• Title/Summary/Keyword: one camera

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Coordinate Transform Method of Surface Image Velocimetry with a Calibrated Camera (보정된 카메라를 이용한 표면영상유속계의 좌표변환방법)

  • Yu, Kwon-Kyu;Jung, Beom-Seok;Yoon, Byung-Man
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.7
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    • pp.701-709
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    • 2008
  • Surface Image Velocimetry (SIV) is an instrument to measure water surface velocity by using image processing techniques. It gives us one of the easiest ways to measure water velocity. However, since it requires a set of plane survey data to estimate the velocity, it may give us some kind of misconcept that its usage would be difficult or cumbersome in spite of its handiness. If it has a feature that can estimate the plane survey data easily, it may be treated as like one of the conventional propeller velocimetries and its applicability would be improved so high. The present study is to propose a method to estimate the plane geometry of the physical coordinate with a calibrated camera. With the feature we can half-automatize the estimating procedure for the whole water velocity field. Photogrammetric technique to calculate the plane coordinates of the reference points with a calibrated camera was studied, which has originally studied for long time in the field of computer vision. By applying this technique to SIV, it is possible to estimate the location of reference coordinates for projective transform without plane survey. With this procedure the cumbersome plane survey for the reference points is omitted. One example application of the developed method showed fairly good results with insignificant errors.

Rectification of Smartphone Image Based on Reference Images for Facility Monitoring (시설물 모니터링을 위한 기준영상 기반 스마트폰 영상의 기하보정)

  • Kim, Hwiyoung;Choi, Kyoungah;Lee, Impyeong;Yoon, Hyuk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.231-242
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    • 2017
  • Monitoring of facilities such as roads, dams and bridges is important for their long-term sustainable usage. It has usually suffered with safety and cost problems, which makes more frequent monitoring difficult. As an efficient and economicalsolution to these problems, one may consider the use of smartphone to capture the status of the facilities. To derive quantitative analysis results with the smartphone images for facility monitoring, one should first rectify the images in a way as automatic and economical as possible. In thisstudy, we propose such a rectification method, which rectifiessmartphone images acquired from arbitrary locations based on reference images.In the proposed method, we determine the camera extrinsic parameters of each smartphone images using the reference imagesrather than ground control points, and project the image to the target surface of the facility based on the determined camera parameters. The method were applied to test data acquired from a small dam toward water-area facility monitoring. The experimental results showed that the camera extrinsic parameters were determined with the accuracy of 5 cm and $0.28^{\circ}$ in the position and attitude. The accuracy of the distance measured from the rectified image was evaluated to 10 cm. With the rectified images, one can accurately determine the location and length of the target objects required for facility monitoring.

Eliminating Color Mixing of Projector-Camera System for Fast Radiometric Compensation (컬러 보정의 고속화를 위한 프로젝터-카메라 시스템의 컬러 혼합 성분 제거)

  • Lee, Moon-Hyun;Park, Han-Hoon;Park, Jong-Il
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.941-950
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    • 2008
  • The quality of projector output image is influenced by the surrounding conditions such as the shape and color of screen, and environmental light. Therefore, techniques that ensure desirable image quality, regardless of such surrounding conditions, have been in demand and are being steadily developed. Among the techniques, radiometric compensation is a representative one. In general, radiometric compensation is achieved by measuring the color of the screen and environmental light based on an analysis of camera image of projector output image and then adjusting the color of projector input image in a pixel-wise manner. This process is not time-consuming for small sizes of images but the speed of the process drops linearly with respect to image size. In large sizes of images, therefore, reducing the time required for performing the process becomes a critical problem. Therefore, this paper proposes a fast radiometric compensation method. The method uses color filters for eliminating the color mixing between projector and camera because the speed of radiometric compensation depends mainly on measuring color mixing between projector and camera. By using color filters, there is no need to measure the color mixing. Through experiments, the proposed method improved the compensation speed by 44 percent while maintaining the projector output image quality. This method is expected to be a key technique for widespread use of projectors for large-scale and high-quality display.

Automation of Bio-Industrial Process Via Tele-Task Command(I) -identification and 3D coordinate extraction of object- (원격작업 지시를 이용한 생물산업공정의 생력화 (I) -대상체 인식 및 3차원 좌표 추출-)

  • Kim, S. C.;Choi, D. Y.;Hwang, H.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2001
  • Major deficiencies of current automation scheme including various robots for bioproduction include the lack of task adaptability and real time processing, low job performance for diverse tasks, and the lack of robustness of take results, high system cost, failure of the credit from the operator, and so on. This paper proposed a scheme that could solve the current limitation of task abilities of conventional computer controlled automatic system. The proposed scheme is the man-machine hybrid automation via tele-operation which can handle various bioproduction processes. And it was classified into two categories. One category was the efficient task sharing between operator and CCM(computer controlled machine). The other was the efficient interface between operator and CCM. To realize the proposed concept, task of the object identification and extraction of 3D coordinate of an object was selected. 3D coordinate information was obtained from camera calibration using camera as a measurement device. Two stereo images were obtained by moving a camera certain distance in horizontal direction normal to focal axis and by acquiring two images at different locations. Transformation matrix for camera calibration was obtained via least square error approach using specified 6 known pairs of data points in 2D image and 3D world space. 3D world coordinate was obtained from two sets of image pixel coordinates of both camera images with calibrated transformation matrix. As an interface system between operator and CCM, a touch pad screen mounted on the monitor and remotely captured imaging system were used. Object indication was done by the operator’s finger touch to the captured image using the touch pad screen. A certain size of local image processing area was specified after the touch was made. And image processing was performed with the specified local area to extract desired features of the object. An MS Windows based interface software was developed using Visual C++6.0. The software was developed with four modules such as remote image acquisiton module, task command module, local image processing module and 3D coordinate extraction module. Proposed scheme shoed the feasibility of real time processing, robust and precise object identification, and adaptability of various job and environments though selected sample tasks.

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Performance Enhancement of the Attitude Estimation using Small Quadrotor by Vision-based Marker Tracking (영상기반 물체추적에 의한 소형 쿼드로터의 자세추정 성능향상)

  • Kang, Seokyong;Choi, Jongwhan;Jin, Taeseok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.444-450
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    • 2015
  • The accuracy of small and low cost CCD camera is insufficient to provide data for precisely tracking unmanned aerial vehicles(UAVs). This study shows how UAV can hover on a human targeted tracking object by using CCD camera rather than imprecise GPS data. To realize this, UAVs need to recognize their attitude and position in known environment as well as unknown environment. Moreover, it is necessary for their localization to occur naturally. It is desirable for an UAV to estimate of his attitude by environment recognition for UAV hovering, as one of the best important problems. In this paper, we describe a method for the attitude of an UAV using image information of a maker on the floor. This method combines the observed position from GPS sensors and the estimated attitude from the images captured by a fixed camera to estimate an UAV. Using the a priori known path of an UAV in the world coordinates and a perspective camera model, we derive the geometric constraint equations which represent the relation between image frame coordinates for a marker on the floor and the estimated UAV's attitude. Since the equations are based on the estimated position, the measurement error may exist all the time. The proposed method utilizes the error between the observed and estimated image coordinates to localize the UAV. The Kalman filter scheme is applied for this method. its performance is verified by the image processing results and the experiment.

Color matching application which can help color blind people based on smart phone (색맹인 사람들을 도울 수 있는 스마트 폰 기반 색상 매칭 애플리케이션)

  • Chung, Myoung-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we proposed the color matching application based on smart phone which can help color blind people. For color blind people, the existing methods and applications supported color matching application which based on mobile. However, because the most research only showed the color value and color name through capture image of mobile camera, those cannot compare with capture image color of mobile camera and color of real object in real-time. To solve those problem, we proposed the color matching algorithm and developed the color matching application that can compare with color of mobile camera's capture image and color of real object in real-time, because the proposed application divides screen of smart phone into two parts and it show one part as capture image of smart phone camera and the other part as real-time camera image of smart phone. Color matching algorithm calculate cosine similarity using Red, Green, Blue, and Hue value of each image for real-time comparing and show matching result according to similarity value in real-time. To evaluate the performance of the proposed application, we tested a color matching experiment using the proposed application and the matching result was 98% success rate. Therefore, the proposed application will be a useful application which can help color blind people.

A Study on the Accuracy Improvement of Control Point Surveying of Photograph Using Digital Camera (디지털 카메라를 이용한 사진기준점측량의 정확도 향상에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kye-Dong;Park, Joung-Hyun;Lee, Young-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2009
  • With supply of the domestic digital camera, the relative importance of the digital camera is coming to be high gradually on aerial photogrammetry, the image of digital camera is more applied in image map or digital topographic map production. But, there are cases that do not have position information or attitude information of each photograph in digital camera results. Therefore, we wish to present additional method to get more accurate photograph control point result. In this study, One is called A method, which is the case of entering positioning information of principal point from topographic map as default values that are need to extract tie point automatically using by 56 pieces of photography that are photographed by DMC to the extent to 5 courses and 35 GCP points. The other is called B-method, which is the case of entering exterior orientation parameters that are processed by block adjustment for A-method using by 4 control points in method-1 as default values. We have analyzed about results per control points arrangement for two cases using MATCH-AT that is photograph control point measurement S/W of Germany INPHO company. As a result of analysis, accuracy of B-method was better than that of A-method, and we could get more accurate results if block adjustments are executed including self calibration. Also, it is more effective in expense side that using self calibration for photograph survey in B-method because can reduce GCP numbers.

A study on the camera working of 3D animation based on applied media aesthetic approach - Based on the Herbert Gettl's theory - (영상미학적 접근의 3D 애니메이션 카메라 워킹 연구 - 허버트 제틀의 이론을 중심으로 -)

  • Joo, Kwang-Myung;Oh, Byung-Keun
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.209-218
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    • 2005
  • Consciously or not, producers have to make many aesthetic choices in creative process of video production. If there are general acceptable aesthetic principles to make right choice it would be guideline of aesthetic decision to somewhat reduce mistakes and errors in the process. This paper proposes a theoretical approach on establishing the media aesthetic principle of 3D animation camera working, which is the most suitable for animation production context. We describe the Herbert Zettl's applied media aesthetics related directly to the camera, which is about the two-Dimensional field focusing on aspect radio and forces within the screen, three-dimensional field focusing on depth, volume, and four-dimensional field focusing on time and motion. In order to have theoretical approach we made an analysis on comparing a camera working of movie with 3D computer animation's one, and reconstructed these basic principles to be suited for the 3D animation production. When applied media aesthetics of the traditional camera working are applied to the 3D animation production, it could be an efficient guideline for it. Futhermore, if we develop the research for the relationship with various visual languages with the basis of these principles, the theory of creative picture composition method for the 3D animation production will be logically and systematically established.

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3-D vision sensor system for arc welding robot with coordinated motion by transputer system

  • Ishida, Hirofumi;Kasagami, Fumio;Ishimatsu, Takakazu
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1993.10b
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    • pp.446-450
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    • 1993
  • In this paper we propose an arc welding robot system, where two robots works coordinately and employ the vision sensor. In this system one robot arm holds a welding target as a positioning device, and the other robot moves the welding torch. The vision sensor consists of two laser slit-ray projectors and one CCD TV camera, and is mounted on the top of one robot. The vision sensor detects the 3-dimensional shape of the groove on the target work which needs to be weld. And two robots are moved coordinately to trace the grooves with accuracy. In order to realize fast image processing, totally five sets of high-speed parallel processing units (Transputer) are employed. The teaching tasks of the coordinated motions are simplified considerably due to this vision sensor. Experimental results reveal the applicability of our system.

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Determination of Object Position Using Robot Vision (로보트 비전을 이용한 대상물체의 위치 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Park, K.T.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.104-113
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    • 1996
  • In robot system, the robot manipulation needs the information of task and objects to be handled in possessing a variaty of positions and orientations. In the current industrial robot system, determining position and orientation of objects under industrial environments is one of major problems. In order to pick up an object, the roblt needs the information about the position and orientation of object, and between objects and gripper. When sensing is accomplished by pinhole model camera, the mathematical relationship between object points and their images is expressed in terms of perspective, i.e., central projection. In this paper, a new approach to determine the information of the supporting points related to position and orientation of the object using the robot vision system is developed and testified in experimental setup. The result will be useful for the industrial, agricultural, and autonomous robot.

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