• Title/Summary/Keyword: online structural identification

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Identification of the Structural Relationship between Goal Orientation, Teaching Presence, Approaches to Learning, Satisfaction and Academic Achievement of Online Continuing Education Learners (원격평생교육 학습자의 목표지향성, 교수실재감, 학습접근방식, 만족도 및 학업성취도 간의 구조적 관계 규명)

  • Joo, YoungJu;Chung, Aekyung;Choi, Miran
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the structural relationships among goal orientation, teaching presence, approaches to leaning, satisfaction and academic achievement. For this study, the web survey was administered to 235 learners who participated in distance lifelong education centers of A, B, and C university in South Korea. Structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis was conducted in order to examine the causal relationships among the variables. The results indicated that first, mastery-approach goal and teaching presence had positive effects on deep approach. Second, mastery-approach goal showed negative effects on surface approach, while teaching presence did not. Third, deep approach had positive effects on satisfaction, Fourth, surface approach had negative effects on satisfaction. Fifth, deep approach showed positive effects. Last, surface approach showed negative effects on academic achievement. Based on the result of the research, the study propose the constructive foundation for providing strategies raising the satisfaction and academic achievement in distance life-long education.

Determinants of Sustainable Fashion Consumption in China - Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior - (중국소비자의 지속가능 패션 소비 결정요인 연구 - 계획된 행동이론을 중심으로 -)

  • HU, XINYU;Jeong, So Won;Kim, Eunhye;Lee, Jin-Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.458-468
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    • 2021
  • In the context of Sustainable development, China, the world's second-largest apparel market, is also concerned about the environmental impact of fiber waste. Currently, there is a great interest in sustainable fashion in both supply and demand in China. Based on the theory of planned behavior(TPB), the determinants of sustainable fashion consumption(SFC) of Chinese consumers were evaluated in this study: man-nature orientation(MNO) and environmental knowledge(EK) as motivation and perceived online-store accessibility(POA) and perceived money availability(PMA) as barriers. Wenjuanxing, a Chinese professional survey collection agency, conducted an online survey of millennials in Shanghai, China. The final sample size for the survey was 215. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was employed to test the proposed hypotheses. The results indicated that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control significantly affected the purchase intention towards sustainable fashion products. MNO and EK influenced the attitude, whereas EK, POA, and PMA influenced perceived behavioral control. This study contributes to the TPB literature through the examination of four antecedents: MNO, EK, POA, and PMA. The findings provide valuable insights for retailers and markets based on the identification of the motivations and barriers that enhance the purchasing intention of Chinese millennials toward SFC.

CSR Expectation from Fashion Firms and its Impact on Brand Equity (패션기업에 대한 CSR기대와 브랜드 자산에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn, Soo-Kyoung;Ryou, Eunjeong
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2013
  • This study explores the ideal corporate social responsibility(CSR) that fashion consumers expect from a fashion firm in the identification of dimensions and levels of consumer expectations as well as examines the impact of CSR expectations on customer-base brand equity. The data of 315 adults were collected through a nationwide online survey. In order to analyze the data, this study employed Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), paired t-test, structural equation modeling(SEM), and descriptive analysis. This study first identified seven fashion CSR expectations (environmental, ethical, social, internal management, philanthropic, economic, and legal expectations). Internal management and environmental activities were highly expected from fashion firms; however, economic activity was low in expectations. Five models separately tested the relationship between CSR expectations and brand equity (trustworthiness, attachment, performance, social image, and value). Economic, environmental, internal management, social and ethical CSR expectations influenced customer-based brand equity; however, philanthropic and legal expectations did not influence any dimension of customer-based brand equity. This study provides a framework of ideal CSR from a consumer perspective and suggests that fashion marketers should focus on economic, environmental, internal management, social and ethical CSR activities to meet the expect Haitians of fashion consumers and build stronger brand equity.

Multiscale features and information extraction of online strain for long-span bridges

  • Wu, Baijian;Li, Zhaoxia;Chan, Tommy H.T.;Wang, Ying
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.679-697
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    • 2014
  • The strain data acquired from structural health monitoring (SHM) systems play an important role in the state monitoring and damage identification of bridges. Due to the environmental complexity of civil structures, a better understanding of the actual strain data will help filling the gap between theoretical/laboratorial results and practical application. In the study, the multi-scale features of strain response are first revealed after abundant investigations on the actual data from two typical long-span bridges. Results show that, strain types at the three typical temporal scales of $10^5$, $10^2$ and $10^0$ sec are caused by temperature change, trains and heavy trucks, and have their respective cut-off frequency in the order of $10^{-2}$, $10^{-1}$ and $10^0$ Hz. Multi-resolution analysis and wavelet shrinkage are applied for separating and extracting these strain types. During the above process, two methods for determining thresholds are introduced. The excellent ability of wavelet transform on simultaneously time-frequency analysis leads to an effective information extraction. After extraction, the strain data will be compressed at an attractive ratio. This research may contribute to a further understanding of actual strain data of long-span bridges; also, the proposed extracting methodology is applicable on actual SHM systems.

The Effects of Metaverse Related Self-determination on Intention to Continuous Use Through Intrinsic Motivation: Moderating Effect of Member Trust (메타버스 관련 자기결정성이 내적 동기를 통해 지속적 이용 의도에 미치는 영향: 구성원 신뢰의 조절 효과)

  • Hwang, Inho
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.79-103
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    • 2022
  • COVID-19 is forcing people to minimize face-to-face networking activities between members of society, and they are increasing their use of online platforms. In particular, interest in the metaverse, a virtual community with enhanced realism, is growing. Specifically, this study suggests a mechanism to improve the intention to continuous use of metaverse users by using the self-determination theory, and confirms that trust between metaverse members moderates the relationship between self-determination and intrinsic motivation. We obtained 353 samples through a questionnaire targeting those who have used metaverse and verified the hypothesis through structural equation modeling. As a result of the analysis, individual self-determination of the metaverse formed intrinsic motivation such as identification and enjoyment, which affected the intention to continue use, and the trust of metaverse members partially moderated the relationship between self-determination and motivation. The result contributes to the sustainability of the metaverse platform by suggesting an approach to users and the environment to improve the intention of continuous use of metaverse.

SHM data anomaly classification using machine learning strategies: A comparative study

  • Chou, Jau-Yu;Fu, Yuguang;Huang, Shieh-Kung;Chang, Chia-Ming
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.77-91
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    • 2022
  • Various monitoring systems have been implemented in civil infrastructure to ensure structural safety and integrity. In long-term monitoring, these systems generate a large amount of data, where anomalies are not unusual and can pose unique challenges for structural health monitoring applications, such as system identification and damage detection. Therefore, developing efficient techniques is quite essential to recognize the anomalies in monitoring data. In this study, several machine learning techniques are explored and implemented to detect and classify various types of data anomalies. A field dataset, which consists of one month long acceleration data obtained from a long-span cable-stayed bridge in China, is employed to examine the machine learning techniques for automated data anomaly detection. These techniques include the statistic-based pattern recognition network, spectrogram-based convolutional neural network, image-based time history convolutional neural network, image-based time-frequency hybrid convolution neural network (GoogLeNet), and proposed ensemble neural network model. The ensemble model deliberately combines different machine learning models to enhance anomaly classification performance. The results show that all these techniques can successfully detect and classify six types of data anomalies (i.e., missing, minor, outlier, square, trend, drift). Moreover, both image-based time history convolutional neural network and GoogLeNet are further investigated for the capability of autonomous online anomaly classification and found to effectively classify anomalies with decent performance. As seen in comparison with accuracy, the proposed ensemble neural network model outperforms the other three machine learning techniques. This study also evaluates the proposed ensemble neural network model to a blind test dataset. As found in the results, this ensemble model is effective for data anomaly detection and applicable for the signal characteristics changing over time.

The Relationships among Social Influence, Use-Diffusion, Continued Usage and Brand Switching Intention of Mobile Services (사회적 영향력과 모바일 서비스의 사용-확산, 그리고 지속적 사용 및 상표 전환의도 간의 관계에 대한 연구)

  • Sang-Hoon Kim;Hyun Jung Park;Bang-Hyung Lee
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2010
  • Typically, marketing literature on innovation diffusion has focused on the pre-adoption process and only a few studies explicitly examined consumers' post-adoption behavior of innovative mobile services. Besides, prior use diffusion research has considered the variables that determine the consumers' initial adoption in explaining the post adoption usage behavior. However, behavioral sciences and individual psychology suggest that social influences are a potentially important determinant of usage behavior as well. The purpose of this study is to investigate into the effects of network factor and brand identification as social influences on the consumers' use diffusion or continued usage intention of a mobile service. Network factor designates consumer perception of the usefulness of a network, which embraces the concept of network externality and that of critical mass. Brand identification captures distinct aspects of social influence on technology acceptance that is not captured by subjective norm in situations where the technology use is voluntary. Additionally, this study explores the effect of the use diffusion on the brand switching intention, a generally unexplored form of post-adoption behavior. There are only a few empirical studies in the literature addressing the issue of IT user switching. In this study, the use diffusion comprises of rate of use and variety of use. The research hypotheses are as follows; H1. Network factor will have a positive influence on the rate of use of mobile services. H2. Network factor will have a positive influence on variety of use of mobile services. H3. Network factor will have a positive influence on continued usage intention. H4. Brand identification will have a positive influence on the rate of use. H5. Brand identification will have a positive influence on variety of use. H6. Brand identification will have a positive influence on continued usage intention. H7. Rate of use of mobile services are positively related to continued usage intention. H8. Variety of Use of mobile services are positively related to continued usage intention. H9. Rate of use of mobile services are negatively related to brand switching intention. H10. Variety of Use of mobile services are negatively related to brand switching intention. With the assistance of a marketing service company, a total of 1023 questionnaires from an online survey were collected. The survey was conducted only on those who have received or given a mobile service called "Gifticon". Those who answered insincerely were excluded from the analysis, so we had 936 observations available for a further stage of data analysis. We used structural equation modeling and overall fit was good enough (CFI=0.933, TLI=0.903, RMSEA=0.081). The results show that network factor and brand identification significantly increase the rate of use. But only brand identification increases variety of use. Also, network factor, brand identification and the use diffusion are positively related to continued usage intention. But the hypotheses that the use diffusion are positively related to brand switching intention were rejected. This result implies that continued usage intention cannot guarantee reducing brand switching intention.

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Analysis of the Landscape Characteristics of Island Tourist Site Using Big Data - Based on Bakji and Banwol-do, Shinan-gun - (빅데이터를 활용한 섬 관광지의 경관 특성 분석 - 신안군 박지·반월도를 대상으로 -)

  • Do, Jee-Yoon;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.61-73
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    • 2021
  • This study aimed to identify the landscape perception and landscape characteristics of users by utilizing SNS data generated by their experiences. Therefore, how to recognize the main places and scenery appearing on the island, and what are the characteristics of the main scenery were analyzed using online text data and photo data. Text data are text mining and network structural analysis, while photographic data are landscape identification models and color analysis. As a result of the study, First, as a result of frequency analysis of Bakji·Banwol-do topics, we were able to derive keywords for local landscapes such as 'Purple Bridge', 'Doori Village', and location, behavior, and landscape images by analyzing them simultaneously. Second, the network structure analysis showed that the connection between key and undrawn keywords could be more specifically analyzed, indicating that creating landscapes using colors is affecting regional activation. Third, after analyzing the landscape identification model, it was found that artificial elements would be excluded to create preferred landscapes using the main targets of "Purple Bridge" and "Doori Village", and that it would be effective to set a view point of the sea and sky. Fourth, Bakji·Banwol-do were the first islands to be created under the theme of color, and the colors used in artificial facilities were similar to the surrounding environment, and were harmonized with contrasting lighting and saturation values. This study used online data uploaded directly by visitors in the landscape field to identify users' perceptions and objects of the landscape. Furthermore, the use of both text and photographic data to identify landscape recognition and characteristics is significant in that they can specifically identify which landscape and resources they prefer and perceive. In addition, the use of quantitative big data analysis and qualitative landscape identification models in identifying visitors' perceptions of local landscapes will help them understand the landscape more specifically through discussions based on results.

The Role of Control Transparency and Outcome Feedback on Security Protection in Online Banking (계좌 이용 과정과 결과의 투명성이 온라인 뱅킹 이용자의 보안 인식에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Un-Kon;Choi, Ji Eun;Lee, Ho Geun
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.75-97
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    • 2012
  • Fostering trusting belief in financial transactions is a challenging task in Internet banking services. Authenticated Certificate had been regarded as an effective method to guarantee the trusting belief for online transactions. However, previous research claimed that this method has some loopholes for such abusers as hackers, who intend to attack the financial accounts of innocent transactors in Internet. Two types of methods have been suggested as alternatives for securing user identification and activity in online financial services. Control transparency uses information over the transaction process to verify and to control the transactions. Outcome feedback, which refers to the specific information about exchange outcomes, provides information over final transaction results. By using these two methods, financial service providers can send signals to involved parties about the robustness of their security mechanisms. These two methods-control transparency and outcome feedback-have been widely used in the IS field to enhance the quality of IS services. In this research, we intend to verify that these two methods can also be used to reduce risks and to increase the security protections in online banking services. The purpose of this paper is to empirically test the effects of the control transparency and the outcome feedback on the risk perceptions in Internet banking services. Our assumption is that these two methods-control transparency and outcome feedback-can reduce perceived risks involved with online financial transactions, while increasing perceived trust over financial service providers. These changes in user attitudes can increase the level of user satisfactions, which may lead to the increased user loyalty as well as users' willingness to pay for the financial transactions. Previous research in IS suggested that the increased level of transparency on the process and the result of transactions can enhance the information quality and decision quality of IS users. Transparency helps IS users to acquire the information needed to control the transaction counterpart and thus to complete transaction successfully. It is also argued that transparency can reduce the perceived transaction risks in IS usage. Many IS researchers also argued that the trust can be generated by the institutional mechanisms. Trusting belief refers to the truster's belief for the trustee to have attributes for being beneficial to the truster. Institution-based trust plays an important role to enhance the probability of achieving a successful outcome. When a transactor regards the conditions crucial for the transaction success, he or she considers the condition providers as trustful, and thus eventually trust the others involved with such condition providers. In this process, transparency helps the transactor complete the transaction successfully. Through the investigation of these studies, we expect that the control transparency and outcome feedback can reduce the risk perception on transaction and enhance the trust with the service provider. Based on a theoretical framework of transparency and institution-based trust, we propose and test a research model by evaluating research hypotheses. We have conducted a laboratory experiment in order to validate our research model. Since the transparency artifact(control transparency and outcome feedback) is not yet adopted in online banking services, the general survey method could not be employed to verify our research model. We collected data from 138 experiment subjects who had experiences with online banking services. PLS is used to analyze the experiment data. The measurement model confirms that our data set has appropriate convergent and discriminant validity. The results of testing the structural model indicate that control transparency significantly enhances the trust and significantly reduces the risk perception of online banking users. The result also suggested that the outcome feedback significantly enhances the trust of users. We have found that the reduced risk and the increased trust level significantly improve the level of service satisfaction. The increased satisfaction finally leads to the increased loyalty and willingness to pay for the financial services.

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Effects of Perceived Control upon Role Performances among Healthcare Service Customers

  • Lee, Jung-Ki
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.19-34
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to examine whether a psychological concept enhances healthcare users' service experience. Specifically, the study proposes and empirically examines a model of perceived control in which the user's sense of control is postulated as exerting positive influences upon his/her motivation, self-efficacy associated with his/her role as a patient, and satisfaction with his/her medical service experience. Methodology - Data were collected by a professional research company, using an online survey method. Participants of the study included adults nineteen years or older who had visited a medical service institute at least once during the previous one-year period. For the test of the research hypotheses, structural equation modeling using AMOS was used. Findings - Findings of this study denote a unique insight into the users' comprehension of medical service experiences and their behaviors. First, the concept of perceived control is identified as a factor that enhances the quality of individuals' medical service experiences. A sense of control directly influences medical users' self-efficacy to comply with doctor's recommendations, their motivation to comply with doctor's recommendations, and their satisfaction with the medical service experience. Second, one's perceived self-efficacy is found to exert positive influences upon both motivation and satisfaction. Third, one's motivation to comply with the doctor's recommendation is found to exert a positive influence upon one's satisfaction. Additionally, perceived control is found to exert an indirect influence upon medical service users' satisfaction through the mediation of both self-efficacy and motivation. Research Implications - The findings of the study support the notion that perception of control among medial service users enhances their service experience as patients. The main thrust of this study suggests that it is necessary for healthcare practitioners to consider implementing service encounter strategies that purposefully enhance the sense of control among their patients. The identification of significant inter-relationships among perceived control, motivation, self-efficacy, and satisfaction among medical service customers should also serve as a meaningful seed for further research pursuits.