• Title/Summary/Keyword: multiple logistic regression

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Dietary and Lifestyle Factors Associated with Weight Status among Korean Adolescents from Multicultural Families: Using Data from the 2017-2018 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (우리나라 다문화가족 청소년의 체중 상태와 관련한 식생활 및 생활습관 요인 분석: 2017-2018년 청소년건강행태조사 자료를 활용하여)

  • Song, SuJin;Song, Hyojune
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.465-475
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study investigated dietary and lifestyle factors associated with the weight status among Korean adolescents in multicultural families. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed 1,751 multicultural families' adolescents who participated in the 2017-2018 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Information on dietary and lifestyle factors was self-reported using a web-based questionnaire and this information included breakfast and foods consumption, perceived health status, alcohol drinking, smoking, physical activity, and weight control efforts. Body mass index (BMI) was calculated based on the self-reported height and body weight (kg/㎡). Weight status was assessed according to the 2017 Korean National Growth Chart: underweight (weight-for-age <5th percentiles), overweight (85th≤ BMI-for-age <95th percentiles), and obese (BMI-for-age ≥95th percentiles). Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to examine the dietary and lifestyle factors associated with weight status after adjustment for covariates. Results: Among Korean adolescents from multicultural families, the prevalence of overweight/obesity was 20.9%, whereas about 7% of adolescents were underweight. The weight status did not show differences according to gender, school level, area of residence, and household income. Compared to adolescents who did not have breakfast during the previous week, those who had breakfast 3-4 days/week and ≥5 days/week had a 42% (p=0.021) and a 37% (p=0.009) lower prevalence of overweight/obesity, respectively. The adolescents who frequently consumed carbonated soft drinks (≥5 times/week) showed an odds ratio (OR) of 1.69 (95% CI=1.01-2.83) for overweight/obesity relative to those adolescents who did not consume carbonated soft drinks. The OR of being underweight for adolescents who ate fast food ≥3 times/week was 1.97 (95% CI=1.04-3.71) compared to those adolescents who had not eaten fast food during the previous week. Conclusions: Dietary and lifestyle factors were associated with overweight/obesity as well as underweight among Korean adolescents in multicultural families. Our findings could be used to design and provide nutrition interventions for this specific population.

Converged Influencing Factors on the Stages of Exercise Behavior Change of Nurses in Shift Work Using Transtheoretical Model (범이론적모델을 이용한 교대근무 간호사의 운동행위 변화단계에 미치는 융합적인 영향요인)

  • Lee, Hyea-Kyung;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the converged influencing factors on the stages of exercise behavior changes in shift work nurses. The subjects were 120 shift work nurses working in hospitals who understood the purpose of the study and agreed to participate in the study. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, $X^2$ test, and multiple logistic regression analysis. The exercise motivation factors of shift work nurses had a significant effect on stages of exercise behavior change (${\beta}=2.480$, p=.022), health status perceptions(${\beta}=1.151$, p=.013). Social support factors (${\beta}=1.819$, p=.002) and marital status (${\beta}=-1.820$, p=.004) also had significant effects on the stages of exercise behavior change of shift work nurses. In other words, subjects with change in exercise behavior had 11.9 times higher motivation and 3.1 times higher health status perception than those without change in exercise behavior, social support was 6.1 times higher, and unmarried subjects showed 16 times showed higher than that of married subjects. Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy to practice continuous and regular exercise in consideration of the exercise motivation, social support, and health status perception of the nurses in shift work.

The Relation between Type of Insurance and Acute Appendicitis Rupture Rate (급성 충수돌기염 환자에서 의료보장형태와 천공률의 관련성)

  • Hong, Jee-Young;Kim, Keon-Yeop;Lee, Moo-Sik;Nam, Hae-Sung;Im, Jeong-Soo;Rhee, Jung-Ae;Na, Baeg-Ju
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.267-273
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    • 2004
  • Objectives : This study was aimed at investigating the medical service utilization pattern of patients who use public medical aid compared to those who have health insurance. Methods : We selected every patient between the age of 18 and 69 who used public medical aid from January 1, 1999, to December 31, 2001, in Gwangju metropolitan city, South Korea. For comparison, a list of patients with health insurance was gathered for same period. Then the medical records of those who had been hospitalized for acute appendicitis were selected among both groups. Of those records, we compared the number of cases of ruptured appendicitis to cases of whole acute appendicitis in both groups. Regarding coding for ruptured appendicitis, International Classification of Diseases - 10 (ICD-10) was used. Multiple logistic regression was used as a statistical tool to determine the effectiveness of risk factors. Results : Even after adjusting for risk factors, such as age and sex, the proportion of perforation of acute appendicitis among public medical aid patients was found to be significantly higher than among insured patients. Conclusions : This comparative study on ruptured appendicitis among public medical aid patients and insured patients, indicates that the proportion of perforation of acute appendicitis could be an index showing that these types of patients utilize medical services differently than insured patients. We know that when abdominal pain is not properly treated at the outset, it easily develops into ruptured appendicitis complicated with peritonitis. Considering this data analysis, we guess the public medical aid system to have significant problem with medical accessibility. So additional and systematic research on the pattern of utilization of medical services of public medical aid patients is needed.

Health related practices and morbidity among adult in rural area (농촌지역 주민의 건강관련 행위와 질병이환과의 관계)

  • Song, Jue-Bok;Rhee, Boo-Ouk;Shin, Hai-Rim;Jung, Kap-Yeol;Kim, Joon-Youn
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.30 no.2 s.57
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    • pp.342-355
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    • 1997
  • This research was carried out to determine the performance rate of health related practices, to measure the agreement between morbidity by doctor's diagnosis and morbidity by subject' self-reported and the degree of association between health related practices and morbidity rate by doctor's diagnosis, to identify their effects on morbidity among rural area populations. The data were gathered by volunteer residents (over the age of 20) of Haman Myeon, Haman Gun, Kyeongsangnam Do in Korea, from June 10, 1993 to June 12, 1993 (369 male and 516 female). Face to face interview, lab, chest P-A, EKG and physical examination were completed. Descriptive statistics, agreement analysis and multiple logistic regression procedures were employed for analyses. The results of the study were summarized as follows : 1) Age adjusted morbidity rates by doctor's diagnosis and self-reported were 38.5% (male:37.3%, female:36.5%), 26.4% (male:33.3%, female:27.5%), respectively. Kappa coefficient between morbidity by doctor's diagnosis and morbidity by self-reported was 0.21 (male:0.21, female:0.22). 2) The frequency of disease by doctor's diagnosis was as follows: hypertension(15.3%), gastritis (9.6%), diabetes mellitus (8.5%), live. disease (8.1%), and degenerative arthritis (6.2%) in the study population. 3) Order of health practice performance rate was as follows: Males-normal body weight (62.1%), non-heavy alcohol consumption (57.5%), 7-8 hours of sleeping (50.1%), non-smoking (21.7%), and exercise (19.8%). Females- non-heavy alcohol consumption (97.3%), non-smoking (84.7%), normal body weight (57.8%), 7-8 hours of sleeping (45.0%), and exercise (9.9%). 4) There was no significant relationship between health related practice and morbidity except exercise among health related practices. 5) Health related practice index which was recategorized by high, medium, and low had effects on the probability of developing morbidity.

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The Behavioral and Educational Factors Affecting the Breast Self-examination and Breast Cancer Screening (일부 보건소 내소 여성의 유방자가검진과 유방암 검진의 관련요인)

  • 최종숙;박재용;한창현
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.61-78
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this research was to find out plans to promote the fulfillment of the breast self-examination and breast cancer screening, which is preventive health behavior about women's having breast cancer exam in some part of our country with searching for the primary causes which have an effect on their fulfillment. The subjects of the study were 540 literate volunteers who were of age from 20 to 69 and who visited 8 health centers in Taegu. The survey research was made through questionares in the 8 health centers in Taegu from the 15th to the 30th of September, 1998. Based on Becker's health belief model asking medical staff's opinions with bibliographies, the major findings from the survey was as follow. The fulfillment rate of the breast self-examination and the breast cancer screening was 37.8%(204 subjects), 27.6% (149 subjects) each. Getting breast self-exam varied significantly depending on subject's age, income of family, religion, occupation and the number of children. As far as the breast cancer screening was concerned, there was remarkably significant difference in accordance with their age, marital status, religion, occupation, income of family, the number of children, ways of nursing and parturition age of the first baby. The subjects in their forties accounted for the highest rate. Based on the fulfillment of the breast self-examination and the breast cancer screening, the average points of all the variables presented from the health belief as well as the points of the susceptibility, seriousness, benefits, knowledge and level of health concern of interest in health were significantly higher than the points of non-fulfillment of them in the statistical analysis whereas the barriers was lower than them. In consequence of the multiple-logistic regression analysis putting the breast self-examination and the breast cancer screening in dependent variables, occupation, knowledge, seriousness, benefits, barriers and cues to action had significant effects on breast self-examination against breast cancer. Looking more attainments, thinking diseases more seriously, feeling more usefulness and there being any patient around with breast cancer led to the higher rate of the breast self-examination against it. On the other hand, feeling more impedition as well as housewives caused the lower rate of it. The breast cancer screening was significantly affected by age, sensitivity, usefulness, impedition and behavior momentum as well. The cases who are older, feeling more sensitivity against breast cancer, more usefulness of the examination and where any patient around, the fulfillment rate was higher. Contrarily the more impedition they felt, the lower the fulfillment rate was. Accordingly, the study of the causes, which have significant effects on the fulfillment of the self-examination and the breast cancer screening in order to find it in an early stage, and the development of health education programs as well as proper education for public health through carrying on campaigns and stepping up public relations must be indispensable.

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Right Ventricle Ejection Fraction Contributes Severity of Dyspnea in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) (만성폐쇄성폐질환 환자의 호흡곤란 평가에서 우심실 박출계수의 의의)

  • Lee, Jung Eun;Min, Bo Ram;Park, Jae Seok;Park, Hun Pyo;Jun, Mi Jung;Won, Kyung Sook;Choi, Won Il
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.60 no.6
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    • pp.631-637
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    • 2006
  • Background: Patients with COPD generally complain of very different degrees of dyspnea regardless of their pulmonary function. The study, we assessed the right ventricular ejection fraction in relation to dyspnea in COPD patient. Methods: The pulmonary function including the diffusion capacity was measured. The right ventricle ejection fraction (RVEF) was measured using a first-pass radionuclide scan by multigated acquisition (MUGA). Forty patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were stratified for dyspnea according to the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale. Moderate dyspnea and severe dyspnea is defined as MRC 2/3 (n = 16) and MRC 4/5 (n = 24) respectively. Results: The baseline pulmonary function tests including DLCO and the resting arterial blood gas were similar in the moderate and severe dyspnea group, with the exception of the residual volume (% predicted) (moderate $160{\pm}27$, severe $210{\pm}87$, p < 0.03). The right ventricle ejection fraction was significantly (p < 0.001) lower in the severe dyspnea group ($25{\pm}8$) than in the moderate group ($35{\pm}6$). The independent factor assessed by multiple logistic regression revealed only the severity of dyspnea to be significantly associated with RVEF (p < 0.02). Conclusion: This study showed that the right ventricle ejection fraction would contributes to severity of dyspnea in patients with a similar pulmonary function.

The Incidence and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome in Rural Area (농촌지역 주민의 대사증후군 발생률과 위험요인)

  • Yoon, Hee-Jung;Lee, Sung-Kook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.3934-3943
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to investigate the incidence rate of metabolic syndrome, and the related factors were examined. 620 persons who had participated in both initial and second survey were selected. Initial survey was performed at the year of 2006 and second survey was performed at the year of 2010. Among them, 460 persons who didn't initially have a metabolic syndrome were selected as the final study subjects. They were classified into 2 categories; stationary normal group (352, 76.5%), and metabolic syndrome incidence group (108, 23.5%). The incidence rate of metabolic syndrome for the subjects was 25.2 per 1,000 person years. Sex, obesity, and smoking had significant effect on the incidence of metabolic syndrome. In multiple logistic regression analysis,after controlling variables, obesity index was found to be major factor in the incidence of metabolic syndrome. The risk of metabolic syndrome was increased by overweight or obesity. The strategy to control body weight should be emphasized for prevention of metabolic syndrome.

Relationships between Health Behaviors, Mental Health and Internet Addiction by Gender Differences among Korean Adolescents (성별에 따른 한국 청소년의 건강행태, 정신건강과 인터넷 중독과의 관련성)

  • Park, Min Hee;Jeon, Hae Ok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1283-1293
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to compare the health behaviors, mental health and internet addiction by gender differences among Korean adolescents and to examine relevances between health behaviors, mental health and internet addiction. The subjects were 73,238 Korean adolescents(male: 38,391, female: 34,847) who were recruited through national web-based survey. The data were derived from the Sixth Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey 2010 in South Korea. There were significant differences in health behaviors, mental health and internet addiction. by gender differences. Prevalence of internet addiction was male: 3.9%, female: 1.9% in this study. As the result of multiple logistic regression, the risk of internet addiction was increased in the case of smoking experience, substance experience, subjective health status, feeling of stress, depression experience, suicidal ideation, feeling of happiness, and sufficiency of sleeps in both male and female. Therefore, to decrease internet addiction prevalence, it is necessary to detect and manage the influencing risk factors of internet addiction such as health behaviors and mental health. And the health-promotion intervention to improve the internet addiction of adolescents should be planed and provided considering such differences by gender differences.

Association Between Communication for Chemical Hazards Information and Characteristics of Occupational Safety and Health manager (산업안전보건관리자 특성과 화학물질 유해성 정보전달의 관련성)

  • Kim, Ki-Woong;Park, Jin Woo;Jeong, Mu Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.156-163
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: The aim of the present study was undertaken to investigate the association between communication for chemical hazard information and characteristics of occupational safety and health managers. Subjects and Methods: We surveyed 78 occupational safety and health managers(64 male and 14 female) in 78 chemical manufacturing plants. Data were obtained using a self-reported questionnaire about size and type of company, products, communication system for chemicals and work-related characteristics of occupational safety and health managers. All analyses in this study were performed using SPSS program 12.0. Results: 64.1% of the study participants were occupational health managers aged 39.3 years on average and were graduated from college and university around 90%. 30.0% and of them were majoring in chemistry (engineering chemistry), 18.0% occupational health, 16% nursing and 30.0% others. Occupational safety managers were aged 39.4 years on average, 42.9% of them were majoring in chemistry (engineering chemistry), 21.4% environmental engineering, 10.7% occupational safety and 25% others. 86% of occupational health managers and 71.4% of occupational safety managers were classified as office job. Over 94% of the hazards information for chemicals were delivered by occupational safety and health managers, but about 28.2% workers preferred outside experts who have a profound knowledge about occupational safety and health and understandable. Occupational safety and health managers and workers had difficulties in understanding toxicological information, hazards identification, stability/reactivity, composition/information on ingredients, physical/chemical properties and ecological information. On multiple logistic regression analysis for the 16 heading of material safety data sheet, content of material safety data sheet was significantly associated with education level (odds ratio=0.286, 95% confidence interval=0.105-0.780). The hazard identification (odds ratio=3.947, 95% confidence interval=1.092-14.271) and toxicological information (odds ratio=0.841, 95% confidence interval=0.705-0.998) were significantly associated with type of occupation. Conclusions: This finding implies that the education level, type of occupation and speciality of occupational safety and health managers may affects hazards information delivery.

Genetic polymorphisms of monoamine oxidase(MAO) B and serotonin transporter receptor(5-HTTR) influence variability in neurobehavioral symptoms by n-hexane exposur (n-Hexane 노출에 의한 신경행동학적 증상에 monoamine oxidase(B)와 serotonin transporter receptor 유전자다양성의 영향)

  • Kim, Ki-Woong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.116-122
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    • 2011
  • Human occupational exposure to n-hexane has been associated with neurobehavioral symptoms such as depression, irritablity, acute irritation symptom, concentration disturbance and fatigue. Effects of monoamine oxidase (MAO) B and serotonin transporter receptor (5-HTTR) polymorphisms on the neurobehavioral symptoms were investigated in 70 male workers from TV and computer monitor manufacturing plants exposed to n-hexane. Neurobehavioral symptoms were assessed through a self-reported questionnaire and ambient level of n-hexane was measured by NIOSH method. Blood and urine were collected from each workers to determine the MAO(B), 5-HTTR and urinary 2,5-hexanedione(2,5-HD). The mean concentration of volatile n-hexane was $18.8{\pm}28.8ppm$ and that of urinary 2,5-HD was $1.07{\pm}1.47mg/g$ creatinine. Statistically significant associations with sexual disturbance were age and smoking. The frequencies of MAO(B) AA, AG and GG were 18.6%, 45.7% and 35.7%, respectively, and the frequencies of 5-HTTR ll, ls and ss genotype were 82.9%, 15.7% and 1.4%, respectively. MAO (B) gene polymorphisms had susceptibility to the neurobehavioral symptoms such as fatigue, concentration disturbance, irritability and acute irritation symptom and 5-HTTR gene polymorphism had susceptibility to the sleep disturbance and acute irritation symptom. On multiple logistic regression analysis for the neurobehavioral symptoms, memory disturbance was significantly associated with smoking(OR=6.752, 95% CI=37.46) and drinking(OR=4.033, 95% CI=1.252-12.98), emotional lability was MAO(B) genotype(OR=0.412, 95% CI=0.170-0.996), fatigue (OR=1.011, 95% CI=1.000-1.021) and acute irritation(OR=0.990, 95% CI=0.981-1.000) were working duration and sexual disturbance were significantly associated with age(OR=1.208, 95% CI=1.042-1.399), ambient n-hexane(OR=1.077, 95% CI=1.005-1.154) and 2,5-HD(OR=0.186, 95% CI=0.041-0.841). This finding implies that the MAO (B) and 5-HTTR polymorphisms may affect susceptibility for specific neurobehavioral symptoms associated with n-hexane exposure in workers.