• 제목/요약/키워드: normalization index

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시계열 데이터베이스에서 단일 색인을 사용한 정규화 변환 지원 서브시퀀스 매칭 (A Single Index Approach for Subsequence Matching that Supports Normalization Transform in Time-Series Databases)

  • 문양세;김진호;노웅기
    • 정보처리학회논문지D
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    • 제13D권4호
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    • pp.513-524
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    • 2006
  • 정규화 변환은 시계열 시퀀스를 구성하는 엔트리들의 전체적인 패턴을 분석하는데 매우 유용하다. 본 논문에서는 단일 색인을 사용한 정규화 변환 지원 서브시퀀스 매칭 방법을 제안한다. 기존의 정규화 변환 지원 서브시퀀스 매칭 방법은 다양한 길이의 질의 시퀀스를 지원하기 위하여 여러 개의 색인을 생성해야 하고, 이에 따라 색인 저장 공간의 오버헤드와 색인 관리의 오버헤드가 발생한다. 본 논문에서는 하나의 색인을 사용하면서도 다양한 길이의 질의 시퀀스에 대한 정규화 변환을 지원하는 효율적인 서브시퀀스 매칭 방법을 제안한다. 이를 위하여, 우선 정규화 변환을 일반화한 포함-정규화 변환(inclusion-normalization transform) 개념을 제시한다. 포함 정규화 변환이란 색인에 저장할 윈도우에 대해서 해당 윈도우를 포함하는 서브시퀀스의 평균과 표준편차로 정규화하는 것으로서, 기본적인 정규화 변환을 윈도우 및 서브시퀀스 개념을 사용하여 확장한 것이다. 다음으로, 포함-정규화 변환을 기존 서브시퀀스 매칭 연구에 적용하기 위한 이론적 근거를 정리로서 제시하고 증명한다. 그리고, 이 방안을 구현하기 위한 색인 구성 알고리즘 및 서브시퀀스 매칭 알고리즘을 각각 제시한다. 실제 주식 데이터에 대한 실험 결과, 제안한 방법은 기존 방법에 비해 최대 $2.5{\sim}2.8$배까지 성능을 향상 시킨 것으로 나타났다. 본 논문에서 제안한 정규화 변환 지원 서브시퀀스 매칭은 정규화 변환 이외의 다른 변환을 지원하는 서브시퀀스 매칭으로 일반화 될 수 있다. 따라서, 제안한 방법은 정규화 변환을 포함하는 많은 다른 종류의 변환을 지원하는 서브시퀀스 매칭에 폭넓게 적용될 수 있는 좋은 연구결과라 사료된다.

시공단계 환경성능지수 개발을 위한 정규화 기준값 산정 (Normalization References for Environmental Index of Construction Projects)

  • 이상규;강고운;조훈희;강경인
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2013년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.142-143
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    • 2013
  • Green building certifications and environmental assessments are extensively implemented and studied to decrease the environmental impact during the life cycle of buildings. However, most of them are not appropriate to assess the environmental performance during the construction phase due to the difference of environmental factors. To develop an environmental index of construction projects, normalization should be conducted to compare the relative impact of each factor. As a first step, this study deduced normalization references of 4 environmental factors : noise, waste, greenhouse gas, and dust.

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R&D 프로젝트 성과평가를 위한 DEA모형의 타당성 실증분석 : 정규화지표와의 순위상관을 중심으로 (Empirical Analysis of DEA models Validity for R&D Project Performance Evaluation : Focusing on Rank Correlation with Normalization Index)

  • 박성민
    • 산업공학
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.314-322
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    • 2011
  • This study analyzes a relationship between Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA) efficiency scores and a normalization index in order to examine the validity of DEA models. A normalization index concerned in this study is 'sales per R&D project fund' which is regarded as a crucial R&D project performance evaluation index in practice. For this correlation analysis, three distinct DEA models are selected such as DEA basic model, DEA/AR-I revised model(i.e. DEA basic model with Acceptance Region Type I constraints) and Super-Efficiency(SE) model. Especially, SE model is adopted where efficient R&D projects(i.e. Decision Making Units, DMU's) with DEA efficiency score of unity from DEA basic model can be further differentiated in ranks. Considering the non-normality and outliers, two rank correlation coefficients such as Spearman's ${\rho}_s$ and Kendall's ${\tau}_B$ are investigated in addition to Pearson's ${\gamma}$. With an up-to-date empirical massive dataset of n = 482 R&D projects associated with R&D Loan Program of Korea Information Communication Promotion Fund in the year of 2011, statistically significant (+) correlations are verified between the normalization index and every model's DEA efficiency scores with all three correlation coefficients. Especially, the congruence verified in this empirical analysis can be a useful reference for enhancing the practitioner's acceptability onto DEA efficiency scores as a real-world R&D project performance evaluation index.

Cost Normalization Procedure for Phase-Based Performance Measurement

  • Choi, Jiyong;Yun, Sungmin;Oliveira, Daniel;Mulva, Stephen;Kang, Youngcheol
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 6th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2015
  • Capital project benchmarking requires an effective cost normalization process to compare cost performance of projects accomplished in different time and location. Existing cost normalization approaches have been established based on the assumption that all required information for cost normalization is fully identified once a project is completed. Cost normalization, however, is sometimes required to evaluate phase-level outcomes of an ongoing project where the required information is not fully available. This paper aims to provide a cost normalization procedure for phase-based performance assessment. The procedure consists of three normalization steps: currency conversion, location adjustment, and time adjustment considering various scenarios where the required information is not fully identified. This paper also presents how the cost normalization procedure has been applied to the 10-10 Performance Assessment Program, which is a phase-based performance assessment system developed by the Construction Industry Institute (CII). Both researchers and industrial professionals can apply the cost normalization procedure to studies and practices regarding to cost estimation, feasibility analysis, and performance assessment.

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A Noise-Reduced Risk Aversion Index

  • Park, Beum-Jo;Cho, Hong Chong
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • 제25권1호
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    • pp.67-85
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    • 2018
  • We propose a noise reduced risk aversion index for measuring risk aversion through a laboratory experiment to overcome disadvantages of the multiple pricing list format developed by Holt and Laury (2002). We use randomized multiple list choices with coarser classification and reward weighting, supplement the rank of risk aversion with extra individual characteristics of risk attitude, and construct an index of risk aversion by standardizing the risk aversion ranking with quantile normalization. Our method reduces multiple switching problems that noisy decision makers mistakenly commit in experimental approaches, so that it is free of the framing effect which severely occurred in the HL. Furthermore, the index doesn't utilize any specific utility function or probability weighting, which allows researcher to hold the independence axiom. Since our noise reduced index of risk aversion has many good traits, it is widely used and applied to reveal fundamental characteristics of risk-related behaviors in economics and finance regardless of experimental environment.

Scaling of design earthquake ground motions for tall buildings based on drift and input energy demands

  • Takewaki, I.;Tsujimoto, H.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.171-187
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    • 2011
  • Rational scaling of design earthquake ground motions for tall buildings is essential for safer, risk-based design of tall buildings. This paper provides the structural designers with an insight for more rational scaling based on drift and input energy demands. Since a resonant sinusoidal motion can be an approximate critical excitation to elastic and inelastic structures under the constraint of acceleration or velocity power, a resonant sinusoidal motion with variable period and duration is used as an input wave of the near-field and far-field ground motions. This enables one to understand clearly the relation of the intensity normalization index of ground motion (maximum acceleration, maximum velocity, acceleration power, velocity power) with the response performance (peak interstory drift, total input energy). It is proved that, when the maximum ground velocity is adopted as the normalization index, the maximum interstory drift exhibits a stable property irrespective of the number of stories. It is further shown that, when the velocity power is adopted as the normalization index, the total input energy exhibits a stable property irrespective of the number of stories. It is finally concluded that the former property on peak drift can hold for the practical design response spectrum-compatible ground motions.

서지마크 데이터베이스로부터의 색인어 추출과 색인어의 검색 활용에 관한 연구 - 경북대학교 도서관 학술정보시스템 사례를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Extraction and Utilization of Index from Bibliographic MARC Database)

  • 박미성
    • 한국도서관정보학회지
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.327-348
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    • 2005
  • 본 연구의 목적은 서지정보검색시스템의 색인 정의의 중요성을 강조하고 최적 색인의 기초 자료를 마련하기 위함이다. 이를 위해 서지마크 데이터베이스로부터 색인 태그 정의 및 정규화를 통한 색인어추출이론에 대해 고찰하고, 이론에 따라 생성된 색인어의 검색 활용도를 분석하였다. 실험은 서지 2,200,488건에서 생성된 색인어 29,219,853건을 텍스트형 색인과 코드형 색인으로 나누어 이용자 왱 검색 로그에 나타난 색인 항목과 비교하여 어떤 색인 정의가 얼마나 활용되는가를 분석하였다. 결과에 따르면 서명, 저자, 출판사, 주제와 같은 텍스트형 색인어는 높은 검색 활용도를 보인 반면에 코드형 색인어는 검색 활용도가 낮아 검색에 활용되지 않는 불필요한 색인 정의들은 과감하게 제거하여 색인 정의를 최적화해야 함을 제안하였다.

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2019 강릉-동해 산불 피해 지역에 대한 PlanetScope 영상을 이용한 지형 정규화 기법 분석 (Analysis on Topographic Normalization Methods for 2019 Gangneung-East Sea Wildfire Area Using PlanetScope Imagery)

  • 정민경;김용일
    • 대한원격탐사학회지
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    • 제36권2_1호
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    • pp.179-197
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    • 2020
  • 지형 정규화 기법은 영상 촬영 시의 광원, 센서 및 지표면 특성에 따라 발생하는 밝기값 상의 지형적인 영향을 제거하는 방법으로, 지형 조건으로 인해 동일 피복의 픽셀들이 서로 다른 밝기값을 지닐 때 그 차이를 감소시킴으로써 평면 상의 밝기값과 같아 보이도록 보정한다. 이러한 지형적인 영향은 일반적으로 산악 지형에서 크게 나타나며, 이에 따라 산불 피해 지역 추정과 같은 산악 지형에 대한 영상 활용에서는 지형 정규화 기법이 필수적으로 고려되어야 한다. 그러나 대부분의 선행연구에서는 중저해상도의 위성영상에 대한 지형 보정 성능 및 분류 정확도 영향 분석을 수행함으로써, 고해상도 다시기 영상을 이용한 지형 정규화 기법 분석은 충분히 다루어지지 않았다. 이에 본 연구에서는 PlanetScope 영상을 이용하여 신속하고 정확한 국내 산불 피해 지역 탐지를 위한 각 밴드별 최적의 지형 정규화 기법 평가 및 선별을 수행하였다. PlanetScope 영상은 3 m 공간 해상도의 전세계 일일 위성영상을 제공한다는 점에서 신속한 영상 수급 및 영상 처리가 요구되는 재난 피해 평가 분야에 높은 활용 가능성을 지닌다. 지형 정규화 기법 비교를 위해 보편적으로 이용되고 있는 7가지 기법을 구현하였으며, 토지 피복 구성이 상이한 산불 전후 영상에 모두 적용, 분석함으로써 종합적인 피해 평가에 활용될 수 있는 밴드 별 최적 기법 조합을 제안하였다. 제안된 방법을 통해 계산된 식생 지수를 이용하여 화재 피해 지역 변화 탐지를 수행하였으며, 객체 기반 및 픽셀 기반 방법 모두에서 향상된 탐지 정확도를 나타내었다. 또한, 화재 피해 심각도(burn severity) 매핑을 통해 지형 정규화 기법이 연속적인 밝기값 분포에 미치는 효과를 확인하였다.

Cost Normalization Framework for a Benchmarking System: A Case for Downstream and Chemical Construction Projects

  • Yin, Zhe;DeGezelle, Deborah;Pappas, Mike;Caldas, Carlos
    • 국제학술발표논문집
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    • The 9th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management
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    • pp.590-598
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    • 2022
  • Benchmarking is an important tool to assess the performance of capital projects in the construction industry. Incorporating cost-related metrics into a benchmarking system requires an effective cost normalization process to enable meaningful comparisons among projects that were executed at different locations and times. Projects in the downstream and chemicals sector have unique characteristics compared to other types of construction projects, they require a distinctive cost normalization framework to be developed to benchmark their absolute cost performance. The purpose of this study is to develop such a framework to be used for the case of benchmarking the downstream and chemical projects for their performance assessment. The research team started with a review of existing cost normalization methodologies adopted in benchmarking systems and conducted 7 interviews to identify the current cost normalization practices used by industrial professionals. A panel of 12 experts was then convened and it held 6 review sessions to accomplish the framework development. The cost normalization framework for benchmarking downstream and chemical projects was established as a three-step procedure and it adopts a 4-element cost breakdown structure to accommodate projects submitted by both owners and contractors. It also incorporated 5 published cost indexes that are compatible with downstream and chemical projects and they were embedded into 2 options to complete the normalization process. The framework was then pilot-tested on 4 completed projects to validate its functional practicality and the downstream and chemical use case in the benchmarking system.

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  • Ko, Mi-Hwa
    • 호남수학학술지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.209-217
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    • 2012
  • Convergence rates in the law of large numbers for i.i.d. random variables have been generalized by Gut[Gut, A., 1978. Marc inkiewicz laws and convergence rates in the law of large numbers for random variables with multidimensional indices, Ann. Probab. 6, 469-482] to random fields with all indices having the same power in the normalization. In this paper we generalize these convergence rates to the identically distributed and negatively associated random fields with different indices having different power in the normalization.