• Title/Summary/Keyword: natural arts

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A survey of the state of nutrition & the clinic in Rural Korea (농촌영양실태(農村營養實態)와 임상(臨床)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) (II))

  • Lee, Geum-Yeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 1974
  • 1. As the low standard of living of the people who live in both the model and compared villages, is almose similar to each other, the state of their food intaking has nearly the same degree. 2. The villagers of the two kinds of village mentioned above do not cast off their traditional eating habits getting an energy from rice and vegetarian diet. They, however, have been so much interested in the problem of birth control that they have a few children in less than four-year-old. We have to go on the problems of driving a reasonable family plan, and replacing the traditional food life by taking a fatty food. 3. Their pool life forces them to have an over work for supporting their family. Even though they take much Fe from grains and vegetables day after day, Fe does not give a great influence on making Hb (Erythrocyte) in a body. Accordingly most of them have developed symptoms of anemia. This research, comparing with the research results of Ewha University and Seoul Medical College shows much lack of Hb. So it is need for them to take a large quantity of animal protain and make a healthful habit by reforming their food life.

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Vegetational Management Planning of the Namsan Nature Park in Seoul on the Basis of Phytosociological Characteristics (식물사회학적 특성을 고려한 남산공원 식생의 관리대책)

  • Oh, Koo Kyoon;Lee, Kyong Jae;Yim, Kyong Bin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 1988
  • To analyze phytosociological characteristics of the Mt. Namsan nature park, Seoul, vegetation structure of north-east and south-west slopes, competition capability among species, vegetation structures of afforested species were studied with belt-transect and quadrat methods. And management plan of each vegetational zone was proposed by the results of this study and the other previous reports. Numbers of species and individuals of south-west slope were greater than those of north-east slope. But species diversity of northeast showed stability of 1.0, while that of south-west showed instability from 0.8 to 1.3. The floristic dissimilarity coefficient between two slopes showed 70-80% in which species composition between two slopes was much different. Quercus mongolica was a dominant species at north-east slope and Pinus densiflora at south-west slope. Competition capability among major species was resulted in deciduous trees>Robinia pseudoacacia>Populus alba ${\times}$ glandulosa>Pinais densiflora, Quercus mongolica>deciduous trees>Pinus densiflora. Afforested vegetation at the Mt. Namsan, especially Pinus koraiensis, Abies holophylla, Picea abies, etc showed poor growth rate. The goal of the Nam-san nature park management is to conserve natural ecosystem as it is and, if necessary, to accerlerate restoration of the disturbed ecosytem to its nature by minimum energy input as possible. Management proposal was made for six vegetational management zone ; P. derasitZoru forest zone, Q. mongolica forest zone, deciduous forest zone, afforestation zone, R. pseduoacacia zone and landscape planting zone.

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An Analysis of 2009 Revised Elementary Mathematics 6th Grade Textbooks and Teacher's Manuals Based on STEAM-related Subject Contents (2009 개정 초등 수학 6학년 교과서 및 교사용 지도서의 STEAM 관련 교과 내용 분석)

  • Kim, Hae Gyu
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.163-192
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    • 2016
  • In this study, we analyzed what STEAM-related subject contents, except mathematical knowledge, are contained in 2009 revised elementary mathematics 6th grade textbooks and teacher's manuals. The STEAM-related subject contents in the textbooks and the teacher's manuals were examined by unit, by semester, and by strand of the content in the elementary school mathematics curriculum. The results are the following: First, in each unit and in each strand of mathematics, the most frequent STEAM-related subject content is storytelling, followed by the STEAM-related subject contents of technology and engineering, natural science, and social studies in order. On the other hand, the number of culture, physical education, music and fine arts contents is very small. Second, the number of STEAM-related subject contents in the textbook for the second semester(textbook 6-2) of the 6th grade year is 61 more than that in the textbook for the first semester(textbook 6-1). The number of non-storytelling STEAM-related subject contents in textbook 6-2 is 107, 2.7 times more than that in textbook 6-1. Third, the teacher's manual for textbook 6-1 is insufficient in complementing the textbook units which lack in STEAM-related subject contents, while the teacher's manual for textbook 6-2 is comparatively good in its complementing role. Therefore, it is recommended that we develop different STEAM materials for our 6th grade mathematics classes.

A Comparative Analysis of Content Elements Related to Environment Education in Elementary School Curriculum (초등학교 교육과정의 환경교육 관련 내용 요소 비교)

  • Park, Jae-Keun;Lee, Keuk-Hee
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.250-261
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze how the content elements of the environment education are displayed between related subjects in elementary school curriculum and find a desirable direction of the environment education. Major subjects that handle the components of the environment education include science, physical education, social studies, ethics, and practical arts. Among these subjects, science aims for the ecological perspective, social studies aims for rational decision making and practical behaviors, and ethics aims for the correct formation of environmental ethics and values. In the component ratio of the environment education, the domains of the natural environment, environmental ethics, environmental pollution, environmental protection and measure were higher. In the formation of content elements according to grades, the connectivity of the environment curriculum has been relatively well secured in the order of the learning about the environmental components, awareness on environmental problems and the measures and efforts to overcome environmental problems. Based on the findings above, the followings are proposed for future environment curriculum in elementary school. First, it is necessary to increase the ratio of the ecological perspective based on science and coordinate the period to suggest this contents. Second, it is necessary to complement the contents of social studies regarding green growth and sustainable development which have become global issues in the environment education. Third, Pan-curriculum and integrated discussions to prepare multi-academic and interdisciplinary environment curriculum have to be preceded and through this process it is necessary to set the target of environment education and select the content elements of the curriculum.

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The Principal Determinants of Telepresence Focused on the Analysis of Telepresence Arts (텔레프레즌스의 결정요인에 관한 연구 - 텔레프레즌스 아트 사레분석을 중심으로 -)

  • 장선희;이경원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.413-424
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    • 2004
  • This paper defines the telepresence as a particular type of experience, rather than a collection of hardware. Defining telepresence in this way provides a means for examining telepresence in relation to other types of mediated experience. Presence refers to the natural perception of an environment, and telepresence refers to the mediated perception of an environment. Factors influencing whether a particular mediated environment will induce a sense of telepresence include the following: the combination of sensory stimuli employed in the environment, the ways in which participants are able to interact with the environment, and the characteristics of the individual experiencing the environment. Telepresence art invites the people from remote worlds to networked cyber space and creates the experience of 'being there' by making participants control the virtual reality system and receive feedback from their teleactions. It is the way to produce an open and engaging experience that manifests the cultural changes brought about by remote control, remote vision, telekinesis, and real-time exchange of audiovisual information. The principal determinants of telepresence are sensory immersion, sensory fidelity, cognitive fidelity and personal factors. This paper applies the 4 determinants to telepresence art works such as Ken Goldberg's Telegarden, Monika Fleischmann & Wolfgang Strauss' The Home of the Brain, Paul Sermon's Telematic Dreaming, Telematic Vision, Eduardo Kac's Uriapuru, Simon Penny's Traces and Paul Sermon & Andrea Zapp's A Body of Water.

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A study on the visual pun for web graphics (웹 그래픽의 비주얼펀(Visual Pun)적용 연구)

  • 조규창;오병근
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2003
  • The concept of pun was basically used to get rhetorical effect in verbal usage and it can be easily applicable to visual communication design. By substituting symbolic images for words of verbal expression, we can draw out some effective communication methods in forms of pun. For years, visual puns have been useful concept to convey a visual message from ancient hieroglyphics to modern arts and design. There are essentially three categories of visual puns. Literal pun upholds the primary meanings of the message literally by picking up a key symbol to create two or more meanings, meanwhile suggestive pun is created when one symbol is used as a key symbol or two or more symbols are combined to created one key symbol that can suggest and strengthen meanings. Comparative pun can be defined two or more symbols of nearly the same appearance are combined or juxtaposed two or more times to enhance overall statement. The concept of visual pun used for traditional area can also be effective ways of new media communication. Thus it is natural to see the concept of visual puns in website. How to handle the images in website is the most critical point for differentiation. But recently, web site designers just seem to focus on somewhat functional aspect. There are certain types of web design formats, and many designers are tend to follow these routines unconsciously. In this situation, the new aspect of visual puns for web design can be a possible design method to fortify the overall message. Through this concept, we can build up some clear identity compared to other web sites and can get alternatives to perform more effective communication ways as a problem-solving process.

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Component Analysis and Antioxidant Activity of Kalopanax pictus Leaf (개두릅의 함유성분 분석과 항산화 활성)

  • Shin, Eon-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.11
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    • pp.1634-1639
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the possibility of using Kalopanax pictus leaf as natural health food source. The contents of proximate and antioxidative nutrients of Kalopanax pictus leaf were measured. The contents of carbohydrate, crude protein, crude lipid and ash were 41.42%, 45.23%, 3.29% and 10.07%, respectively. The calories of Kalopanax pictus leaf was 401.52 kcal/100 g and total dietary fiber was 30.37%. The percentages of water soluble dietary fiber to insoluble dietary fiber were 9.16% and 21.21%, respectively. The protein contained a total of 18 different kinds of amino acids. The contents of essential and non-essential amino acids were 10.51 g/100 g and 17.69 g/100 g. The K was the largest mineral followed by P, Ca, and Mg, which means Kalopanax pictus leaf is alkali material. The contents of saturated fatty acids, monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids were 1.56 g/100 g, 0.11 g/100 g and 1.84 g/100 g, respectively. The antioxidant activity of 70% ethanol extract and fractions of the Kalopanax pictus leaf has been determined by the scavenging of the stable radical DPPH; the result showed that the ethyl acetate fraction was the most active, as the amount required for 50% reduction of DPPH after 30 mins ($RC_{50}$) was $105.7\;{\mu}g$, followed by 70% ethanol extract ($247.3\;{\mu}g$), hexane fraction ($120.7\;{\mu}g$), chloroform ($107.3\;{\mu}g$), butanol fraction ($110.1\;{\mu}g$) and aqueous fraction ($491.9\;{\mu}g$).

The Evolution of Makeup Methods of Korean Women in Response to Changing Standards of Beauty in the Early 20th Century (20세기 초 미의식의 변화에 따른 국내여성들의 화장법)

  • Lee, Soon-Jae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1364-1377
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    • 2010
  • Although the human body is a biological subject with definite and distinctive physical features, its actualization and perception differs among societies. The aesthetics of the human body are based on diverse cultural perceptions that must be considered prior to design development. This study establishes the foundations of newly adopted concepts of beauty that are presumed to have been established in the first half of the twentieth century that continue to affect our mindset even now. The research includes human figures in the articles of women's magazines and cosmetic advertisements in the early $20^{th}$ century. The results are as follows: First, the change of perception in the human body: Instead of being a subject of preservation, the body has become a subject of sculpture with emphasis on health in the 1920's and on beauty in the 1930's. The recognition of the importance of the body has created intensive attention on physical training and an increased sense of hygiene. The body exposed to the public perceives itself through the eyes of others that alter one's own perception of oneself as well as become a target of evaluation. There is an additional emphasis on the exotic eroticism of a passive subordinate. Western culture became the standard for modernization along with the dissociation of traditional standards and values. Through the effect of education and western thinking, the awareness of women's rights and self-appreciation was developed. Second, ideal beauty can be summarized as follows: Unprocessed natural beauty was extolled as ideal in the 1920's, but the 1930's, it highlighted big eyes and an aquiline nose that are the characteristics of western women. Taking care of one's appearance was recognized as an important value for every social class. Cosmetics and skin care treatments promised soft and white skin. In contrast to western cosmetics, dark and shiny hair was highly favored. Exercising and traveling, differing seasonal and regional skin treatments were also widely accepted. In its initial stages, the research had originally assumed that the beginning of the twentieth century would be a time in which traditional concepts of beauty and new, westernized aesthetics coexisted. However, as the research progressed, it was clear that the idea of beauty had already adopted occidental ideals by that time. Thus, it seems necessary to continue the study on the shifting paradigms of beauty that must have occurred in the nineteenth and late twentieth century.

Dasan's Conceptual Thoughts on the Garden in 「Jaehwangsangyuincheop」 (「제황상유인첩(題黃裳幽人帖)」에 나타난 다산(茶山)의 정원상(庭園想))

  • Jung, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.46 no.5
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    • pp.22-35
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the idea of the ideal garden, pursued by Dasan, by analyzing the production process of his writing and the location of his dwelling, and the characteristics of the garden in the writings of Dasan (茶山) Jeong Yag-Yong (丁若鏞)'s "Jaehwangsangyuincheop (題黃裳幽人帖)" is concerned with his writings on an imaginary garden (意園). This paper assumed that "Jaehwangsangyuincheop" served as a blueprint for his ideal dwelling. The main research subjects are the external scenes described in the "Jaehwangsangyuincheop", and the garden elements and spatial construction that were visualized as a Korean Ink Painting (水墨畵) through the analysis of related works. The results are as follows. First, Hwang Sang was Dasan's favorite pupil, and "Jaehwangsangyuincheop" was written by Dasan while at Boeunsanbang in the winter of 1805 as an answer to a question that Hwang Sang posed about the residence of a hermit. By referring to this response, Hwang Sang established Ilsoksanbang (一粟山房) under Mt. Cheongae in Daegu-myeon, Gangjin. Secondly, the residence in "Jaehwangsangyuincheop" has mountains behind it and water in front of it (背山臨水). The residence was used as a place to combine life and leisure. It was an ideal residence that secluded the scholar(隱士). Thirdly, Dasan's ideal garden was shown as operation of natural geography in a residential location, practically using various plant materials, expanding physical boundaries of garden, pursuing synesthetic aesthetics while enjoying garden elements, and having an active experience of the taste for the arts in the extended garden. "Jaehwangsangyuincheop" depicted the life of a scholar with the taste of elegance (雅趣), who live in reclusiveness (隱逸), which was wanted by Dasan after exile. It was realized as Ilsoksanbang. "Jaehwangsangyuincheop" was interpreted as the ideal of a feasible dwelling that faithfully reflects Dasan's conceptual thoughts on the garden.

A Study on the Characteristics of Open Access in Korean Scholarly Journals: Focused on KCI Journals (국내 학술지의 오픈액세스 특성에 관한 연구: KCI 등재지를 대상으로)

  • Kim, Gyuhwan;Joung, Kyoung Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.251-267
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    • 2017
  • This study aimed to analyze open access features of 1,890 Korean scientific journals registered in the Korea Citation Index (KCI). To this end, this study classified open access features of the target scientific journals into two main aspects, free access and free redistribution. The analysis results indicated that the target scientific journals had strong free access aspects. Based on websites, 67% of the target scientific journals allowed for free access without a login process and based on free database, 48% provided free access. On the other hand, the target scientific journals had weaker free redistribution aspects compared to their free access aspects. Only 14% of them offered the CC (creative commons) license. Another finding was that there were clear differences in open access aspects by academic field. Medicine, pharmacy, natural science, agriculture, fisheries, oceanography, and engineering had stronger open access aspects than humanities, sociology, arts, physical education, and interdisciplinary science. It appears that the difference was caused by the presence or absence of organizations supporting distribution of scientific journals of the fields concerned. To narrow the gap, it is recommended that the open access governance system is established to set up open access policies for Korean scientific journals regardless of academic fields and to support them.