• Title/Summary/Keyword: nutrition-exercise program

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Treatment of Obese Women with Low Calorie Diet, Aerobic Exercise and Behavior Modificaiton (저열량균형식, 운동 및 행동수정에 의한 비만여성의 치료에 관한 연구)

  • 장경자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.510-516
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    • 1995
  • A multidisciplinary weight control program was conducted for obese women. The major components of the program included low calorie diet therapy, exercise, behavior modification and nutritional education and counseling. Sixteen healthy volunteers in excess of body fat, above 30%, were enrolled in the group support program. But 5 person were dropped out in the 2nd week of treatment. During the 1st week of group orientation, individual cause of obesity was assessed through a computer program including survey of dietary intake, activity, eating habits and life styles. During the 5 weeks of treatment, 4.8kg of average weight loss was accomplished using a following program ; low calorie diet(1200kcal/day with all essential nutrients), low impact aerobic exercise(50~60% of $VO_{2max}$, 1 hour/day in a group, 3~5 days/week), behavior modification of individual life styles and eating habits causing obesity and nutritional education concerning nutrition, role of exercise such as brisk walking, importance of slow eating in regular meal pattern and internal motivation for weight reduction, health risk of obesity and rapid weight loss, weight recycling and yo-yo syndrome, etc. Nutritional conseling was conducted 3 times per week with checking self-records of foods, activity, emotional state and tiredness. Before and immediately after 5 weeks of treatment, blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride were measured and comparied with paired t-test. After 5 weeks of treatment, body weight, body mass index, body fat and circumferences of waist, upper arm and hip were significantly decreased. Also LDL-cholesterol was significantly decreased after obesity treatment.

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Effects of Body Weight Control Program Contains Exercise and Auricular Acupuncture on Body Composition, Blood Composition and Physical Ability in Obese Children (운동과 이침요범을 병행한 체중조절 프로그램이 비만아동의 체성분, 혈액구성 및 체력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kwak, Min-A;Kim, Dae-Jun;Byun, Joon-Seok
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 2009
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of obesity, blood composition and physical ability in obese children on body weight control program. Methods : The body weight control program included exercise, nutrition education and auricular acupuncture was performed 4 times a week during 12 weeks. 32 obese children whose body fat ratio were over 30% participated in this study. Measuring materials were body composition(weight, muscle mass, fat mass, fat ratio, BMI), physical measurement(height, waist circumference, chest circumference, hip circumference), physical ability(grip strength, sit-ups, sitting trunk flexion, sit-down stand-up test, standing long jump, opened eyes foot balance, side step), blood composition(WBC, Hb, ESR, Total Cholesterol, TG, GOT, GPT, BUN, Creatinine, Glucose) and survey(changes of eating habits, changes of living habits, knowledge of obesity, self-confidence, self-esteem). Results : From the results, positive changes were made in BMI, height, waist circumferences, chest circumferences, hip circumferences, sit-ups, sitting trunk flexion, sit-down stand-up test, standing long jump, opened eyes foot balance, side step, Hb, ESR, GOT, GPT and changes of eating habits through the body weight control program. Conclusions : This results suggest that body weight control program including exercise, nutrition education and auricular acupuncture may be effective for helping obese children.

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Effect of red-pepper ingestion on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption in young women (고춧가루 섭취가 운동후초과산소섭취량에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hyejung;Suh, Heajung;Lim, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Exercise Nutrition
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2010
  • PURPOSE. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of red-pepper ingestion on excess post-exercise oxygen consumption in young women. METHODS. The six female college students involved in this experiment. The subjects participated in two trials, standard meal (650 kcal) and standard meal +10 g red-pepper with 200 ml water. After the subjects allowed to have rest for 60 min, exercised by resistance program for 40 minutes. RESULTS. The excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC) was not affected by the red-pepper ingestion. However, post-exercise fat oxidation and plasma free fatty acid levels were higher in red-pepper trial than in control trial. CONCLUSION. Therefore, red-pepper ingestion before resistance exercise might be improve body fat reduction.

Health Promoting Behavior of College Students (일부 대학생의 건강증진행위)

  • Park, Hyun-Sook;Yi, Ga-Eon
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.347-361
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    • 1999
  • This study was undertaken in order to determine the relationship among a health locus of control. self-esteem. perceived health status. and health promoting behavior in order to determine factors affecting health promoting lifestyle in college students. The subject were 137 students of one university in Kyungsan. The analysis of data was done with a mean. percentage. Pearson correlation coefficient. and Stepwise multiple regression with an SAS program. The result of this study ware as follows: 1. Performance in health-promoting behavior was significantly correlated with self-efficacy and self-esteem 2. Performance in self-achievement was significantly correlated with self-efficacy, self-esteem, and perceived health status. Performance in health responsibility was significantly correlated with self-efficacy and self-esteem Performance in exercise was significantly correlated with self-efficacy and perceived health status. Performance in nutrition was significantly correlated with self-efficacy. self-esteem. and perceived health status. Performance in interpersonal support was significantly correlated with self-efficacy. internal locus of control. and self-esteem Performance in stress management was significantly correlated with self-efficacy, self-esteem. and perceived health status. 3. Self-efficacy was the highest factor predicting health promoting lifestyles. 4. Self-efficacy was the highest factor predicting self-achievement. health responsibility. exercise. nutrition. and stress management. Self-esteem was the highest factor predicting interpersonal support. From this research findings, we need to develop health promoting program and health education focusing on exercise, health responsibility for college students.

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Effects of Smoking, Drinking, Exercise on Body Composition, Nutrient Intakes and Serum Lipids in Male High School Students (흡연, 음주, 운동이 남자 고등학생의 체성분, 영양소 섭취 및 혈청 지질 양상에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정희;전영인
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2004
  • This study was done to investigate effects of smoking, drinking and exercise on body composition, dietary intakes, serum lipids of male high school students in Seoul. Body Composition was analyzed by the Bioelectrical Impedance Fatness Analyzer. Dietary survey was conducted by 24-hour recall method and nutrient intakes were analyzed by the Computer Aided Nutritional analysis program for professional (CAN-Pro). All data were statistically analyzed by SAS PC package program. Mean and standard error were examined for each items. The significant difference was examined by student's t-test. Body composition data showed that protein mass, mineral mass and lean body mass of regular exercisers were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of irregular exercisers. Energy and protein intakes of male high school students were 1868 kcal/day (69.2% RDA), 68 g/day (91.3% RDA), respectively. Ca, Fe and Vitamin B$_2$ intakes were lower than 2000 RDA. Analysis of serum lipids showed that serum levels of HDL-cholesterol of drinkers were significantly higher (p < 0.05) than those of nondrinkers. Overall results imply that smoking and alcohol drinking of adolescent males may not much influence on serum lipids levels because pack-years of smoking or the amount of alcohol drinking was not serious enough to be harmful to health.

A Study on Effects of Weight Control Program in Obese Children (학령기 비만아동을 위한 체중조절 프로그램의 실시 및 효과평가)

  • 김현아
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.307-320
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    • 1996
  • The enforcement and its effect of weight control program including nutrition education, exercise and behavioral modification therapy during 20 weeks were studied in primary school obese children. The sample consisted of treatment group(n=19) and control group (n=23). To evaluate the effects of weight control program, treatment group took pretest and posttest for nutrition knowledge, attitude and food habits. Nutrient intakes, serum lipid levels and anthropometric values were also measured. After weight control program, body weight of treatment group significantly decreased from 47.0$\pm$9.0kg to 45.9$\pm$8.5kg(p<0.001), but than of control group increased from 47.8$\pm$8.1kg to 49.0$\pm$8.7kg (p$\leq$0.05). Obesity index showed decline of 8.6% for treatment group and gain of 0.7% for control group. After self-control period, body weight and relate index in both groups were increased. For the nutrition knowledge test results, the posttest mean scores of treatment group showed the significant increase(p<0.001). For the attitude toward nutrition and food habit results, the posttest mean scores increased significantly (p<0.05, p<0.01). There was a decline of 28% in serum triglycerides, whereas serum total cholesterol increased 11% of baseline. These findings suggest that well-combined weight control program for obese children may result in a substantial loss of body weight during 14 weeks. In addition, these reuslts indicate that weight redution through weight control program can be a viable approach to help normalize serum lipids in obese children. Finally, these data suggest that it may be important to identify that affect weight loss and maintenance, and to examine how to manipulate these factors in weight control program.

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Needs Assessment for Web-based Self-management Program by the Nutrition Knowledge Levels of Diabetic Patients (당뇨환자의 영양지식수준에 따른 자가관리 현황 및 웹베이스 영양관리 프로그램 개발에 관한 요구도 조사)

  • Ahn, Yun;Bae, Jea-Hurn;Youn, Jung-Eun;Kim, Hee-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.155-168
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to assess needs of self-management nutrition program for diabetic patients. The survey was conducted among 100 diabetic patients, and the mean age of the subjects was 54.2 years old. Thirty three percent of the subjects were diagnosed diabetes less than 2 years ago. The average nutrition knowledge score about diabetes was 10.2 point, and percentages of correct answers were very high in 'foods rich in fiber' (97.0%), 'relevance of exercise and insulin' (97.0%), 'quantity of insulin injection' (91.0%), and 'diabetes menu' (91.0%). The sources of nutrition information were hospitals/healthcare centers (56.1%), TV/radio (19.2%), and internet (13.1%). Sixty nine percent of the subjects have experienced nutrition education on subjects as 'menu planning skills'(22.4%), 'selecting foods' (22.4%), 'relevance of blood glucose and eating foods' (21.5%) by personal counseling (54.4%). The total score of eating behavior was higher after diagnosed diabetes (35.3) than before (30.0) (p < 0.001). The preferred topics in developing diabetes nutrition information websites were 'diabetes mellitus', 'relevance of blood glucose and foods', and 'selecting foods for diabetes'. The subjects wanted the websites developed by 'using mainly illustrations, pictures, tables' (22.8%) and 'using simple design' (19.6%). The preferred contents in developing diabetes self-management nutrition program were 'dietary life diagnosis', 'chronic disease risk diagnosis', 'calorie control by selecting foods and cooking skills', and 'dietary assessment'. In designing the program, the subjects' most wanted designs were 'be handy and simple in using' (29.3%), 'using simple design' (17.9%), and 'using mainly illustrations, pictures, tables' (15.7%).

Effects of Nutrition Education and Exercise Program on Obesity Index and Behavioral Modification in Moderate Obese Women (영양교육과 운동을 병행한 프로그램이 중등도비만여성의 비만도와 행동변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Chang, Myung-Hee;Jung, Su-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.318-332
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the behavioral modification of obese adults who underwent nutritional and physical activity education. Twenty obese females, aged 20-60 years old, with BMIs (Body Mass Index) >30 or body fat (%) >40 were subjected to this study. Methods: The physical activity education program consisted of doing exercise in a gymnasium together or home exercise. Dietary attitudes and dietary intakes were assessed using weight control, physical activity, and eating habits. The nutrition-exercise educational period was 12 weeks. Results: After the study period, there was significant improvement in physical activity and eating habits score. Furthermore, there was a significant increase in the dietary intakes of fiber, iron, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin $B_6$, and niacin. Blood pressure, blood glucose, and total cholesterol levels showed a tendency to decrease, but there was no significant difference. BMI, fat mass, abdominal circumference, and visceral fat levels were significantly reduced while muscle mass significantly increased. Conclusions: This study suggests that behavioral modification by nutrition and physical activity education with feedback has positive effects on dietary intake and anthropometric biomarkers in obese adults. Therefore, lifestyle interventions of this kind could be recommended as a method for obesity management.

Nutritional Status of the Elderly Living in Cheongju - I. Health-Related Habits, Dietary Behaviors and Nutrient Intakes - (청주지역 노인의 영양실태조사 - I. 생활습관, 식행동 및 영양소 섭취실태 -)

  • 김기남;이정원;박영숙;현태선
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.556-567
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    • 1997
  • The health-related habits dietary behaviors and nutrient intakes of the elderly living in Cheongju were investigated by interviews with a questionnaire from August to September in 1996. The responses of 169 free-living elderly aged over 65(male 91, female 78) were analyzed. Thirty-six percent of the subjects smoked currently, 33$\%$, drank alcoholic beverages, and 52$\%$ exercise regularly. Exercise was mostly in the from of walking for $\frac{1}{2}$-1 hour. Significantly higher proportions of males smoked, drank, and exercised as compared to females. Food groups eaten at every meal were examined on a 5-point scale, and the consumption scores were compared with groups according to sex, age, smoking, drinking, and exercise habits. The elderly who exercised regularly got significantly higher scores in their calcium intakes and the variety of the 6 food groups than the elderly who did not exercise. The dietary assessment data showed that the energy intakes of males and females were 81.9$\%$and 72.8$\%$ of the RDAs, respectively. The proportions of the elderly consuming less than 75$\%$ of RDAs of vitamin A and calcium were 96.5$\%$ and 91.1$\%$ of the total subjects, respectively. Higher educational status, more pocket money and regular exercise had positive effects on nutrient intakes, while smoking and drinking among females, but not males, had negative effects. Therefore, to improve nutritional status of the elderly, intake of vitamin A-and calcium-rich food such as milk with regular exercise should be emphasized on the education program. (Korean J Community Nutrition 2(4) : 556-567, 1997)

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Effects of Nutrition Education on Diet Control Program S-28 (다이어트프로그램 S-28에 대한 영양교육의 효과)

  • 이혜양
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to investigate effects of nutrition education on diet program S-28 for a per-iod of 5 months. The participants in this diet program were 40 Chungkang college female students with over 30% body fat. During the first 2 weeks they were provided 800kcal a day and 1,200kcal a day for the lat 2 weeks. Since then weight maintenance program was continued. Exercise and nutrition e여-cation program for nutrition knowledge attitude and food habit were conducted during the entire test period, Results during the test period were as follows : 1) Weight loww was statistically significant from 69.5$\pm$4.9kg at the beginning to65.6$\pm$3.0kg(P<0.01) in 3 months to 63.2$\pm$3.5kg(P<0.01) in the 5th month. 2) Obesity rate was significantly decreased from 23.9$\pm$12.1% to 21.3$\pm$9.2%(P<0.05) in 3 mon-ths to 19.7$\pm$8.5% in the 5th month. 3) BMI was significantly declined from 27.3$\pm$1.5kg/m2 to 26.1$\pm$1. 2kg/m2(P<0.01) in 3 months to 25.7$\pm$0.9kg/m2(P<0.05) in 3 months to 28.2$\pm$1.8%(p<0.05) in the 5th month. 5) The mean scores of food habit were 33.4$\pm$4.5 at the beginning 35.2$\pm$3.7 in 3 mon-손 37.4$\pm$4.0 in the 5th month and each of nutrition attitude was 53.8$\pm$5.3, 58.0$\pm$6.2. There-fore these data showed that effects of nutrition education on diet program S-28 were feflected remark-ably not only in the antropmetric measurements but also in the mean scores of food habit and nu-trition attitude.

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