• 제목/요약/키워드: moment frames

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불균형 휨모멘트를 받는 플랫 플레이트의 변형능력 (Deformability of Flat Plate Subjected to Unbalanced Moment)

  • 최경규;박홍근
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제15권3호
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    • pp.482-493
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    • 2003
  • 횡하중을 재하받는 플랫 플레이트 구조는 슬래브-기둥의 접합부의 취성적 거동으로 인하여 모멘트골조 구조보다 변형능력이 크게 부족하다. 본 연구에서는 슬래브의 변형능력을 연구하기 위해 비선형 유한요소해석을 이용한 변수연구를 수행하였다. 해석결과, 슬래브의 경간수가 증가함에 따라 슬래브의 변형능력이 크게 감소되는 것으로 나타났으며, 따라서 기둥과 슬래브로 이루어진 축소시험체를 사용하는 기존의 실험연구는 실제 연속슬래브의 변형능력을 과대평가하고 있으며 이에 근거한 현행 설계기준 역시 접합부의 변형능력을 정확히 예측하지 못하고 있다. 해석결과에 근거하여 슬래브의 변형능력을 평가할 수 있는 방법을 개발하였고 기존 실험결과와의 비교를 통해 검증되었다. 제안된 방법에서는 뚫림전단력의 크기 뿐 아니라 접합부의 뚫림전단성능과 형상 단면비, 슬래브 경간수 그리고 슬래브의 초기강성 등 주요 영향변수가 고려되었다.

특수모멘트골조를 가진 이중골조시스템을 위한 부재소성변형 평가 (Evaluation of Member Plastic Deformation Demands for Dual Systems with Special Moment Frames)

  • 엄태성;김재요
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2010
  • 안전한 내진설계를 위해서는 부재에 요구되는 소성변형을 평가하여야 한다. 본 연구에서는 복잡한 비선형해석없이 탄성 해석결과에 근거하여 이중골조의 부재소성변형을 평가할 수 있는 빠르고 간편한 방법을 개발하였다. 보, 기둥, 벽체 등의 소성변형은 부재강성, 층간변위비, 모멘트 재분배, 단면치수 및 소성힌지 위치의 함수로 결정된다. 벽체와 보가 모멘트 접합된 경우에는 벽체의 소성변형에 의한 로킹효과를 고려하여 증가된 소성변형을 구한다. 8층 이중골조에 대하여 제안된 방법을 적용하였고, 비선형해석을 통하여 제안된 방법의 정확성을 검증하였다. 제안된 방법은 단순계산으로 부재소성변형을 합리적으로 예측하지만, 정확한 부재소성변형 평가를 위해서는 비탄성 층간변위비의 정확한 예측이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 제안된 방법은 향후 성능중심 내진설계에 활용할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 기존 건물의 성능평가에도 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

철골 모멘트골조로 보강된 철근콘크리트 건물의 내진성능 평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of Non-Seismic Reinforced Concrete Buildings Strengthened by Perimeter Steel Moment Frame)

  • 김선웅
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제24권5호
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    • pp.233-241
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    • 2020
  • This paper is to investigate the retrofitting effect for a non-seismic reinforced concrete frame strengthened by perimeter steel moment frames with indirect integrity, which ameliorates the problems of the direct integrity method. To achieve this, first, full-scale tests were conducted to address the structural behavior of a two-story non-seismic reinforced concrete frame and a strengthened frame. The non-seismic frame showed a maximum strength of 185 kN because the flexural-shear failure at the bottom end of columns on the first floor was governed, and shear cracks were concentrated at the beam-column joints on the second floor. The strengthened frame possessed a maximum strength of 338 kN, which is more than 1.8 times that of the non-seismic specimen. A considerable decrease in the quantity of cracks for the strengthened frame was observed compared with the non-seismic frame, while there was the obvious appearance of the failure pattern due to the shear crack. The lateral-resisting capacity for the non-seismic bare frame and the strengthened frame may be determined per the specified shear strength of the reinforced columns in accordance with the distance to a critical section. The effective depth of the column may be referred to as the longitudinal length from the border between the column and the foundation. The lateral-resisting capacity for the non-seismic bare frame and the strengthened frame may be reasonably determined per the specified shear strength of the reinforced columns in accordance with the distance to a critical section. The effective depth of the column may be referred to as the longitudinal length from the border between the column and the foundation. The proposed method had an error of about 2.2% for the non-seismic details and about 4.4% for the strengthened frame based on the closed results versus the experimental results.

계층적 은닉 마코프 모델을 이용한 비디오 시퀀스의 셧 경계 검출 (Shot Boundary Detection of Video Sequence Using Hierarchical Hidden Markov Models)

  • 박종현;조완현;박순영
    • 한국통신학회논문지
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    • 제27권8A호
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    • pp.786-795
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 계층적 은닉 마코프 모델을 이용한 히스토그램과 모우멘트 기반의 동영상 장면전환 검출 방법을 제안한다. 제안된 방법은 웨이블릿 변환된 영상의 저주파 부 밴드로부터 히스토그램을 추출하며, 고주파 부 밴드로부터는 방향성 모우멘트를 추출한다. 그리고 수동적으로 분할된 비디오로부터 추출한 히스토그램 차와 모우멘트 차를 관측값으로 사용하여 은닉 마코프 모델을 학습한다. 비디오 분할 과정은 두 단계로 구성되는데, 먼저 히스토그램 기반의 은닉 마코프 모델은 입력된 비디오에 대하여 셧, 컷, 그리고 점진적인 장면전환의 3개의 범주로 분할한다. 그리고 두 번째 단계에서는 모우멘트 기반의 은닉 마코프 모델을 사용하여 점진적인 장면 전환을 더 세밀하게 페이드와 디졸브로 분할한다. 실험결과 제안된 방법은 기존의 경계값 기반의 방법보다 더 효율적으로 동영상의 셧 경계를 분할하였음을 볼 수 있었다.

Modeling of composite MRFs with CFT columns and WF beams

  • Herrera, Ricardo A.;Muhummud, Teerawut;Ricles, James M.;Sause, Richard
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제43권3호
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    • pp.327-340
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    • 2022
  • A vast amount of experimental and analytical research has been conducted related to the seismic behavior and performance of concrete filled steel tubular (CFT) columns. This research has resulted in a wealth of information on the component behavior. However, analytical and experimental data for structural systems with CFT columns is limited, and the well-known behavior of steel or concrete structures is assumed valid for designing these systems. This paper presents the development of an analytical model for nonlinear analysis of composite moment resisting frame (CFT-MRF) systems with CFT columns and steel wide-flange (WF) beams under seismic loading. The model integrates component models for steel WF beams, CFT columns, connections between CFT columns and WF beams, and CFT panel zones. These component models account for nonlinear behavior due to steel yielding and local buckling in the beams and columns, concrete cracking and crushing in the columns, and yielding of panel zones and connections. Component tests were used to validate the component models. The model for a CFT-MRF considers second order geometric effects from the gravity load bearing system using a lean-on column. The experimental results from the testing of a four-story CFT-MRF test structure are used as a benchmark to validate the modeling procedure. An analytical model of the test structure was created using the modeling procedure and imposed-displacement analyses were used to reproduce the tests with the analytical model of the test structure. Good agreement was found at the global and local level. The model reproduced reasonably well the story shear-story drift response as well as the column, beam and connection moment-rotation response, but overpredicted the inelastic deformation of the panel zone.

Numerical investigation on seismic behaviors of midrise special moment resistant frame retrofitted by timber-base bracings

  • Ainullah-Mirzazadah, Ainullah-Mirzazadah;Sabbagh-Yazdi, Saeed-Reza
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.83-100
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    • 2022
  • Timber is one of the few natural, renewable building materials and glulam is a type of engineering wood product. In the present work, timber-based braces are applied for retrofitting midrise Special Moment Resisting Frame (SMRF) using two types of timber base braces (Timber base glulam, and hybrid Timber-Steel-BRB) as alternatives for retrofitting by traditional steel bracings. The improving effects of adding the bracings to the SMRF on seismic characteristics of the frame are evaluated using load-bearing capacity, energy dissipation, and story drifts of the frame. For evaluating the retrofitting effects on the seismic performance of SMRF, a five-story SMRF is considered unretofitted and retrofitted with steel-hollow structural section (HSS) brace, Glued Laminated Timber (Glulam) brace, and hybrid Timber-Steel BRB. Using OpenSees structural analyzer, the performance are investigated under pushover, cyclic, and incremental loading. Results showed that steel-HSS, timber base Glulam, and hybrid timber-steel BRB braces have more significant roles in energy dissipation, increasing stiffness, changing capacity curves, reducing inter-story drifts, and reducing the weight of the frames, compared by steel bracing. Results showed that Hybrid BRB counteract the negative post-yield stiffness, so their use is more beneficial on buildings where P-Delta effects are more critical. It is found that the repair costs of the buildings with hybrid BRB will be less due to lower residual drifts. As a result, timber steel-BRB has the best energy dissipation and seismic performance due to symmetrical and stable hysteresis curves of buckling restrained braces that can experience the same capacities in tension and compression.

2차원 철골 구조물의 최적 성능기반 내진설계법 개발 (Development of the Optimal Performance Based Seismic Design Method for 2D Steel Moment Resisting Frames)

  • 권봉근;이현국;권윤한;박효선
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2005년도 춘계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.636-643
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    • 2005
  • Recently, performance based seismic design (PBSD) methods have been suggested in numerous forms and widely studied as a new concept of seismic design. The PBDSs are far from being practical method due to complexity of algorithms resided in the design philosophy. In this paper, optimal seismic design method based on displacement coefficient method (DCM) described in FEMA 273 is developed. As an optimizer simple genetic algorithms are used for implementations. In the optimization problem formulated in this Paper, strength design criteria stiffness design criteria, and nonlinear response criteria specified in DCM are included in design constraints. The optimal performance based design(OPBD) method is applied to seismic design of a 3-story two-dimensional steel frame structures.

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고강도 콘크리트 보-기둥-슬래브 접합부의 반복하중 실험 (Experimental Study of High Strength Concrete Beam-Column-Slab Connections subjected to cyclic loading)

  • 오영훈;오정근;장극관;김윤일
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1995년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 1995
  • In the design of ductile moment-resisting frames (DMRFs) following the strong column-weak beam dsign philosophy, it is desirable that the joint and column remain essentially elastic in order to insure proper energy dissipation and lateral stability of the structure. The joint has been identified as the "weak link" in DMRFs because any stiffness or strength deterioration in this region can lead to substantial drifts and the possibility of collapse due to P-delta effects. Moreover, the engineer is faced with the difficult task of detailing an element whose size is determined by the framing members, but which must resist a set of loads very different from those used in the design of the beams and columns. Four 2/3-scale beam-column-slab joint assemblies were designed according to existing code requirements of ACI 318-89, representing interior joints of DMRFs with reinforced high strength concrete. The influence on aseismic behavior of beam-column joints due to monolithic slab, has been investigated.estigated.

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변위 및 응력제약을 받는 철골구조물의 최적설계 (Optimal Design of Steel Frameworks with Displacement and Stress Constraints)

  • 정영식;정진현
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 1996년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.288-295
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    • 1996
  • This work presents an optimality criteria method applicable io the design of plane frames with I-shape sections. All kinds of constraints are treated properly to ensure the mathematical rigour of the method as ever. Among the various properties of a section, the cross-sectional area is chosen as the design variable associated with the member. Then other properties, moment of inertia and depth, are determined from the cross-sectional area using relationships established in advance from the sectional data for AISC standard W shapes. The optimality criteria established in this work is perfect in mathematical terms provided that the relationships between properties of a section are correct. A redesign algorithm is derived relying heavily on the Newton-Raphson method to solve the system of nonlinear constraint equations. A worked example is also Presented.

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적설하중이 작용하는 비닐하우스 골조에 대한 강선보강효과 (Effect of Wire Bracing to Snow Load Acting on Vinyl House Frame)

  • 정동조;탱차이
    • 한국농촌건축학회논문집
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2010
  • Unbraced vinyl house frame that is economically installed is certainly easy to collapse under the influence of excess snow load. To make it more cheaply in putting up as well as more efficiently in withstanding the applied snow load, it is essential to insert additional bracing into the existing unbraced vinyl house frame. On the other hand, there are varieties of possible bracing shapes that can be formed. However, their efficiencies are different. Therefore, it is important to identify the most effective bracing shape. In this study, 2 different kinds of bracing shapes, horizontal and inclined bracing, are used to additionally install in the ordinary single frames in order to show the effect of the bracing resisting the applied snow load and compare the bending moment, axial force, combined stress and vertical displacement of the vinyl house frame.