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Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Solid and Papillary Neoplasm of the Pancreas -Report of a Case- (췌장의 고형성 유두상 암종의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견)

  • Cho, Mee-Yon;Lee, Kwang-Gil;Lee, Kyi-Beom;Jeong, Hyeun-Joo;Jung, Woo-Hee
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 1990
  • We present the cytologic features of a case of solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas. Cytologically, the tumor was composed of a monotonous population of polygonal cells containing eccentrically located round nuclei with one or two distinct small nucleoli and a finely stippled chromatin pattern. The tumor cells were similar to those of the islet cell tumor and showed isolated loosely aggregated and solid sheets or large cell clumps. The large cell clumps revealed a branching papillary structure containing fibrovascular central core, which is characteristic histologic feature of solid and papillary neoplasm of the pancreas. This case was confirmed by tissue examination including histochemical, immunohistochemical and electron microscopical studies. Ultrastructurally, the tumor cells contained a few membrane- bound electron dense granules.

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An Efficient Hardware Implementation of AES-based CCM Protocol for IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security (IEEE 802.11i 보안용 AES 기반 CCM 프로토콜의 효율적인 하드웨어로 구현)

  • Hwang, Seok-Ki;Lee, Jin-Woo;Kim, Chay-Hyeun;Song, You-Su;Shin, Kyung-Wook
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.591-594
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a design of AES-based CCM Protocol for IEEE 802.11i Wireless LAN Security. The CCMP core is designed with 128-bit data path and iterative structyre which uses 1 clock cycle per round operation. To maximize its performance, two AES cores are used, one is for counter mode for data confidentiality and the other is for CBC(Cipher Block Chaining) mode for authentication and data integrity. The S-box that requires the largest hardware in AES core is implemented using composite field arithmetic, and the gate count is reduced by about 23% compared with conventional LUT-based design. The CCMP core designed in Verilog-HDL has 35,013 gates, and the estimated throughput is about 768Mbps at 66-MHz clock frequency.

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Towards Conservation of Threatened Ceropegia Species Endemic to a Biodiversity Hotspot: In Vitro Microtuber Production and Proliferation, a Novel Strategy

  • Pandit, Sagar Subhash;Nair, Aneeshkumar;Naik, Dhiraj Dilip
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2008
  • Twenty-eight of 44 Indian Ceropegia species are endemic and their survival is threatened. As a step towards conservation, we implied in vitro methods for the sustainable propagule production in C. hirsuta, C. lawii, C. maccannii, C. oculata and C. sahyadrica. Effects of explant, growth regulators, sucrose and photoperiod were studied. High frequency microtuber production was achieved with the seedling-apical buds, grown on MS medium containing 4-6 mg $1^{-1}$ BAP, 3-8% (w/v) sucrose, under continuous illumination. Each microtuber, when subcultured proliferated to form a cluster of secondary microtubers. Every primary and secondary microtuber bore at least one shoot-bud and a root primordium. Each tuber (formed with any of the significantly effective treatments) weighed more than 500 mg, enough to plant directly in non-sterilized soils. Microtubers could be produced and proliferated round the year. Proliferation could be solely attributed to in vitro procedures as these plants bear solitary tubers in vivo. Microtubers could be sprouted in vitro to prepare ready to pot plantlets. As, this novel method succeeded for all five species, though they belong to different eco-physiological backgrounds, we recommend its implementation in the conservation programs for a broader range of Ceropegia species, supported by other integrated strategies.

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Histopathologic and electron microscopic findings of canine malignant melanoma from the lower limb and digit

  • Woo, Gye-Hyeong;Kim, Ha-Young;Park, Jung-Won;Bak, Eun-Jung;Kim, Jin-Young;Choi, Cheong-Up
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.533-538
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    • 2007
  • A 16-year-old female mixed dog was submitted for examination at the pathology division of national veterinary research and quarantine service (NVRQS). Grossly, white or grayish spherical, multinodular, firm to friable masses were present in the tibiofibula to the pharenge area of the right limb, and dysphagia, breathing difficulties and tachypnea were shown. Various-sized white or grayish black masses were scattered in lungs and diaphragm and one mass was observed in the trachea and in the jejunum, respectively. Histopathologically, the neoplastic cells were composed of polygonal or spindle shaped cells with various sized round to oval nuclei and abundant cytoplasm. These cells formed lobules or nests separated by fine connective tissue and contained little amount of melanin pigments. Melanin pigments were stained dark gray or black with Fontana-Masson method. Melanosomes were also ultrastructurally demonstrable by electron microscopy. Based on above results, the present case was diagnosed as canine malignant melanoma originating from the lower limb and digit.

Comparative Sensitivity of PCR Primer Sets for Detection of Cryptosporidium parvum

  • Yu, Jae-Ran;Lee, Soo-Ung;Park, Woo-Yoon
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.293-297
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    • 2009
  • Improved methods for detection of Cryptosporidium oocysts in environmental and clinical samples are urgently needed to improve detection of cryptosporidiosis. We compared the sensitivity of 7 PCR primer sets for detection of Cryptosporidium parvum. Each target gene was amplified by PCR or nested PCR with serially diluted DNA extracted from purified C. parvum oocysts. The target genes included Cryptosporidium oocyst wall protein (COWP), small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA), and random amplified polymorphic DNA. The detection limit of the PCR method ranged from $10^3$ to $10^4$ oocysts, and the nested PCR method was able to detect $10^0$ to $10^2$ oocysts. A second-round amplification of target genes showed that the nested primer set specific for the COWP gene proved to be the most sensitive one compared to the other primer sets tested in this study and would therefore be useful for the detection of C. parvum.

The effect of infrared rays diode irradiation on collagen formation (적외선 레이저 다이오드가 콜라겐 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Tae-Gon;Kim, Toung-Pyo;Lee, Ho-Sic;Park, Yong-Pil;Cheon, Min-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.411-411
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    • 2009
  • Low level laser therapy has various therapy effects. This paper performed the basic study for developing the Low Level Laser Therapy Equipment for medical treatment. The apparatus has been fabricated using the laser diode and microprocessor unit. This equipment was fabricated using a micro-controller and a laser diode, and designed to enable us to control light irradiation time, frequency and so on. In this study, the designed device was used to find out how infrared laser diode affected the collagen formation. For in-vivo test, a round wound 1cm in diameter was cut from the test animal whose epidermal and dermal layers were removed. Test animals were relieved for 24 hours after wounds had been excised and then the infrared laser irradiation group was given irradiation therapy over 9 days one 20 min per day. As a result, More collagenosis occurred in the order of infrared laser irradiation and non-irradiation group. Collagenosis is closely related to wound repair and it was found that infrared laser irradiation groups had more collagenosis and was quicker to recover from wound than non-irradiation group.

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Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Metastatic Wilms' Tumor in the Lung - Report of Two Cases - (폐로 전이한 Wilms 종양의 세침흡인 세포학적 소견 - 2예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Wan-Seop;Kim, Nam-Hoon;Koh, Young-Hyeh;Park, Moon-Hyang;Lee, Jung-Dal
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 1996
  • We describe two cases of metastatic Wilms' tumor in the lung with emphasis on the cytologic features of specimens obtained by needle aspiration. One of them was extrarenal Wilms' tumor. The findings were correlated with the histopathologic features of the primary lesion. Cellular components in the fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) slides included blastemal, epithelial, stromal and inflammatory cells with immature tubular differentiation and rosette formation. Recognition of these cellular components in FNAC smears help in establishing FNAC diagnosis of Wilms' tumor. The blastemal cells were represented by small to medium sized cells with scanty cytoplasm having ill-defined borders and round to slightly oval nuclei with evenly dispersed chromatin and small marginated nucleoli. They were seen in our two cases. The differential diagnosis includes neuroblastoma, malignant lymphoma, malignant rhabdoid tumor, clear cell sarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma and embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. In conclusion, making a definite cytologic diagnosis of metastatic Wilms' tumor may be possible by light and electron microscopy and immunohistochemical staining. The above findings may contribute to the diagnosis of FNAC of metastatic Wilms' tumor.

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Multiple Well Differentiated Fetal Adenocarcinoma of the Lung - A Case Report - (다발성의 분화도가 좋은 태아형 폐선암종 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Kwang-Il;Lee, Joo-Han;Mun, Jeong-Seok;Kim, Han-Kyeom
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 1997
  • Well differentiated fetal adenocarcinoma of the lung Is a subtype of pulmonary blastoma. In this report, CT-guided fine needle aspiration smears were performed at the right upper lobe of the lung in a 45 year-old male patient who had the smoking history of one pack per day for 25 years. The smears disclosed round, papillary, and tubular patterns of cell clusters. The individual cells had relatively uniform, small to medium sized nuclei without nucleoli, and showed vesicular or eosinophilic cytoplasm with Indistinct cell border. The morules were seen in the central area of papillary clusters. They were composed of two cell types, outer single layered cuboidal cellular lining and central three-dimensional cluster of cells simulating fetal lung. These cytologic features need to be differentiated from usual pulmonary adenocarcinoma, carcinoid, and pulmonary blastoma. On histologic findings, the tumor arised in the bronchial epithelium. And the tumor cells had abundant intracytoplasmic glycogen with neuroendocrine feature on histochemical study. In addition, the multiplicity of this tumor is the unique point comparable to the previous reports.

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A Study on the Adaptive Dress for the Disabled Elderly -Nursing Facilities for the Elderly in Seoul and Kyoungin Area- (거동 불편 노인에 대한 기능성 의복 연구 -서울, 경인 지역 노인 전문 요양 시설을 중심으로-)

  • 홍나영
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.289-303
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    • 1999
  • This study aimed to provide basic data for designing adaptive dresses for the disabled elderly. The procedure of this study consisted of 3 parts ; 1. the survey of 205 nursing-care providers who take care of the disabled elderly, 2. the market survey of dadptive dresses for the disabled elderly, 3. wearing-tests of those adaptive dresses which are in the market. The results are as follows ; 1. The most popular style for the disabled elderly in nursing facilities was non-collar, regular pajamas. And the most favorite design was a pajama\`s style which has no collar but has a round neckline, front opening and 7/10 length shirt\`s sleeves, with pants of an elastic band waist. And the most desirable fabric was a physiologically comfortable one. 2. The system of adaptive dress sizes for the Korean elderly consisted of 85, 95, 105 ㎝, while that for the japanese elderly was divided into F/S/M/L/LL according to gender. 3. In the case of a pajama\`s style. it is necessary for the elderly men in the facilities need bigger sizes for their jump suits. When we tested the adaptive dresses for the elderly in the nursing facilities, in the case of a pajama\`s style, it was most difficult for us to pull pants over around the buttocks. In the case of jump suits, it was most difficult for us to dress and undress the adaptive dresses around the chest.

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미국 주파수 경매의 경제학적 특성

  • Yun Chung-Han
    • The Proceeding of the Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.17 no.3 s.59
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    • pp.63-73
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    • 2006
  • Auctions have been traditionally used to find the current price of goods when little is known about their true value. A special auction methodology, called a 'simultaneous multiple round auction', is available to auction radiofrequency spectrum where all lots are simultaneously on of for over multiple rounds of bidding. This type of auction is especially useful when there are lots that are of essentially equal value and substitutable, except that different bidders may prefer different combinations of lots. By using multiple rounds, a bidder has the opportunity to gather information concerning the value of individual lots and can change strategy by shifting the bidding to another preferred combination if one combination becomes too expensive. Information is released in three main ways during an auction: Bidder Status; High Bids; and Bandwidth Value.