• Title/Summary/Keyword: one-way function.

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Effects of Whole Body Vibration Exercise on the Pulmonary Function, Gait Ability and Quality of Life of Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (전신진동자극이 중증의 만성폐쇄폐질환 환자의 폐기능과 보행능력 및 삶의 질에 미치는 영향)

  • Kang, Jeong-Il;Jeong, Dae-Keun;Park, Jun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2021
  • PURPOSE: This study aimed to provide supporting data for the clinical use of breathing exercise with a WBV stimulation as a sustained and safe intervention program, by examining the effect of breathing exercise with WBV stimulation on the pulmonary function, gait ability, and life quality in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who have difficulty performing exercise. METHODS: For this study, after collecting the samples from 20 patients with severe COPD, they were placed randomly in an experimental group to perform breathing exercises with a WBV stimulation (n = 10) and a control group to perform breathing exercises only (n=10). Before the intervention, pulmonary function, six-minute gait distance, and health-related life quality were measured as pre-tests. After applying the intervention program to the patients for 30 minutes once a day, for four days a week, for six weeks, the post-test items were remeasured in the same way as the pre-tests, and the results were analyzed. RESULTS: In the within-group comparison, both the experimental and control groups showed significant differences in the forced expiratory volume in one second, six-minute gait distance, and health-related life quality (p < .01) (p < .05). In the intergroup comparison, there were significant differences in the forced expiratory volume in one second and the six-minute gait distance (p < .05). CONCLUSION: WBV stimulation was more effective for the patients by improving the muscular strength and muscular endurance through the reflexive contraction of muscles, and increasing the exercise tolerance. This result could serve as an alternative means to clinically improve the physical function of patients with severe COPD, who have difficulty performing breathing exercises in the future.

Aesthetic Symbolism in Lewis Mumford's Architectural Criticism (루이스 멈퍼드의 건축비평에서 미적 상징의 문제)

  • Seo, Jeongi
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2017
  • One of the essential characteristics of Lewis Mumford's architectural criticism is the coherent emphasis on symbolism. Such emphasis stems from his understanding of city and humanity in the context of civilization: first, that the architecture symbolizes institutions of urban civilization; second, that the technical aspect of human nature should be balanced with its artistic aspects. Mumford believed that each architectural type requires an appropriate symbolic expression corresponding to its purpose and that a new symbolic expression, in a new cultural context, should replace the conventional expression. He took symbolism for an intuitional expression, and read multi-layered meanings of architecture: 'practical function' by way of rational reason and 'symbolic function' by way of intuition. He pursued a balance between practicality and beauty to rectify the situation of modern civilization, in which symbolism, the expression of its intuitional aspect, is in crisis. Ultimately, for Mumford, the essential task of architectural critic is of the interpretation of symbolism, aiming at the correspondence and communication between the architect(artist)'s intuition and critic(interpreter)'s via the media of symbol. The critic can play some privileged role of interpreting even symbols unintended by the architect. The ideal architectural critic, after all, would be the one who is able to understand the city, technology and human beings in the perspective of civilization and to interpret the architect's artistic expression in its highest form through intuition. Mumford established himself as such a critic and evaluated the status of aesthetic accomplishment of his contemporary architecture and technological civilization, giving emphasis on the artistic practice in architecture as a solution.

Development of Digital Watermarking Technology to Protect Cadastral Map Information

  • Kim, Jung-Yeop;Lee, Hyun-Joon;Hong, Sung-Eon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2010
  • This research aimed to prevent illegal distribution and reproduction of digital cadastral map information using digital watermarking. To this end, a digital watermarking was developed in consideration of the properties of cadastral maps and based on watermarking methods, after which its performance was evaluated. A watermark key and a one-way function was used to compensate for the algorithm and, therefore, watermarking security, based on the existing research results. In these ways, the present method meets the requirements for fidelity, robustness, false positive rate and the maintenance of consistent topology. The advanced techniques suggested in this paper were devised so as to be suitable for vector data such as GIS and navigation data as well as cadastral maps. Moreover, if the existing methodology is further improved, it could be expected to be used even more widely.

Application and Evaluation of Vector Map Watermarking Algorithm for Robustness Enhancement (강인성 향상을 위한 벡터 맵 워터마킹 알고리즘의 적용과 평가)

  • Won, Sung Min;Park, Soo Hong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.31-43
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    • 2013
  • Although the vector map data possesses much higher values than other types of multimedia, the data copyright and the protection against illegal duplication are still far away from the attention. This paper proposes a novel watermarking technique which is both robust to diverse attacks and optimized to a vector map structure. Six approaches are proposed for the design of the watermarking algorithm: point-based approach, building a minimum perimeter triangle, watermark embedding in the length ratio, referencing to the pixel position of the watermark image, grouping, and using the one-way function. Our method preserves the characteristics of watermarking such as embedding effectiveness, fidelity, and false positive rate, while maintaining robustness to all types of attack except a noise attack. Furthermore, our method is a blind scheme in which robustness is independent of the map data. Finally, our method provides a solution to the challenging issue of degraded robustness under severe simplification attacks.

The Importance and function of Cyber Psychology (사이버 심리의 중요성과 역할)

  • Choi Moon-Hee
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2005
  • Cyberspace is on its way to experience dynamic change, hereby encompassing technical and social diversities and multiplicities. The internet, with a history of no more than 10 years, has drastically changed the way, meaning and conduct of our lives, the structure and function of society and communication. Even in psychology, in which the purpose is to scientifically look into the human mind and explore its behavior, the in-depth inquiry into the human behavior and psychological features of the cyberspace have become an increasingly important issue. Research suggests that psychological features and concepts brought about during the process of communication in cyberspace have been influenced by the digital mode following the analogue one, and by the online mode following the off line one. It also suggests that, with new issues peculiar to information society, cultural structures should be re-conceptualized, reconstructed and reevaluated in various fields. This approach to the changing role, meaning and style within society should be rearranged and referred to as cyber psychology.

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An Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Health Information Push Service Based on Indoor Location in Hospital (병원 실내 위치기반 의료정보 푸쉬 서비스를 위한 익명 인증 스킴)

  • Ahn, Hae-Soon;Yoon, Eun-Jun;Nam, In-Gil
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.37 no.5C
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    • pp.410-419
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    • 2012
  • This paper proposes a secure and efficient anonymous authentication scheme for health information push service based on indoor location in hospital. The proposed scheme has the following benefits: (1)It is just based on a secure one-way hash function for avoiding complex computations for both health care operations users and health care centers. (2)It does not require sensitive verification table which may cause health care centers to become an attractive target for numerous attacks(e.g., insertion attacks and stolen-verifier attacks), (3)It provides higher security level (e.g., secure mutual authentication and key establishment, confidential communication, user's privacy, simple key management, and session key independence). As result, the proposed scheme is very suitable for various location-based medical information service environments using lightweight-device(e.g., smartphone) because of very low computation overload on the part of both health care operations users and health care centers.

Challenge-Response Based Secure RFID Authentication Protocol for Distributed Database Environment (분산 데이터베이스 환경에 적합한 Challenge-Response 기반의 안전한 RFID 인증 프로토콜)

  • Rhee Keun-Woo;Oh Dong-Kyu;Kwak Jin;Oh Soo-Hyun;Kim Seung-Joo;Won Dong-Ho
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.12C no.3 s.99
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    • pp.309-316
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    • 2005
  • Recently, RFID system is a main technology to realize ubiquitous computing environments, but the feature of the RFID system may bring about various privacy problem. So, many kinds of protocols To resolve this problem are researched. In this paper, we analyse the privacy problem of the previous methods and propose more secure and effective authentication protocol to protect user's privacy. Then we prove that the proposed protocol is secure and effective as we compare the proposed protocol with previous methods. The proposed protocol is based on Challenge-Response using one-way hash function and random number. The proposed protocol is secure against replay attack, spoofing attack and so on. In addition, the proposed protocol is proper for distributed database environment.

An RFID Distance Bounding Protocol Based on Cryptographic Puzzles Providing Strong Privacy and Computational Efficiency (강한 프라이버시와 연산 효율성을 제공하는 암호 퍼즐 기반 RFID 경계 결정 프로토콜)

  • Ahn, Hae-Soon;Yoon, Eun-Jun;Nam, In-Gil
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.19C no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2012
  • In 2010, Pedro et al. proposed RFID distance bounding protocol based on WSBC cryptographic puzzle. This paper points out that Pedro et al.'s protocol not only is vulnerable to tag privacy invasion attack and location tracking attack because an attacker can easily obtain the secret key(ID) of a legal tag from the intercepted messages between the reader and the tag, but also requires heavy computation by performing symmetric key operations of the resource limited passive tag and many communication rounds between the reader and the tag. Moreover, to resolve the security weakness and the computation/communication efficiency problems, this paper also present a new RFID distance bounding protocol based on WSBC cryptographic puzzle that can provide strong security and high efficiency. As a result, the proposed protocol not only provides computational and communicational efficiency because it requires secure one-way hash function for the passive tag and it reduces communication rounds, but also provides strong security because both tag and reader use secure one-way hash function to protect their exchanging messages.

Design and Implementation of ICT Ethics Behaviour Test System (정보통신윤리태도검사 시스템 설계 및 개발)

  • Baek, Hyeun-Ki;Ha, Tai-Hyun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.139-147
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    • 2008
  • It is difficult to prevent and solve the contrary function of informationized society by a coercive or physical way. It is believed that a systematic education, teachers, experts, parents and students of schools are to be united as one to put every effort on preventing the contrary function of informationized society. In this study, ICT ethics behaviour test system has been designed and implemented with the aim of setting up an appropriate sense of values and cultivating ICT ethics index of juveniles. ICT ethics behaviour test system developed is to meet the contrary function of informationized society actively so the system should prevent the negative phenomenon derived from it. And it is expected to help the system build up the ability of keeping and developing the primary function of informationized society.

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MEAC Method for Analysis of Power System Stability Improving Effect Considering Run-up SPS Function of HVDC (MEAC를 적용한 HVDC Run-up SPS의 안정도향상 효과분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Gul;Song, Ji-Young;Jang, Gil-Soo
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.66 no.10
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    • pp.1454-1459
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    • 2017
  • In spite of continuous increase of electric power demand and new generation plants, it is very difficult to install new transmission line. Therefore, it comes to be difficult to operate the power system stable, so it is required to find another way to get new transmission capacity. Because HVDC transmission system installation is the one of the best option for us, we have undertake the HVDC project in mainland. Buckdangjin-Goduck HVDC project(500kV, 3GW) is currently under construction and Eastern Power HVDC project(500kV, 8GW) is under the study for technical specification. Both of them have the Run-up SPS function for taking action of 765kV Transmission line fault. The Run-up SPS function increases the active power output of the HVDC rapidly when the transmission line between the power plant and network is tripped, thereby preventing the generator from overspeed and improving the power system stability. In this paper, we propose MEAC(Modified Equal Area Criteria) method based on traditional EAC method to quantitatively evaluate the effect of the HVDC run-up SPS function on the power system stability improvement.