• 제목/요약/키워드: offshore wind power

검색결과 346건 처리시간 0.025초

Offshore Wind Resource Assessment around Korean Peninsula by using QuikSCAT Satellite Data (QuikSCAT 위성 데이터를 이용한 한반도 주변의 해상 풍력자원 평가)

  • Jang, Jea-Kyung;Yu, Byoung-Min;Ryu, Ki-Wahn;Lee, Jun-Shin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • 제37권11호
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    • pp.1121-1130
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    • 2009
  • In order to investigate the offshore wind resources, the measured data from the QuikSCAT satellite was analyzed from Jan 2000 to Dec 2008. QuikSCAT satellite is a specialized device for a microwave scatterometer that measures near-surface wind speed and direction under all weather and cloud conditions. Wind speed measured at 10 m above from the sea surface was extrapolated to the hub height by using the power law model. It has been found that the high wind energy prevailing in the south sea and the east sea of the Korean peninsula. From the limitation of seawater depth for piling the tower and archipelagic environment around the south sea, the west and the south-west sea are favorable to construct the large scale offshore wind farm, but it needs efficient blade considering relatively low wind speed. Wind map and monthly variation of wind speed and wind rose using wind energy density were investigated at the specified positions.

The effects of blade-pitch control on the performance of semi-submersible-type floating offshore wind turbines

  • Kim, H.C.;Kim, M.H.
    • Ocean Systems Engineering
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.79-99
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    • 2018
  • The effects of BPC (blade pitch control) on FOWT (floating offshore wind turbine) motions and generated power are investigated by using a fully-coupled turbine-floater-mooring simulation program. In this regard, two example FOWTs, OC4-5MW semi-submersible FOWT and KRISO four-3MW-units FOWT, are selected since the numerical simulations of those two FOWTs have been verified against experiments in authors' previous studies. Various simulations are performed changing BPC natural frequency (BPCNF), BPC damping ratio (BPCDR), and wind speeds. Through the numerical simulations, it was demonstrated that negative damping can happen for platform pitch motions and its influences are affected by BPCNF, BPCDR, and wind speeds. If BPCNF is significantly larger than platform-pitch natural frequency, the pitch resonance can be very serious due to the BPC-induced negative-damping effects, which should be avoided in the FOWT design. If wind speed is significantly higher than the rated wind velocity, the negative damping effects start to become reduced. Other important findings are also given through systematic sensitivity investigations.

Sustainable use of wind energy (풍력에너지의 환경친화적 이용)

  • Lee, Yeong-Heui
    • Journal of the Korean Professional Engineers Association
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.46-50
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    • 2011
  • Wind energy, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, and produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation. However, the construction of wind farms is not universally welcomed because of their visual impact, competing land use, comprising human health impacts, building and crop damage, loss of amenities and ecological impact, impact on wildlife, danger to birds, safety hazard, aesthetics and noise. Offshore wind power, in particular, offers a huge potential to generate clean energy. However, the envisaged massive expansion of wind farms in oceans is already causing severe environmental conflicts. Wind farms cause further harm to already threatened oceans. Wind power has negligible fuel costs, but a high capital cost. The expansion of climate-friendly wind energy use both onshore and offshore can only be successful it the legal and organizational conditions undergo some clear improvements.

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EPON Based Communication Network Architecture for Offshore Wind Power Farm (EPON을 기반으로 한 해상 풍력 단지 통신망 구조)

  • Jung, Jin-Hyo;Yang, Wonhyuk;Kim, Young-Chon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • 제38B권2호
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    • pp.130-139
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    • 2013
  • In recent, the communication networks of wind power farm are becoming crucial technologies for monitoring and controlling the large-scale offshore wind power farm. In this paper, EPON based communication network architectures are proposed in order to combat the problems of conventional Ethernet based communication network such as delay, data processing overhead and the fairness of data transmission among turbines in offshore wind power farm. The proposed architecture constructs the point to multi-point network by using OLT and ONUs installed in central control center and wind turbines respectively. The EPON based communication network architecture has low cost, high reliability, and fair transmission capability. To evaluate the performance of proposed architectures, the wind power farm based on IEC 61850 is modelled by using OPNET The simulation results are analyzed and compared with conventional Ethernet based communication network in terms of the overhead, delay and fairness of data transmission.

Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine System (해상 부유식 풍력 타워의 동적거동해석)

  • Jang, Jin-Seok;Sohn, Jeong-Hyun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • 제35권1호
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the dynamic modeling of floating offshore wind turbine system is reported and the dynamic behavior of the platform for the offshore wind turbine system is analyzed. The modeling of the wind load for a floating offshore wind turbine tower is based on the vertical profile of wind speed. The relative Morison equation is employed to obtain the wave load. ADAMS is used to carry out the dynamic analysis of the floating system that should withstand waves and the wind load. Computer simulations for four types of tension leg platforms are performed, and the simulation results for the platforms are compared with each other.

A Capstone Design Case Study for Offshore Wind Power (해상풍력발전 캡스톤 디자인 사례 연구)

  • Woo, Jinho;Na, Won-Bae
    • Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences Education
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.167-180
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    • 2013
  • A capstone design is regarded as one of cap courses in undergraduate engineering education because it requires most prerequisites and makes students experience real engineering design processes. There have been case studies to show how this subject should be organized, practiced, and optimized. This study shows one of the case studies by focusing offshore wind power, one of newly recognized renewable energy resources, especially targeting for the design of wind turbine foundation and submarine power cable protectors mainly because of current energy and global warming crisis. To pinpoint engineering design, the students'activities during the project and design procedures are monitored, evaluated, and recommended; hence, core factors are addressed to develop successful aim, theory, practice, and other necessities. These factors include creative problem solving abilities; recognition of engineering curriculum; selection of project theme based on significance, ripple effect, and education purpose; team organization by the full brain model; systematization of project process; realization of engineering design; and synthesis of evaluation. In the end, the aftermath and future works are discussed.

Scour depth analysis of foundation structure of southwestern sea offshore wind power demonstration complex (서남해 해상풍력 실증단지 기초구조물의 세굴심 분석)

  • Su-Bin Yong;Eun-Pyo Lim;Haeng-Woon Kim;Mun-Seong Gwak;In-Su Kim;In-Sung Jeon;Min-Seuk Kim
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2024
  • In order to understand water depth distribution in the waters of the southwestern sea offshore wind power demonstration complex, field observations were conducted using a multi-beam echosounder from before construction (2018.2) to operation (2022.8). After data processing and correction of the observed depth, cross-sectional analysis was performed to calculate the maximum water depth value, and time phase analysis was performed using the maximum water depth value. The maximum water depth change rate over time tended to gradually decrease, and there was little difference in the rate of change before the construction of the wind turbine foundation structure, and the rate of change was rapid when the foundation structure was under construction. As a result of time phase analysis, the rate of change of the first (2018.02) and the second (2018.05) showed a rate between -6.27 and -4.13, on average, as the rate of change before the construction of the offshore wind farm, and there was no difference between the first and second rates. The third (2018.11) rate of change was -4.25 to -1.82, and the fourth (2019.04) rate of change was -2.34 to -1.22, and the rate of change increased rapidly after the third time. The fifth (2019.07) rate of change was -2.11 to -1.31, the sixth (2021.05) rate of change was -2.09 to -1.28, and the seventh (2022.08) was -2.11 to -1.22 rate of change, and after the rate of change reached some extent, the change was analyzed in an insufficient graph.

Analysis of Wind Resource on Maldo Island of Kokunsangun-do, Saemangeum (새만금 고군산군도 말도 유역에 대한 바람에너지 분석)

  • Kang, Sangkyun;You, Sungho;Lee, Jang-ho;Pak, Sungsine;Kim, Hyeong-Joo
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 2018
  • To establish an offshore wind turbine test site, a wind resource assessment of the candidate site is required as a preliminary procedure. The wind resource assessment must be performed with at least one year of wind data. If the assessment is performed with short-term wind data, the results cannot validate the wind conditions of the candidate site. This study performs wind resource assessment of Kokunsangun-do to investigate the wind conditions of the candidate site. The wind data is measured by the Automatic Weather System (AWS) of the Korea Meteorological Administration, located at Maldo. The data is for five years, measured from 2013 to 2017. Measured wind data is statistically processed with a 10-minute average scheme to find out the dominant wind direction and wind power density, with yearly wind speed distribution (Weibull-based). This study contributes to build a database of wind energy resources around Maldo. Also, the results of this study could be used for the establishment of an offshore wind turbine test site.

Preliminary Economic Analysis of 20 MW Super-Capacity Wind Turbine Generator in the East Sea of Korea (국내 동해지역 20 MW급 초대용량 풍력발전시스템 사전 경제성 분석)

  • Jun-Young Lee;Seo-Yoon Choi;Rae-Hyoung Yuck;Kwang-Tae Ha;Jae-ho Jeong
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.50-57
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    • 2022
  • Renewable energy is emerging as a way for the government to carry out its 2030 carbon-neutral policy. In this regard, the demand for wind turbine generators for renewable energy is increasing. As a result of restrictions due to civil complaints, offshore wind power generators are actively being developed. At this time, offshore wind power generation has higher maintenance costs, material costs, and installation costs compared to onshore wind power generation. So, an economic evaluation that calculates imports and costs is an important task. The levelized cost of energy (LCOE) is an economic evaluation index used in the energy field. In this paper, based on AEP calculated by windpro, the LCOE calculated by the wind power cost estimation model published in the NREL Economic Analysis Report, installing one 15 MW unit and installing one 20 MW unit and seven units were reviewed and analyzed. As a result, AEP was calculated as 0.140($/Kwh) for the installation of a single 15 MW, 0.142($/Kwh) for the installation of a single 20 MW, and 0.119 ($/Kwh) for the installation of a 20 MW farm. Therefore, it was confirmed that the installation of the single 20 MW was more economical than the installation of the single 15 MW and the installation of the 20 MW farm was most economical.

Approach to Simulation of Long- and Short-Term Maintenance Planning in Floating Offshore Wind Farms (부유식 해상풍력단지의 장/단기 정비계획 시뮬레이션)

  • Nam-Kyoung Lee;Song-Kang An;Young-Jin Oh
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2022
  • Operations and maintenance (O&M) in offshore wind farms accounts for a substantial portion of the life cycle cost due to harsh weather conditions and vessel dispatching. In this regard, it is crucial to expedite O&M technologies in South Korea, which is in the early stage of harnessing wind resources from the ocean. This contribution investigates an O&M planning and scheduling model for floating offshore wind farms with a literature review and use case study. We introduce the development of a long- and short-term maintenance planning framework as part of an integrated O&M platform. This contains a single vessel and fleets routing composition along with technicians and a maintenance job list based on numerical algorithms. Additionally, the routing search presents the basis of decision support for economic trade-offs regarding smooth operation corresponding to ever-changing wind farm situations. The maintenance planning simulator will ultimately contribute to support yearly and day-to-day power-related decisions in a cost-effective manner.