• Title/Summary/Keyword: off-body

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New Flexural Failure Mechanisms for Uniform Compression Stress Fields (균일한 압축장에 대한 새로운 휨 형태의 파괴 매캐니즘)

  • 홍성걸
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.546-551
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    • 1997
  • New typology of failure mechanisms for uniform compression fields are presented based on the classical theory of plasticity, in particular th normality rule, and the limit theorem. The concrete is assumed as a rigid-perfectly plastic material obeying the modified Coulomb failure criteria with zero tension cut-off. The failure mechanisms are capable of explaining flexural types of crushing failure in uniaxial uniform compression stress fields which are called struts in truss models. The failure mechanisms consist of sliding failure along straight failure lines or hyperbolic failure curves and rigid body rotation. The failure mechanisms involving straight failure lines are explained by constant strain expansion in the first principal direction and rigid body rotation motion. The failure mechanisms presented are applied to the explanation of bond failure of bar combined with concrete crushing failure and flexural crushing failure of concrete.

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Development of a 2-dimensional Flow Solver using Hybrid Unstructured and Adaptive Cartesian Meshes (비정렬 및 적응 직교격자를 이용한 2차원 혼합격자계 유동해석 코드 개발)

  • Jung, M.K.;Kwon, O.J.
    • 한국전산유체공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.294-301
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    • 2011
  • A two-dimensional hybrid flaw solver has been developed for the accurate and efficient simulation of steady and unsteady flaw fields. The flow solver was cast to accommodate two different topologies of computational meshes. Triangular meshes are adopted in the near-body region such that complex geometric configurations can be easily modeled, while adaptive Cartesian meshes are, utilized in the off-body region to resolve the flaw more accurately with less numerical dissipation by adopting a spatially high-order accurate scheme and solution-adaptive mesh refinement technique. A chimera mesh technique has been employed to link the two flow regimes adopting each mesh topology. Validations were made for the unsteady inviscid vol1ex convection am the unsteady turbulent flaws over an NACA0012 airfoil, and the results were compared with experimental and other computational results.

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A Study on Light Collision Safety of Tilting Train Express (TTX 경충돌 사고시 안전도 확보 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cho Tae-Min;Kwon Tae-Soo;Jung Hyun-Seung
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.634-639
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    • 2004
  • Under light collision accidents, the energy absorption strategy for the coupler and expansion tube of the TTX(Tilting Train Express) initial design is established in the paper. Also, 1st shearing bolts are designed. When the absorbed energy of the coupler reaches its maximum, the connecting bolts between the coupler and the car body are sheared off not to transmit the impact force to the car body structure. To absorb more energy after the lst shearing bolts work, a expansion tube is designed conceptually and installed at the rear part of the coupler. Using Hyper-Mesh and LS-DYNA, pre/post processing and light collision analyses are preformed, respectively.

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Hybrid-type stretchable interconnects with double-layered liquid metal-on-polyimide serpentine structure

  • Yim, Doo Ri;Park, Chan Woo
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2022
  • We demonstrate a new double-layer structure for stretchable interconnects, where the top surface of a serpentine polyimide support is coated with a thin eutectic gallium-indium liquid metal layer. Because the liquid metal layer is constantly fixed on the solid serpentine body in this liquid-on-solid structure, the overall stretching is accomplished by widening the solid frame itself, with little variation in the total length and cross-sectional area of the current path. Therefore, we can achieve both invariant resistance and infinite fatigue life by combining the stretchable configuration of the underlying body with the freely deformable nature of the top liquid conductor. Further, we fabricated various types of double-layer interconnects as narrow as 10 ㎛ using the roll-painting and lift-off patterning technique based on conventional photolithography and quantitatively validated their beneficial properties. The new interconnecting structure is expected to be widely used in applications requiring high-performance and high-density stretchable circuits owing to its superior reliability and capability to be monolithically integrated with thin-film devices.

The formative characteristics and the aesthetic values of Romantic style dress (낭만주의 복식양식의 조형성과 미적가치)

  • Kim, Jeong-Mee
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.95-109
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    • 2010
  • The goal of this dissertation is to analyze the formative characteristic and the aesthetic values of Romantic style. To attain the goal of this study, the selected objects are the Romantic styles that were prevalent from the 1830s to the 1880s. The methodology for this study consists of literary research, aesthetics, dress and case study based upon the analysis of the 19th century dress. Based upon the theoretical study, two results are derived from the analysis of Romantic style in $19^{th}$ century dress. First, the formative characteristics of Romantic style dress are suppression of body, fixed form, volume, and ornamentation. The suppression of body is embodied by two ways. One is tightening body parts, such as the off-the-shoulder line and the corset, and the other is applying weights on body through the wearing of layers of petticoat, crinoline and bustle. The characteristic of the fixed form created the fixed silhouettes of women's dress, for example, an X-silhouette formed with wide shoulders created by big puffed sleeves, narrow waist by corset, and wide hemline of voluminous skirt and petticoats. In addition to the X-silhouette, the bustle style created fixed h-silhouette. Volume in the women's dress were visually expressed by big puffed sleeves, a huge skirt and petticoat made with gathers, pleats and flounces, crinolines and a bustle. Ornamentation was used to express an elegant and fantastic style not only by using luxurious materials in various colors and patterns, but also by applying sumptuous details and trimmings. Second, the aesthetic values of Romantic style dress are subordination, sensuality, and maternity. Women's dress of the 19th century not only restricted free movement and symbolized men's wealth and status, but also was used as an important tool for seducing men by exposing and accentuating the sexual body, thus becoming a symbol of fertility as a metaphor of pregnancy and uterus. These aesthetic values represented in dress incorporated the contemporary requirements of women of the time.

Influencing Factors on Self-Esteem in Adolescents (청소년의 자아존중감에 미치는 영향 요인)

  • Han, Sang-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: This research has been conducted in order to understand the major factors that affect self-esteem of adolescents. Methods: Data was collected by questionnaires from 1155 students at middle and high school in Seoul and Kyungkido, Korea. The Instrument tools utilized in this study were self-esteem, body-image, problematic behavior, depression, school adjustment, social support tool and thoroughly modified to verify validity and reliability. The collected data have been analyzed using SPSS 11.0 program. The variable of family harmony and counseling partner was treated as a dummy variable. Seven outliers which were bigger than 3 in absolute value were found, so after taking them off, Multiple Regression was used for further analysis. Result: The major factors that affect self-esteem of adolescents were depression, social support, body-image, problematic behavior, school adjustment, and family harmony, which explained $54.7\%$ of self-esteem. Conclusion: It has been confirmed that the regression equation model of this research may serve as a self-esteem prediction factors in adolescents.

First Record of the Two Driftfish, Psenes maculatus, and Psenes cyanophrys (Nomeidae: Perciformes), from Korea (경남 통영해역에서 발견된 한국 미기록 노메치과 어류 2종 Psenes maculatus와 Psenes cyanophrys (노메치과, 농어목)에 대하여)

  • Myoung, Jung-Goo;Cho, Sun-Hyung;Kim, Jong-Man;Kim, Yong-Uk
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2001
  • Psenes maculatus and P. cyanophrys of family Nomeidae were collected for the first time off the coast of Tongyeong, Kyongsangnam-do, Korea. Specimens were catched with drifting seaweed patches on June and July, 1998. Young Psenes maculatus has six black bands ('<' shape) on the body, and 'Ttimul-reung-dom' is proposed as the Korean name. Psenes cyanophrys differs from P. pellucidus in having a compressed oval body shape scales on the check, and 16 longitudinal lines on the body. 'Jul-mu-nui-mul-reung-dom' is proposed as the Korean name.

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An Analysis on the Aesthetics of Men's Costume in the Renaissance Period (르네상스 시대 남성복에 나타난 미적 특성 분석)

  • Chung, Hyun Sook;Park, Kil Soon
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.531-539
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the aesthetic characteristic of men's costume in the Renaissance period. Fashion is a reflection of Zeitgeist. The ideal aesthetic values of each period create the concept of ideal beauty for that period. Costume represents the ideal beauty of a particular period. The aesthetic characteristic of men's costume in the age of Renaissance was analyzed in terms of four categories: the beauty of male body, sublime beauty, sensual beauty, and artistic beauty. First, for the beauty of male body, the men in the age of Renaissance enlarged their chests and shoulders by inserting a pad in them in order to express their masculine beauty of human body by emphasizing their sexual organ. Second, for the sublime beauty, men's costume was exaggerated by using a pad, a ruff collar and slash. In this period, men intended to represent their power and dignity through horizontal extension in their costume. Third, for the sensual beauty, erotic emphasis were made through physical elements. In order to show off sexual charms, men padded their costumes and introduced the codpiece. Last, for the artistic beauty in the age of the Renaissance, men's costume showed proportional, balanced and symmetrical beauty. And men's costume was made of rich brocades, which were embroidered and encrusted with jewels.

Wearable sensor network system for walking assistance

  • Moromugi, Shunji;Owatari, Hiroshi;Fukuda, Yoshio;Kim, Seok-Hwan;Tanaka, Motohiro;Ishimatsu, Takakazu;Tanaka, Takayuki;Feng, Maria Q.
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.2138-2142
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    • 2005
  • A wearable sensor system is proposed as a man-machine interface to control a device for walking assistance. The sensor system is composed of small sensors to detect the information about the user's body motion such as the activity level of skeletal muscles and the acceleration of each body parts. Each sensor includes a microcomputer and all the sensors are connected into a network by using the serial communication function of the microcomputer. The whole network is integrated into a belt made of soft fabric, thus, users can put on/off very easily. The sensor system is very reliable because of its decentralized network configuration. The body information obtained from the sensor system is used for controlling the assisting device to achieve a comfortable and an effective walking training.

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A numerical analysis on the extinction of hydrogen-oxygen diffusion flames at high pressure (고압하에서 수소-산소 확산화염의 소염 특성에 관한 수치 해석)

  • Son, Chae-Hun;Kim, Jong-Su;Jeong, Seok-Ho;Lee, Su-Ryong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.9
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    • pp.1174-1184
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    • 1997
  • Extinction characteristics of pure hydrogen-oxygen diffusion flames, at high pressures in the neighborhood of the critical pressure of oxygen, is numerically studied by employing counterflow diffusion flame as a model flame let in turbulent flames in rocket engines. The numerical results show that extinction strain rate increases almost linearly with pressure up to 100 atm, which can be explained by comparison of the chain-branching-reaction rate with the recombination-reaction rate. Since contributions of the chain-branching reactions, two-body reactions, are found to be much greater than those of the recombination reactions, three-body reactions, extinction is controlled by two-body reactions, thereby resulting in the linearity of extinction strain rate to pressure. Therefore, it is found that the chemical kinetic behaviors don't change up to 100 atm. Consideration of the pressure fall-off reactions shows a slight increase in extinction strain rate, but does not modify its linearity to pressure. The reduced kinetic mechanisms, which were verified at low pressures, are found to be still valid at high pressures and show good qualitative agreement in prediction of extinction strain rates. Effect of real gas is negligible on chemical kinetic behaviors of the flames.