• Title/Summary/Keyword: measurement Noise

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Path Metric Comparison-based Adaptive QRD-M Algorithm for MUHO Systems (Path Metric 비교 기반 적응형 QRD-M MIMO 검출 기법)

  • Kim, Bong-Seok;Kim, Han-Nah;Choi, Kwon-Hue
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.33 no.6C
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    • pp.487-497
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new adaptive QRD-M algorithm for MIMO systems. The proposed scheme controls the number of survivor paths,0 based on the channel condition at each layer. The original QRD-M algorithm used fixed M at each layer and it needs large M to achieve near-MLD (maximum-likelihood detection) performance. However, using the large M increases the computation complexity. In this paper, we further effectively control M by employing the channel indicator which includes not only the channel gain, but also instantaneous noise information without necessity of SNR measurement. We found that the ratio of the minimum path metric to the second minimum is good reliability indicator for the channel condition. By adaptively changing M based on this ratio, the proposed scheme effectively achieves near MLD performance and computation complexity of the proposed scheme is significantly smaller than the conventional QRD-M algorithms.

Measurement of Numerical Aperture of Graded-index Plastic Optical Fiber by Using a Variable Aperture (입사광의 크기 조절을 통한 경사굴절률 플라스틱 광섬유의 수치구경 측정기법)

  • Kim, Dae-Kyu;Kim, Bo-Ram;Lee, Byoung-Hwak;Park, Seung-Han
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2011
  • There are technical difficulties in measuring the numerical apertures of multi-mode gradient-index plastic optical fibers (GI-POFs) due to their strong speckle noise originating from dopants, non-uniformity of gradient-index profile, and multi-mode interference. Therefore, we propose a new method of obtaining the numerical aperture by controlling the size of the incident laser beam and measuring the numerical aperture of GI-POF. The results show that we can get a value for the numerical aperture of GI-POF very similar to that measured by the conventional method. We can also obtain the optimum launching condition of input beam and maximum coupling efficiency.

Evaluation of Geometric Error Sources for Terrestrial Laser Scanner

  • Lee, Ji Sang;Hong, Seung Hwan;Park, Il Suk;Cho, Hyoung Sig;Sohn, Hong Gyoo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2016
  • As 3D geospatial information is demanded, terrestrial laser scanners which can obtain 3D model of objects have been applied in various fields such as Building Information Modeling (BIM), structural analysis, and disaster management. To acquire precise data, performance evaluation of a terrestrial laser scanner must be conducted. While existing 3D surveying equipment like a total station has a standard method for performance evaluation, a terrestrial laser scanner evaluation technique for users is not established. This paper categorizes and analyzes error sources which generally occur in terrestrial laser scanning. In addition to the prior researches about categorizing error sources of terrestrial Laser scanning, this paper evaluates the error sources by the actual field tests for the smooth in-situ applications.The error factors in terrestrial laser scanning are categorized into interior error caused by mechanical errors in a terrestrial laser scanner and exterior errors affected by scanning geometry and target property. Each error sources were evaluated by simulation and actual experiments. The 3D coordinates of observed target can be distortedby the biases in distance and rotation measurement in scanning system. In particular, the exterior factors caused significant geometric errors in observed point cloud. The noise points can be generated by steep incidence angle, mixed-pixel and crosstalk. In using terrestrial laser scanner, elaborate scanning plan and proper post processing are required to obtain valid and accurate 3D spatial information.

Unscented KALMAN Filtering for Spacecraft Attitude and Rate Determination Using Magnetometer

  • Kim, Sung-Woo;Abdelrahman, Mohammad;Park, Sang-Young;Choi, Kyu-Hong
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.31-46
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    • 2009
  • An Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) for estimation of the attitude and rate of a spacecraft using only magnetometer vector measurement is developed. The attitude dynamics used in the estimation is the nonlinear Euler's rotational equation which is augmented with the quaternion kinematics to construct a process model. The filter is designed for small satellite in low Earth orbit, so the disturbance torques include gravity-gradient torque, magnetic disturbance torque, and aerodynamic drag torque. The magnetometer measurements are simulated based on time-varying position of the spacecraft. The filter has been tested not only in the standby mode but also in the detumbling mode. Two types of actuators have been modeled and applied in the simulation. The PD controller is used for the two types of actuators (reaction wheels and thrusters) to detumble the spacecraft. The estimation error converged to within 5 deg for attitude and 0.1 deg/s for rate respectively when the two types of actuators were used. A joint state parameter estimation has been tested and the effect of the process noise covariance on the parameter estimation has been indicated. Also, Monte-Carlo simulations have been performed to test the capability of the filter to converge with the initial conditions sampled from a uniform distribution. Finally, the UKF performance has been compared to that of the EKF and it demonstrates that UKF slightly outperforms EKF. The developed algorithm can be applied to any type of small satellites that are actuated by magnetic torquers, reaction wheels or thrusters with a capability of magnetometer vector measurements for attitude and rate estimation.

Design of Hysteretic Buck Converter with A Low Output Ripple Voltage and Fixed Switching Frequency in CCM (작은 출력 전압 리플과 연속 전도모드에서 고정된 스위칭 주파수를 가지는 히스테리틱 벅 변환기 설계)

  • Jeong, Tae-Jin;Jo, Yong-Min;Lee, Tae-Heon;Yoon, Kwang Sub
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.6
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    • pp.50-56
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    • 2015
  • An efficient fast response hysteretic buck converter suitable for mobile application is propoesed. The problems of large output ripple and difficulty in using of small power inductor that conventional hysteretic converter has are improved by adding ramp generator. and the changeable switching frequency with load current is fixed by adding a delay time control circuit composed of PLL structure resulting in decrease of EMI noise. The circuits are implemented by using BCDMOS 0.35um 2-polt 4-metal process. Measurement results show that the converter operates with a switching frequency of 1.85MHz when drives 80mA load current. As the converter drives over 170mA load current, the switching frequency is fixed on 2MHz. The converter has output ripple voltage of less 20mV and more than efficiency 85% with 50~500mA laod current condition.

A Fully Integrated Ku-band CMOS VCO with Wide Frequency Tuning (Ku-밴드 광대역 CMOS 전압 제어 발진기)

  • Kim, Young Gi;Hwang, Jae Yeon;Yoon, Jong Deok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.12
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2014
  • A ku-band complementary cross-coupled differential voltage controlled oscillator is designed, measured and fabricated using $0.18-{\mu}m$ CMOS technology. A 2.4GHz of very wide frequency tuning at oscillating frequency of 14.5GHz is achieved with presented circuit topology and MOS varactors. Measurement results show -1.66dBm output power with 18mA DC current drive from 3.3V power supply. When 5V is applied, the output power is increased to 0.84dBm with 47mA DC current. -74.5dBc/Hz phase noise at 100kHz offset is measured. The die area is $1.02mm{\times}0.66mm$.

An Implementation of Spirometry System Based Differential Pressure Method (차동 압력 방식을 이용한 호흡측정 시스템 구현)

  • 김요한;신창민;김영길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.440-447
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    • 2002
  • This paper considerated about exact flow volume calculation method from factors having an influence on measurement and introduced in anesthesia ventilator realized spirometry system. System used differential pressure sensing method with factors, that is temperature, pressure, gas density, humidity and mucus etc. System optimized for low power system for mobile system. System composed analog interface part, signal processing part, display part. Analog interface part have differential pressure flow sensor and defferential pressure sensor. Signal processing part have AVR processor for low power system display part use serial port (RS232, SPT). so it display at pc monitor or send to anesthesia ventilator. System is stable by linearizing 2th characteristics of flow-differential pressure, auto correction of sensor. Noise reduced by algorithm with analog filter and digital processing. Small, light, low power system is good at mobile system and applied to patient in emergency or mobile. and, System is useful at anesthesia ventilator by using flow sensor.

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Design and Implementation of a Control System for the Interleaved Boost PFC Converter in On-Board Battery Chargers (차량 탑재형 배터리 충전기의 인터리브드 부스트 PFC 컨버터 제어시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Jun Hyok;Jung, Kwang-Soon;Lee, Kyung-Jung;Jung, Jae Yeop;Kim, Ho Kyung;Hong, Sung-Soo;Ahn, Hyun-Sik
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.843-850
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we propose a digital controller design process for the interleaved type of a boost PFC (Power Factor Correction) converter which can disperse the heat of the switching devices due to the interleaved topology. We establish a mathematical model of a boost PFC converter and propose a controller design method based on the root locus. The performance of the designed controller is verified by simulations. The measurement of the input voltage, inductor currents, and the converter output link voltage are needed for the control of the converter system which consists of a power unit and a control unit where a high-performance 32-bit microcontroller is used. The adjustment of A/D conversion timing is also needed to avoid high frequency noise generated when the switches on/off. It is illustrated by the real experiments that the designed control system with the properly adjusted ADC timing satisfies the given performance specifications of the interleaved boost PFC converter in the on-board slow battery charger.

Improved Harmonic-CELP Speech Coder with Dual Bit-Rates(2.4/4.0 kbps) (이중 전송률(2.4/4.0 kbps)을 갖는 개선된 하모닉-CELP 음성부호화기)

  • 김경민;윤성완;최용수;박영철;윤대희;강태익
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3C
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    • pp.239-247
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a dual-rate (2.4/4.0 kbps) Improved Harmonic-CELP(IHC) speech coder based on the EHC(Efficient Harmonic-CELP) which was presented by the authors. The proposed IHC employs the harmonic coding for voiced and the CELP for unvoiced segments. In the IHC, an initial voiced/unvoiced estimate is obtained by the pitch gain and energy. Then, the final V/UV mode is decided by using the frame energy contour. A new harmonic estimation combining peak picking and delta adjustment provides a more reliable harmonic estimation than that in the EHC. In addition, a noise mixing scheme in conjunction with an improved band voicing measurement provides the naturalness of the synthesized speech. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed IHC coder, the coder has been implemented and compared with the 2.0/4.0 kbps HVXC(Harmonic excitation Vector Coding) standardized by MPEG-4. Results of subjective evaluation showed that the proposed IHC coder and produce better speech quality than the HVXC, with only 40% complexity of the HVXC.

A Study on the Performance improvement of TEA adaptive equalizer using Precoding (사전 부호화를 이용한 TEA 적응 등화기의 성능 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Lim Seung-Gag
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.13C no.3 s.106
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2006
  • This paper related with the performance improvement of adaptive equalizer that is a based on the tricepstrum eqalization algorithm by using the received signal. Adaptive equalizer used for the improvement of communication performance, like as high speed, maintain of synchronization, BER, at the receive side in the environment of communication channel of the presence of the aditive noise, phase distortion and frequency selective fading, mainly. It's characteristics are nearly same as the inverse characterstics of the communication channel. In this paper, the TEA algorithm using the HOS and the 16-QAM which is 2-dimensional signaling method for being considered signal was used. For the precoding of 16-QAM singnal in the assignment of the signal costellation, Gray code was used, and the improvement of performance was gained by computer simulation in the residual intersymbol interence and mean squared error which is representive measurement of adaptive equalizer.