• Title/Summary/Keyword: organized performance

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The Play World Structure of EBS Character "Pengsu" (EBS 캐릭터 '펭수'의 놀이세계 구조)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seob
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2020
  • Even ordinary-looking plays can have a profound meaning. Based on this assumption, Eugene Pink (1960) has established an analytical model of play with five elements, namely "delight", "meaning", "community", "rules" and "tools." It was an effort to reflect on the true meaning of play beyond the cortical entertaining nature of play. In this study, it was carried out that all the texts containing images and performance from the EBS character "Pengsu" were selected, since he emerged as a new star in 2019. And also his play structure was analyzed by applying the Pink's model. As a result, Pengsu's play structure was confirmed to be systematic and complete as a play prototype because it was well-organized with five elements of play. It was regarded as a successful character that skillfully attracts participants to the play world. Among the components of the play, "fun" was found to be his funny appearance, sudden and unconventional behavior, "meaning" was the elimination of authoritarianism, self-esteeming and energizing, "community" was a multi-platform media user who crossed off-on-line, analog-digital-line, "rules" was to set his concept fixed as a young stranger with an ego to unreveal his identity, and "tools" was shown as his character itself and continual discourse. It shows that until now, Pengsu has a social net function of quite spreading the positive meaning of encouragement and comfort, advice and guide, consideration and forgiveness, introspection and nirvana to all members of our society, including the youth who are struggling with uncertainty and anxiety by showing rather exaggerated and stimulating performance that precisely combines these play elements.

Digital Twin-based Cadastral Resurvey Performance Sharing Platform Design and Implementation (디지털트윈 기반의 지적재조사 성과공유 플랫폼 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, IL
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2023
  • As real estate values rise, interest in cadastral resurvey is increasing. Accordingly, a cadastral resurvey project is actively underway for drone operation through securing work efficiency and improving accuracy. The need for utilization and management of cadastral resurvey results (drone images) is being raised, and through this study, a 3D spatial information platform was developed to solve the existing drone image management and utilization limitations and to provide drone image-based 3D cadastral information. It is proposed to build and use. The study area was selected as a district that completed the latest cadastral resurvey project in which the study was organized in February 2023. Afterwards, a web-based 3D platform was applied to the study to solve the user's spatial limitations, and the platform was designed and implemented based on drone images, spatial information, and attribute information. Major functions such as visualization of cadastral resurvey results based on 3D information and comparison of performance between previous cadastral maps and final cadastral maps were implemented. Through the open platform established in this study, anyone can easily utilize the cadastral resurvey results, and it is expected to utilize and share systematic cadastral resurvey results based on 3-dimensional information that reflects the actual business district. In addition, a continuous management plan was proposed by integrating the distributed results into one platform. It is expected that the usability of the 3D platform will be further improved if a platform is established for the whole country in the future and a service linked to the cadastral resurvey administrative system is established.

A Study on the Present Condition of Four-Year University Curriculum for Introducing NCS Landscape Architecture (NCS 조경 분야 적용을 위한 4년제 대학 교육과정 현황분석)

  • Lee, Chang-Hun;Kim, Kyou-Sub;Lee, Won-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.134-147
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the functional unit system of NCS landscape field for correction and supplementation of NCS landscape field and the contents of the four-year college landscape course subject. First, 24 unconsolidated four-year universities were selected, and FGI was conducted and verified for 816 courses in 24 universities. The results of the study are summarized as follows, with three sections three, nine divisions and 65 sub-category. First, landscape design subjects accounted for 40.0% of the subjects organized by four-year universities. In addition, the ratio of 12.9% for ecological landscape, 11.3% for landscape construction, 10.2% for others, 10.0% for landscape information, 6.6% for landscape culture and 3.7% for landscape management was surveyed. Balanced and efficient modification and reinforcement of NCS is required in the future. Second, 10(18.9%) units with matching NCS performance criteria and educational objectives were found to be capable of different units(18.9%), 15(28.3%), and 37subjects with inconsistent NCS unit capability (56.9%). Third, looking at the criteria for the reference of each unit of capability presented by the NCS, it is deemed that one unit of capability should be organized separately to improve the practical ability, since it includes the contents of basic knowledge learning. Fourth, the objectives pursued on the basis of the contents of the NCS capability unit and four-year college curriculum were developed by focusing on the development of unit capabilities in the field of landscape construction and landscape management compared to the field of landscape design. It has been shown that a balance is needed for future development. This study is intended to put forward further research that re-examine specific curriculum assessment criteria that have not been classified in the course of classifications based on the curriculum handbook, which excludes interferences from each school.

Actual Status of Task Performance and Need for System Improvement for Nutrition Teachers (영양교사의 교직 수행실태 및 제도개선에 대한 요구도)

  • You, Ji Eun;Lee, Young Eun;Park, Eun Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.420-436
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the status of task performance and working conditions for nutrition teachers in order to determine new ways to improve the current nutrition system and increase job satisfaction among teachers. From the 14th of July to the 26th of September 2014, email questionnaires were distributed to and collected from 311 nutrition teachers nationwide, including teachers at elementary, middle, and high schools. The results are as follows. First, over 90% of nutrition teachers indicated that their work was demanding. In particular, 63.5% of nutrition teachers at high schools worked more than 40 hours of overtime per month. Second, 73% of nutrition teachers provided nutrition education, but the percentage significantly decreased at upper levels of school. Nutrition teachers had difficulties teaching due to the absence of standard teaching materials and a lack of time due to excessive work. Teachers also wanted 30 hours of job training once per year during their vacation organized by the regional Department of Education. Third, around half of the nutrition teachers considered that promotion and transfer professions are necessary for systematic foodservice and education. An additional allowance was demanded by nutrition teachers at schools that serve two or three meals per day. Considering the results, alleviating the workload of nutrition teachers and more time preparing nutrition classes for student are required. Fair evaluation of job performance that considers work conditions of nutrition teachers should be considered.

A Study of the Time-Space and Appreciation for the Performance Culture of Gwanseo Region in Late Joseon Period: Focusing on Analysis of Terminology (조선후기 관서지방의 공연 시공간과 향유에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Hye-jin
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.22
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    • pp.287-325
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    • 2011
  • This paper studies the time-space and appreciation of the performance culture of Gwanseo region, which is considered to have formed a characteristic culture in late Joseon period. For this purpose, 4 gasa written in hangeul (Korean alphabet), as well as 4 yeonhaeng gasa, 108 articles of Gwanseoakbu were examined. Plus, among the 9 types of yeonhaengrok (Documents of Performance culture) written in Chinese character, those parts which describe the performance traits have been analyzed. Then, 'main list of terminology' has been deduced based on the categorization according to the following points : 1) subjects of performance and appreciation 2) time and period of performance 3) space of performance 4) contents of performance 5) background and motive for performance and 6) method of performance. Through this process, various 'nouns' and 'predicate verbs' in relation to performance culture emerged, which were systemized according to types of performance elements and categories. Major terminology includes predicate verbs and symbolic verbs such as nokuihongsang,' 'baekdaehongjang,' 'jeolsaekgeumga,' 'cheonga,' 'hwaryu,' 'gamuja,' and 'tongsoja,' as well as the terms already known such as gisaeng, iwon, yangbang, akgong, and jeonak, which refer to musicians and dancers. Subjects of performance were divided into performers and listeners, categorized into concert, music, and dance, according to performance form. In the case for music, it was divided into instrumental or vocal, solo or accompanied (byeongju, self-accompaniment). In the case for vocal music, noteworthy was the inclusion of profesional artist's singing (called gwangdae or uchang). The record of 23 names of popular artists from Gwanseo region, with mention of special talents for each person, reflects the degree of activeness and artistic level of the province. Depending on the appreciating patrons, the audience were indicated as the terms including 'yugaek (party guest),' jwasang,' 'on jwaseok,' and 'sonnim (guests).' It seems that appraisal for a certain performance was very much affected by the tastes, views, and disposition of the appreciating patrons. Therefore it is interesting to observe different comparative reviews of concerts of different regions given by literary figures, offering various criticism on identical performance. In terms of performance space, it has been divided into natural or architectural space, doing justice to special performance sites such as a famous pavilion or an on-the-boat performance. Specific terms related to the scale and brightness of stage, as well as stage props and cast, based on descriptions of performance space were found. The performance space, including famous pavilions; Yeongwangjeong, Bubyeokru, Baeksangru, Wolparu, and Uigeomjeong, which are all well-known tourist sites of Gwanseo province, have been often visited by viceroys. governors, and envoys during a tour or trip. This, and the fact that full-scale performances were regularly held here, and that more than 15 different kinds of boats which were used for boat concert are mentioned, all confirm the general popularity of boat concerts at the time. Performance time, categorized by season or time of day (am/pm/night) and analyzed in terms of time of occurrence and duration, there were no special limitation as to when to have a performance. Most morning concerts were held as part of official duties for the envoys, after their meeting session, whereas evening concerts were more lengthy in duration, with a greater number of people in the audience. In the case of boat concert, samples include day-time concert and performances that began during the day and which lasted till later in the evening. Major terminology related to performance time and season includes descriptions of time of day (morning, evening, night) and mention of sunset, twilight, moonlight, stars, candles, and lamps. Such terms which reflect the flow of time contributed in making a concert more lively. Terminology for the contents of performance was mostly words like 'instrumental,' 'pungak,' or 'pungnyu.' Besides, contextual expressions gave hints as to whether there were dance, singing, ensemble, solo, and duets. Words for dance and singing used in Gwanseo province were almost identical to those used for gasa and jeongjae in the capital, Hanyang. However, many sentences reveal that performances of 'hangjangmu' of hongmunyeon, sword dance, and baettaragi were on a top-quality level. Moreover, chants in hanmun Chinese character and folk songs, which are characteristic for this region, show unique features of local musical performance. It is judged that understanding the purpose and background of a performance is important in grasping the foundation and continuity of local culture. Concerts were usually either related to official protocol for 'greeting,' 'sending-off,' 'reports,' and 'patrols' or for private enjoyment. The rituals for Gwanseo province characteristically features river crossing ceremony on the Daedong river, which has been closely documented by many. What is more, the Gwanseo region featured continued coming and goings of Pyeongan envoys and local officers, as well as ambassadors to and fro China, which required an organized and full-scale performance of music and dance. The method of performance varied from a large-scale, official ones, for which female entertainers and a great banquet in addition to musicians were required, to private gatherings that are more intimate. A performance may take the form of 'taking turns' or 'a competition,' reflecting the dynamic nature of the musical culture at the time. This study, which is deduction of terminology in relation to the time-space and appreciation culture of musical performances of Gwanseo region in late Joseon period, should be expanded in the future into research on 'the performance culture unique to Gwanseo region,' in relation to the financial and administrative aspects of the province, as well as everyday lifestyle. Furthermore, it could proceed to a more intensive research by a comparative study with related literary documents and pictorial data, which could serve as the foundation for understanding the use of space and stage, as well as the performance format characteristic to Korean traditional performing arts.

Composition of Federal R&D Spending, and Regional Economy : The Case of the U.S.A

  • Lee, Si-Kyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 1993
  • In this study, the significant and enduring concentration of federal R&D spending in metro-scale clusters across the nation is treated as evidence of the operation of a distinct industrial infrastructure defined by the ability of R&D performers to attract external funding and pursue the sophisticated project work demanded. It follows, then, that the agglomerative potential of these R&D concentrations -- performers and their support infrastructures -- requires a search for economic impacts guided by a different stimulative effects attributable to federal R&D spending may be that substantial subnational economic impacts are routinely obscured and diluted by research designs that seek to discover impacts either at the level of nation-scale economic aggregates or on firms or specific industries organized spatially. Therefore, this study proceeds by seeking to link the locational clustering of federal contract R&D spending to more localized economic impacts. It tests a series of models(X-IV) designed to trace federal contract R&D spending flows to economic impacts registered at the level of metro-regional economies. By shifting the focus from funding sources to recipient types and then to sector-specific impacts, the patterns of consistent results become increasingly compelling. In general, these results indicated that federal R&D spending does indeed nurture the development of an important nation-spanning advanced industrial production and R&D infrastructure anchored primarily by two dozed or so metro-regions. However, dominated as it is by a strong defense-industrial orientation, federal contract R&D spending would appear to constitute a relatively inefficient national economic development policy, at least as registered on conventional indicators. Federal contract R&D destined for the support of nondefense/civilian(Model I), nonprofit(Model II), and educational/research(Mode III) R&D agendas is associated with substantially greater regional employment and income impacts than is R&D funding disbursed by the Department of Defense. While federal R&D support from DOD(Model I) and for-profit(Model II) and industrial performer(Model III) contract R&D agendas are associated with positive regional economic impacts, they are substantially smaller than those associated with performers operating outside the defense industrial base. Moreover, evidence that the large-business sector mediates a small business sector(Model VI) justifies closer scrutiny of the relative contribution to economic growth and development made by these two sectors, as well as of the primacy typically accorded employment change as a conventional economic performance indicator. Ultimately, those regions receiving federal R&D spending have experienced measurable employment and income gains as a result. However, whether or not those gains could be improved by changing the composition -- and therefore the primary missions -- of federal R&D spending cannot be decided by merely citing evidence of its economic impacts of the kind reported here. Rather, that decision turns on a prior public choice relating to the trade-offs deemed acceptable between conventional employment and income gains, the strength of a nation's industrial base not reflected in such indicators, and the reigning conception of what constitutes national security -- military might or a competitive civilian economy.

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Classification of Gene Data Using Membership Function and Neural Network (소속 함수와 유전자 정보의 신경망을 이용한 유전자 타입의 분류)

  • Yeom, Hae-Young;Kim, Jae-Hyup;Moon, Young-Shik
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.42 no.4 s.304
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2005
  • This paper proposes a classification method for gene expression data, using membership function and neural network. The gene expression is a process to produce mRNA and protains which generate a living body, and the gene expression data is important to find out the functions and correlations of genes. Such gene expression data can be obtained from DNA 칩 massively and quickly. However, thousands of gene expression data may not be useful until it is well organized. Therefore a classification method is necessary to find the characteristics of gene data acquired from the gene expression. In the proposed method, a set of gene data is extracted according to the fisher's criterion, because we assume that selected gene data is the well-classified data sample. However, the selected gene data does not guarantee well-classified data sample and we calculate feature values using membership function to reduce the influence of outliers in gene data. Feature vectors estimated from the selected feature values are used to train back propagation neural network. The experimental results show that the clustering performance of the proposed method has been improved compared to other existing methods in various gene expression data.

Technology Acceptance Modeling based on User Experience for Autonomous Vehicles

  • Cho, Yujun;Park, Jaekyu;Park, Sungjun;Jung, Eui S.
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.87-108
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to precede the acceptance study based on automation steps and user experience that was lacked in the past study on the core technology of autonomous vehicle, ADAS. The first objective was to construct the acceptance model of ADAS technology that is the core technology, and draw factors that affect behavioral intention through user experience-based evaluation by applying driving simulator. The second one was to see the change of factors on automation step of autonomous vehicle through the UX/UA score. Background: The number of vehicles with the introduction of ADAS is increasing, and it caused change of interaction between vehicle and driver as automation is being developed on the particular drive factor. For this reason, it is becoming important to study the technology acceptance on how driver can actively accept giving up some parts of automated drive operation and handing over the authority to vehicle. Method: We organized the study model and items through literature investigation and the scenario according to the 4 stages of automation of autonomous vehicle, and preceded acceptance assessment using driving simulator. Total 68 men and woman were participated in this experiment. Results: We drew results of Performance Expectancy (PE), Social Influence (SI), Perceived Safety (PS), Anxiety (AX), Trust (T) and Affective Satisfaction (AS) as the factors that affect Behavioral Intention (BI). Also the drawn factors shows that UX/UA score has a significant difference statistically according to the automation steps of autonomous vehicle, and UX/UA tends to move up until the stage 2 of automation, and at stage 3 it goes down to the lowest level, and it increases a little or stays steady at stage 4. Conclusion and Application: First, we presented the acceptance model of ADAS that is the core technology of autonomous vehicle, and it could be the basis of the future acceptance study of the ADAS technology as it verifies through user experience-based assessment using driving simulator. Second, it could be helpful to the appropriate ADAS development in the future as drawing the change of factors and predicting the acceptance level according to the automation stages of autonomous vehicle through UX/UA score, and it could also grasp and avoid the problem that affect the acceptance level. It is possible to use these study results as tools to test validity of function before ADAS offering company launches the products. Also it will help to prevent the problems that could be caused when applying the autonomous vehicle technology, and to establish technology that is easily acceptable for drivers, so it will improve safety and convenience of drivers.

Data Congestion Control Using Drones in Clustered Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Network (클러스터된 이기종 무선 센서 네트워크에서의 드론을 이용한 데이터 혼잡 제어)

  • Kim, Tae-Rim;Song, Jong-Gyu;Im, Hyun-Jae;Kim, Bum-Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.12-19
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    • 2020
  • The clustered heterogeneous wireless sensor network is comprised of sensor nodes and cluster heads, which are hierarchically organized for different objectives. In the network, we should especially take care of managing node resources to enhance network performance based on memory and battery capacity constraints. For instances, if some interesting events occur frequently in the vicinity of particular sensor nodes, those nodes might receive massive amounts of data. Data congestion can happen due to a memory bottleneck or link disconnection at cluster heads because the remaining memory space is filled with those data. In this paper, we utilize drones as mobile sinks to resolve data congestion and model the network, sensor nodes, and cluster heads. We also design a cost function and a congestion indicator to calculate the degree of congestion. Then we propose a data congestion map index and a data congestion mapping scheme to deploy drones at optimal points. Using control variable, we explore the relationship between the degree of congestion and the number of drones to be deployed, as well as the number of drones that must be below a certain degree of congestion and within communication range. Furthermore, we show that our algorithm outperforms previous work by a minimum of 20% in terms of memory overflow.

Effectiveness of Ultrasonographic Screening for Thyroid Cancer: Round-table Conference in the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) in conjunction with the Korean Thyroid Association

  • Shin, Sangjin;Park, Sae Eun;Kim, Soo Young;Hyun, Min Kyung;Kim, Sun Wook;Kwon, Jin Won;Kim, Yeol;Kim, Won Bae;Na, Dong Gyu;Park, Hyun-Ah;Sheen, Seung Soo;Yi, Ka Hee;Chang, Hang-Seok;Cho, Jung Jin;Chung, Jae Hoon
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.5107-5110
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    • 2014
  • Background: The incidence rate of thyroid cancer has been increasing worldwide in recent years, and it is also the most prevalent cancer when it comes to the number of patients among Korean women. With it, ultrasonographic screening test has also become very common. However, there is still controversy over the performance of this screening test. Therefore, the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency (NECA) organized a Round-table Conference on the issues regarding ultrasonographic screening for thyroid cancer in Korea. The objective of the conference was mainly about delivering worthwhile information reflecting social value for the current situation, which was based on evidence surrounding thyroid cancer screening that relevant experts investigated and agreed on. The significance of this Round-table Conference lies in the fact that we reviewed the current evidence, and we were able to discuss the social value and future direction for ultrasonographic screening in Korea.