• 제목/요약/키워드: non-flat road

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농촌마을 내부도로의 현황 및 특성 분석 (Analysis on the Actual Conditions and Characteristics of Rural Village Roads in Korea)

  • 조은정;최수명;김한얼
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.21-33
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    • 2010
  • Although there have been carrying out various rural development projects related with village road improvement, most of village roads in Korea are under much poor condition. However, until now, their actual conditions have not been surveyed at all. So, this study aimed at analysing the actual conditions and characteristics of rural village roads in the general terms to provide the basic information for the proper improvement policy-making. Case study villages were chosen in flat/mountainous/seashore/suburban areas, which be then classified as improved and not. In terms of road length per household, mountainous villages are highly dispersed and suburban ones moderately dispersed, while flat ones aggregated. Road widths in seashore/suburban/structure improved villages are narrower than flat/mountainous ones. Because about a quarter of road sites are registered as non-road, more positive scheme for transferring non-road sites into road ones.

굴곡진 도로에서의 구간 선형 모델을 이용한 차선 검출 (Lane Detection on Non-flat Road Using Piecewise Linear Model)

  • 정민영;김경환
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제39A권6호
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    • pp.322-332
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    • 2014
  • 본 논문에서는 굴곡진 도로를 구간 선형 모델로 근사화한 차선 검출 알고리즘을 제안한다. 기존의 차선 검출 알고리즘들은 지표면이 평면이라는 가정을 이용하기 때문에, 도로면이 굴곡진 실제 도로에서는 강건한 차선 검출이 어렵다. 제안하는 방법에서는 이 문제를 전체 차로를 구간으로 분할하고, 각 구간 내에서 차로를 가장 잘 근사하는 평면 차로를 구함으로써 해결한다. 이를 위해 각 구간 내에서 다양한 각도와 위치를 가지는 평면 형태의 구간 차로 후보들을 생성하였다. 구간 차로 후보들의 연결 조합 중 실제 차로에 가장 가까운 조합을 다이나믹프로그래밍을 이용하여 찾음으로써 굴곡진 차로를 근사한다. 평면 도로 뿐 아니라, 상하, 좌우의 굴곡이 있는 도로 영상으로 구성된 데이터세트에 대하여 제안하는 방법의 차선 검출 성능을 검증하였다. 평면 도로를 가정한 기존의 방법들이 80%에서 90% 초반의 검출률을 보이는 반면, 제안하는 방법은 90% 후반의 검출률을 보임을 통해 굴곡진 도로에서의 차선 검출의 강건성을 입증하였다.

Numerical investigation of truck aerodynamics on several classes of infrastructures

  • Alonso-Estebanez, Alejandro;del Coz Diaz, Juan J.;Rabanal, Felipe P.A lvarez;Pascual-Munoz, Pablo;Nieto, Paulino J. Garcia
    • Wind and Structures
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2018
  • This paper describes the effect of different testing parameters (configuration of infrastructure and truck position on road) on truck aerodynamic coefficients under cross wind conditions, by means of a numerical approach known as Large Eddy Simulation (LES). In order to estimate the air flow behaviour around both the infrastructure and the truck, the filtered continuity and momentum equations along with the Smagorinsky-Lilly model were solved. A solution for these non-linear equations was approached through the finite volume method (FVM) and using temporal and spatial discretization schemes. As for the results, the aerodynamic coefficients acting on the truck model exhibited nearly constant values regardless of the Reynolds number. The flat ground is the infrastructure where the rollover coefficient acting on the truck model showed lowest values under cross wind conditions (yaw angle of $90^{\circ}$), while the worst infrastructure studied for vehicle stability was an embankment with downward-slope on the leeward side. The position of the truck on the road and the value of embankment slope angle that minimizes the rollover coefficient were determined by successfully applying the Response Surface Methodology.

평지 전통마을 갈림길의 중심각과 곡률반경에 관한 연구 (Model on the Relationship between the Radius of Curvature and Central Angle -the Case of Divided-roads in Flat Traditional Villages-)

  • 김윤하;안계복
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제28권2호
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to identify relationships between a central angle and a radius of curvature of divided roads in flat terrain of traditional villages, suggesting layout criteria for traditional villages: Nak-an, Sung-Eup, Ha-Whe. This study is sought to find the optimum model through the various SAS regression analyses. a regression analysis of this data was adopted to induce the relationship formula between a central angle of curve and a radius of curvature. Results of this study are as follows: 1) Most of the divided roads in traditional villages have a complex curve rather than a simple curve. 2) A central angle of curve has ranged from 11$^{\circ}$to 127$^{\circ}$, with a mean degree of 63.9. 3) In the lower level of central angle(11-40$^{\circ}$), the branch roads have distributed with a high frequency, but with a low frequency in the higher level of central angle(90-140$^{\circ}$). 4) A radius of curvature in the divided roads has ranged from 0.9m to 59.6, but half of the roads have concentrated on 1-6m of the curvature. 5) Compared to the result of hilly villages in previous study(Ahn, 1999), value of central angels in flat villages is lower than that of hilly villages, while a mean value of the curvature is higher than that of hilly villages. 6) A Non-linear regression analysis, resulting from the SAS application, was useful method to induce a relationship formula between a central angle and a radius of curvature in the branch roads. Our study's formula is as follow: R=100.3*EXP(-0.06*$\delta$)+3.91. 7) Our study model has less error than that of the Kishizuka's method, being applicable to a broader range of the branch roads. 8) A minimum radius of curvature in our study has showed 3.9m, suggesting to reconsider applications of the Kishizuka's(5.8m) in the footpass design, In the study for this presupposition model the efficiency and utility of it can be estimated to grow large according to how much and how far it includes both extremes of data. This study is for the application to a design in future through the numerical formula of divided roads of various traditional villages. The studies from now on will be about the quasi-hilly quasi-hilly village and hilly village supplementing these factors more.

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허용변화한계법(Limits of Acceptable Change: LAC)과 휴양기회분포(Recreation Opportunity Spectrum: ROS)를 적용한 갯벌자원 평가 (Evaluation of Wetland as Application on Limits of Acceptable Change: LAC.Recreation Opportunity Spectrum: ROS Methods)

  • 김진선
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제31권4호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the resource value of existing mud flats in JANGWHARI, KANGWHADO, as strategies for ecotourism. The research methods used in this study are Limits of Acceptable Change(LAC), and Recreation Opportunity Spectrum(ROS). The LAC process draws attention to the existing area conditions that are judged to be acceptable. Managers must define desired area conditions and undertake actions to maintain or achieve these conditions. The ROS is within each of the recreation opportunity classes identified as being used at the regional level. The Results of this study are as follows: 1) The Opportunity Class of the ROS is ecological, physical, social, managerial setting as primitive, semi-primitive. non-motorized, semi-primitive$.$motorized, and roaded natural. 2) The indicator of the LAC is ecological, physical, social, and managerial setting; the indicator of ecological is wildlife populations, water quality, road paving; the indicator of physical is facilities; the indicator of social is visitor needs for knowledge, adventure, eco-experience, and environmental education programs; and, the indicator of managerial is limits of law, and degree of management. 3) Currently, the Opportunity Class of the ROS of JANGWHARI, KANGWHADO is levels II-III, and the Opportunity Class of the suggested ROS is levels I-II. 4) This paper describes strategies for mud flat area management: detection of water quality, resolving problems of equipment, supply of both environmental education programs and guide equipment.

Non-contact Transportation of Flat Panel Substrate by Combined Ultrasonic Acoustic Viscous and Aerostatic Forces

  • Isobe, Hiromi;Fushimi, Masaaki;Ootsuka, Masami;Kyusojin, Akira
    • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.44-48
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    • 2007
  • In recent years, the size of plane substrates and semiconductor wafers has increased. As conventional contact transportation systems composed of, for example, carrier rollers, belt conveyers, and robot hands carry these longer and wider substrates, the increased weight results in increased potential for fracture. A noncontact transportation system is required to solve this problem. We propose a new noncontact transportation system combining acoustic viscous and aerostatic forces to provide damage-free transport. In this system, substrates are supported by aerostatic force and transported by acoustic viscous streaming induced by traveling wave deformation of a disk-type stator. A ring-type piezoelectric transducer bonded on the stator excites vibration. A stator with a high Q piezoelectric transducer can generate traveling vibrations with amplitude of $3.2{\mu}m$. Prior to constructing a carrying road for substrates, we clarified the basic properties of this technique and stator vibration characteristics experimentally. We constructed the experimental equipment using a rotational disk with a 95-mm diameter. Electric power was 70 W at an input voltage of 200 Vpp. A rotational torque of $8.5\times10^{-5}Nm$ was obtained when clearance between the stator and disk was $120{\mu}m$. Finally, we constructed a noncontact transport apparatus for polycrystalline silicon wafers $(150(W)\times150(L)\times0.3(t))$, producing a carrying speed of 59.2 mm/s at a clearance of 0.3 mm between the stator and wafer. The carrying force when four stators acted on the wafer was $2\times10^{-3}N$. Thus, the new noncontact transportation system was demonstrated to be effective.