• Title/Summary/Keyword: normalization factor

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Color Vision의 Physiology와 Color Space

  • 이종문;조순채;이종신
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.57-68
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    • 1991
  • Color vision 현상은 대상물질에 의해서 투과(transmission), 굴절(refraction), 반사(reflection)되어 나오는 광(light)이 망막(retina)에 비칠 때 시신경을 자극하여 뇌에 전달됨으로써 일어나는 하나의 감각현상(sensation)이다. 그러므로 그것은 인간의 감각상태, 광의 종류, 대상물질의 환경조건에 따라서, 즉 시각이 이루어진 그 순간에 인간의 눈이 어떻게 작용 하느냐에 달려있는 복잡한 현상 이다. 그래서 지금까지 발표된 20여개의 색채공간 중 그 어느 것도 인간의 감각량을 똑같이 표현할 수 없었던 것은 사실이다. 모든 자연현상이 그렇듯 인간도 개체마다 모두 다르고 대상물질 및 광에 관련된 너무 많은 요소(Factor)가 색지각 현상에 작용하기 때문에 이의 과학적 표현을 위해서는 단순화 및 normalization의 과정을 거치지 않으면 안되었던 것 같다. 지금까지 발표된 20여개의 color space중, perceptibility에 근거를 둔 유일한 color space인, Munsell color space의 해석에 Spline method 같은 수치 해석적 방법을 쓰지 않으면 안되는 그 이유를 제시하려 한다.

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Estimating Proper Number of Equipment for Ordinary Road Management Operations (일상적 도로관리를 위한 장비의 적정 보유대수 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, In Su;Yang, Choong Heon
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES: This study provides a methodology for estimating proper number of equipment for ordinary road management works. METHODS: Utilizing a computerized data of record systems (KAMIS) in 18 regional offices, two evaluation indicators were calculated and then normalized for objective comparison. Applied magnifying factor to the outputs, the proper number of equipment can be estimated. RESULTS: As a result, proper number of equipment by regional offices were required 28% more than current conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Using the proposed a methodology, fundamental data for scientific and reasonable strategies can be stored as well as be used for the future plan for budget allocation.

A study on the mechanism for reduction of lead-induced toxicity in nervous system by aloe vera (Aloe vera의 연 유도성 신경계 독성 저감 기전에 관한 연구)

  • 정명규;곽영규
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 1996
  • Effects of water extract of aloe vera on lead-induced neurotoxicity were investigated in sciatic nerve isolated from rat. The mechanism on toxicity reduction by measuring activities of axonal enzymes, metabolism of myo-inositol in nerve, lead concentration in several organs and so on were further examimed. In the lead-treated rats, the transport rate of axonal enzyme, such as acetyl cholinesterase and choline acetyltransferase, was reduced by from 50% to 30% respectively. Reduction in myo-inositol concentration and $Na^+/K^+$ ATPase activity were also observed in sciatic nerve from lead-treated rat. However, the aloe extract administration significantly eliminated the impairment and maintained myo-inositol concentration to about 85% of normal level. Also aloe extract promoted the excretion rate of lead which is accumulated in blood, sciatic nerve and kidney. These results suggest that lead-induced neurotoxicity was significantly reduced by administration of aloe extract and the mechanism might be partly increase in kidney excretion rate of lead and parity normalization of $Na^+/K^+$ ATPase activity which is critical factor in order to keep nerve maintaining normal myo-inositol level.

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Recyclable Objects Detection via Bounding Box CutMix and Standardized Distance-based IoU (Bounding Box CutMix와 표준화 거리 기반의 IoU를 통한 재활용품 탐지)

  • Lee, Haejin;Jung, Heechul
    • IEMEK Journal of Embedded Systems and Applications
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we developed a deep learning-based recyclable object detection model. The model is developed based on YOLOv5 that is a one-stage detector. The deep learning model detects and classifies the recyclable object into 7 categories: paper, carton, can, glass, pet, plastic, and vinyl. We propose two methods for recyclable object detection models to solve problems during training. Bounding Box CutMix solved the no-objects training images problem of Mosaic, a data augmentation used in YOLOv5. Standardized Distance-based IoU replaced DIoU using a normalization factor that is not affected by the center point distance of the bounding boxes. The recyclable object detection model showed a final mAP performance of 0.91978 with Bounding Box CutMix and 0.91149 with Standardized Distance-based IoU.

Validation of the Korean Version of Brief Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality Scale (다차원적 종교성/영성척도 단축형 한국어판의 타당화)

  • Yoon, Hyae-Young;Kim, Keun-Hyang
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.257-274
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the current study was to validate Fetzer Institute & National Institute on Aging Working Group[NIA](1999)'s Brief-Multidimensional Measure of Religiousness/Spirituality Scale (BMMRS) in Korean adults. The Korean version of BMMRS, Spiritual Well-Being Scale(SWS), Korean Sprituality Scale(KSS), Penn State Worry Questionnaire(PSWQ), and Intolerance of uncertainty Scale(IUS) were administered to the 286 students and community samples. A principle axis factoring analysis with direct oblimin rotation and Kaiser normalization identified a six-factor solution accounting for 66.24% of the variance in scores, labeled as: positive spiritual experience, negative spiritual experience, forgiveness, religious practices, negative congregational support, and positive congregational support. Confirmatory factor analysis results showed that 6 factor model of BMMRS have a good fitness. Also, the internal consistency(.64~.97) and the test-retest reliablity was adequate.(.72~.88) Korean version of BMMRS has adequate psychometric characteristics so it can be used to verify the effects of various compassion-related psychotherapeutic approaches.

Effects of Ozone, Cloud and Snow on Surface UV Irradiance (지표 자외선 복사 변화에 미치는 오존 전량, 구름 및 적설 효과)

  • Lee, Yun-Gon;Kim, Jhoon;Lee, Bang-Yong;Cho, Hi-Ku
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.439-451
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    • 2004
  • Total solar irradiance (750), total UV irradiunce (TUV) and erythemal UV irradiance (EUV) measured at King Sejong station $(62.22^{\circ}S,\;58.78^{\circ}W)$ in west Antarctica have been used together with total ozone, cloud amount and snow cover to examine the effects of ozone, cloud and snow surface on these surface solar inadiunce over the period of 1998-2003. The data of three solar components for each scan were grouped by cloud amount, n in oktas $(0{\leq}n<3,\;3{\leq}n<4,\;4{\leq}n<5,\;5{\leq}n<6,\;6{\leq}n<7\;and\;7{\leq}n<8)$ and plotted against solar zenith angle (SZA) over the range of $45^{\circ}\;to\;75^{\circ}$. The radiation amplification factor (RAE) is used to quantify ozone effect on EUV. RAF of EUV decreases from 1.51 to 0.94 under clear skies but increases from 0.94 to 1.85 under cloudy skies as SZA increases, and decreases from 1.51 to 1.01 as cloud amount increases. The effects of cloud amount and snow surface on EUV are estimated as a function of SZA and cloud amount after normalization of the data to the reference total ozone of 300 DU. In order to analyse the transmission of solar radiation by cloud, regression analyses have been performed for the maximum values of solar irradiance on clear sky conditions $(0{\leq}n<3)$ and the mean values on cloudy conditions, respectively. The maximum regression values for the clear sky cases were taken to represent minimum aerosol conditions fur the site and thus appropriate for use as a normalization (reference) factor for the other regressions. The overall features for the transmission of the three solar components show a relatively high values around SZAs of $55^{\circ}\;and\;60^{\circ}$ under all sky conditions and cloud amounts $4{\leq}n<5$ and $5{\leq}n<6$. The transmission is, in general, the largest in TUV and the smallest in EUV among the three components of the solar irradiance. If the ground is covered with snow on partly cloudy days $(6{\leq}n<7)$, EUV increases by 20 to 26% compared to snow-free surface around SZA $60^{\circ}-65^{\circ}$, due to multiple reflections and scattering between the surface and the clouds. The relative difference between snow surface and snow-free surface slowly increases from 9% to 20% as total ozone increases from 100 DU to 400 DU under partly cloud conditions $(3{\leq}n<6)$ at SZA $60^{\circ}$. The snow effects on TUV and TSO are relatively high with 32% and 34%, respectively, under clear sky conditions, while the effects changes to 36% and 20% for TUV and TSO, respectively, as cloud amount increases.

Influences of pH on Heavy Metal Leaching in Water Supply Pipelines (상수도관내 중금속 용출에 대한 수소이온농도의 영향 평가 연구)

  • Lee, Jeongwon;Noh, Yoorae;Park, Joonhong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2017
  • In Korea, previous certification of water supply infrastructure was mainly focused on economical and physical aspects. Recently, hygienic safety of water supply service has become a sensitive and important issue to our people for evaluating the water quality with growth of economy and education system. According on water quality in 497 Korean water supply facilities, pH values in the supplied water have ranged between 5.8-8.5. However, little is known about metal leachability at the pH conditions observed in the real water supply systems because a fixed pH condition (pH 7.0) has been used in the current standard method, 'Hygienic Safety Testing Method', in water supply. In this work, we examined the effects on heavy metal leachability with pH differences in the water supply pipes which are typically used in Korea. As a result, the amounts of metal leachability were tended to increase when pH levels were decreased. Especially at pH 5.8, Cu leachability from Cu pipes was found to exceed the public health standard level even after applying a normalization factor (NF) given by the current Korea standard method. The Cr and Cu leached from stainless steel pipes, Cd, Pb, Cu, and Zn from Cu-based pipe fittings, and Zn from Zn-based pipe fittings were exceeded the Korean hygienic safety standards while, after applying the NF, concentrations of the leached metals were satisfied with the current Korean standard. The findings from this work provide implications on the needs of reforming the current hygienic safety standard methodology.

Interpretation of Animal Dose and Human Equivalent Dose for Drug Development

  • Shin, Jang-Woo;Seol, In-Chan;Son, Chang-Gue
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: To introduce to TKM scientific dose conversion methods of human to animal or animal to human for new drug investigations. Methods: We searched guidelines of the FDA and KFDA, and compared them with references for drug-dose conversion from various databases such as PubMed and Google. Then, we analyzed the potential issues and problems related to dose conversion in safety documentation of new herbal drugs based on our experiences during Investigational New Drug (IND) applications of TKM. Results: Dose conversion from human to animal or animal to human must be appropriately translated during new drug development. From time to time, investigators have some difficulty in determining the appropriate dose, because of misunderstandings of dose conversion, especially when they estimate starting dose in clinical or animal studies to investigate efficacy, toxicology and mechanisms. Therefore, education of appropriate dose calculation is crucial for investigators. The animal dose should not be extrapolated to humans by a simple conversion method based only on body weight, because many studies suggest the normalization method is based mainly on body surface area (BSA). In general, the body surface area seems to have good correlation among species with several parameters including oxygen utilization, caloric expenditure, basal metabolism, blood volume and circulating plasma protein. Likewise, a safety factor should be taken into consideration when deciding high dose in animal toxicology study. Conclusion: Herein, we explain the significance of dose conversion based on body surface area and starting dose estimation for clinical trials with safety factor.

A Geo-statistical Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution in the Soil Around a Ship Building Yard in Busan, Korea (통계지표를 활용한 부산지역 조선소 주변 토양 내 중금속 오염조사 연구)

  • Choi, Jung-Sik;Jeon, Soo kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.7
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    • pp.907-915
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    • 2018
  • With the increase of metal usage in various industries, metal pollution and ecological toxicity in the environmental system have become a significant concern. A geo-statistical index has been widely used to determine contamination level with normalization through a background value. In this study, geo-statistical indexes such as an enrichment factor, accumulation index, and potential ecological risk index were used to assess metal pollution in soil at locations associated with shipbuilding manufacturing industries. Metal contamination, especially of Cu and Pb, was observed in some samples located closer to manufacturing sites. Enrichment factor and accumulation (IGEO) values were indicative of concerning levels of soil contamination in specific samples, and the soil contamination could be induced by anthropogenic sources. In further study, after more detailed sampling for soil and potential pollution sources, high interpretation techniques such as Pb isotope analysis and X-ray analysis will be needed to investigate source identification.

A Study on Performance Assessment Methods by Using Fuzzy Membership Function and Fuzzy Reasoning

  • Je, Sung-kwan;Jang, Hye-Won;Shin, Bok-Suk;Kim, Cheol-Ki;Jaehyun Cho;Kim, Kwang-Baek
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2003.09a
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    • pp.608-611
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    • 2003
  • Performance assessment was introduced to improvement of self-directed learning and method of assessment for differenced learning as the seventh educational curriculum is enforced. Performance assessment is overcoming limitation about problem solving ability and higher thinking abilities assessment that is problem of a written examination and get into the spotlight by way for quality of class and school normalization. But performance assessment has problems about possibilities of assessment fault by appraisal, fairness, reliability, and validity of grading, ambiguity of grading standard, difficulty about objectivity security etc. This study proposes fuzzy performance assessment system to solve problem of the conventional performance assessment. This paper presented an objective and reliable performance assessment method through fuzzy reasoning, design fuzzy membership function and define fuzzy rule analyzing factor that influence in each sacred ground of performance assessment to account principle subject. Also, performance assessment item divides by formation estimation and subject estimation and designed membership function in proposed performance assessment method. Performance assessment result that is worked through fuzzy performance assessment system can pare down burden about appraisal's fault and provide fair and reliable assessment result through grading that have correct standard and consistency to students.

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