• Title/Summary/Keyword: organized performance

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Study on the Analysis of the Recognition and Improvements by Professors for the CAC(Computing Engineering Committee) (컴퓨터·정보(공)학 분야 공학교육인증제 운영성과에 대한 교수들의 인식 분석 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Han, Ji Young;Kang, So Yeon;Jeon, Ju Hyun
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed outcomes of CAC(Computing Accreditation Committee) program individually applied in the field of computing engineering since 2007, and draw improvements. Literature review through academic journals, survey research and the FGI(Focus Group Interview) were used to accomplish objectives of the study. In addition, the survey research and FGI were done for professors. For the survey research, nationally 20 out of 44 universities which operates the CAC program were investigated, and sample universities were considered by region. FGI was done to analyze the performance and problems of CAC in more detail for 6 experts. Results of the study were follows as; first, CAC program was activated through the Seoul Accord activation support business by government. Second, BSM(Basic Science and Math), engineering major and engineering design education have been strengthened compared with before and after of CAC introduction in the computing engineering field. Third, soft skills needed for students in the college of engineering have been organized in the professional general curriculum, and professors aware of improvement of ability of the students for the skills. The degree of satisfaction for the CAC program has been examined as normal level, but improvement of educational system and the overall quality enhancement of computing engineering education were affected by CAC program. Nonetheless of positive results of CAC program, incentive system for certification program graduates, the expansion of the autonomy of the department, reduction in the amount of self-evaluation report, and support of administrative human resources were suggested for taking root successfully of CAC program.

Building Hierarchical Bitmap Indices in Space Constrained Environments (저장 공간이 제약된 환경에서 계층적 비트맵 인덱스 생성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Wook
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2015
  • Since bitmap indices are useful for OLAP queries over low-cardinality data columns, they are frequently used in data warehouses. In many data warehouse applications, the domain of a column tends to be hierarchical, such as categorical data and geographical data. When the domain of a column is hierarchical, hierarchical bitmap index is able to significantly improve the performance of queries with conditions on that column. This strategy, however, has a limitation in that when a large scale hierarchy is used, building a bimamp for each distinct node leads to a large space overhead. Thus, in this paper, we introduce the way to build hierarchical bitmap index on an attribute whose domain is organized into a large-scale hierarchy in space-constrained environments. Especially, in order to figure out space overhead of hierarchical bitmap indices, we propose the cut-selection strategy which divides the entire hierarchy into two exclusive regions.

Study on Solid Propellant Grain Burn-back Analysis Using Analytical Method (Analytical Method를 이용한 고체 추진제 그레인의 Burn-back 연구)

  • Sohn, Jihyun;Jang, Jinsung;Oh, Seokhwan;Roh, Taeseong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2014
  • The grain burn-back analysis has been performed for the internal ballistics analysis code to be used for the optimal design of the space launch vehicles. The grain burn-back has been used to calculate the burning surface that is essential to the internal ballistics. The calculation of internal ballistics code used in the optimal design is repeated until satisfying the required performance through the change of the design parameter. Therefore, the burn-back method applied to the internal ballistics analysis should be easy to change the design parameter and calculation time should be short. In this study, a burn-back analysis code has been developed using the analysis method. Also, geometric parameters of the grain have been selected and organized. The developed code has been verified by comparison of results of a numerical method.

Reduction Method of Network Bandwidth Requirement for the Scalability of Multiplayer Game Server Systems (멀티플레이어 게임 서버 시스템의 규모조정을 위한 통신 대역폭 요건 감소 기법)

  • Kim, Jinhwan
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2013
  • Multiplayer games typically organized based on a client-server(CS) or peer-to-peer(PP) architecture. The CS architecture is not scalable with the number of players due to a large bandwidth requirement at the server. The PP architecture, on the other hand, introduces significant overhead for the players, as each player needs to check the consistency between its local state and the state of all other players. We then propose a method that combines the merits of CS and PP. In this method, players exchange updates with lower priority in a peer-to-peer manner but communicate directly with a central server for the other updates. As a result, the proposed method has a lower network bandwidth requirement than the server of a CS architecture and the server bandwidth bottleneck is removed. For another important issue about multiplayer games, this method always maintains state consistency among players correctly. The performance of this method is evaluated through extensive simulation experiments and analysis.

Elementary School Students' Science Learning Characteristics in the Affective Domain and It's Relationship to the Levels of Inquiry Requirement in Science Experiment Instruction (초등과학 실험 수업에서 탐구 요구 수준에 따른 초등학교 학생의 정의적 영역 학습의 특성)

  • Kim, Bun-Sook;Lim, Chae-Seong;Kim, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.396-406
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    • 2006
  • In this study, elementary school students' science learning characteristics together with the levels of inquiry requirement in elementary school science experiment instruction were investigated in terms of the affective domain. We divided seventy-three students of the fifth ade into two groups according to the levels of inquiry requirement. After each instruction had been implemented, the characteristics of the students' learning in terms of the affective domain were compared and analyzed within the context of the levels of inquiry requirement. There were no significant differences between Level 1(LL) and Level 2(HL) groups in terms of the affective characteristics. These results may be caused by the burden imposed by the difficulty in thinking through and setting up the experimental methods. However, the HL group students' levels of interest in science experiments was higher than that of the LL group. In conclusion, the HL instruction contributed little to the improvement of affective characteristics. Some possible reasons might be that students felt difficulties with the somewhat unfamiliar instructions which required them to design and perform experiments. Higher levels of interest in science experiments amongst HL students' implies that well-organized and continuous exercises involving the design and performance of experiments could improve students' scientific affective characteristics.

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A Non-Incremental Hierarchical Conference Organization Using Shortest Distance Terminal (최단 거리 단말기를 이용하는 비점진적 계층 회의 구성 방법)

  • Lee, Keonbae
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.248-254
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    • 2014
  • The hierarchical conference causes the data delay because the exchanged data between terminals in the conference go through the hierarchical structure. In this paper, we propose an algorithm which minimizes the average path distance between terminals in a non-incremental hierarchical conference, and which considers the computing resource. For terminals which want to join the ongoing hierarchical conference, our algorithm selects terminals that the new connection is possible among terminals in the conference with the computing resource consideration. Then, after all distance values between the selected terminals and terminals which want to join the ongoing hierarchical conference are computed, and the terminal-pair which have minimum distance value is selected, the ongoing hierarchical conference is extended with a connection of the terminal-pair which consists of a terminal among selected terminals and other terminal among terminals which want to join the ongoing hierarchical conference. This continues until all terminals are included in the conference. As the experimental results with the proposed non-incremental scheme, the hierarchical conference can be organized with 24% better performance than the earlier incremental scheme on the basis of average path distance between terminals.

Deterioration Characteristics through Evaluating the Level of Deterioration of High-rise and High-density Apartments (고층고밀 아파트단지의 노후특성 평가 연구 - 1기 신도시 중 분당신도시의 아파트단지를 대상으로 -)

  • Cho, Sung-Heui;Lee, Tae-Kyung;Oh, Deog-Seong
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this research is to determine the deterioration characteristics of high-rise and high-density apartment complexes in 1st period new towns in order to regenerate apartments as sustainable residential environments in Korea. For this purpose, the level of deterioration was evaluated by using 'evaluating indicators of the level of deterioration of high-rise and high-density apartments'. The deterioration characteristics were determined inclusively and concretely based on evaluation results. In addition, the deterioration level according to residents' awareness of the deterioration of their apartment was evaluated. This study was conducted by methods of field data collection, staff interview, field measurement, and resident survey according to the measurement of the evaluating indicators. And the re-organized questionnaire based on the evaluating indicators was utilized for a survey of resident's awareness. The results are as follows: In the physical dimensions of apartments, the deterioration characteristics included deteriorated equipment and a decline in structural performance due to the aging of the apartment, a shortage of parking spaces, and the low flexibility of the bearing wall structure, etc. In terms of the social dimensions, the apartments showed an increase in the number of elderly households, a shortage of community facilities, and a lack of the opportunity for community participation etc. In terms of the economic dimensions, the apartments showed limitations in maintenance & repair and a lack of environmentally friendly features.

A Study on the Performance Assessment of PHWR Containment Building (가압중수형 원전 격납건물의 성능평가에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hong-Pyo;Jang, Jung-Bum
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2011
  • Recently, international collaborative research which was organized at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre in India, was conducted to develop for pressure capacity and nonlinear behavior of PHWR 1/4 scale nuclear containment building between experimental test and numerical code. In this paper, a nonlinear finite element analysis was carried out in order to predict ultimate pressure capacity and nonlinear behavior of the 1/4 scale containment building. The 1/4 scale containment building is consisted of basemat, cylinder wall, dome and 4-buttress. For the finite element analysis, commercial program ABAQUS was used. Finite element models including concrete, rebar and tendon have been developed for assessment of ultimate pressure capacity and failure mode for nuclear containment building. From the analysis results, first crack of the concrete, the yielding of the rebar and ultimate capacity pressure occurred at $1.6P_d$(design pressure), $3.36P_d$ and $4.0P_d$, respectively.

A Study on Tangible Gesture Interface Prototype Development of the Quiz Game (퀴즈게임의 체감형 제스처 인터페이스 프로토타입 개발)

  • Ahn, Jung-Ho;Ko, Jae-Pil
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2012
  • This paper introduce a quiz game contents based on gesture interface. We analyzed the off-line quiz games, extracted its presiding components, and digitalized them so that the proposed game contents is able to substitute for the off-line quiz games. We used the Kinect camera to obtain the depth images and performed the preprocessing including vertical human segmentation, head detection and tracking and hand detection, and gesture recognition for hand-up, hand vertical movement, fist shape, pass and fist-and-attraction. Especially, we defined the interface gestures designed as a metaphor for natural gestures in real world so that users are able to feel abstract concept of movement, selection and confirmation tangibly. Compared to our previous work, we added the card compensation process for completeness, improved the vertical hand movement and the fist shape recognition methods for the example selection and presented an organized test to measure the recognition performance. The implemented quiz application program was tested in real time and showed very satisfactory gesture recognition results.

A Systematic Review on the Certified Geriatric Pharmacist Program of the U.S.: Certification, Education and Outcomes (미국의 노인전문약사 제도에 대한 체계적 고찰: 인증, 교육 및 성과)

  • Nam, Hye Yeon;Cho, Eun
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2014
  • Background: As elderly population has been increasing, pharmacists need to possess special knowledge and skills to provide enhanced pharmaceutical care for senior patients. Purpose: This study aims to systematically review on (1) the certified geriatric pharmacists (CGP) system, (2) the curriculum related to geriatric pharmacy education, and (3) the CGP's performance in terms of clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes in the U.S. Method: The information related to CGP system and curriculum was obtained through the official websites of 'American Society of Consultant Pharmacists', 'Commission for Certification in Geriatric Pharmacy' and the selected pharmacy school samples. Articles about on the outcomes of pharmacist-provided cognitive services including Medication Therapy Management were searched through PubMed. Results: To gain the CGP credential, pharmacists need 2-year experience as pharmacist in advance and take the CGP examination. This certification must be renewed every 5 year. Most pharmacy schools provide geriatric-related curriculum through didactic or pharmacy practice classes for pharmacy students and certificate or dual degree in gerontology are given on completion. Most previous outcomes research reported that pharmacists have played a role in yielding favorable results regarding clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes for nursing facilities, hospitals and community pharmacy settings. Conclusion: Considering the organized CGP certification system and concrete educational courses established the basis for pharmacists to exert their ability for senior patients of the U.S., it is suggested to build a geriatric pharmacist credential model for pharmacists to provide the increasing elderly patients with the requisite safe and effective pharmacy care in Korea.