• Title/Summary/Keyword: mental disorders

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Dopamine Receptor Interacting Proteins (DRIPs) of Dopamine D1-like Receptors in the Central Nervous System

  • Wang, Min;Lee, Frank J.S.;Liu, Fang
    • Molecules and Cells
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.149-157
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    • 2008
  • Dopamine is a major neurotransmitter in the mammalian central nervous system (CNS) that regulates neuroendocrine functions, locomotor activity, cognition and emotion. The dopamine system has been extensively studied because dysfunction of this system is linked to various pathological conditions including Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, Tourette's syndrome, and drug addiction. Accordingly, intense efforts to delineate the full complement of signaling pathways mediated by individual receptor subtypes have been pursued. Dopamine D1-like receptors are of particular interest because they are the most abundant dopamine receptors in CNS. Recent work suggests that dopamine signaling could be regulated via dopamine receptor interacting proteins (DRIPs). Unraveling these DRIPs involved in the dopamine system may provide a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying CNS disorders related to dopamine system dysfunction and may help identify novel therapeutic targets.

Associations between Physical Disorders and Suicidal Ideation in Elders (노인의 신체질환과 자살사고 간의 연관성)

  • Park, Cheol;Kang, Hee-Ju;Lee, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Seon-Young;Bae, Kyung-Yeol;Kim, Sung-Wan;Kim, Jae-Min;Shin, Il-Seon;Yoon, Jin-Sang
    • Anxiety and mood
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.24-29
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    • 2014
  • Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the associations between physical disorders and prevalent/incident suicidal ideation in a community dwelling older population aged 65 years or over. Methods : 1204 people aged 65 years or over evaluated at baseline. Suicidal ideation was identified using the questions from the community version of the Geriatric Mental State Schedule ("GMS B3"). Reported physical disorders covering 11 common and generally chronic health problems were ascertained. Covariates included were depression, age, gender, years of education, accommodation status, past occupation, and current occupation. Of 1066 without suicidal ideation at baseline, 805 (76%) were followed 2 years later, and incident suicidal ideation was evaluated. Results : Prevalent suicidal ideation was significantly associated with 4 of 11 physical disorders: eyesight problems, persistent cough, heart disease and paralysis or weakness in one leg or arm. Incident suicidal ideation was associated with 3 physical disorders: asthma, high blood pressure and paralysis or weakness in one leg or arm. Both prevalent and incident suicidal ideation were significantly associated with increased number of physical disorders. Conclusions : Certain physical disorders were comorbid and precipitating factors of suicidal ideation in elders. And appropriate intervention and treatment of physical disorders might prevent suicidal ideation in elderly.

Determinants of Mental Health Care Utilization in a Suicide High-risk Group With Suicidal Ideation

  • Kim, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Moo-Sik;Hong, Jee-Young
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: The suicide rate in Korea is increasing every year, and is the highest among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. Psychiatric patients in particular have a higher risk of suicide than other patients. This study was performed to evaluate determinants of mental health care utilization among individuals at high risk for suicide. Methods: Korea Health Panel data from 2009 to 2011 were used. Subjects were individuals at high risk of suicide who had suicidal ideation, a past history of psychiatric illness, or had utilized outpatient services for a psychiatric disorder associated with suicidal ideation within the past year. The chi-square test and hierarchical logistic regression were used to identify significant determinants of mental health care utilization. Results: The total number of subjects with complete data on the variables in our model was 989. Individuals suffering from three or more chronic diseases used mental health care more frequently. Mental health care utilization was higher in subjects who had middle or high levels of educational attainment, were receiving Medical Aid, or had a large family size. Conclusions: It is important to control risk factors in high-risk groups as part of suicide prevention strategies. The clinical approach, which includes community-based intervention, entails the management of reduction of suicidal risk. Our study identified demographic characteristics that have a significant impact on mental health care utilization and should be considered in the development of suicide prevention strategies. Further studies should examine the effect of mental health care utilization on reducing suicidal ideation.

Effects of Ankle Exercise combined with Mental Practice on Postural Alignment (상상연습을 병행한 발목 운동이 자세정렬에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Heosong;Kang, Hyojeong;Heo, Jaewon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Integrative Medicine
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : Various studies effects of mental practice. However, there is a lack of research on the effects of practice on postural alignment. Therefore this study to the effect of ankle exercise combined with mental practice on postural alignment of legs. Method : Subjects were randomly assigned to mental practice group (experimental group n=15) and general exercise group (control group n=15). Postural alignment was the hip, knee, and ankle joints. When viewed from the side, an arbitrary point in front of the malleolus makes a straight line with the plumb line. Exercise was performed a week for weeks. Exercise programs included muscle strengthening, relaxation, and proprioception exercise. The experimental group mental practice. Result : Both groups showed significant differences in postural alignment ankle joint, knee joint, and hip joint. In particular, the experimental group showed a larger change than the control group. However, significant difference in postural alignment change only the knee joint (p<0.05), and there was no significant difference the hip joint (experimental group=$0.77{\pm}0.81$, control group=$0.87{\pm}1.13$) and ankle joint (experimental group=$0.52{\pm}0.63$, control group=$0.48{\pm}0.41$). Conclusion : This study suggests that mental practice is effective as an exercise method postural alignment. Mental practice also expected to be musculoskeletal disorders. Therefore, additional studies should be conducted to verify the effect of mental practice on the alignment of various parts.

Synthesis of Evidence to Support EMS Personnel's Mental Health During Disease Outbreaks: A Scoping Review

  • Bronson B. Du;Sara Rezvani;Philip Bigelow;Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia;Veronique M. Boscart;Marcus Yung;Amin Yazdani
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.379-386
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    • 2022
  • Emergency medical services (EMS) personnel are at high risk for adverse mental health outcomes during disease outbreaks. To support the development of evidence-informed mitigation strategies, we conducted a scoping review to identify the extent of research pertaining to EMS personnel's mental health during disease outbreaks and summarized key factors associated with mental health outcomes. We systematically searched three databases for articles containing keywords within three concepts: EMS personnel, disease outbreaks, and mental health. We screened and retained original peer-reviewed articles that discussed, in English, EMS personnel's mental health during disease outbreaks. Where inferential statistics were reported, the associations between individual and work-related factors and mental health outcomes were synthesized. Twenty-five articles were eligible for data extraction. Our findings suggest that many of the contributing factors for adverse mental health outcomes are related to inadequacies in fulfilling EMS personnel's basic safety and informational needs. In preparation for future disease outbreaks, resources should be prioritized toward ensuring adequate provisions of personal protective equipment and infection prevention and control training. This scoping review serves as a launching pad for further research and intervention development.

A Reliability and Validity Study of the Korean versions of the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) (한국판 섭식장애검사-자기보고형 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) 및 한국판 임상손상평가(CIA)의 신뢰도와 타당도 연구)

  • Bang, Eun Byul;Han, Cho Long;Kim, Yu Ri;Kim, Mirihae;Lee, Young Ho;Heo, Si Young;Kim, Youl-Ri
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.152-163
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    • 2018
  • Objectives : The Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire, version 6.0 (EDE-Q version 6.0) and the Clinical Impairment Assessment Questionnaire (CIA) measure attitudes and behavioral features of eating disorders and impairments secondary to eating disorders, respectively. The aims of this study were to examine the reliability and the validity of the Korean versions of the EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA. Methods : Four hundred nineteen participants (370 female university students and 49 women with eating disorders) completed the EDE-Q version 6.0, the CIA, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) and the Weight Concern Scale (WCS). Results : Excellent internal consistencies were obtained for the EDE-Q version 6.0 (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.92$) and the CIA (Cronbach's ${\alpha}=0.91$). Exploratory factor analysis of CIA extracted the 3 factors of personal, social, and cognitive impairments, as the original CIA had. The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the CIA were well correlated with the BSQ and the WCS, in respect to their contextually concordant variables. Patients with eating disorders had higher scores both in the EDE-Q 6.0 and the CIA than university women had, supporting good discriminant validity. Conclusions : The EDE-Q version 6.0 and the Korean versions of the CIA had adequate reliability and validity. These data will help clinicians and researchers to use the EDE-Q and the CIA in diagnosis, prevention and intervention of eating disorders in Korea.

Doctor's Failure to Provide Effective Treatments for Smokers and the Legal Responsibility of Medical Malpractice (의사의 금연 건강지도의무와 의료과오책임)

  • Kim, Un-Mook
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.231-267
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    • 2008
  • Tobacco has become the world's leading cause of deaths and diseases. And !be tobacco use and dependence itself is a kind of diseases, so-called "mental and be-havioural disorders due to use of tobacco" in "International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems(ICD-10)" and "Korean Standard Classification of Diseases". The tobacco use and dependence is a chronic disease that requires repeated clinical interventions and multiple attempts to quit. But effective treatments to the tobacco use and dependence are developed and exist that can significantly increase the rate of long-tenn smoking abstinence. So the physicians should warn smoking patients about the dangers of smoking to the health and the life, and the clinicians ought to provide one of more of the treatments which have been proven effective in helping smokers quit to smoke. It has been concluded that if a doctor failed to provide effective treatment for smokers, and the smokers subsequently died of the smokers-related conditions(tobaccosis) or became incapacitated by the tobaccosis the smokers were considered in the medical malpractice. Thus the smokers could sue the physician for medical malpractice, claiming that the doctor's legal responsibility of appropriate treatments including smoking-cessation which the physician deliberately or negligently breached.

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Effects of Claustrophobia, Vital Signs on Psychological Anxiety of the Patients during MRI Examination(In Patient Safety Accident) (MRI 검사 시 환자의 심리적 불안감이 폐쇄공포 및 활력징후에 미치는 영향(환자안전사고에 있어서))

  • Kim, Jae-Cheon;Bae, Seok-Hwan;Kim, Yong-Kwon;Lee, Moo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2015
  • In this study, to find out the effect of psychological anxiety of the patients during MRI examination on the claustrophobia and vital signs, As for a study tool, to measure Anxiety Sensitivity Index(ASI), Kamsung Evaluation Index of Life Environmental Noise(KEI), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-IV) was used, and for vital signs, blood pressure and pulse rate were measured pre and post MRI examination. In conclusion, it was indicated that though the effect of the general characteristics, psychological anxiety, on noise sensitivity and claustrophobia was small, the psychological anxiety of the patients during MRI examination affected claustrophobia and vital signs.

A Validation Study of the Korean Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5 in the Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and Non-Autism Spectrum Disorder

  • Cho, Han Nah;Ha, Eun Hye
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to analyze the discriminant validity and the clinical cut off scores of the Child Behavior Checklist 1.5-5 (CBCL 1.5-5) in the diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and non-ASD. Methods: In total, 104 ASD and 441 non-ASD infants were included in the study. T-test, discriminant analysis, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis, and odds ratio analysis were performed on the data. Results: The discriminant validity was confirmed by mean differences and discriminant analysis on the subscales of Emotionally reactive, Somatic complaints, Withdrawn, Sleep problems, Attention problems, Aggressive behavior, Internalizing problems, Externalizing problems, and Total problems, along with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-oriented scales between the two groups. ROC analysis showed that the following subscales significantly separated ASD from normal infants: Emotionally reactive, Somatic complaints, Withdrawn, Sleep problems, Attention problems, Aggressive behavior, Internalizing problems, Externalizing problems, Total problems, and DSM pervasive developmental problems. Moreover, the clinical cut off score criteria adopted in the Korean-CBCL 1.5-5 were shown to be valid for the subscales Withdrawn, Internalizing problems, Externalizing problems, Total problems, and DSM pervasive developmental problems. Conclusion: The subscales of Withdrawn, Internalizing problems, Externalizing problems, Total problems, and DSM pervasive developmental problems significantly discriminated infants with ASD.

The Study on Korean Medical Pattern Differentiation of Sleep-Wake Disorders by DSM-V Classification (DSM-V 분류에 따른 수면-각성장애의 한의학적 변증 연구)

  • Na, Il Doo;Park, Mi Sun;Kim, Yeong Mok
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.83-93
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    • 2017
  • This study covers pattern differentiation based on Korean medical references, research trend and modern clinical applications about Sleep-Wake disorders of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders(DSM-V) published by American Psychiatric Association. Insomnia disorder is mostly caused by yin deficiency of liver-kidney or liver qi depression and main patterns are heart-kidney non-interaction, deficiency-excess complex pattern containing phlegm-heat due to qi stagnation and blood stasis. Hypersomnolence disorder is more due to yang deficiency rather than yin deficiency and it's major pattern is spleen-kidney yang deficiency. Cataplexy is main feature in narcolepsy and corresponds to depressive psychosis or fainting in terms of Korean Medicine and narcolepsy is assumed to be relevant to liver wind. Breathing-related sleep disorders are related with phlegm-fluid retention brought on spleen deficiency with dampness encumbrance. Pattern of circadian rhythm sleep-wake disorders is combined with yin deficiency of liver-kidney or liver qi depression of insomnia disorder and spleen-kidney yang deficiency or dampness-phlegm of hypersomnolence disorder. Yin deficiency with effulgent fire brought on drugs or alcohol is one of main patterns of substance/medication-induced sleep disorder and combined patterns with yin deficiency of liver-kidney and blood stasis or dampness-phlegm-heat are mostly applied clinically. This study drew major and frequently applied patterns of sleep-wake disorders based on Koran medical literature and modern clinical applications. And that can be the groundwork for the task ahead like clinical practice guideline of sleep-wake disorders containing pattern differentiation, diagnosis and prescriptions.