• Title/Summary/Keyword: molecular bands

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Changes in Nodule-Specific Proteins during Nodule Development of Canavalia lineata (해녀콩(Canavalia lineata)의 뿌리혹 발달 단계에 따른 뿌리혹 특이 단백질의 변화 양상)

  • 최성화
    • Journal of Plant Biology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1991
  • Total soluble proteins from three developmental stages of induced root nodules of Canavalia lineata were compared with those of non-nodulated roots by SDS-PAGE and two dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoresis. Thirteen nodule-specific protein (nodulin) bands were identified by the former and 30 nodule specific protein spots were detected by the latter method respectively. Some of the nodulins were detected differentially depending on the nodule's developmental stages. For example, only three leghemoglobin (Lb)-like protein spots appeared at stage I (d<2 mm), but two additional Lb-like protein spots appeared at stage II (d <4-5 mm). pI value and molecular weight of nomomers of Lb-like protein were narrower and greater than those of soybean, ranging from 4.4 to 5.0 and 15.7 kd respectively. Northern blot hybridization of total RNAs from roots and root nodules using soybean Lb cDNA as a probe made it clear that Lb gene was expressed tissue-specifically only in the root nodules.odules.

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  • Sorahana, Satoko;Suzuki, Takeru K.;Yamamura, Issei
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.131-133
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    • 2017
  • We present the latest results from the Mission Program NIRLT (PI: I.Yamamura), the near-infrared spectroscopy of brown dwarfs using the AKARI/IRC grism mode with the spectral resolution of ~ 120. The near-infrared spectra in the wavelength range between 2.5 and $5.0{\mu}m$ are especially important to study the brown dwarf atmospheres because of the presence of major molecular bands, including $CH_4$ at $3.3{\mu}m$, $CO_2$ at $4.2{\mu}m$, CO at $4.6{\mu}m$, and $H_2O$ around $2.7{\mu}m$. We observed 27 sources, and obtained 16 good spectra. Our model fitting reveals deviations between theoretical model and observed spectra in this wavelength range, which may be attributed to the physical condition of the upper atmosphere. The deviations indicate additional heating, which we hypothesize to be due to chromospheric activity. We test this effect by modifying the brown dwarf atmosphere model to artificially increase the temperature of the upper atmosphere, and compare the revised model with observed spectra of early- to mid-L type objects with $H{\alpha}$ emission. We find that the chemical structure of the atmosphere changes dramatically, and the heating model spectra of early-type brown dwarfs can be considerably improved to match the observed spectra. Our result suggests that chromospheric activity is essential to understand early-type brown dwarf atmospheres.

Isolation and Characterization of Mitochondrial DNA from Arehicityars and Metacitrus (Archicitrus와 Metacitrus로부터 Mitochondrial DNA의 분리 및 특성)

  • 이숙영;박민희
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.307-317
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    • 1995
  • The purity of mtDNAs isolated from Archicitrus and Metacitrus leaves was higher in percoll density gradient centrifugation than differential and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. The most clear mtDNAs were obtained from mitochondria included in the Interface band of between 21% and 45% under isomotic, low viscosity conditions in the three step discontinuous percoll density gradient centrifugation. DNase treatment to the crude mitochondrlal suspension still more increased purity of mtDNA by the effective removal of the nuclear and chloroplast DNA and mtDNAs were appeared as a single band at middle position of tube by EtBr /cscl density gradient centrifugation. Agarose gel electrophoresis of mtDNAs resolved a single, broad band containing high molecular weight DNAs In all preparation. Yield of mtDNAs was about 110 and 2 ug Per 2009 in mature and immature leaves respectively. The mtDNA fragment patterns showed by EcoR I treatment were indistinguishable with respect to nom bet and position of bands in Archicitrus and Metacitrus. In the pattern of Hind E restriction, the Metacitrus displayed the unique band between 5.0 and 4.0kb, in addition to four fragments about 5.0, 2.4, 2.15, and 2.0kb, respectively, different from Archicitrus. Also the pattern of total mtDNAs fragment by the treatment of Pst I showed that the distinguishable fragment pat tern was not appeared in Archicitrus(C. iyo Tanaka), but about 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 and 2.Bkb fragments were appeared only in Metacitrus(C. junos Sieb). Therefore it was indicated that two species in intra-subgenus were identical each other, whereas considerable difference was revealed for inter-subgenus.

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An Anticoagulant Polysaccharide Isolated from the Alkali Extracts of Coriolus versicolor (구름버섯 알칼리 추출물에서 분리한 항응고성 다당류)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sun;Kweon, Mee-Hyang;Lim, Wang-Jin;Sung, Ha-Chin;Yang, Han-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.369-375
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    • 1997
  • We have isolated an anticoagulant polysaccharide from the alkali extracts of Coriolus versicolor. The anticoagulant polysaccharide was purified through a gradual ethanol precipitation and three concecutive chromatography of DEAE-Toyopearl 650C, Sephadex G-100, and Sepharose CL-6B by measuring activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). The anticoagulant polysaccharide showed the homogenecity on HPLC using a gel permeation column and had about $7.2{\times}10^{5}$ molecular weight. The polysaccharide consisted of fucose, glucose, and galactose in a molar ratio of 1.0:0.2:0.2:0.1, and also compromised 19.32% of sulfate at its constituent sugars. The polysaccharide showed the two typical bands of C-O-S $(823\;cm^{-1})$ and S=O $(1257\;cm^{-1})$ in the IR spectroscopy. The sulfated polysaccharide (CV-40-Va-1) inhibited the blood coagulation via the intrinsic pathway like heparin whose activity produced a concentration dependent effect in aPTT and thrombin time (TT).

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Genetic Heterogeneity of the Tropical Abalone (Haliotis asinina) Revealed by RAPD and Microsatellite Analyses

  • Tang, Sureerat;Popongviwat, Aporn;Klinbunga, Sirawut;Tassanakajon, Anchalee;Jarayabhand, Padermsak;Menasveta, Piamsak
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2005
  • Genetic heterogeneity of the tropical abalone, Haliotis asinina was examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite analyses. One hundred and thirteen polymorphic RAPD fragments were generated. The percentage of polymorphic bands of H. asinina across overall primers was 85.20%. The average genetic distance of natural samples within the Gulf of Thailand (HACAME and HASAME) was 0.0219. Larger distance was observed when those samples were compare with HATRAW from the Andaman Sea (0.2309 and 0.2314). Geographic heterogeneity and $F_{ST}$ analyses revealed population differentiation between H. asinina from the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea (p < 0.0001). Three microsatellite loci (CUHas1, CUHas4 and CUHas5) indicated relatively high genetic diversity in H. asinina (total number of alleles = 26, 5, 23 and observed heterozygosity = 0.84, 0.42 and 0.33, respectively). Significant population differentiation was also found between samples from different coastal regions (p < 0.0001). Therefore, the gene pool of natural H. asinina in coastal Thai waters can be genetically divided to 2 different populations; the Gulf of Thailand (A) and the Andaman Sea (B).

Comparative Study of Enzyme Activity and Stability of Bovine and Human Plasmins in Electrophoretic Reagents, β-mercaptoethanol, DTT, SDS, Triton X-100, and Urea

  • Choi, Nack-Shick;Hahm, Jeung-Ho;Maeng, Pil-Jae;Kim, Seung-Ho
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.177-181
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    • 2005
  • Effects of common electrophoretic reagents, reducing agents ($\beta$-mercaptoethanol [BME] and DTT), denaturants (SDS and urea), and non-ionic detergent (Triton X-100), on the activity and stability of bovine plasmin (b-pln) and human plasmin (h-pln) were compared. In the presence of 0.1% SDS (w/v), all reagents completely inhibited two plns, whereas SDS (1%) and urea (1 M) denatured plns recovered their activities after removal of SDS by treatment of 2.5% Triton X-100 (v/v). However, reducing agents (0.1 M of BME and DTT) treated plns did not restore their activities. Based on a fibrin zymogram gel, five (from b-pln) and four (from h-pln) active fragments were resolved. Two plns exhibited unusual stability in concentrated SDS and Triton X-100 (final 10%) and urea (final 6 M) solutions. Two bands, heavy chain-2 (HC-2) and cleaved heavy chain-2 (CHC-2), of b-pln were completely inhibited in 0.5% SDS or 3 M urea, whereas no significant difference was found in h-pln. Interestingly, 50 kDa (cleaved heavy chain-1, CHC-1) of b-pln and two fragments, 26 kDa (light chain, LC) and 29 kDa (microplasmin, MP), of h-pln were increased by SDS in a concentration dependent manner. We also found that the inhibition of SDS against both plns was reversible.

Isolation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 from animal feces and biochemical characteristics of Verotoxin-2 produced by these strains II. Purification and characterization of Verotoxin-2 Produced by Escherichia coli O157:H7 Isolated from animal feces (동물분변에서 Escherichia coli O157:H7의 분리 및 이들 균이 생산하는 Verotoxin-2의 생물화학적 특성 II. 동물분변에서 분리한 Escherichia coli O157:H7으로부터 Verotoxin-2의 정제 및 특성)

  • Cha, In-ho;Kim, Yong-hwan
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.379-387
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    • 1996
  • The objects of the present study were to establish the method of purification, subunit dissociation of verotoxin-2 (VT2) produced by Escherichia coli O157:H7, and to investigate the characteristics of purified verotoxin-2 such as molecular weight and composition of amino acid. The results were summerized as follows; Verotoxin-2 was extracted by addition of polymyxin B sulfate into bacterial cell lysate prepared from Escherichia coli O157:H7(KSC109). As an initial step, the bacterial cell lysate was precipitated with 30% saturated ammonium sulfate. The precipitated crude toxin was then subjected to anion-exchange, chromatofocusing and cation-exchange chromatography. Using this scheme, we obtained highly purified toxin with a specific activity of $1.1{\times}10^9$ $CD_{50}/mg$. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(SDS-PAGE) for purified VT2 showed two protein bands. The upper band, approximately 32 Kd, was supposed as A subunit and the lower band, approximately 7.7 Kd, was supposed as B subunit. When the toxin was separated in the subunit-dissociating solution, two peaks emerged with retention times of 15 and 28 min by HPLC. These peaks represented A subunit and B subunit, respectively. The amino acid composition of purified VT2 were made up in order of glutamic acid, histamine, asparaginic acid, histidine, lysine, alanine and leucine etc. The largest amount among the amino acid composing VT2 was methionine.

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Liquid Crystal Alignment by Photoreactive 4-Hydroxyazobenzene Thin Film (광감응성 4-Hydroxyazobenzene 박막의 액정 배향)

  • Lee, Won-Ju;Kim, Whan-Ki;Song, Ki-Gook
    • Polymer(Korea)
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2005
  • The effects of molecular environments on photoisomerization of an azobenzene group were investigated using In-situ UV/Vis spectroscopy and optical anisotropy measurement technique. The reversible and repeatable photoisomeritation reactions of azobenzene were observed by irradiating the film containing 4-hydroxyazobenzene and by measuring absorption intensities of the characteristic bands of trans and cis isomers simultaneously. When the self-assembled monolayer with azobenzene groups was used as an alignment layer for a liquid crystal cell, the homeotropic alignment was induced due to their compact packing structures of azobenfene groups along the vertical direction of the substrate. By irradiating UV light on this cell, the trans-azobenzene groups change to cis-isomers through the photoisonlerieation and then resulting in the planar alignment of liquid crystal molecules.

Classification of Allium monanthum and A. grai by ISSR Markers (ISSR 마커를 이용한 달래와 산달래의 분류)

  • Lee, Sais-Beul;Kim, Chang-Kil;Oh, Jung-Yeol;Kim, Kyung-Min
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.600-609
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    • 2011
  • One hundred twenty two accessions of 6 species in genus Allium were collected throughout 5 regions of Korea. Their genetic relationship was investigated by using inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The morphological analysis was measured for 6 quantitative and quantified for 1 qualitative trait. ISSR analysis obtained a total of 370 polymorphic bands by using seventeen primers. The cluster analysis of genus Allium based on morphological data could identify three groups. The accessions of Allium belonged to the Allium monanthum clustered into five groups at genetic distance ranging from 0.94 on the base of ISSR analysis. Correlation analysis between morphological and ISSR analysis showed low coefficient(r = 0.036). These markers are thought to be used in research of molecular markers for classification and cross breeding of Allium monanthum and A. grai.

Protein and Amino Acid Composition of Water Cress Oenanthe stolonifera DC (미나리의 단백질의 및 아미노산 조성)

  • 문숙임;조용계;류홍수
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 1990
  • This study was attempted to compare the nutritive value of leaf with stem of the water cress Oenanthe stolonifera DC. in order to improve the eating habits and as a part of studying on the effective curing nutrients for the damaged liver. The contents of moisture crude proteinon the effective curing nutrients for the damaged liver. The contents of moisture crude protein crude fat and crude ash were 90.40% 2.85%, 0.42% and 0.74% in leaf while the contents of moisture crude protein crude fat and crude ash were 95.15% 0.77% 0.09%, and 0.64% of moisture crude protein crude fat and crude ash were 95.15% 0.77% 0.09% and 0.64% in stem respectively. The quantitative fractionation of proteini of both leaf and stem ranked albumin the highest content followed globulin prolamin and glutelin in order. It has been sh-own by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis that water extractable protein of leaf 11 bands but those of stem were not detected. The scope of molecular weight for the main protein of water extractable protein of leaf was between 34.700 and 45,000. The amounts of extractive-nitrogen from leaf and stem of the water cress were 241.02mg% and 271.67mg% respec-tively. The amounts of free amino acid-nitrogen from the leaf and stem were 89.02mg% and 32.02mg% respectively. In free amino acid-nitrogen from the leaf and stem were 89.02mg% and 32.02mg% respectively. In free amino acid composition of both leaf and stem the major components were aspartic acid and glutamic acid. In total amino acid composition of water cress leaf aspartic and glutamic acid were the major components. Whereas alanine and thr-eonine were the major components in stem The assessment of water cress leaf and stem with chemical score. EAAl Rl showed that the values of stem were lower tendancy than those of leaf. Limiting amino acid of leaf was tryptophan while that of stem was lysine.

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