• Title/Summary/Keyword: modern spirits

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Differential$\cdot$Integral Calculus and Natural Arts (미분적분학과 자연주의 미술)

  • Kye Young Hee
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2005
  • Renaissance is revival of the ancient Greek and Roman cultures. So, in Renaissance period, the artists began to study Euclidean geometry and then their mind was a spirit of experience and observation. These spirits is namely modernism. In other words, Renaissance was a dawn of modern times. In this paper, we notice modern spirits and ones social backgrounds. Differential and integral calculus was created by these modern spirits. And in art field, 'painter of light', 'artist of moment' appeared. Because in the 17th and 18th centuries, the intelligentsia researched for motions, speeds and lights.

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A Historical Study of the Communication System in the Later Part of the Lee-Dynasty (이조말통신제도의 역사적 고찰)

  • 신상각
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 1978
  • The later part of the Lee-Dynasty was a period that marked an important turning point in the history of the modern communication system in our country. This paper proposes to research the historic process of initiation and development of the modern communication system in that period through the communication administrative organ and the installation of the wire communication lines such as wastward lines, southward lines and northward lines extended from Han Seung (Seoul) as well as the submarine cables from Korea to Japan. The modernization of the communication system in our country had been achieved in the struggle of national uprising spirits of Korean people against the invasive avarices of the neighbouring nations such as Japan and China. The initiation of the modern communication system played a leading role in civilizing our country. Thus the fair spirits of our forerunners who had schemed to develop the independent communication system should be valued enormously.

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Acculturation of Oriental Martial Art's Image in Literary Text ('무협' 텍스트의 근대적 변용 - 영화를 통한 문화적 재현에 관한 일고(一考))

  • Kim, Kyung-Seog
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.22
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    • pp.29-49
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    • 2011
  • This study is focused on looking into the essence and application in the modem history of 'Martial Art Culture' that is a representative cultural code in the East Asia. Doubting and reconstructing the paradigm of the past and present, Postmodernism in the 21st century has defined marital arts as a new cultural phenomenon. This study begins by doubting whether the essence of martial arts was a cultural conduct to train both bodies and spirits. Practically used as a fighting skill since the primitive age, martial arts has fallen into sports or cultural behaviors due to the invention of the state-of-the-art modern weapons. However modern people misunderstand that martial arts of East Asia is originated a kind of cultural behaviors. It implies there is a fundamental mistake in the wat Western civilization evaluates the orientalism. This study analyzes this mistake through access method based on realities of modern history. This trial will contribute to expanding the thinking range, inquiring into varied cultural phenomena including martial arts which are misunderstood in modern history.

The Nationalistic Charaters of Daesoon Thoughts through Pak Eun Sik's National Religion Theory (박은식의 국교론을 통해 본 대순사상의 민족주의적 특징 - 천지공사와 지상선인에서 나타난 개인의 주체성을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Hyon-woo
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.22
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    • pp.317-344
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    • 2014
  • There are many modern elements in religions appeared in the early Korean modern era. From the nationalism perspective, most religions had tendencies toward anti-feudalism and anti-foreign power. Pak Eun Sik(朴殷植) emphasized the importance to explain those religions as the National Religion in his writing 《Korea Painful History(韓國痛史)》. That is, he realized those as one of Korean spirits or souls keeping Korean identities like the Jew's Judaism or the Turk's Islam. In the paper, I try to analyze religions on Kang Jeung San(姜甑山) with Daesoonjinri-hoe as the central figure from Pak's perspective. In the early Korean modern era when Kang went his own the Savior way, Korea and its society got into uncontrollable confusion because of strong demands both of a feudal-state breaking and against pillaging foreign-power especially Japan. For all countries of the world, it is difficult to change from a feudal state into the modern nation state to keep existing society order. Because the reformation under old social systems means the incomplete reformation. So in this era new religions showed the neglected class of people the vision of new society. Meanwhile Korean society try to become a modern state, and now became a recognized modern state in international society. But it is still insufficient to debate on groups and their roles for Korea modernity in that time especially new religions. Since Korea independence, new religions including Daesoonjinrihoe have not receive good reviews because of a certain religion group expansion and the government's regulation and control toward new religions. Till today, I think, Independence Movement as well as reform of modern awareness have not relatively receive reasonable reviews. So I hope to serve as a momentum that in early Korea modern era new religions receive reasonable and positive reviews.

A Study on the Analysis of Aesthetic Shape Shown on the Modern Flat Patterned Clothing (현대 평면의에 나타난 형태미에 관한 연구)

  • Kwen, Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.7 s.107
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    • pp.115-125
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    • 2006
  • The study on plane composition in clothing was focused mainly on woven wear earlier but its application has been reaching the knit wear. This study is confined to the utilization with geometrical linear pattern in the modern apparel. The work here intends to grasp the plane structure found in both woven wear and knit wear and, in particular, to understand the aesthetics of fashion. The modern flat patterned clothing has been affected by the oriental style or postmodernism in view of social and cultural aspect while its fabric material and expression method shows the diversity in terms of industrial and technical aspect. It can be characterized as several outstanding patterns: the geometrical pattern in structure, the linear pattern with seam line and 2-dimensional plane pattern without seam line, and the flexible silhouette integrated into one single shape with human body unlike the traditional apparel The aesthetics of fashion in modern flat patterned clothing can be divided into such category as the organically spatial change, the re-creation of tradition and the non-format framework. The organically spatial change shows the geometrical formation in clothes due to change in dimension, where the organically changing uniformity and generosity appears as the dimension progresses. The timeless without any difference of up and down, left and right, and inside and outside and the discontinuity due to limitless spatial change are also imbedded. The re-creation of tradition tells the reshaped spirits of old tradition by integrating and modifying the hereditary features in the old customed clothing into modern clothing. The modern flat patterned clothing implies the contemporaneousness or the frame through which the old and modern cultures may be shared and indicates the re-creation of the past and uniformity. The non-format framework contains the uncertainty in meaning and it doesn't have any certain standards. As both the apparel and the human body with this style aim at the open space, the numerous contingencies are realized.

Types of Shamanistic Expression Reflected in the Modern Fashion and Its Aesthetic Characteristics

  • Kwon, Jin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.125-138
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    • 2007
  • The modern fashion contains the religious factors or theories out of numerous cultural traits. Shamanism is a product of the very complicated combination of diversified cultural phenomena and whose traits are depicted as spiritual and artistic forms, reflecting on the materialism culture, social relations, customs, and religious faith. The Shamanism that lies in the life of humans gives much impact on their clothing life up to date, consciously or nonconsciously as well. The Shamanism clothing studied as yet has been focused on the costumes that a Shamanism priest and a shaman, the principal Shamanism performer wears and on the symbolic meaning or formativeness of the traditional shaman clothing that is only confined to certain local regions. The Shamanism in the modern costume influences not only on the traditional clothing unique to shaman but also on the other apparels in a widely extended sense. Nevertheless, the research on the modern costumes related to Shamanism is yet to be progressed. In this context, it is believed that the examination of Shamanism interrelated with a contemporary clothing expression is needed. This work would take a look specifically at how the Shamanism is given in the modern clothing fashion and review the inherent aesthetic characteristics. A fact was driven through this study that the shamanism shown in fashion is not only expressed in the modern style of shaman clothing but also unconsciously absorbed in the fashion on the whole. A finding was also revealed that the geometrical and abstract expression, the implication of animistic components, and the application of inherent shaman's costume on to design in regard to clothing are related to a view point of studying about shamanism. The meaning in each expressive method is focused on the superhumanistic desire of shamanism.

A Study on Emotions in the Street Space through Visual Sequence - Focusing on Comparision of Traditional Streets and Modern Streets - (시각적 연속성을 통한 가로공간에서의 감성 연구 - 전통가로와 근대가로의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jeong-Moon;Oh, Young-Keun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.181-188
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    • 2012
  • Body movements of humans have emotions and these movements have meanings of 'Living Spirits' and 'Emotions'. Also emotions of humans indicate all body movements which are made within the environment. This study aims at providing new potentials to emotional design research methods not only by understanding the characteristics of visual perception according to body movements and but by investigating correlations between sequence which arise by the visual perception and emotions through experiments. As for the scope and method of this study, the emotional space designs were analyzed through the emotional theory study, SD method was used to evaluate emotions and the movements in the modern village and traditional village with similar elements were compared and analyzed for the empirical study. As a result, first it was confirmed waling hours in the traditional village took more than the modern village and it is thought movements of humans are affected by the visual environments. Second, it was confirmed values of the emotional evaluation were higher in the traditional village than the modern village. Third, according to a result of the correlation analysis between space sequence and emotions, it was closed with negative emotions such as 'Closed', and 'Complicated' from positive emotional words such as 'Natural'. 'Open', 'Curious', etc. as spaces are experienced more through movements in the modern village. On the contrary, the emotional intensity of the positive words such as 'In Harmony', 'Beautiful' and 'Warn' through movements in the traditional village increased as spaces were experienced more. As a result of this study, it was confirmed the time, space and emotions have correlations each other.

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Inheriting and Innovation;The Trend of Landscape Architecture

  • Linyi, Shi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture Conference
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    • 2007.10b
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    • pp.141-144
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays, landscape architecture development faces several challenges such as how to inherit Chinese cultures and spirits, how to sustain historical and traditional features and how to keep landscape vital in modem development of city and society. Through interpretation of Chinese culture nature which is set as the research principle, this paper concludes to 'natural, suitable and special' leading idea of inheriting, constructing and preserving Chinese landscape. This idea also integrates traditional, modern, western and Chinese cultures and features. With projects and examples, it also explains those bad effects to landscape inheriting: un-enough mending, natural aging, unsuitable policies, and over development etc. This paper also addresses Beijing Tiantan Park and Shanghai Jiangnan Ship Firm landscape design to show successful protection of traditional gardens. Various protections of the architectures and surroundings and innovation of traditional landscape architecture are also stated.

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A Study on the Korean Shaman's Costume -Focusing on Shaman's Costume in Seoul-Gut- (한국의 무속복식 연구 - 서울굿 무복을 중심으로 -)

  • 유효순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.32
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to survey the system of the Korean Shaman's costume and its formative character and to find out the symbolic meaning of it. This study focuses on a shaman's costume in Seoul-Gut Seoul-Gut belongs to 'Gangsin-mu' Therefore a shaman's costumes in Seoul-Gut remains even today. Korean shamanistic ritual is gut. Its basic structure generally consists of 12 'Geori(a process is made up Gut)' In Gangsin-mu a shaman changes his/her spirit's costumes in each Geori so that a shaman's costumes means the spirit. The shaman's costumes of 12-Geori in Seoul-Gut has only 5 or 6 kinds be-cause shamans wear the same costume when the spirit's characters are similar with each other. Therefore shaman's costumes in Seoul-Gut are consistsof Poungsangbok pulsajang-sam cjulik Kugunbok Monduri and Wonsam There are some differences between modern shaman's costumes in Seoul-Gut and traditional costume in the basic pattern and the wearing method,. Modern shaman's costumes in Seoul-Gut has become simpler in the basic pattern and more gergeous in the color or adornment and more various in the kinds of shaman's costume than that of Yi Dynasty. This tendency in modern shaman's costumes reflects modernized folk's viewpoint in dress. which thinks highly of their individuality and function and variety in it. Korean shaman's costumes means the extintion of the earthly world and symbolizes the holy symbolizes the holy symbolizes the spirits character, Ying Yang Theory and represents shaman's wishes. The wishes are the desire of prefection and stability in this world the desire of ideal love and rebirth and the desire of lofty life in this world.

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Limitation and Overcoming in New Women Literature: Ella Hepworth Dixon's The Story of a Modern Woman (신여성문학의 한계와 극복: 엘라 헵워스 딕슨의 『모던여성의 이야기』)

  • Kim, Heesun;Kim, Ilgu
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.55-79
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    • 2017
  • Ella Hepworth Dixon's The Story of a Modern Woman is a pioneering female writer?s important work which was not deeply studied yet very influential in new women literature and its cultural global impact. Although women had been often praised for their beauties specially by romantic poets but their self-realization and innate values were not widely recognized until new women writers advocated their desires and active roles in the society at the end of the $19^{th}$ century. The new women writers including Ella Dixon gained popularity with their professional skills as the journalists or the contributors to the journals which were suddenly popular and actively circulated among Victorian women. From the 1880s to 1920s, in contrast with the traditional images of wives as ?the angel in the house?, these women new women writers broke the yoke of subjugated womanhood and instead tried to freely express their independent spirits and demanded their roles in the society. Although they were criticized sometimes as "the daughter of a new guise" "a lady of restless sex" or "the wild women," new girls? perky images in new women fiction brought into the new cultural phenomenon which led to the ?flapper? girl in the 1920s. Ella Dixon?s protagonist Mary Erle, strikingly similar to author herself, was a representative new woman who displayed a wide range of new cultural perspectives from a feminist?s viewpoint, but her untimely desire in the capitalized society was not fully accomplished, just promising the potentiality of the female solidarity which might be achieved later by her feminist posterity.