• 제목/요약/키워드: non health related major

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일반음식점 신규영업주의 위생관리지식 및 위생행정에 대한 태도 (Knowledge and Attitude toward Restaurant-Related Sanitation of New Restaurateurs)

  • 김선택;박재용;감신;한창현
    • 보건교육건강증진학회지
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.79-95
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sanitation affairs of general restaurants. The questionnaire survey on the attitude and knowledge toward sanitation, the attitude for sanitary administration and the sanitary education was conducted against new 600 restaurateurs who were educated from June 20 to July 11, 1996, at the administration hall's division of Kyungsangbook-do in charge of food industry that offered regular sanitary education to new restaurateurs annually. And the visit survey on sanitary practice was also conducted over 93 restaurateurs who obtained the commercial license for food service business. The findings from the survey were as follows; In regard to food sanitation, some 87.1 to 88.3% got the right knowledge about the reason and precaution of food poisoning, food's frozen or cold-storage, and the disposal of products after expiration of validity term. But it was about 20.8% to 50.0% who knew right about major precaution, storage temperature in refrigerator, fermented milk product's storage temperature and validity term. There was therefore a necessity for education in food sanitation. 38.2% of the subjects placed an emphasis on sanitary storage of foodstuffs as the most important thing in sanitary management. 33.8% emphasized cooking sanitation. The environmental sanitation was counted as the most important thing by 19.2%, and personal sanitation of worker was counted by 8.8%. There was differences in what they thought the most important thing was, according to the respondent's educational level and cooker. 86.6% replied it necessary to improve the sanitary level. The respondents who were younger or had better educational level emphasized more the need for it. Concerning health examination, 90.2% replied it necessary. 81.4% answered the reason was because there was a potentiality Quests might be infected with contagious disease. 78.5% pointed the need for sanitary education, but respondents with higher educational level less emphasized its needs. As the reason for poor sanitation, restaurateur's poor awareness about it was most frequently pointed out, by 46.9%. Cooking sanitation was most frequently counted, by 38.5%, as the first thing to be improved. As the most critical point in sanitary education, 34.5% indicated food's sanitary Quality control 30.9% mentioned sanitary treatment of kitchen facilities and peripheral environment, and 27.1% emphasized the summary of the general food sanitation. 77.7% answered to correct immediately in case of violating the Food Hygiene Law, and 12.0% replied to correct in the same case if they would get the order from public official or administrative action would be taken. Respondents with higher educational level answered more to correct immediately. What they wanted the government office to do toward sanitary improvement was a fund aid an facilities and management which was pointed out by 38.9%, a periodical sanitary education by 26.3% and a on-the-spot guidance of sanitary officials by 22.3%. In view of the food service business's sanitary practice, the rate of wearing a sanitary clothes was 32.9% in city and 35.0% in county. The rate of hand-washing without soap or non-washing at cooking was 73.9%, 85%, respectively. The rate of personnel sanitation was 34.2% in city and 50.0% in county. These things indicated the sanitation was not well practiced. To improve the poor sanitary conditions of the food service businesses, it is recommended to offer institutional backing and financial aid from administrative office, and encourage restaurateurs to take pride in their job. and conduct the sanitary education effectively by sanitary education institution.

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전북지역 산업체급식소 조리종사자의 고용형태에 따른 안전사고 실태 및 안전사고 예방관리에 대한 중요도와 수행도 분석 (Comparative analysis of status of safety accidents and importance-performance analysis (IPA) about precautions of safety accidents by employment type of industry foodservices in Jeonbuk area)

  • 소희;노정옥
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • 제50권4호
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    • pp.402-414
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 전북지역 산업체급식소의 정규직과 비정규직 조리종사자 282명을 대상으로 급식소에서의 안전사고, 안전교육 실태 및 안전사고 예방관리의 중요도 및 수행도를 조사하여 산업체급식소의 안전사고 예방을 위한 효율적인 관리방안을 제시하고자 하였으며, 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 조사대상자는 정규직 42.2% (119명), 비정규직 57.8% (163명) 이며 96.5%는 여자이었다. 고용형태에 따라서는 연봉수준 (p < 0.001), 직급 (p < 0.001), 평균 연령 (p < 0.001), 급식횟수 (p < 0.001)에서 유의적인 차이를 보였다. 정규직의 66.4%, 비정규직의 53.4%가 안전사고의 경험이 있으며 (p < 0.05), 사고원인은 본인의 부주의 (53.5%)가 가장 큰 원인이었다. 사고처리는 정규직은 회사부담 (71.6%)이 높으며 비정규직은 산재처리 (44.6%)가 높았다. 안전사고는 정규직은 화상 (48.6%), 절단사고 (31.1%)가 높았으며 비정규직은 미끄러짐 (47.8%)과 화상 (44.6%)의 순으로 차이가 있었다. 사고부위는 주로 손과 팔 (63.3%) 이었다. 정규직의 98.3%, 비정규직의 95.1%가 안전사고 예방을 위한 안전교육을 받았으며, 교육은 주로 영양사 (93.4%)가 실시하나 정규직은 산업안전관리공단 (6.8%)과 협회(2.6%)의 교육도 받고 있었다. 교육 빈도는 정규직의 68.4%가 1회, 23.9%가 2회, 7.7%는 3회 이상의 교육을 받았으나 비정규직은 1회 50.3%, 2회 37.4%, 3회 이상 12,2%로 비정규직의 교육 빈도가 유의하게 높았다 (p < 0.05). 교육방법은 주로 강의 (77.2%)로 진행되며, 교육 후 정규직의 37.6%는 별도의 평가가 없으나, 비정규직의 33.5%는 시험, 25.2%는 면담, 12.3%는 실기평가를 실시하고 있었다 (p < 0.05). 교육만족도는 조사대상자의 81.6%가 만족하며 비정규직 (85.2%)이 정규직 (76.9%)보다 더 만족하는 경향을 보였다. 교육 후 정규직의 73.5%, 비정규직의 71.6%만이 실제 작업에 교육내용을 적용하고 있었다. 적용하지 못하는 이유는 업무과중으로 인한 시간부족과 습관적인 작업행태 때문이었다. 산업체급식소의 정규직과 비정규직 조리종사원의 안전사고 예방관리에 대한 정규직과 비정규직의 중요도는 각각 4.26점, 4.15점이며 수행도는 정규직 3.96점, 비정규직 3.94점이었다. 독립표본 t-test로 분석한 결과, 21개의 항목 중 '튀김요리 시 물이 튀지 않게 하며 화상에 주의한다'에서 정규직 (4.43점)이 비정규직 (4.24점)보다 중요도가 유의적으로 높았으나 (p < 0.05), 수행도는 모든 항목에서 정규직과 비정규직간 유의적인 차이는 없었다. 대응표본 t-test 분석결과, 정규직의 중요도와 수행도간의 유의적인 차이를 보였다 (p < 0.001). 전체 21개 항목의 중요도와 수행도간에 유의적인 차이를 보였다. IPA분석결과, 중요도와 수행도가 높은 A영역 (Doing great)에서 '작업장 바닥의 물, 기름을 청소', '작업장과 통로의 물건 정리', '작업 시 미끄럼방지 안전화 착용', '사용하지 않는 호스는 감아서 정리', '화재위험 있는 전열기 코드 뽑기', '튀김요리 시 화상에 주의하며 조리'는 정규직과 비정규직 모두 해당되었으며, 이외 '물기 있는 손으로 전기시설 관리하지 않기'는 정규직에만 해당되었으며 '야채절단기 사용 시전용방망이 사용', '안전하게 칼 관리'는 비정규직에만 포함되었다. 중요도가 높으나 수행도가 낮은 B영역 (Focus here)에서 '출근 후 환기와 가스누출 확인', '콘센트 안전관리'는 정규직과 비정규직 모두 해당되었으며 이외에 '영양사에게 건강상태 보고' 및 '중량물 취급 시 올바른 자세로 작업'은 정규직에만 '가스차단기 작동확인'은 비정규직에만 포함되었다. 중요도는 낮으나 수행도가 높은 C영역(Overdone)에서 '기계설비 잠금장치 확인'은 정규직과 비정규직 모두에 해당되었으며 이외에 '야채절단기 사용 시 전용방망이 사용', '안전하게 칼 관리'는 정규직에 포함되었으며 '물기 있는 손으로 전기시설 관리하지 않기', '전기기구 연결 확인', '영양사에게 건강상태 보고' 및 '중량물 취급 시 올바른 자세로 작업'은 비정규직에 포함되었다. 중요도와 수행도가 낮은 D영역 (Low priority)에 'MSDS관리', '화학물질 위험표시 인지', '화학물질 취급 전 보호 장갑 등의 장비 착용', '작업 전 스트레칭 실시' 및 '보조도구를 이용하여 안전하게 작업대 높이 조정'이 정규직과 비정규직에 포함되었으며 이외에 정규직에 '전기기구 연결 확인', '가스차단기 작동확인'이 추가되었다. 본 연구결과를 종합하면, 전북지역 산업체급식소에서의 안전교육 실시는 잘 진행되고 있으나 아직도 교육을 받지 못하는 비정규직이 있으므로 이에 대한 경영주 및 영양사의 인식전환이 필요하겠다. 또한 조리종사원들의 안전사고 예방관리에 대한 중요도 인식은 고용형태 간 유의적인 차이 없이 높은 수준이었으나 교육 후 업무과중의 이유로 실제 적용하는 어려움이 있는 점을 볼 때 효율적인 업무관리 및 안전사고 예방을 위한 철저한 감독이 요구된다. 특히, 화학물질에 대한 이해 및 MSDS관리에 대한 조리종사원들의 낮은 중요도 인식과 수행도는 향후 안전교육에서 중요하게 다루어야 하겠다. 향후 정규직과 비정규직 구분에 따른 지원의 차이를 줄이고 소속감을 높여 조리종사원의 책임감과 안전의식을 높여 보다 안전한 급식소환경이 될 수 있는 방안이 요구된다.

의사소통 기술과 해부학 실습 설명의 융합 : 의과대학 학생들의 자기평가 요소와 학문적 성취감의 상관관계 (Convergence of Explanation Meeting in Cadaveric Dissection with Communication Skill : Correlation between Self-evaluation Factor and Academic Achievement of Medical Students)

  • 박정현;임희경;김지희
    • 디지털융복합연구
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    • 제14권8호
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    • pp.363-370
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구의 목적은 해부학실습에서 의과대학 학생들의 설명을 도입하여 만족도, 전공과의 연계성, 운영의 적절성, 언어적, 비언어적 의사소통을 포함한 자기평가요인과 학업성취도의 상관관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 의과대학 학생들은 보건관련학과 학생들에게 해부학 실습을 통해 시신의 구조를 설명과 토의를 하였다. 그 직후, 102명의 의과대학 학생들은 자기 평가요인과 의사소통의 영향에 관한 자기기입식 설문을 작성하였다. 연구기간은 2012년 6월부터 9월까지였다. 자료는 빈도 분석, t-test, 변량분석으로 처리되었다. 성별, 나이, 해부학 설명회의 경험에 관계없이 학생들은 자기평가요인의 모든 질문에서 높은 점수를 기록하였다. 그 중에서, 전공과의 연계성, 언어적 의사소통 요인은 학업성취도와 밀접한 관계가 있었다 (p<0.05). 언어적, 비언어적 의사소통 요인 또한 0.580의 높은 상관관계를 보였다. (p<0.01). 해부학 설명 과정은 의과대학 학생들에게 긍정적인 태도로 더 배우려는 기회를 제공하였고, 학업 동기를 부여하였다.

스리랑카 Kurunegala시의 기후변화 적응 계획 개발 (Development of Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Kurunegala City, Sri Lanka)

  • ;조한나;;전민수;김이형
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제21권4호
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    • pp.354-364
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    • 2019
  • 스리랑카는 지리적으로 섬으로 형성된 국가로 기후변화에 민감한 나라이다. Kurunegala시는 2009년부터 2019년까지 약 11년 동안 도심지 내 연평균 기온이 0.69±0.37℃로 꾸준하게 증가하였으며, 강우패턴도 변화하고 있다. 그러나 도시 개발 계획시 기후변화 및 기후재난에 대한 규정이 미흡하여 인적 및 물적 피해가 우려되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 스리랑카 Kurunegala시의 인문학적 및 자연적 특성을 조사분석하고 기후변화 적응에 대한 방안을 수립하기 위하여 수행되었다. Kurunegala시의 기후변화 적응방안은 기후변화에 대한 정성적 위험 평가를 수행하여 개발하였다. 정성적 위험평가 결과 Kurunegala시의 주요 문제점은 음용수, 수자원 및 건강 관련 인프라로 분석되었다. 물부족 및 도시 내 온도를 완화하기 위한 방안으로는 기존 사회인프라에 비점오염저감, 도시 열섬현상 저감 및 건전한 물순환 체계 구축 등 다양한 효과를 유도하는 저영향개발기술(Low Impact Development, LID)의 적용이 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 본 자료는 Kurunegala시와 같이 기후변화에 따른 물문제를 안고 있는 도시의 물문제 해결에 활용될 수 있다.

Critically Ill Patients with Pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009 at a Medical Center in Korea

  • Choi, Eun-Young;Huh, Jin-Won;Lim, Chae-Man;Koh, Youn-Suck;Kim, Sung-Han;Choi, Sang-Ho;Kim, Won-Young;Kim, Won;Kim, Mi-Na;Hong, Sang-Bum
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제70권1호
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2011
  • Background: The aim of the study was to describe the characteristics, treatments, and outcomes of critically ill patients with pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009 at a major medical center in Korea. Methods: This retrospective observational study examined critically ill adult patients with pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009, who were admitted to the AMC between August and December 2009. Results: 27 patients with confirmed pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009 were admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) at the Asan Medical Center (AMC). The median age (IQR) was 59 years (41~67), and 66.7% of the patients were older than 51 years. A total of 81.5% of the patients had 2 or more co-morbidities. The median time (IQR) from symptom onset to presentation was 2 days (1~4), and the median time from presentation to ICU admission was 0 days (0~1.5). All patients received oseltamivir (300 mg/day) and 13 patients received triple combination therapy (oseltamivir, amantadine, ribavirin). Twelve patients required mechanical ventilation on the first day of ICU admission. A total of 6 patients (22.2%) died within 28 days of admission. The patients who died had significantly higher acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II and sequential organ failure assessment (SOFA) scores at presentation. There were no significant differences in age, co-morbidities, or antiviral regimens between survivors and non-survivors. Conclusion: Critical illness related to pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009 was common in elderly patients with chronic co-morbidities. All patients were given high-dose oseltamivir or triple combination antiviral therapy. Nonetheless, patients with critical illnesses associated with pandemic Influenza A/H1N1 2009 had a death rate of 22.2%.

관우한국생태학적일개예설(关于韩国生态学的一个预设): 기우복장탑배적행위(基于服装搭配的行为) (Typology of Korean Eco-sumers: Based on Clothing Disposal Behaviors)

  • Sung, Hee-Won;Kincade, Doris H.
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권1호
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    • pp.59-69
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    • 2010
  • 绿色环保或者环境意识已经成为商业、政府机关, 以及消费者和世界关注的重要问题. 针对这一情况, 韩国政府宣布, 在本世纪初, "环保建设" 将被作为一种用以鼓励与环保相关的商业活动的方式. 不同层次的韩国服装业, 提出了不同的产品环保的绿色计划. 这些服装产品包括有机产品和回收的衣服. 要想使这些公司成功, 他们需要那些, 在做产品购买,使用, 处置时, 将绿色问题(如环境的可持续性发展)作为一个人判断的一个组成部分的顾客的信息. 这些消费者可以被看成是生态学的关注者. 过去的研究已经对消费者对于环保产品的购买意愿进行了检测. 此外, 还研究了影响生态保护者或绿色消费者的因素. 但是, 只是关注生态保护者在处置或者回收利用衣服上与采购绿色产品相比较是不够的. 服装处置行为有多种途径, 消费者可以用淘汰, 传承(例如: 把它送给一个年幼的弟弟), 赠与, 交换, 出售或者简单的把他扔掉等多种方式来暂时或者永久的摆脱闲置的衣服或贷款项目. 因此, 购买环保产品的行为应该结合服装处置的行为, 从而进一步了解消费者的消费行为与对环境的态度. 本项研究的目的在于提供韩国生态保护者从有利于生态学的角度出发来购买和处理衣服的生活方式的相关信息. 本研究的目标有: 1, 基于韩国对服装处置行为进行分类; 2, 调查人 们人口统计数据, 生活方式和服装消费价值观赏的差异; 3, 在环保的时尚物品的购买意愿和影响因素之间进行比较. 自填式的调查问卷是基于以往的研究设置出来的. 问卷包括10项处置衣服的条款, 22项可持续并且健康的生活方式的条款, 以及19项消费观念的条款. 根据利克特模板的五分量表设置. 此外, 购买两个时尚物品的意愿和每个物品属性的11项特征都是根据利克特模板的七分量表而来, 两种制成羊毛套衫的可以从PET识别代码的回收瓶子中创造出来的涤纶织物这两种套衫选自一个韩国和一个美国的户外运动服装的品牌. 我们对每一种产品的简介和颜色都进行了调查, 人口统计学(即性别, 年龄, 婚姻状况, 教育程度, 收入, 职业)也被包括在内. 在2009年5月份, 研究数据通过一个专业网站的调查机构进行采集, 最后有600份调查问卷可供分析, 这个调查的受访者年龄从20到49岁不等, 平均年龄为34岁. 百分之50的调查者为男性, 大约58%的受访者是已婚者, 其中62%的受访者有大学学位. 主要成分分析和因素最大方法差的方法用以识别衣服处理规模的潜在尺度. 共有三个因素生成(比如: 倒卖行为, 捐赠行为, 不回收利用行为). 基于他们处置衣服的方式对受访者进行了分类, 群类分析被使用, 最终得到了三个部分. 不同的消费者, 被分别贴上 "转售集团", "捐资团体" 以及 "不回收组织" 的标签加以分类, 其中98%是正确的分类. 从人口统计学角度来看, 这三个类别的人在性别, 婚姻状况, 职业和年龄上有显著的差异. 健康可持续的生活方式被缩减为以下5个因素: 自我满意度, 家庭定位, 健康问题, 环境问题和自愿的服务. 这是三个群体中健康可持续的生活方式的最显著的差异. 转售集团和捐赠组表现出在健康可持续的生活方式上的相同倾向, 同时, 不回收集团在生活方式方面呈现最低的平均值. 转售和捐赠团体自称享受和满意这种生活和消费方式, 并且能够利用空余的时间陪伴家人. 另外, 这两组的人关心健康和有机食品, 并试图保护能源和资源. 对服装消费的价值观产生主要影响的三个因素是: 个人价值, 社会价值和实用价值. 因素的方差测试表明转售集团和其他两组之间的因素差异最大. 转售集团相比其他价值更关注个人价值和社会价值. 相比之下, 非回收集团比捐赠集团更关注高层次的社会价值. 比较购买环保产品的意愿上, 转售集团表现出最高的购买A类产品的意愿. 另一方面, 捐赠集团则在小市场中表现出购买B类产品的最高意愿. 此外, 平均分数表明, 购买韩国的产品(B类产品)相比购买美国的产品(A类产品)更合韩国人的心意. 多元线性回归分析法确定了对环保产品的购买的意愿对制造业产品属性的影响. 产品的设计, 价格, 贡献, 对环境的保护, 价格, 兼容性是影响转售集团的显著因素, 另外, 以及对自身形象的影响是捐赠团体的重要因素. 对于非回收集团来说, 设计, 价格等因素是相同的, 自我的形象,对环保运动的贡献, 和环境保护也是很重要的. 而价格因素具有显著性的共通性. 对于B类产品来说, 设计, 合理的价格, 形象等因素是同等的重要, 但是不同的组对购买的特征和意愿有不同的倾向. 健康可持续的生活方式以及服装消费的意向对购买A类产品和B类产品的影响同样被我们所关注. 实际操作者的健康状况和个人价值都是影响购买意愿的重要因素; 然而, 在这三个群体中说服的力度都很低. 结果表明, 分类出来的每组处理服装的行为, 显示着不同服装产品的属性, 个人价值, 和实践者的特点, 这些都影响了他们的购买环保产品的意愿, 结果会使生态保护者提出并组织更合理的生态设计的战略决策.

한국 지역사회 거주 노인학대 연구의 체계적 고찰 (A Systematic Review of Community Elder Abuse Studies in South Korea)

  • 김동하;강세린;이윤경;차예원;유승현;김홍수
    • 한국노년학
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    • 제36권4호
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    • pp.1003-1024
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    • 2016
  • 초고령화 사회를 앞두고 최근 들어 노인 인권의 중요성에 대한 사회적, 학문적 관심이 증가하고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 노인학대 연구가 본격화된 지난 20년간 발표된 한국의 지역사회 거주 노인학대에 대한 문헌들을 체계적으로 고찰하고, 향후 이 주제에 대한 연구와 예방 정책 수립을 위한 기초 근거자료를 제공하고자 한다. 연구방법은 한국의 지역사회 노인학대 연구가 본격적으로 논의되기 시작된 1994년부터 2016년 2월까지 노년학 관련 주요 데이터베이스를 이용하여 노인학대 문헌들을 검색하고, 체계적 문헌고찰 방법에 따라 검토하는 단계들을 거쳐 최종적으로 31편의 연구를 선정하였다. 선정된 연구들에 대해서 연구의 일반적인 특성과 노인학대의 유형, 노인학대 측정도구, 이론적 개념 틀에 근거하여 노인학대의 영향요인을 체계적으로 고찰하였다. 연구결과 총 31편의 선행연구는 모두 단면연구였으며, 도시의 지역사회 거주 노인들을 대상으로 비확률 표본추출을 시도한 연구가 대부분을 차지하였다. 넓은 의미의 정의에 포함되는 모든 노인학대 유형을 다루고 있는 연구는 발견되지 않았고, 노인학대 측정도구는 연구자의 임의에 따라 도구를 조합하고, 타당도가 검증되지 않은 도구를 사용하는 경우가 대부분이었다. 지역사회 노인학대의 영향요인의 경우 가해자와 피해자의 일반적 특성 증 연령, 성별, 교육수준, 배우자 유무들은 상당수의 연구에서 유의한 경향이 확인되지 않거나, 상반된 결과를 보인데 비해, 피해자 및 가해자의 신체기능 및 인지기능 장애 등과 관련된 신체적 특성과 정신질환, 스트레스, 알코올 중독 등의 정신적 특성과 관련한 요인은 노인학대의 위험성과 밀접한 관련성이 확인되었다. 또한, 돌봄 자와 돌봄 받는 노인의 부양기대감에 대한 차이를 줄이는 것, 돌봄 부담 감소를 위한 지원, 노인 친화적 지역사회 조성이 노인학대예방에 중요하다는 것을 확인하였다. 향후 한국의 지역사회 노인학대 연구는 사회문화적 맥락을 고려한 이론의 적용 및 이에 대한 엄밀한 실증연구가 필요하며, 이를 위해 한국의 맥락이 반영된 일반화된 노인학대 척도를 개발하고, 이를 활용하여 노인학대의 세부 유형별로 다차원적 영향요인을 탐색하는 것을 제언한다.

사무 자동화에 따른 사무직 근로자의 건강과 연관된 자각 증상에 대한 조사연구 (An Investigation on the self-consciousness Symptoms of the Clerical Workers attendant upon Office Automation)

  • 정미화
    • 한국직업건강간호학회지
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    • 제3권호
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    • pp.54-70
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    • 1993
  • According as the automation of clerical work(OA ; Office Automation) develops, the use of VDT(Visual or Video Display Terminal) is increasing suddenly. But, in proportion to the spread of office automation(OA tendency), the self-conciousness syptom attendant upon the work is appearing also (Kim, Jung Tae, Lee, Young Ook, 1990). The apparatuses of office enable the clerical workers to be convenient and perform mass businesses. But, they are increasing the opportunity to be exposed to VDT syndrom, techno stress, computer terminal disease, pain by muscle strain(RSI), bradycausia of noise nature, and electromagnetic waves, etc. which are referred to as the new type of occupational diseases to the workers. It is the real situation that the workers to use VDT is complaining of the physical inconvenience sense in the recent newspaper and literature, it is the point of time that the sydrome to come from VDT use and computer terminal disease, etc. must be classified into the occupational disease(Lee, Kwang Young 1990, Lee, Kyoo Hak 1990, Lee, Won Ho 1991, Lee, Si Young 1991, Lee, Joon 1991, Choi, Young Tae 1991, Heo, Seung Ho 1989). In addition, it is the real situation that the scientifitic study result about the scope that electromagnetic waves has influence on the human body has not been suggested yet, and criticism on the stable exposure permission standard about electromagnetic waves to be emitted from VDT and on the problem in the health about electromagnetic waves is continuing. (IEEE Spectrum, 1990). In addition according to the experience of nursery business of industry field, it is the real situation that the patients who consult complaining of physical and mental inconvenience sence, among the users of apparatus of office automation, are reaching 10% of the patients coming to doctor's room. Therefore, it is necessary to confirm the self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complain of multilaterally with the actual state examination about the use of the apparatuses of offices automaton. Thus, this study was tried as th basic data for the cosultation and education for the maintenance and furtherance of the health of workers as the nurse of industry field, by confirming the contents of self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of the apparatus for office outomation making the financial institution in which the spparatus for office automation in most frequently used as the subject, and by examining whether there is the difference according to the subject of study, the data were collected, by using the questionnaire method, making 200 workers who consented to the study participation as the subject, among the persons who have spent over 3 months since they used the apparatuses for office automation and didn't receive the treatment in hospital due to the clerical disease for recent 3 years. The period of data collection was from Oct. 9, 1991 to Oct. 12. As for the measurement instrument about the complaint if self-consciousness symptom attendant upon the use of apparatuses fo office automation, the question item on the complaint symptom of health problem attendant upon the treatment of VDT that Kim(1991) developed and on CMI health problem and the question items on the fatigue degree due to industry were used by previous examination to 25 persons. Collected data were analyzed with the statistical method such as percentage, arithmetic mean, Person correlation coeffient, Kai square verfication, t-test, ANOVA, etc. by using SPSS/PC+ program, and the result is as follows : 1. The self-consciousness symptom that the clerical workers complained of most frequetly appeared high in 'My eyes are tired'(99.4%), 'I feel fatigue and weariness'(99.4%), 'I feel that my head is heavy5(90.0%), 'eyesight fell'(88.8%), 'I have a stiff neck'(88.8%), 'I fell pain in the shoulder'(85.0%), 'I feel cold and painful in the eyes'(76.9%), 'I feel the dry sense of eyeball'(76.2%), 'My nerves are edgy, and I an fretful, (75.6%), 'I feel pain in the waist'(73.2%) and 'I fell pain in the back'(72.8%). It emerged that the subject use the apparatuses for office automation complained of self-consciousness symptoms related to visual symptoms and musculoskeletal symptoms. 2. As for the general feature of examination subjects, the result to see the distribution by classifying into sex, age, school career, use career of apparatuses for office automation, skillfulness degree of the use of apparatus for office automation, use hours of the apparatuses for office automation per 1 day, type of business of the apparatus for office automation, rest hours during the use of apparatus for office automation, satifaction degree of business of office automation, and work circumstance, etc. emerged as follows : As for the sex of subjects, the distribution showed that men were 58.8% and women were 41.3%, Age was average 26.9. As the distribution of school career, the distribution showed that4below the graduation of high school' was 58.8%, 'graduation from junior college-university' was 35.0%, and 'over graduate school' was 6.3%. In the question to ask the existence or non-existence of experience of health consultation in connection with the work of office automation, the response that I had the consultation exprience and I feel the necessity emergerd as 90.1% And, the case that the subject who didn't wear the glasses or lens before using the OA apparatus wear glasses or lens after using OA apparatus emerged as 28.3% of whole. As for the existence or non-existence of use career of OA apparatus, the case under 3 years was highest as 52. 7%. As for the skillfulnness degree about the use of apparatus for office automation, most of them are skillful with the fact that 'common' was 44.4%, 'skill' was 42.5%, and 'unskillful' was 13.1% As for the use average hours of the apparatus for office automation per 1 day, the distribution showed that the case under 3-6 hours was 33.1%, the case under 6-9 hours was 28.1%, the case under 3 hours was 30.6%, and the case over 9 hours was 8.1% Main OA business and the use hours for 1 day showed in the order of keeping and retrieval, business of information transmission(162min), business of information transmission(79.3 min), business of document framing(55.5 min), and business of duplication and printing(25.4min). as for the rest during the use of apparatus for affice automation, that I take rest occasion demands the major portion, but that I take after completing the work emerged as 33.8%. Though the subiness gets to be convenient by the use of the apparatus for of office automation, respondents who showed the dissatisfaction about the present OA business emergd high as 78.1%. The work circumstances of each office was good with the fact that the temperature of office was 21.8, noise was average 42.7db, and the illumination was average 364.4 lx, in the light of ANSi/HFS 100 Standard. 3. Sight syptom, musculoskeletal symptom, skin and other symptoms showed the significant difference according to the extent of skillfulness of the apparatus for office automation. All the symptoms exept skin symptom showed the difference according to the use hours of the apparatus for office automation. All the question items exept the sytoms of digestive organs and the rest hours during the apparatus for office automation showed the signicant difference. The question item which showed the signicant difference from the satisfaction degree of present OA business showed the significant difference from all the question item classified into 6 groups. But, age and school career didn't significant difference from the complaint of any self-consciousness symptoms.

    . In conclusion, the self-consciousness symptoms of the subjects to use OA apparatus appeared differently, according to sex distiction, skillfull degree of OA apparatus, use hours of OA apparatus, the rest hours during th use of OA apparatus, and the satiafaction degree of persent business. Therefore, it is necessary that the nurse in the inuctry field must recognize to receive the education about the human technological physical condition which is most proper for te use of OA apparatus and about the proper rest method until they get accustomed to the use of OA apparatus. In addition, the simple exercise relax the tention of muscle due to the repetitive simple movement, and the education for the protection of eyesight are necessary.

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  • 독거노인의 사회안전망에 대한 활성화 방안 - 광양시 무선페이징시스템 대상자 중심으로 - (Activation plan of social safety network of the aged living alone - Focused on the aged using wireless paging system in Gwangyang-si -)

    • 이재민
      • 한국응급구조학회지
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      • 제13권3호
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      • pp.41-58
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      • 2009
    • Objective : The purpose of this study is to identify actual operations and issues of wireless paging system operation for the aged living alone as the end users of wireless paging system primarily in Gwangyang city, and thereby to explore possible advanced and integrated ways to promote social safety network for the aged. Methods : The survey tool used in this study was a structured questionnaire form consisting of question items. The researcher hereof conducted this survey by means of direct visit and interview during two seasons, i.e. from February to August, 2008 and from December 2008 to March 2009, respectively. Results : 1) For general demographic characteristics, it was found that 90.9% of all respondents were women and 61.2% of all respondents were at age 75 to 84. for health conditions, it was found that more than 90% of all respondents often took medicines due to their unhealthy body, and most of respondents suffered from musculoskeletal diseases 79.3% and circulatory diseases 61.6%. for walking capacity, it was found that 45.5% of all respondents used walking aids, and disable respondents (11.5% of all respondents) were represented primarily by those with physical disability (52.6% of disable respondents). for actual use of medical institutions, it was found 47.3% of all respondents relied on local clinics, since they preferred neighborhood hospitals or clinics they can trust for medical care. for social activities and supports, it was found that 43.6% respondents had 'needs for assistance at times' and 33.9% respondents have 'no need for assistance'. And it was found that the major difficulties in living alone at old age were represented primarily by health problems 37.8% and economic difficulties 33.5%. 2) For characteristics related to wireless paging system, it was found that 90.3% respondents used wireless paging system recommended by firemen, and 28.5% respondents used this system. and it was found that 59.6% respondents used this system once, and 85.2% respondents used it because of acute or chronic diseases. more than 90% respondents thought that they knew about wireless paging system and considered themselves safe, but 83.6% respondents didn't attach a remote control on their upper clothes, and even 49.1% respondents turned off the power of wireless paging system due to their concern about electricity bill and noise. 3) It was found that 83.6% respondents felt it necessary to use wireless paging system, and wireless paging users felt more satisfied with using the system than non-users, and 50.7% showed high satisfaction at certain psychological benefits like 'confidence in coping with critical situations' and 'a sense of relief'. In addition, it was found that some respondents who answered that 'they didn't turn off the paging system as they knew how it works' and those who answered that they knew 'how to use it' showed relatively high satisfaction. And some respondents who kept it well and felt it necessary also showed high satisfaction. 4) It was found that the level of satisfaction our respondents felt with using wireless paging system varied significantly availability($x^{2}$ = 12.759, p = .002), psychological advantages($x^{2}$ = 12.174, p = .002), knowledge about how to use system($x^{2}$ = 7.021, p = .016), power on/off($x^{2}$ = 13.221, p = .001), level of knowledge about system($x^{2}$ = 21.002, p = .000), maintenance($x^{2}$ = 9.871, p = .007) and level of necessity($x^{2}$ = 34.939, p = .000) on the statistical basis.

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    임부의 수면양상 (Sleep Patterns of Pregnant Women)

    • 최병선;윤진상
      • 수면정신생리
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      • 제5권1호
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      • pp.45-53
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      • 1998
    • 연구배경 : 본 연구는 정상 단태 임부에서 임신 경과에 따른 수면양상의 변화 및 그 원인을 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 임신 제1 삼분기에 수면설문지를 작성한 임부를 대상으로, 임신 제2 및 제3 삼분기에도 동일한 수면 설문지를 가지고 추적조사를 하였다. 조사내용은 각 임신 시기에서의 수면 잠복기, 총 수면시간, 수면중 깨는 횟수, 각성시 회복감, 주간의 상태, 수면 자세, 수면 양상변화의 원인 등이었다. 결과 : 다음은 총 3회의 설문조사를 성실히 수행했던 26명의 임부에 대한자료분석의 결과이다. 1. 각 임신 시기와 임신전과의 비교 결과, 수면 잠복기는 임신 제1 및 제2 삼분기에서 감소하였고, 총 수면시간은 임신 제1, 제2 및 제3 삼분기에서 모두 증가하였다. 임신 제3 삼분기에는 수면 중 깨는 횟수가 증가하였고, 각성시 회복감이 감소하였다. 임신 제1, 제2 및 제3 삼분기 모두에서 주간에 피곤감과 졸리움이 증가하였다. 2. 각 임신 시기간의 비교 결과, 임신 제3 삼분기에는 수면 잠복기 및 수면중 깨는 횟수가 임신 제1 및 제2 삼분기보다 증가하였다. 또한 임신 제3 삼분 기에는 제1 및 제2 삼분기보다 각성시 회복감이 더 적었고, 주간의 졸리움도 더 심하였다. 3. 수면 자세는 임신 제1 및 제2 삼분기에 복와위 또는 앙와위를 취했던 임부도 제3 삼분기에는 모든 임부가 측와위를 취했다. 4. 수면양상변화의 원인으로서 임신제1 삼분기에는 오심과 구토, 속쓰림과 소화불량 및 빈뇨, 제2 삼분기에는 빈뇨, 태아의 움직임 및 둔부의 통증, 제3 삼분기에서는 빈뇨, 태아의 움직임, 하지의 경련과 요통순으로 많았다. 결론 : 이상의 결과는 정상 단태임신과 관련한 수면 변화의 자료로서, 향후 임부에서 수면위생의 향상과 수면장애의 치료를 위한 기초적 자료로 활용할 가치가 있다고 생각된다.

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