevich's 1913 performance "Victory Over the Sun" was not just Cubo Futurism, but that it produced Suprematism in the early 20th century. "Victory Over the Sun" did away with traditional set and costume design and a call to the Russian avant garde. Therefore, this study analyzes the characteristics of set and the costume design in "Victory Over the Sun", and considers how it impacted twenty-first century fashion designers like Margiela. The results of the study are as follows: first, Margiela reinterpreted the characteristics of the costumes featured on "Victory Over the Sun" from a cubist perspective and represented geometric spatial structures and mechanical human images through changes in methods and materials. second, he designed costumes by applying to the set and costumes expressed black & white images on "Victory Over the Sun". and third, Margiela reinterpreted the warrior image using geometric forms and colors in a creative way. Contemporary fashion designers, including Margiela, express their artistic creativity through various representational and materials choices. They want to convey their subjective personality and emotional sensibility to the public by mixing and deforming existing arts like painting, sculpture, and crafts to create new images. Thus, the creative intentions of the latest fashion designers have expanded art of costume design, exemplifying the process by which art is evolves and is made new.

Lack of Effects of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 on Angiogenesis in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Induced in the Syrian hamster Cheek Pouch

  • Zaid, Khaled Waleed;Nhar, Bander Mossa;Alanazi, Salman Mohammed Ghadeer;Murad, Rashad;Domani, Ahmad;Alhaf, Awadh Jamman
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제17권7호
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    • pp.3527-3531
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    • 2016
  • Recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2 ), a member of the TGF-${\beta}$ family, has been used widely in recent years to regenerate defects of the maxillary and mandible bones. Such defects are sometimes caused by resection of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) yet the biologic effects of rhBMP-2 on these carcinomas are not fully clear. The objective of this study was to determine histologically whether rhBMP-2 produces adverse effects on angiogenesis during induction of OSCC, a biologic process critical for tumor formation in an experimental model in the buccal pouch of golden Syrian hamsters. Buccal cavities were exposed to painting with 0.5% DMBA in liquid paraffin three times a week for 14 weeks, then biopsies were taken. Division was into 2 groups: a study group of 10 hamsters receiving $0.25{\mu}g/ml$ of rhBMP-2 in the $3^{rd}$ and $6^{th}$ weeks; and a control group of 10 hamsters which did not receive any additional treatment. VEGF expression and microvessel density were measured but no differences were noted between the two groups. According to this study, rh-BMP-2 does not stimulate angiogenesis during induction of OCSSs.

조선시대 다회장의 분포 및 도구에 관한 연구 (A study on the distribution and tools of Dahoejangs in the Joseon Dynasty)

  • 박윤미;최연우
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.712-727
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    • 2014
  • Dahoejangs in the Joseon Dynasty were craftsmen who belonged in the Gyeonggongjang in Hansung government office. Out of 2,841 craftsmen who specialized in 129 types of work, 1 of them were Dahoejangs. Dahoejangs were craftsmen who made cords. However it was not passed down and currently Maedeupjangs are making cords and making Maedeup with the cords they have made. In the Uigwes the composition of Dahoejangs number and types of tools used in creating good for ceremonies are indicated. This study has found records of Dahoejangs from 50 Uigwes. The tools used were indicated as Haesagee, Hapsagee, Hapseongee, Yeonsagee, Sangsagee, Dahoegee, Yungjapan and some others. Haesagee is a tool that winds thread from a skein to a spool. Hapsagee is a tool that combines more than two yarns together. Hapseon is for combining thicker threads. Yeosagee is not a process of scouring for refining, but is assumed to be a tool to twisting yarn. There are no information left about the shape or working methods of Sangsagee but it is considered to be a tool for doubling several threads together. Based on the existing artifacts and painting of Dahoe, it is assumed that threads were woven on usually a round plate or bowl. Youngjapan is considered to be a tool for making tassels. This shows that Dahoejangs made tassels and it was completely separate from making Maedeups. There, it is evident that Dahoejangs made cords as well as tassels but the work of Maedeupjang were constricted to only making Maedeup with the cords given to them.

Kinect 깊이 카메라를 이용한 가상시점 영상생성 기술 (Intermediate View Synthesis Method using Kinect Depth Camera)

  • 이상범;호요성
    • 스마트미디어저널
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    • 제1권3호
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2012
  • 깊이영상기반 렌더링(depth image-based rendering, DIBR)이란 색상 영상과 각 화소에 대응하는 거리 정보로 이루어진 깊이 영상(depth map)을 이용하여 가상 시점에서의 영상을 합성하는 기술을 말한다. DIBR을 이용하면 3차원 TV에 적합한 컨텐츠를 생성할 수 있지만, 가상 시점에서의 영상을 합성하는 과정에서 원영상에 존재하지 않는 영역, 즉, 비폐색(disocclusion) 영역이 드러나는 등 여러 가지 문제가 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 구조광으로 깊이 정보를 획득하는 Kinect 깊이 카메라를 이용한 가상시점 영상생성 기술을 제안한다. 깊이 카메라로부터 색상 영상과 그에 대응하는 깊이 영상을 획득한 다음, 깊이 영상에 대한 전처리 기술을 수행한다. 전처리가 끝난 깊이 영상은 중간 시점으로 워핑되고, 워핑 과정에서 발생하는 절삭 오차를 제거하기 위해 Median 필터링을 적용한다. 그런 다음, 색상 영상은 워핑된 깊이 영상의 깊이 값을 사용해서 중간 시점으로 워핑된다. 비폐색(disocclusion) 영역을 채우기 위해 배경 기반의 인페인팅 기술을 적용한다. 실험 결과를 통해, 본 논문에서 제안한 방법이 자연스러운 스테레오 영상을 생성한 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

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서울 동관왕묘 소조상 채색안료의 정밀분석 및 동정 (Characterization and Analysis of Painted Pigments for the Clay Statues in Donggwanwangmyo Shrine, Seoul)

  • 이찬희;이정은;한나라
    • 보존과학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2012
  • 동관왕묘(보물 제142호)는 조선시대(1602)의 건축물로서 관우, 장비, 우장군, 주창 및 조자룡 등의 소조상이 안치되어 있다. 이 소조상들의 채색층은 먼지 등 무기오염물로 인해 안료의 원색이 손상되었으며, 수차례의 보수 및 덧칠로 인해 원형이 훼손되어 있다. 소조상의 채색안료에 대한 정밀분석을 위해 X-선 회절분석, SEM-EDS, P-XRF 및 색도 측정을 실시한 결과, 적색과 갈색의 안료는 진사, 석간주, 연단이며, 연적색은 석고를 첨가하여 조색하였다. 흑색과 금색은 각각 흑연과 금(Au)박이 사용되었으며, 녹색 안료에서는 공작석, 염화동 및 해록석이 동정되었다. 매우 선명하게 발색된 청색은 현대 안료로 보채한 것으로 판단되며, 백색은 백악, 석고, 연백이 모두 검출되었다. 석황과 밀타승은 각각 황색과 연황색 채색에 사용되었다.

고대 로마 신화에 등장한 신들의 복식 연구 (A Study on the Costume of the Gods in the Ancient Roman Myths)

  • 임상임;추미경
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제25권5호
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    • pp.945-956
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    • 2001
  • The costume for gods in the Ancient Roman myth was studied by examining in the embossed-carving, sculptures, mural-painting and various documents of the period. The clothes item, hairstyle, symbol & ornaments and shoes of the gods in the Roman myths were analyzed to understand the formative process in the religious costumes, and results are as follows. First, the costumes for male gods are the same as those for ordinary men lived in ages, including toga, paludamentum, tebenna, tunica. The costumes for female gods are also the same as those for ordinary women lived in ages, including stola, palla, tunica. Second, the hairstyle of male gods is short curled-hair, twisty roll-up hair and braid long-hair due to the influence of Etrurian in the early days. Another hairstyle is appeared in form of the laurelled-crown. The hairstyle of female gods is curled long-hair, chignon style and braid roll-up hair decorated with hairband. Third, the symbol & ornaments which represent the responsible possession of male gods, are appeared in beard, a stick of the message, arrow-case, offering-dish, antlered-glass, shield, spear-handle, as the superhuman forms, such as the lightning shape. For female gods they are is appeared plastron, a stick of the message, flower. some female gods wear necklace, foot-ring, bracelet. Fourth, male gods wear shoes in forms of sandal, buskin, boots, but all female gods are in barefoot. It could be explained by the fact that a man-centered society in the ancient roman is reflected in the world of gods. As mentioned, Gods costume in Roman myths was very similar to or nothing different from the ordinary peoples in Rome. However, they used corps, sacrifices or sepcific symbols depending on the fields that they were responsible for in order to be distinguished from the ordinary people. This is the result from the peoples expression that they should keep a close relationship with Gods hoping to be protected, and rely on them under whatever circumstances.

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정신분열증 청년의 자기표현과 상호작용의 효과에 관한 미술치료 사례연구 I (A Case Study on the Effect of the Art Therapy through the Self Expression and the Interpersonal Relations by a Schizophrenic Adolescent I)

  • 박수정
    • 동의신경정신과학회지
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.229-242
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : This article aims to find how effective the art therapy is on the improvement of the self expression and the interpersonal relations with others, as medium for verbal communication of schizophrenic patients. Methods : The subject of this study was one schizophrenic patient who had been treated with drugs for five years in W university hospital, as well as counseled by an art therapy oo counsel office in J city. The art therapy had been performed the total 25 sessions, fifty minute per session, one session per week, from November 28 in 2008 to April 27 in 2009. The test was by HTP. Results : The results of this study are as follows: First, in the pretest of HTP, the subject showed a little lethargy, painting very simple house-shaped figures and too simple rectangular figures corresponding to those painted by 4 or 5-year-old children. In the post-test, however, the structures of houses were described concretely and three-dimensionally, and the descriptions of people were changed into concrete figure, by which we could see the improvement effect on the self expression and the interpersonal relations. Second, in the earlier stage, there was little verbal self expression, and little self respect, staring into space and showing passive attitude without positive assertion and expression. In the later stage, however, there were positive assertion and expression, even showing sense of humor. Lastly, in the earlier stage, there were few interpersonal relations. In the later stage, however, eye contacts and the interpersonal relations were increased during conversation and in the art work process, respectively. Conclusions : These results suggest that the art therapy can be effective on improvement of the self expression and the interpersonal relations with others, as medium for verbal communication of schizophrenic patients.

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적외선 방식의 스마트 폰 인터페이스 개발 (Development of a Smartphone Interface using Infrared Approach)

  • 장재혁;김병기;송창근;고영웅
    • 정보처리학회논문지A
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    • 제18A권2호
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2011
  • 스마트 폰에서 데이터를 입력하기 위해서는 터치스크린이 기본적인 입력 장치로 널리 사용되고 있다. 하지만, 스마트 폰에서 터치스크린은 텍스트 데이터를 입력하는 정도의 간단한 입력 장치로 활용이 되고 있다. 왜냐하면, 화면의 넓이가 협소하여 그림을 그리는 것과 같은 작업을 수행하는 멀티미디어용 입력 장치로 사용하기에는 어렵기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 적외선 방식을 이용한 스마트 폰의 입력 인터페이스 시스템 방식을 제안하고 있으며 이를 통하여 기존의 약점을 보완하고자 한다. 이 방식은 입력 공간의 제약이 없이 정확하고 빠르게 동작할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 적외선 포인팅 방식의 사용자 인터페이스의 설계 및 구현에 대해서 기술하였다. 실험 결과를 통하여 기존의 스마트 폰의 터치스크린 방식보다 본 논문의 방식이 더욱 편리하고 효율적인 입력도구로 사용될 수 있음을 보였다.