• Title/Summary/Keyword: minority literature

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Analysis of Finnish Education-related Research Trends in Korean Journals : A Network Text Analysis (핀란드 교육 관련 연구 동향분석 : 네트워크 텍스트 분석을 중심으로)

  • Kim YoungHwan;Kim YoungMin;Kim Hyunsoo;Noh Jihwa;Murphy Odo Dennis;Park Changun;Kim EunJi;Bae JinHee;Shon Mi;Chung JuHun;Lee ChaeYoung
    • Journal of the International Relations & Interdisciplinary Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.85-111
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    • 2024
  • Since the release of the 2000 PISA results, Finland's education has consistently been regarded as a competitor or benchmark for South Korea's educational system. However, recent indicators of division, opposition, and discontent within our educational sphere suggest a considerable departure from Finland's ethos of happiness in education. Against this backdrop, this study aims to analyze the trends in Finnish education-related research appearing in Korean academic journals. Utilizing network text analysis, we examined 160 papers indexed in RISS with titles containing "Finland" and "education". Key findings are as follows. Firstly, research on Finnish education has been steadily increasing, albeit showing recent signs of decline. Secondly, the majority of research topics were micro-level, with literature review-based methodologies predominating. Thirdly, a minority of researchers accounted for one-third of the total research output. Fourthly, countries compared with Finland predominantly included neoliberal states such as Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Singapore. Fifthly, research themes and subjects primarily focused on primary and secondary education, particularly in domains such as mathematics and science, influenced by PISA. Future research on Finnish education should transcend localized and fragmented areas of inquiry, undertaking comprehensive investigations into the processes and history of Finland's happiness-oriented education. Such endeavors are essential for deriving insights crucial for our learning. Particularly, consideration should be given to moving beyond literature-based methodologies, fostering international collaborative discussions facilitated online, and linking the Finnish education community with educators, parents, students, local councils, and governmental stakeholders to collectively discuss and research.

A Journey from Immigration to Diaspora - Focusing on Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation - (이민(移民)에서 이산(離散)으로의 여정 - 김창걸의 해방 후 작품을 중심으로 -)

    • 한국학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2019
  • This thesis tried to find how the Manchurian Koreans who had experienced Chinese civil war, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Korean War and remained in the Northeast China got their identity as a Korean Chinese. Kim Chang-keol is an important writer who is regarded as a founder and pioneer of Korean Chinese literature. This is because he joined in both Korean literature of Manchuria and Korean Chinese literature in China and enabled the continuity of Korean-Chinese literature. He started from Man-sun Daily before liberation, then did literary creation in Man-sun Daily. However, in 1943, he declared that he would stop writing and broke his writing brush. It was January 1950, after the establishement of the People's Republic of China, that Kim Chang-keol restarted writing. The New Village which was awarded in Sinchoon Literary Contest of East-North Korean People's Press in 1950 showed a typical model of rural area that well developed by mutual cooperation under the leadership of the new country's new government. The following two works, The People of the Village(1951) and The Victory of the Village(1951) seem to be the novels about National Counter-revolutionary movement, but are the important works that gave a glimpse of the Korean War, the repercussions of the Korean-Chinese community in Northeast China and their perceptions of the Korean War. These two works indicated that the Korean War was to prevent the invasion of North Korea by the U. S. Army and Syngman Rhee's government, and called on Korean Chinese to join the war for the victory of North Korea's socialist revolution. In addition, for the Korean Chinese in China, this period was the time that the ideological tendency played a more important part than ethnic identity. On the other hand, People Who Know Happiness showed that the desire of the individual should be erased in front of the significance of nation building and indicated that it's possible to be realized by treating Mao Zedong as an idol. During the New China's construction period, the Korean-Chinese youth, not only the national identity but also formed a personal identity as Chinese citizen. In this way, Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation showed the fate of the Korean Chinese, the change and development of their identity and the diaspora living of the Korean people who are a minority and Chinese citizens.

How Male and Female Job Seekers Differently React to Favorable/Unfavorable Diversity Cue on Job Postings (채용 공고에 제시된 유리/불리 다양성 단서에 대한 남성과 여성 구직자의 반응 차이)

  • Taekyeong Lee;Hyewon Lee;Jakyung Seo;Jeong Ryu;Young Woo Sohn
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.67-84
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    • 2023
  • Gender diversity policies aim to reduce institutional discrimination in a male-dominated society and the underutilization of women in terms of the economy. Extant gender diversity literature has focused on gender diversity policies premised on women being treated as a minority. However, since women-centered occupational groups do exist, women cannot be considered an absolute minority. Therefore, we explored the gender difference in job seekers' reactions to a diversity policy favorable to men. The experiment divided participants into 2 (Gender: Male, Female) × 2 (Diversity: Favorable, Unfavorable), canvassing 329 college students (156 male, 173 female). Participants evaluated the organizational justice and organizational attractiveness of the virtual company by looking at the diversity cues presented in the job posting seeking new employees. As a result, it was confirmed that if the diversity cues presented in the job posting were favorable (vs. unfavorable) to the individual, the organization's distribution justice and procedural justice perceptions were generated differently according to the gender of the job seeker. Moreover, female job seekers perceived distribution justice and procedural justice as higher than male job seekers when they encountered diversity cues that were favorable (vs. unfavorable) to them. In addition, the relationship between diversity cues and organizational attractiveness was mediated by the perception of organizational justice, and this mediating effect was moderated by gender. For women, on the one hand, the mediating effect through the perception of distributive justice and procedural justice was significant in the relationship between diversity cues and organizational attractiveness. On the other hand, the mediating effect alone through the perception of procedural justice was significant for men. Our findings suggest that identical diversity managements are distinguished by individuals' social status or affiliation and may even result in differentiated behaviors.

Improvements of the Relevant Act for Working of the Marriage Immigrants' Family in Korea (결혼이민자 가족의 국내 취업활동 허용을 위한 관련법 개선방안)

  • Cho, Hyun;Ko, Zoonki
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.8
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    • pp.251-263
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    • 2013
  • To explore the device to allow the marriage immigrants' family to take jobs in our country, the social and economic environments that they face are investigated and analyzed through literature survey and field inquiry. The principal motive of the marriage to Korean is economic problem. But their actual economic conditions are inferior, and other legal problems, such as getting jobs and remitting money to their home country, drive them to unstable status. The present hiring policy is applied only to foreign workers with no domestic relations(E-9), hence the marriage immigrants are excluded from the domestic employment. To make institutional devices for giving them the employment opportunity, the modification of the existing laws are proposed. For examples, the 'Act on employment of foreign workers' can be revised to permit immigrant's relatives to get jobs, and 'Immigration control law' can be amended to guarantee legal qualification for taking jobs. It is desirable that the overall control be made by the Prime Minister's Office, and operation as well as surveillance be performed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family (MGEF) and the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MEL).

The Internal Deconstruction Trend Expressed in the Works of Jean Paul Gaultier (장 폴 골티에 작품에 나타난 내적 해체경향)

  • 최영옥
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.574-591
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    • 2001
  • This study reviews the concept and characteristics of the deconstruction philosophy in order to analyze the major aspects of the fashion world called the deconstruction fashion based on the deconstruction philosophy, and analyzes the works of Jean Paul Gaultier in terms of Derrida's deconstruction theory. The scope of this research is from 1980 to present, and this study fashion on the many kinds of literature on philosophy, aesthetics and literary criticism, and the domestic and international fashion journals and magazines. The deconstructionism is the philosophical theory which denies the traditionally recognized logocentric metaphysical theory and refuses the closed world and pursues the open world, opposing the dichotomic theory which is the deep-rooted tradition of the Western philosophy. The results of analyses centering on the internal deconstruction trend expressed in the works of Jean Paul Gaultier are as follows. 1 The past style combined with the present appears in the form of the entirely new trace, not the past emotion and meaning in Gaultier's works transcending the time and space. 2 Gaultier presents the unconventional intermeaning of meanings, producing various possibilities according to the wearing method of the wearer by layering several clothes. 3. Gaultier breaks from masculinity and femininity in the intertextuality of gender, and decomposes the fixed idea of men's or ladies'wear through the design sharing bisexual text. 4. In the intertextuality of T.P.O., Gaultier presents the problem of how to wear by mixing different items through obscuring the division of the nature of time, space, and purpose. Especially Gaultier can be called the first designer who, worthy of the father of the deconstructionism, has introduced in the fashion making inner wear like outer wear. 5. In the intertextuality of coordination, Gaultier presents a new perspective of coordination through free combination and contrast, raising a question about the man-made harmony criterion and deconstructing the clothes. On the other hand, Gaultier expresses the intertextuality of the material through the heterogeneous combination of the material. 6. The decomposition trend expressed in the many works of Gaultier reflects an open mind presenting a new perspective through the distortion of the form, exaggeration, and break from the existing construction method. 7. The decentering trend in the works of Gaultier is found to deconstruct the Western-dominated elements against the background of subcultural elements, the elements borrowed from the minority race, md the Oriental culture. 8. The discontinuity clothes of Gaultier present the disordered principle of design without the uniform rules, and express the unrestrained freedom without captivation by the preconceived idea through the disruption of the dress and its ornaments just like Gaultier.

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Review of Communal Housing for the Elderly in the UK (영국의 노인공동생활주택에 대한 검토)

  • 홍형옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.49-68
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was 1) to review communal housing in the UK, 2) to consider the policy implications for elderly communal housing in Korea. The research methods used were 1) literature review about communal housing and related policy in the UK 2) field survey in the UK 3) interpretative suggestion for the proper policy implication to develope communal housing for the elderly in Korea. Sheltered housing in the UK had been developed as communal housing for the elderly with special needs since the 1970s. The type of sheltered housing were category 1 and category 2. Very sheltered housing with more facilities and meal services was added in 1980s. Sheltered housing was evaluated as the most humanistic solution for older people in the UK in 1980s. Because of the policy of moving institutional care to community care, sheltered housing became less in demand because of more options for older people including being able to stay in their own home. So new completion of sheltered housing by registered social landlords reduced saliently. Sheltered housing already totalled over half million units in which 5% of all elderly over 65 still lived and a small quantity of private sector for sale schemes emerged in the 1990s. The reason why the residents moved to sheltered housing was for sociable, secure, and manageable living arrangements. In general the residents were satisfied with these characteristics but dissatisfied with the service charge and quality of meals, especially in category 2.5 schemes. The degree of utilisation of communal spaces and facilities depended on the wardens ability and enthusiasm. Evaluation of sheltered housing indicated several problems such as wardens duty as a \"good neighbour\" ; difficult-to-let problems with poor location or individual units of bedsittiing type with shared bathroom ; and the under use of communal spaces and facilities. Some ideas to solve these problems were suggested by researchers through expanding wardens duty as a professional, opening the scheme to the public, improving interior standards, and accepting non-elderly applicants who need support. Some researchers insisted continuing development of sheltered housing, but higher standards must be considered for the minority who want to live in communal living arrangement. Recently, enhanced sheltered housing with greater involvement of relatives and with tied up policy in registration and funding suggested as an alternative for residential care. In conclusion, the rights of choice for older people should be policy support for special needs housing. Elderly communal housing, especially a model similar to sheltered housing category 2 with at least 1 meal a day might be recommended for a Korean Model. For special needs housing development either for rent or for sale, participation of the public sector and long term and low interest financial support for the private sector must be developed in Korea. Providing a system for scheme managers to train and retrain must be encouraged. The professional ability of the scheme manager to plan and to deliver services might be the most important factor for the success of elderly communal housing projects in Korea. In addition the expansion of a public health care service, the development of leisure programs in Senior Citizens Centre, home helper both for the elderly in communal housing and the elderly in mainstream housing of the community as well. Providing of elderly communal housing through the modified general Construction Act rather than the present Elderly Welfare Act might be more helpful to encourage the access of general people in Korea. in Korea.

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Multicultural Childcare in Japan: Current Circumstances and Future Perspectives (다문화 사회에서의 일본의 「다문화보육」)

  • Kang, Ran Hye
    • Korean Journal of Childcare and Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.73-90
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    • 2009
  • The number of multi-cultural members, such as immigrant labors, international marriage women are gradually increasing in Japan society. Now it might be said that Japan has become a multi-cultural society. Recently in Japanese kindergartens and nursery schools the numbers of foreign and bi-cultural children are increasing. The aim of this paper is to review the researches on the cultural diversity in the Japan, especially in childcare. Methodology proceeds from a review of related literature to internet-based data and to the statistics issued by the government. Through reviewing them, the problems of teachers' assumptions and the importance of discussions about teachers' competencies to educate minority children and to communicate with their parents were suggested. As a switch over to multi-cultural society is occurring in Japan, the attitude of assimilationism is weakening, and the local community is now beginning to tolerate the multi-cultural childcare. Consequently, It was over to age that is distinguish identity from only nationality.

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The Effect of Control-Ownership Wedge on Stock Price Crash Risk (소유지배 괴리도가 주가급락위험에 미치는 영향)

  • Chae, Soo-Joon;Ryu, Hae-Young
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This study examines the effect of control-ownership wedge on stock crash risk. In Korea, controlling shareholders have exclusive control rights compared to their cash flow rights. With increasing disparity, controlling shareholders abuse their power and extract private benefits at the expense of the minority shareholders. Managers who are controlling shareholders of the companies tend not to disclose critical information that would prevent them from pursuing private interests. They accumulate negative information in the firm. When the accumulated bad news crosses a tipping point, it will be suddenly released to the market at once, resulting in an abrupt decline in stock prices. We predict that stock price crash likelihood due to information opaqueness increases as the wedge increases. Research design, data, and methodology - 831 KOSPI-listed firm-year observations are from KisValue database from 2005 to 2011. Control-ownership wedge is measured as the ratio (UCO -UCF)/UCO where UCF(UCO) is the ultimate cash-flow(control) rights of the largest controlling shareholder. Dependent variable CRASH is a dummy variable that equals one if the firm has at least 1 crash week during a year, and zero otherwise. Logistic regression is used to examine the relationship between control-ownership wedge and stock price crash risk. Results - Using a sample of KOSPI-listed firms in KisValue database for the period 2005-2011, we find that stock price crash risk increases as the disparity increases. Specifically, we find that the coefficient of WEDGE is significantly positive, supporting our prediction. The result implies that as controlling shareholders' ownership increases, controlling shareholders tend to withhold bad news. Conclusions - Our results show that agency problems arising from the divergence between control rights and cash flow rights increase the opaqueness of accounting information. Eventually, the accumulated bad news is released all at once, leading to stock price crashes. It could be seen that companies with high control-ownership wedge are likely to experience future stock price crashes. Our study is related to a broader literature that examined the effect of the control-ownership wedge on stock markets. Our findings suggest that the disparity is a meaningful predictor for future stock price crash risk. The results are expected to provide useful implications for firms, regulators, and investors.

Branding a Place through Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of in Yunnan, China (문화유산 자원을 활용한 장소브랜딩: 중국 운남의 <인상리장>을 사례로)

  • Song, Jung Eun;Lee, Byung-min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.189-208
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    • 2016
  • This research aims to discuss the impact of on regional development as a place brand and glocal heritage. Based on understanding of the changes and influences of local heritages in the globalization era as a key component of place branding, this study explores how is used to develop a place branding strategy for Lijiang. The research methods are both a literature review and a field research related to Lijiang and its culture. Also, the resources from news, internet, and YouTube are used to analyze the impact of . The performance has been attracting tourists from both Chineses and foreigners and contributed to increase the economic profits of local tourism industry as one of the representative identities of Lijiang. Also, in the process of preservation and recreation of cultural heritages of Lijiang such as , the participation of local residents and on-going interactions between the residents and global tourists highly influence on a transition from place marketing to place branding. By applying local cultural heritages to place branding strategies, the regional values of Lijiang strengthen its place identity from a place of preserving a minority's heritage to that of flourishing cultural exchanges and hybridization from the world.

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A Systematic Analysis of the Psychological Research on the Social Issues in South Korea: Publications of the [Korean Journal of Psychology: Culture and Social Issues](1994-2015) (국내의 사회문제에 대한 심리학 연구의 경향: [한국심리학회지: 문화 및 사회문제](1994~2015) 게재 논문에 대한 분석)

  • Ansuk Jeong;Yookyung Eoh;Gyuseog Han
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.159-181
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    • 2017
  • The current study is the first attempt to review the [Korean Journal of Psychology: Culture and Social Issues] systematically. For the past 22 years from 1994 to 2015, 464 articles have been published in the Journal. We analyzed the 337 empirical research articles, with respect to their objectives, predictor and outcome variables, and their methodologies. Most of the studies dealt with variables at individual level; some dealt with variables of the community and socio-cutural environment level. Many of the studies included general population, not necessarily social minorities. The results were compared with the literature on the social issues that Koreans perceive as social issues. Also it is noteworthy that many studies failed to specify such demographic characteristics as age, gender, and locality of their participants in the articles. Based on the analysis results, we discussed the roles of psychology and of the Journal in the contemporary Korean context.