• Title/Summary/Keyword: migration work

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The Occupational Health and Safety of Migrant Workers and the Migrantisation of Risk: A Case Study of the UK Construction Industry (이주노동자의 산업안전보건과 위험의 이주화: 영국 건설업 사례를 중심으로)

  • Julia Jiwon Shin;Junho Chae
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.18-37
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    • 2024
  • This study examines migrant workers' occupational health and safety issues through a case study of the UK construction industry, focusing on structural vulnerabilities. Migrant workers are at the bottom of the hierarchically fragmented labour market, performing outsourced hazardous work. Structural vulnerability focuses on the social structures that create hierarchies and increase risk in the workplace, rather than on individual responsibility or 'cultural' differences of migrant workers. The study considers the structural factors that perpetuate the migrantisation of risk in the UK construction industry, focusing on the structural necessity of low-wage migrant labour, precarious employment and the legal status of migrant workers, and discusses how these three factors interact to increase migrant workers' vulnerability to health and safety. The migrantisation of risk is not only a matter of occupational health and safety or universal workers' compensation, but also of the intertwining of labour migration policies with employment structures that rely on low-wage, low-skilled labour. This calls for proactive measures to address structural risks that go beyond passive declaratory policies that do not exclude migrant workers from education, training or legal systems.

Lithologic and Structural Controls and Geochemistry of Uranium Deposition in the Ogcheon Black-Slate Formation (옥천대(沃川帶) 우라늄광층(鑛層)의 구조규제(構造規制) 및 지구화학적(地球化學的) 특성연구(特性硏究))

  • Lee, Dai Sung;Yun, Suckew;Lee, Jong Hyeog;Kim, Jeong Taeg
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.19 no.spc
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    • pp.19-41
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    • 1986
  • Structural, radioactive, petrological, petrochemical, mineralogical and stable isotopic study as well as the review of previous studies of the uranium-bearing slates in the Ogcheon sequence were carried out to examine the lithological and structural controls, and geochemical environment in the uranium deposition in the sequence. And the study was extended to the coal-bearing formation (Jangseong Series-Permian) to compare the geochemical and sedimentologic aspects of uranium chemistry between Ogcheon and Hambaegsan areas. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The uranium mineralization occurs in the carbonaceous black slates of the middle to lower Guryongsan formation and its equivalents in the Ogcheon sequence. In general, two or three uranium-bearing carbonaceous beds are found with about 1 to 1.5km stratigraphic interval and they extend from Chungju to Jinsan for 90km in distance, with intermittent igneous intrusions and structural Jisturbances. Average thickness of the beds ranges from 20 to 1,500m. 2. These carbonaceous slate beds were folded by a strong $F_1$-fold and were refolded by subsequent $F_1$-fold, nearly co-axial with the $F_1$, resulting in a repeated occurrence of similar slate. The carbonaceous beds were swelled in hing zones and were shrinked or thined out in limb by the these foldings. Minor faulting and brecciation of the carbonaceous beds were followed causing metamorphism of these beds and secondary migration and alteration of uranium minerals and their close associations. 3. Uranium-rich zones with high radioactive anomalies are found in Chungju, Deogpyong-Yongyuri, MiwonBoun, Daejeon-Geumsan areas in the range of 500~3,700 cps (corresponds to 0.017~0.087%U). These zones continue along strike of the beds for several tens to a few hundred meters but also discontinue with swelling and pinches at places that should be analogously developed toward underground in their vertical extentions. The drilling surveyings in those area, more than 120 holes, indicate that the depth-frequency to uranium rich bed ranging 40~160 meter is greater. 4. The features that higher radioactive anomalies occur particularly from the carbonaceous beds among the argillaceous lithologic units, are well demonstrated on the cross sections of the lithology and radioactive values of the major uranium deposits in the Ogcheon zone. However, one anomalous radioactive zone is found in a l:ornfels bed in Samgoe, near Daejeon city. This is interpreted as a thermal metamorphic effect by which original uranium contents in the underlying black slate were migrated into the hornfels bed. 5. Principal minerals of the uranium-bearing black slates are quartz, sericite, biotite and chlorite, and as to chemical composition of the black slates, $Al_2O_3$ contents appear to be much lower than the average values by its clarke suggesting that the Changri basin has rather proximal to its source area. 6. The uranium-bearing carbonaceous beds contain minor amounts of phosphorite minerals, pyrite, pyrrhotite and other sulfides but not contain iron oxides. Vanadium. Molybdenum, Barium, Nickel, Zirconium, Lead, Cromium and fixed Carbon, and some other heavy metals appear to be positive by correlative with uranium in their concentrations, suggesting a possibility of their genetic relationships. The estimated pH and Eh of the slate suggests an euxenic marine to organic-rich saline water environment during uranium was deposited in the middle part of Ogcheon zone. 7. The Carboniferous shale of Jangseong Series(Sadong Series) of Permian in Hambaegsan area having low radioactivity and in fluvial to beach deposits is entirely different in geochemical property and depositional environment from the middle part of Ogcheon zone, so-called "Pibanryong-Type Ogcheon Zone". 8. Synthesizing various data obtained by several aspects of research on uranium mineralization in the studied sequence, it is concluded that the processes of uranium deposition were incorporated with rich organic precipitation by which soluble uranyl ions, $U{_2}^{+{+}}$ were organochemically complexed and carried down to the pre-Ogcheon sea bottoms formed in transitional environment, from Red Sea type basin to Black Sea type basin. Decomposition of the organic matter under reducing conditions to hydrogen sulfide, which reduced the $UO{_2}^{+2}$ ions to the insoluble uranium dioxide($UO_2$), on the other side the heavy metals are precipitated as sulfides. 9. The EPMA study on the identification of uraninite and others and the genetic interpretation of uranium bearing slates by isotopic values of this work are given separately by Yun, S. in 1984.

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Media Discourse on Asian Women's International Marriage: The Korean Case (아시아 여성의 국제결혼에 대한 미디어 담론: 한국 미디어의 재현방식을 통해)

  • Kim, Soo-Jung;Kim, Eun-Yi
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.43
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    • pp.385-426
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    • 2008
  • This paper focuses on how international marriages among Asians have been represented by the Korean media. Due to globalization, the so-called 'ethnoscape' has changed, and so ethnicity or racial identity within the boundaries of the nation-state changed. The recent diaspora of Asian women into Korea through international marriages has reflected how globalization has proceeded at a regional or local level. This paper attempts to analyze Koreanmedia discourses on the Asian female diaspora. This study analyzes what kind of generic forms TV dramas, other shows(TV reality programs, TV journalistic programs), movie and internet have employed to represent international marriages and how they have portrayed the subjectivities of the Asian female diaspora. This study discuss how this representation has been contested by the 'realities' of their international marriages. By examining how the Korean mainstream media have dealt with the conflicting issues of the Asian female diaspora, this paper intends to look critically at how local discursive practices have substantiated the changing ethnoscape. As a result of the study, this paper can find international marriages among Asians have been represented by Korean media still patriarchal system in male-oriented society. The otherness of Asian women justify the strong work of household affairs, and so justified life is standardized 'a kind of daughter- in-law', 'a complaisant daughter-in-law' in the process of migration. Also the otherness of Asian women standardized 'a victor' or 'a harmer' through international marriage of money that commercialized 'sexuality'. After all Korea media discourse on Asian women's international marriage, the gender issues on it have not been focused on a serious level.

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Rethinking Korean Women's Art from a Post-territorial Perspective: Focusing on Korean-Japanese third generation women artists' experience of diaspora and an interpretation of their work (탈영토적 시각에서 볼 수 있는 한국여성미술의 비평적 가능성 : 재일동포3세 여성화가의 '디아스포라'의 경험과 작품해석을 중심으로)

  • Suh, Heejung
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.14
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    • pp.125-158
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    • 2012
  • After liberation from Japanese colonial rule in 1945, there was the three-year period of United States Army Military Government in Korea. In 1948, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and Republic of Korea were established in the north and south of the Korean Peninsula. The Republic of Korea is now a modern state set in the southern part of the Korean. We usually refer to Koreans as people who belong to the Republic of Korea. Can we say that is true exactly? Why make of this an obsolete question? The period from 1945 when Korea was emancipated from Japanese colonial rule to 1948 when the Republic of Korea was established has not been a focus of modern Korean history. This three years remains empty in Korean history and makes the concept of 'Korean' we usually consider ambiguous, and prompts careful attention to the silence of 'some Koreans' forced to live against their will in the blurred boundaries between nation and people. This dissertation regards 'Koreans' who came to live in the border of nations, especially 'Korean-Japanese third generation women artists'who are marginalized both Japan and Korea. It questions the category of 'Korean women's art' that has so far been considered, based on the concept of territory, and presents a new perspective for viewing 'Korean women's art'. Almost no study on Korean-Japanese women's art has been conducted, based on research on Korean diaspora, and no systematic historical records exist. Even data-collection is limited due to the political situation of South and North in confrontation. Representation of the Mother Country on the Artworks by First and Second-Generation Korean-Japanese(Zainich) Women Artists after Liberation since 1945 was published in 2011 is the only dissertation in which Korean-Japanese women artists, and early artistic activities. That research is based on press releases and interviews obtained through Japan. This thesis concentrates on the world of Korean-Japanese third generation women artists such as Kim Jung-sook, Kim Ae-soon, and Han Sung-nam, permanent residents in Japan who still have Korean nationality. The three Korean-Japanese third generation women artists whose art world is reviewed in this thesis would like to reveal their voices as minorities in Japan and Korea, resisting power and the universal concepts of nation, people and identity. Questioning the general notions of 'Korean women' and 'Korean women's art'considered within the Korean Peninsula, they explore their identity as Korean women outside the Korean territory from a post-territorial perspective and have a new understanding of the minority's diversity and difference through their eyes as marginal women living outside the mainstream of Korean and Japanese society. This is associated with recent post-colonial critical viewpoints reconsidering myths of universalism and transcendental aesthetic measures. In the 1980s and 1990s art museums and galleries in New York tried a critical shift in aesthetic discourse on contemporary art history, analyzed how power relationships among such elements as gender, sexuality, race, nationalism. Ghost of Ethnicity: Rethinking Art Discourses of the 1940s and 1980s by Lisa Bloom is an obvious presentation about the post-colonial discourse. Lisa Bloom rethinks the diversity of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and gender each artist and critic has, she began a new discussion on artists who were anti-establishment artists alienated by mainstream society. As migration rapidly increased through globalism lead by the United States the aspects of diaspora experience emerges as critical issues in interpreting contemporary culture. As a new concept of art with hybrid cultural backgrounds exists, each artist's cultural identity and specificity should be viewed and interpreted in a sociopolitical context. A criticism started considering the distinct characteristics of each individual's historical experience and cultural identity, and paying attention to experience of the third world artist, especially women artists, confronting the power of modernist discourses from a perspective of the white male subject. Considering recent international contemporary art, the Korean-Japanese third generation women artists who clarify their cultural identity as minority living in the border between Korea and Japan may present a new direction for contemporary Korean art. Their art world derives from their diaspora experience on colonial trauma historically. Their works made us to see that it is also associated with postcolonial critical perspective in the recent contemporary art stream. And it reminds us of rethinking the diversity of the minority living outside mainstream society. Thus, this should be considered as one of the features in the context of Korean women's art.

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Studies on Anisakis Type Larvae (Anisakis 형(型) 유충(幼蟲)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Lim, Jung Teck
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Research
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.293-307
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    • 1975
  • As it has been known recently that anisakis type larvae harbouring in marine fishes are a causal agent of zoonosis to human and probably to land living mammal animals, attention was focused on the study on the larvae in an aspect of epidemiology or epizootiology. The present work was conducted from 1966 to 1975 for i) survey on the harbouring status of anisakis type larvae in marine fishes of this country, ii) observation on the response to the experimental infestation of the larvae to the pigs, in the reason that they could well fetid raw fish viscera occasionally containing the larvae as a high protein source of swine food, and iii) observation on the larval resistance and response to vermicidal agents for the purpose of prevention of the larval infection to the mammal animals. The data obtained in the studies were summarized as follows: 1. In the survey on the status of larvae harbouring in main species of marine fishes of this country, 15 species, a total of 1,940 fishes, were observed and the result was summarized in table 2. Average number of larvae, in upper rank of 5 out of all 15 species of fishes, were as highest as 156 larvae ranging 74 to 450 in Pseudosciaena manchurica (chamjogi), 54.5 ranging 15 to 240 in Trichiurus haumela (kalchi), 35.6 ranging 8 to 112 in Trachurus japonica (junggengi), 30.6 ranging 4 to 65 in Parapristipama trilineatum (benjari) and 20.5 ranging 3 to 48 in Nibea argentata (boguchi) respectively. In morphological observation, size of the larvae in the fishes were varied, ranging from 2 to 32mm long, and a tendency to larger size and number of larvae in the fishes, which were wider sea migration, higher age and lager bodily size, was observed The favorite places harbouring the larvae in fishes were mainly around the intraperitoneal viscera such as mesentery, omentum, liver, pyloric suspensory, fat tissue and cloaca, and rarely in body muscles of fish. Fishes heartily infested with the larvae showed stunted growth decreased egg formation and severe damage of liver. 2. In the experimental infestation of the larvae to normal pigs, as illustrated in table 3, a group with large dose of larvae (a total of 1,800 larvae, 300 larvae Per dose, twice in a dart for 3 days) showed acute clinical syndrome terminatine death with a week course, whereas two groups with less dose of larvae (a total of 180~360 larvae, 10 larvae per dose, at 5 days interval for 70~180 days) showed subclinical syndrome with remarkably stunted growth as. much as approximately one half of body size in contest to the control pigs. In the pathological findings, a group with large dose of larvae showed macroscopically larvae penetrating to the gastric wall with severe gastroenteritis, and histopathologically various acute lesions caused by active larvae penetration into the wall of stomach and interstine, whereas two groups with less dose of larvae showed chronic lesions such as hypertrophy and verminous granulomatous swelling of gastric wall, suggesting strongly the possibility of natural infestation of larvae to swine. 3. In the resistance of the larvae to the chemical solutions, the larvae tolerated for 2 days in 15 percent solution of sodium chloride and acetic acid, and for 7 days in 70 percent solution of ethyl alcohol. In the resistance to the temperature, the larvae died within 1 second at $62^{\circ}C$ and tolerated for 24 hours at $-3^{\circ}C$, 12 hours $-5^{\circ}C$ respectively. 4. For the experiment on the vermicidal effect to larvae, general vermicidal drugs such as Neguvon, Combantrin, antimony Potassium, piperazine adipate and piperazine dihydrochloride, oxidizer such as potassium permanganate and potassium chlorate, and dyes such as gentian violet and crystal violet were used, and among them, as illustrated in table 6, potassium permanganate was proved as the best. In the successive test for the practical use of potassium permanganate, vermicidal effect in seawater solution of potassium permanganate and common-water solution of potassium permanganate were compared, and then retested by dipping the fish viscera including the larvae into the two different solutions of potassium permanganate. The result through these tests indicated that 0.01 percent common water and sea-water solution of potassium permanganate could be apparently recommended as a preventive vermicidal solution, having 90 to 100 percent vermicidal effect by dipping for 12 to 24 hours even though sea-water solution of potassium permanganate had a tendency to slightly less effect than the common-water solution of potassium permanganate (Table 8).

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Half a cenury of the rural geography in Korea(1945-1995):review and prospect (촌락지리학 50년(1945-1995)의 회고와 전망)

  • ;Lee, Moon-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.213-254
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    • 1996
  • The Korean Geographical Society was founded in 1945, when Korea was liberated from the Japanese rule. And The Journal of the Korean Geography activated academic studies of geography by publishing research papers in it. Professor Kang, Dae-Hyun wrote the first two specialized papers of rural geography in 1966: " Flood Plain Settlements on the Han River" and "The Location and Form of the Dispersed Villages around Dae-Cwan-Ryung". The early studies of rural geography were not based on serious academic foundations, such as the adjustment of theoretical notions and a good grasp of subjects. After choosing subjects that came to hand without academic consideration. they simply enumerated generalized items of the results of the field work investigation such as the location the landscape and the process of formation of the settlements. In the 1970s and 1980s, however, rural settlement studies progressed remarkably in Korea. More than 80% of 318 dissertations, theses, or papers collected for this review were written in the late 1980s, and the subjects and methodology became diversified. As may be expected, recent studies are found very systematic and problem-solving in the various fields - contexual understanding spatial structure, the development of clan villages according to the socialization process, the effects of rural-out migration on the change of villages etc. Such a trend can be understood as a reaction to the circumstances under which, as the Western society already experienced, rural villages become washed out by the waves of industralization and urbanization and hardly continue to exist. In this paper, geographical studies of rural settlement which have been carried out in Korea last fifty years will be reviewed under the four headings on the studies related to a) farming villages; b) fishing villages; c) mountain villages: and d) special function villages. Studies of farming villages and related ones are very diverse. The results of the studies carried out last fifty years can be classified into sixteen subjects. Just as, in the West, studies of rural settlement have been mainly concerned with farming villages since rural geography came into being, so, in Korea, they have been centred on farming villages. It is a natural result considering the history of human life. Even in Korea, however the rural settlement is no more an isolated life space which keeps unique traditions of old life style, but it begins to form a dynamic life space connected to big cities by heavy traffic. Because the modern farming villages of Korea have an undetachable connection with the cities, special methodology to solve new problems has been posed in the studies of rural settlement. Many scholars have produced a lot of studies of farming villages, and three of them are prominent: Oh. Hong-Seok, Choi, Ki-Yeop, and Lee, Moon-Jong. Oh, Hong-Seok is a versatile and hard-working scholar who has published more papers than anyone else in the various fields of rural geography such as farming villages, fishing villages, mountain villages, and reclamation villages. And he has expanded his concerns to environment issues in recent years. Choi, Ki-Yeop has maintained that the prototype of Korean rural villages is clan villages continuing to write a series of good papers in which he pursues their regionalizion in the process of socialization. Lee, Moon-Jong divides the spatial organization of side settlement, sahachon (settlement near the temple), religion settlement, orchard settlement, settlement near the foreign military camp, displaced people's settlement. Chung Gam Lok settlement, etc. Though The Korean Geographical Society has half a century's history, academic activties in the field of rural settlement have been performed no more than thirty years. We cannot help saying that it is admirable that in such a rather short time we have five academical schools of the rural geography in Korea. geography in Korea.

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Tourism Industry and the Multidimensionality of Emotional Labor in Mexico (멕시코의 관광산업과 감정노동의 다차원성)

  • Joo, Jong-Taick
    • Iberoamérica
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.73-109
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    • 2020
  • In the tourism industry, emotional labor-related problems are highly likely because workers cannot avoid frequent face-to-face contacts with customers. Emotional labor, however, is not always recognized in the same pattern by every worker in similar situations. As can be see in this research, emotional labor appears to vary depending on individual characteristics and sociocultural and economic conditions. In fact, there are so many factors affecting emotional labor, and the level of influence concerning these factors can vary depending on when and where they are. Psychological and mental pains and stress from emotional labor depend on a number of factors. The expression of emotional labor, depending on age, length of employment and gender, shows a clear difference. In particular, for those who are planning to participate in international labor migration to the United States in the future, emotional labor was often not recognized as a serious problem or rather a positive social and cultural experience. In fact, there are various types of tourism workers in Oaxaca, and their experiences vary greatly depending on individual and economic and sociocultural environments. The emotional labor of the workers in the tourism sector of Oaxaca also has various forms depending on various conditions. Positive or negative perceptions and consequences of emotional labor vary depending on the circumstances of the individual and working conditions. In other words, socioeconomic conditions, individual personality or experiences, sociocultural characteristics, and autonomy in the workplace, have a significant impact. As a result, the forms and effects of emotional labor expressed and understood by tourism workers vary considerably and may vary depending on the situations. Considering these problems, the way emotional labor emerges is greatly influenced by sociocultural or personal factors as well as economic factors. In addition, rather than considering the existence and seriousness of emotional labor as given depending on the nature of a particular industry or work, it should also be recognized that the expression of emotional labor differ considerably from individual to individual. Also, the seriousness of problems caused by emotional labor can be diversified. In this sense, it is necessary to clearly understand the meanings of the dynamism, diversity and multidimensionality of emotional labor from a new perspective.


  • KWON Chin Soo;UNO Yutaka;OGASAWARA Yohismitsu
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.97-114
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    • 1977
  • The fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergi(de Man) is a very common species in Indopacific region, which inhaits both fresh and brackish water in low land area, most of rivers and especially aboundant in the lower reaches which are influenced by sea water. It is one of the largest and commercial species of genus Macrobrachium, which is commonly larger than $18\~21cm$ in body length, from the basis of eye-stalked to the distal of telson. As a part of the researches in order to investigate the possibilities on transplantation and propagation of this species, this work dealt with the problems on the effects of chlorinities upon zoeal larvae and post-larvae 1). metamorphosis rate and optimum chlorinity for metamorphosis to post-larve, 2). tolerance and comparative survival rate on various chlorinties, from fresh water to sea water $(19.38\%_{\circ}\;Cl)$, which reared for six days upon each stage of zoeal larvae, 3). accomodation rate on chlonities which reared for twelve days after transmigration into variant chlorinities of the range from $3.68\%_{\circ}$ Cl to $1.53\%_{\circ}$ Cl in the way of rearing of the range from $3.82\%_{\circ}$ Cl to $11.05\%_{\circ}$ upon each stage of zoea, 4). tolerance on both of fresh and sea water upon zoeal larva and post-larva under the condition of $28^{\circ}C{\pm}1$ in temperature and feeding on Artenia salina nauplii, 5). relationship between various chlorinities and grwth of post-larvae under the condition of $28^{\circ}C$ in tmperature and feeding on meat of clam. Thus these investigations were performed in order to grope for a comfortable method on seedmass production. Up to the present, the study on the effects of chlorinity upon earlier zoeal larvae and post-larvae of Macrobrachium species has been scarcely performed by workers with the exception of Lewis(1961) and Ling (1962,, 1967), even so their works were not so detailed. On the other hand, larvae of several species of this genus were reared at the water which mixed sea water so as to carry out complete metamorphosis to post-larva by workers in order to investigate on earlier 1 arval and earlier post-larval development, such as Macrobrachium lamerrei (Rajyalakshmi, 1961), M. rosenbergi and M. nipponense (Uno and Kwoa, 1969; Kwon and Uno, 1969), M. acanthurs (Choudhury, 1970; Dobkin, 1971), M. carcinus(Choudhury, 1970), M. formosense(Shokita, 1970), M. olfersii (Duggei et al., 1975), M. novaehallandiae (Greenwood et al., 1976), M. japonicum (Kwon, 1974) and M. lar (Shokita, personal communication), and there fore it is regarded that chlorinity is, generally, one of absolute factors to rear zoeal larvae of brackish species of Macrobrachium genus. Synthetic results on this work is summarized as the follwings: 1) Zoeal larvae required different chlorinities to grow according to each stage, and generally, it is regarded that optimum range of living and growing is from $7.63\%_{\circ}Cl\to\;7.63\%_{\circ}Cl$, and while differences of metamorphsis rate, from first zoea to post-larva, is rarely found in this range, and however it occurs apparently in both of situation at $7.63\%_{\circ}Cl$ below and $16.63\%_{\circ}Cl$ above and moreover, metamorphosis rate is delayed somewhat in case of lower chlorinity as compared with high chlorinity in these situations. 2) Accomodation in each chlorinity on the range, from fresh water to sea water, is different according to larval stages and while the best of it is, generally, on the range from $14.24\%_{\circ}Cl$ to $8.28\%_{\circ}Cl$ and favorite chlorinity of zoea have a tendency to remove from high chlorinity to lower chlorinity in order to advance larval age throughout all zoeal stages, setting a conversional stage for eighta zoea stage. 3) Optimum chlorinity of living and growth upon postlarvae is on the range of $4.25\%_{\circ}Cl$ below, and in proportion as approach to fresh water, growth rate is increased. 4) Post-large are able to live better in fresh water in comparison with zoeal larvae, which are only able to live within fifteen hours, and by contraries, post-larvae are merely able to live for one day as compared with ?미 larvar, which are able to live for six days more in sea water $19.38\%_{\circ}Cl\;above$. 5) Also, in case of transmigration into higher and lower chlorinities in the way of rearing in the initial chlorinities $ 3.82\%_{\circ}Cl,\;7.14%_{\circ}Cl\;and\;11.05%_{\circ}Cl$, accoodation rate is a follow: accomodation capacity in ease of removing into higher chlorinities from lower chlorinities is increased in proportion as earlier stages, setting a conversional stage for eighth zoea stage, and by contraries, in case of advanced stages from eighth zoea it is incraesed in proportion as approach to post-larva stage in the case of transmigration into lower chlorinity from higher chlorinity. On the other hand, it is interesting that in case of reciprocal transmigration between two different chlorinitiess, each survival rate is different, and in this case, also, its accomodation in each zoea stage has a tendency to vary according to larval stages as described above, setting a conversional stage for eighth zoea stage. 6) It is likely that expension of radish pigments on body surface is directly proportional to chlorinity during the period of zoea rearing, and therefore it seems like all body surfacts of zoea larvae be radish coloured in case of higher chlorinity. 7) By the differences that each zoeal larvae, postlarvae, juvaniles and adult prawn are required different chlorinity for inhabiting in each, it is regarded that this species migrats from up steam to near the estuary of the river which the prawns inhabits commonly in natural field for spawning and growth migration. 8) It had better maintainning chlorinities according to zoeal stage for a comfortable method on seed-mass production that earlier larva stages than eighth zoea are maintained on the range from $8\%_{\circ}Cl\;to\;12\%_{\circ}Cl$ to rear, and later larva stages than eighth zoea, by contraries, are gradually regula ted-to love chlorininity of the range from $7\%_{\circ}Cl\;to\;4\%_{\circ}Cl$ according to advance for post-larva stage.

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