Warm Water Circulation and its Origin by Sea Level Fluctuation and Bottom Topography (해수면변화와 해저지형에 의한 난류수의 순환과 그 기원)
- Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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- v.28 no.5
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- pp.677-697
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- 1995
The analysis of long- period sea level variations with tidal record data around Korea, Japan, and Russia shows that about half of the variations are due to atmospheric influences. The sea level variation by water movements is the largest in the coasts along the Tsushima Current, and becomes smaller in the distant areas. It suggests that the sea level varications are related with the Tsushima Current. The effect of sea level variations to ocean circulation has been studied with a numerical model allowing barotropic sea level fluctuations, like the result with GCM (Semtner) model by Pang et al.(1993), the present model also shows that waters basically flow along isobaths over the last China Sea after geostyophic adjustment around Taiwan. However, barotropic sea level fluctuation makes the basic circulation in the Yellow Sea, which waters flow into the central Yellow Sea and out along the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. Besides this, barotropic sea level fluctuation makes long period waves over the shelf area as the Kuroshio varies. By the waves, the basic circulation in the Yellow Sea is disturbed, so that the flow pattern of oppositely flowing into the Yellow Sea along the west roast of the Korean Peninsula appears. In the Yellow Sea circulation, it seems that northwest winds strengthen the basic circulat ion In winter, and southeast winds strengthen the disturbed circulation in summer. Another point appeared by the long period wave is that the Tsushima Current possibly originates in different areas. There have been two opposing argues on the area in which the Tsushima Current originates the southwest sea of Kyushu Island and the adjacent sea of Taiwan. Through this study, we found that both of them seem to be important areas for the origin of the Tsushima Current, and one of them is possibly strengthened by long period waves. The long period waves given by the variation of the Kuroshio Current in the adjacent sea of Taiwan propagate to the Korea Strait as forced waves. The wave continuously propagates to the last Sea through the eastern channel, but reflects in the western channel due to bottom topography. The reflected waves propagate southwestward along the last China Sea as free waves and determine the sea level variations with forced waves.
The mechanical and rheological properties of agricultural materials are important for engineering design and analysis of their mechanical harvesting, handling, transporting and processing systems. Agricultural materials, which composed of structural members and fluids do not react in a purely elastic manner, and their response when subjected to stress and strain is a combination of elastic and viscous behavior so called viscoelastic behavior. Many researchers have conducted studies on the mechanical and rheological properties of the various agricultural products, but a few researcher has studied those properties of rice plant, and also those data are available only for foreign varieties of rice plant. This study are conducted to experimentally determine the mechanical and the rheological properties such as axial compressive strength, tensile strength, bending and shear strength, stress relaxation and creep behavior of rice stems, and grain detachment strength. The rheological models for the rice stem were developed from the test data. The shearing characteristics were examined at some different levels of portion, cross-sectional area, moisture content of rice stem and shearing angle. The results obtained from this study were summarized as follows 1. The mechanical properties of the stems of the J aponica types were greater than those of the Indica
Recently, ground structures have reached saturation, and underground construction using underground structures such as tunnels has been in the spotlight as a way to solve increasing traffic difficulties and environmental problems. However, due to the increasing number of underground structures, close construction is inevitable for continuous underground development. When a new underground structure is constructed closely, stability may become weak due to the influence on the existing tunnel, which may cause collapse. Therefore, analyzing the stability of existing tunnels due to new structures is an essential consideration. In this study, the effect of excavating new tunnels under parallel tunnels on existing parallel tunnels was analyzed using numerical analysis. Using the Displacement Control Model (DCM), the volume loss generated during construction was simulated into three case (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%). Based on the center of the pillar, the distance where the new tunnel is located was set to 5 m, 6 m, 7 m, 8 m, 9 m, and the space for each distance were set to 5 (0D1, 0.37D1, 0.75D1, 1.13D1, 1.5D1). In general, as the volume loss increased and the distance approached, the maximum displacement and angular displacement increased, and the strength/stress ratio to evaluate the stability of the pillar also decreased. As a result, when the distance between the new tunnel and the center of the pillar is 5 m, the space is 0D1, and the volume loss is 1.5%, the stability of the existing parallel tunnel is the weakest.
One of the most popular pre-reinforcement methods of tunnel heading in cohesionless soils would be the fore-polling of grouted pipes, known as RPUM (reinforced protective umbrella method) or UAM (umbrella arch method). This technique allows safe excavation even in poor ground conditions by creating longitudinal arch parallel to the tunnel axis as the tunnel advances. Some previous studies on the reinforcing effects have been performed using numerical methods and/or laboratory-based small scale model tests. The complexity of boundary conditions imposes difficulties in representing the tunnelling procedure in laboratory tests and theoretical approaches. Full-scale study to identify reinforcing effects of the tunnel heading has rarely been carried out so far. In this study, a large scale model testing for a tunnel in granular soils was performed. Reinforcing patterns considered are four cases, Non-Reinforced, Crown-Reinforced, Crown & Face-Reinforced, and Face-Reinforced. The behavior of ground and pipes as reinforcing member were fully measured as the surcharge pressure applied. The influences of reinforcing pattern, pipe length, and face reinforcement were investigated in terms of stress and displacement. It is revealed that only the Face-Reinforced has decreased sufficiently both vertical settlement in tunnel heading and horizontal displacement on the face. Vertical stresses along the tunnel axis were concentrated in tunnel heading from the test results, so the heading should be reinforced before tunnel advancing. Most of maximum axial forces and bending moments for Crown-reinforced were measured at 0.75D from the face. Also it should be recommended that the minimum length of the pipe is more than l.0D for crown reinforcement.
Internet commerce has been growing at a rapid pace for the last decade. Many firms try to reach wider consumer markets by adding the Internet channel to the existing traditional channels. Despite the various benefits of the Internet channel, a significant number of firms failed in managing the new type of channel. Previous studies could not cleary explain these conflicting results associated with the Internet channel. One of the major reasons is most of the previous studies conducted analyses under a specific market condition and claimed that as the impact of Internet channel introduction. Therefore, their results are strongly influenced by the specific market settings. However, firms face various market conditions in the real worlddensity and disutility of using the Internet. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of various market environments on a firm's optimal channel strategy by employing a flexible game theory model. We capture various market conditions with consumer density and disutility of using the Internet.
Jinhae Bay once was a productive area of fisheries. It is, however, now notorious for its red tides; and oxygen deficient water-masses extensively develop at present in summer. Therefore the shellfish production of the bay has been decreasing and mass mortality often occurs. Under these circumstances, the three-dimensional numerical hydrodynamic and the material cycle models, which were developed by the Institute for Resources and Environment of Japan, were applied to analyze the processes affecting the oxygen depletion and also to evaluate the environment capacity for the reception of pollutant loads without dissolved oxygen depletion. In field surveys, oxygen deficient water-masses were formed with concentrations of below 2.0mg/l at the bottom layer in Masan Bay and the western part of Jinhae Bay during the summer. Current directions, computed by the
Japan's first pilot-scale
The tension leg platform (TLP) is a kind of compliant structures, and is also a type of moored stable platform with a buoyancy exceeding the weight because of having tensioned vertical anchor cables. In this paper, among the various kinds of tension leg structures, Deep Oil Technology (DOT) TLP was analyzed because it has large-displacement portions of the immersed surface such as vertical corner pontoons and small-diameter elongated members such as cross-bracing. It also has results of hydraulic model tests, comparable with theorectical analysis. Because of the vertical axes of symmetry in the three vertical buoyant legs and because there are no larger horizontal buoyant members between these three vertical members, it was decided to develop a numerical algorithm which would predict the dynamic response of the DOT TLP using the previously developed numerical algorithm Floating Vessel Response Simulation (FVRS) for vertically axisymmetric bodies of revolution. In addition, a linearized hydroelastic Morison equation subroutine would be developed to account for the hydrodynamic pressure forces on the small member cross bracing. Interaction between the large buoyant members or small member cross bracings is considered to be negligible and is not included in the analysis. The dynamic response of the DOT TLP in the surge mode is compared with the results of the TLP algorithm for various combinations of diffraction and Morison forces and moments. The results which include the Morison equation are better than the results for diffraction only. This is because the vertically axisymmetric buoyant members are only marginally large enough to consider diffractions effects. The prototype TLP results are expected to be more inertially dominated.
Coastal monitoring using multiple platforms/sensors is a very important tools for accurately understanding the changes in offshore marine environment and disaster with high temporal and spatial resolutions. However, integrated observation studies using multiple platforms and sensors are insufficient, and none of them have been evaluated for efficiency and limitation of convergence. In this study, we aimed to suggest an integrated observation method with multi-remote sensing platform and sensors, and to diagnose the utility and limitation. Integrated in situ surveys were conducted using Rhodamine WT fluorescent dye to simulate various marine disasters. In September 2019, the distribution and movement of RWT dye patches were detected using satellite (Kompsat-2/3/3A, Landsat-8 OLI, Sentinel-3 OLCI and GOCI), unmanned aircraft (Mavic 2 pro and Inspire 2), and manned aircraft platforms after injecting fluorescent dye into the waters of the South Sea-Yeosu Sea. The initial patch size of the RWT dye was 2,600 ㎡ and spread to 62,000 ㎡ about 138 minutes later. The RWT patches gradually moved southwestward from the point where they were first released,similar to the pattern of tidal current flowing southwest as the tides gradually decreased. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) image showed highest resolution in terms of spatial and time resolution, but the coverage area was the narrowest. In the case of satellite images, the coverage area was wide, but there were some limitations compared to other platforms in terms of operability due to the long cycle of revisiting. For Sentinel-3 OLCI and GOCI, the spectral resolution and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were the highest, but small fluorescent dye detection was limited in terms of spatial resolution. In the case of hyperspectral sensor mounted on manned aircraft, the spectral resolution was the highest, but this was also somewhat limited in terms of operability. From this simulation approach, multi-platform integrated observation was able to confirm that time,space and spectral resolution could be significantly improved. In the future, if this study results are linked to coastal numerical models, it will be possible to predict the transport and diffusion of contaminants, and it is expected that it can contribute to improving model accuracy by using them as input and verification data of the numerical models.
This article reviews the papers published in the Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering during 2013. It is intended to understand the status of current research in the areas of heating, cooling, ventilation, sanitation, and indoor environments of buildings and plant facilities. Conclusions are as follows. (1) The research works on the thermal and fluid engineering have been reviewed as groups of fluid machinery, pipes and relative parts including orifices, dampers and ducts, fuel cells and power plants, cooling and air-conditioning, heat and mass transfer, two phase flow, and the flow around buildings and structures. Research issues dealing with home appliances, flows around buildings, nuclear power plant, and manufacturing processes are newly added in thermal and fluid engineering research area. (2) Research works on heat transfer area have been reviewed in the categories of heat transfer characteristics, pool boiling and condensing heat transfer and industrial heat exchangers. Researches on heat transfer characteristics included the results for general analytical model for desiccant wheels, the effects of water absorption on the thermal conductivity of insulation materials, thermal properties of Octadecane/xGnP shape-stabilized phase change materials and
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