• 제목/요약/키워드: mass transfer coefficients

검색결과 360건 처리시간 0.023초

혼합냉매의 환상 유동 증발열전달 해석 (Analysis of Convective Boiling Heat Transfer for Refrigerant Mixtures in Annular Horizontal Flow)

  • 신지영;김민수
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.720-729
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    • 1996
  • An analysis of convective boiling heat transfer for refrigerant mixtures is performed for an annular flow to investigate the degradation of the heat transfer rate. Annular flow is selected in this study because a great portion of the evaporator in the refrigeration and air conditioning system is known to be in the annular flow regime. Mass transfer effect due to composition difference between liquid and vapor is included in this analysis, which is considered to be one of driving forces for the mass transfer at the interface. Due to the concentration gradient at the interface the mass transfer is interfered, so is the evaporative heat transfer at the interface. The mass transfer resistance makes the interface temperature slightly higher and, as a result, the heat transfer coefficients decrease compared with those without mass transfer effects. The degradatioin of the heat transfer rate reaches its maximum at a certain composition. The composition difference between vapor core and vapor at the interface has a direct effect on the temperature difference between the vapor core and the interface and the degradation of the heat transfer rate. Correction factor CF for the mixture effects is added to the correlation for pure substances and the flow boiling heat transfer coefficients can be calculated using the modified equation.n.

Heat Transfer Enhancement for Fin-Tube Heat Exchanger Using Vortex Generators

  • Yoo, Seong-Yeon;Park, Dong-Seong;Chung, Min-Ho
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제16권1호
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    • pp.109-115
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    • 2002
  • Vortex generators are fabricated on the fin surface of a fin-tube heat exchanger to augment the convective heat transfer. In addition to horseshoe vortices formed naturally around the tube of the fin-tube heat exchanger, longitudinal vortices are artificially created on the fin surface by vortex generators. The purpose of this study is to investigate the local heat transfer phenomena in the fin-tube heat exchangers with and without vortex generators, and to evaluate the effect of vortices on the heat transfer enhancement. Naphthalene sublimation technique is employed to measure local mass transfer coefficients, then analogy equation between heat and mass transfer is used to calculate heat transfer coefficients. Experiments are performed for the model of fin -circular tube heat exchangers with and without vortex generators, and of fin-flat tube heat exchangers with and without vortex generators. Average heat transfer coefficients of finn-flat tube heat exchanger without vertex generator are much lower than those of fin-circular tube heat exchanger. On the other hand, fin-flat tube heat exchanger with vortex generators has much higher heat transfer value than conventional fin-circular tube heat exchanger At the same time, pressure losses for four types of heat exchanger is measured and compared.

가스터빈 연소실 냉각을 위한 충돌제트/유출냉각기법에서 사각핀 설치에 따른 열/물질전달 특성 (Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics in Impingement/Effusion Cooling System with Rectangular Fins for Combustor Liner Cooling)

  • 홍성국;이동호;조형희
    • 한국유체기계학회 논문집
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    • 제8권4호
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2005
  • The present study has been performed to investigate the influences of rectangular fins on heat transfer in an impingement/effusion cooling system with crossflow. To simulate the impingement/effusion cooling system with initial crossflow, two perforated plates are placed in parallel and staggered arrangements with a gap distance of 2 times of the hole diameter. The crossflow passes between the plates, and various rectangular fins are installed on the plates. Reynolds number based on the hole diameter is fixed to 10,000 and the flow rate of crossflow is changed from 0.5 to 1.5 times of that of the impinging jet. A naphthalene sublimation method is used to obtain the heat/mass transfer coefficients on the effusion plate. Also to analyze the flow characteristics, a numerical calculation is performed. When rectangular fins are installed, the flow and heat transfer pattern is changed greatly from the case without fins. In the injection hole region, the jet impinges on effusion plate without deflection and wall jet spreads symmetrically. In the effusion region, the crossflow accelerates due to the decrease of cross-sectional area in the channel. Local heat/mass transfer coefficients are enhanced significantly compared to the case without fins. As the blowing ratio increases, the effect of rectangular fins against the crossflow becomes more significant and then the higher average heat/mass transfer coefficients are obtained than the case without fins. However, the increase of blockage effect gives more pressure loss in the channel.

가스터빈 연소실 냉각을 위한 충돌제트/유출냉각기법에서 사각핀 설치에 따른 열/물질전달 특성 (Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics in Impingement/Effusion Cooling System with Rectangular Fins for Combustor Liner Cooling)

  • 홍성국;이동호;조형희
    • 유체기계공업학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 유체기계공업학회 2004년도 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집
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    • pp.289-296
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    • 2004
  • The present study has been performed to investigate the influences of rectangular fins on heat transfer in an impingement/effusion cooling system with crossflow. To simulate the impingement/effusion cooling system with initial crossflow, two perforated plates are placed in parallel and staggered arrangements with a gap distance of 2 times of the hole diameter. The crossflow passes between the plates, and various rectangular fins are installed on the plates. Reynolds number based on the hole diameter is fixed to 10,000 and the flow rate of crossflow is changed from 0.5 to 1.5 times of that of the impinging jet. A naphthalene sublimation method is used to obtain the heat/mass transfer coefficients on the effusion plate. Also to analyze the flow characteristics, a numerical calculation is performed. When rectangular fins are installed, the flow and heat transfer pattern is changed greatly from case without fins. In the injection hole region, the jet impinges on effusion plate without deflection and wall jet spreads symmetrically. In the effusion region, the crossflow accelerates due to the decrease of cross-sectional area in the channel. Local heat/mass transfer coefficients are enhanced significantly compared to case without fins. As the blowing ratio increases, the effect of fins against the crossflow becomes more significant and then the higher average heat/mass transfer coefficients are obtained than the case without fins.

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터빈 블레이드 말단과 슈라우드 사이의 간극변화에 따른 슈라우드에서의 열/물질전달 특성 (Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics on Shroud with Turbine Blade Tip Clearances)

  • 이동호;최종현;조형희
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제25권3호
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    • pp.414-421
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    • 2001
  • The present study is conducted to investigate the local heat/mass transfer characteristics on the shroud with blade tip clearances. The relative motion between blade and shroud has little influence on the overall heat transfer characteristics, except some local effects. Therefore, the relative motion between the blade and shroud is neglected in this study. A naphthalene sublimation method is employed to determine the detailed local heat/mass transfer coefficients on the surface of the shroud. The tip clearance is changed from 0.66% to 2.85% of the blade chord length. The flow enters the gap between the blade tip and shroud at the pressure side due to the pressure difference. Therefore, the heat/mass transfer characteristics on the shroud are changed significantly from those with endwall. At first, high heat/mass transfer occurs along the profile of blade at the pressure side due to the entrance effect and acceleration of the gap flow. Then, the heat/mass transfer coefficients on the shroud increase along the suction side of the blade because tip leakage vortices are generated and interact with the main flow. The results show that the heat/mass transfer characteristics are changed largely with the gap distance between the tip of turbine blade and the shroud.

혼합냉매 R-407C의 증발 열전달과 압력강하 (Evaporation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Mixture Refrigerant R-407C)

  • 노건상;오후규;손창효
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.542-549
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    • 2008
  • The evaporation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of R-22 and R-407C in a horizontal copper tube were investigated experimentally. The main components of the refrigerant loop are a receiver, a compressor, a mass flow meter, a condenser and a double pipe type evaporator (test section). The test section consists of a smooth copper tube of 6.4 mm inner diameter. The refrigerant mass fluxes were varied from 100 to 300kg/m2s and the saturation temperature of evaporator were 5C. The evaporation heat transfer coefficients of R-22 and R-407C increase with the increase of mass flux and vapor quality. The evaporation heat transfer coefficients of R-22 is about 5.68×46.6 higher than that of R-407C. The evaporation pressure drop of R-22 and R-407C increase with the increase of mass flux. The pressure drop of R-22 is similar to that of R-407C. In comparison with test results and existing correlations, correlations failed to predict the evaporation heat transfer coefficient of R-22 and R-407C. therefore, it is necessary to develope reliable and accurate predictions determining the evaporation heat transfer coefficient of R-22 and R-407C in a horizontal tube.

냉매 R-407c의 수평평골 응축관내 열전달특성에 관한 연구 (Heat transfer characteristics of R - 407C condensing inside smooth horizontal tubes)

  • 오후규;문정욱;노건상
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제21권2호
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    • pp.144-156
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    • 1997
  • Experimental results for forced convection heat transfer of pure refrigerant and nonrefrigerant mixtures during condensing inside horizontal smooth tubes, double pipe heat exchanger of 7.5 mm ID and 4 000 mm long inside tube, are presented. Pure refrigerant R - 22 and R - 407 c, the mixture of R - 32 + R - 125 + R - 134a (23/25/52, wt %) are used as the test fluids. The ranges of parameters are 114.3267.1kg/(m2s) of mass velocity, <01.0 of quality. The vapor pressure, vapor temperature and tube wall temperature were measured. Using these data, the local and average heat transfer coefficients for the condensation are obtained. At the same given experimental conditions, the condensation heat transfer coefficients for NARMs R - 407c were lower than those for the pure refrigerant of R - 22. Local heat transfer characteristics for R - 407c were different from pure refrigerant R - 22. The condensaheat transfer coefficients for R - 407c and R - 22 increased with mass velocity. Based on the data a prediction method was presented for the calculation of dimensionless average heat transfer coefficient.

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대체냉매를 사용한 평활관 및 마이크로핀관 곡관부내 증발 열전달 특성 (Evaporation heat transfer characteristics inside the U-bend of the smooth and the microfin tube using alternative refrigerant)

  • 조금남;김병기
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제21권9호
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    • pp.1207-1217
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    • 1997
  • The present work experimentally investigated the effects of mass flux, heat flux, inlet quality on the heat transfer performance inside the U-bend of smooth and microfin tube using R-22 and R-407C refrigerants. The parameters were 200 and 400 kg/m2 s for mass flux, 6 and 12 kw/m2 for heat flux, 0.1 and 0.2 for inlet quality under the pressure of 0.65 MPa. The apparatus consisted of the test section of four straight sections and three U-bends, preheater, condenser, refrigerant pump, mass flow meter etc. The average heat transfer coefficient at the downstream straight section after U-bend was affected by U-bend due to the centrifugal force and mixing of two-phase flow in the U-bend. The average heat transfer coefficient at the U-bend was 4 ~ 33 % higher than that at the straight section. The average heat transfer coefficients were affected in the order of mass flux, heat flux and inlet quality. The average heat transfer coefficients in the microfin tube were lager by 19 ~ 49% and 33 ~ 69% than that in the smooth tube at the straight section and at the U-bend separately. The average heat transfer coefficients for R-407C were larger by 33 ~ 41% and 17 ~ 29% than that for R-22 in the smooth tube and the microfin tube separately.

순수 및 혼합냉매의 유동증발 열전달 상관식 (Correlation of Convective Boiling Heat Transfer in a Horizontal Tube for Pure Refrigerants and Refrigerant Mixtures)

  • 신지영;김민수;노승탁
    • 설비공학논문집
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.254-266
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    • 1996
  • Boiling heat transfer coefficients of pure refrigerants(R22, R32, R125, R134a, R290, and R600a) and refrigerant mixtures(R32/R134a and R290/R600a) are measured experimentally and compared with several correlations. Convective boiling term of Chen's correlation predicts experimental data for pure refrigerants fairly well(root-mean-square error of 12.1% for the quality range over 0.2). An analysis of convective boiling heat transfer of refrigerant mixtures is performed for an annular flow to study degradation of heat transfer. Annular flow is the subject of this analysis because a great portion of the evaporator in refrigeration or air conditioning system is known to be in the annular flow regime. Mass transfer effect due to composition difference between liquid and vapor phases, which is considered as a driving force for mass transfer at interface, is included in this analysis. Correction factor CF is introduced to the correlation for the pure substances through annular flow analysis to apply the correlation to the mixtures. The flow boiling heat transfer coefficients are calculated using the correlation considering nucleate boilling effect in the low quality region and mass transfer effect for nonzazeotropic refrigerant mixtures.

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초기 횡방향 유동이 존재하는 충돌제트/유출냉각에서 요철이 설치된 유출면에서의 열/물질전달 특성 (Heat/Mass Transfer Characteristics on Rib-roughened Surface for Impingement/Effusion Cooling System with Initial Crossflow)

  • 이동호;남용우;조형희
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.338-348
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    • 2004
  • The present study is conducted to investigate the effect of rib arrangements on an impingement/effusion cooling system with initial crossflow. To simulate the impingement/effusion cooling system, two perforated plates are placed in parallel and staggered arrangements with a gap distance of 2 times of tile hole diameter. Initial crossflow passes between the injection and effusion plates, and the square ribs (3mm) are installed on the effusion plate. Both the injection and effusion hole diameters are 10mmand Reynolds number based on the hole diameter and hole-to-hole pitch are fixed to 10,000 and 6 times of the hole diameter, respectively. To investigate the effects of rib arrangements, various rib arrangements, such as 90transverse and 45angled rib arrangements, are used. Also, the effects of flow rate ratio of crossflow to impinging jets are investigated. With the initial crossflow, locally low transfer regions are formed because the wall jets are swept away, and level of heat transfer rate get decreased with increasing flow rate of crossflow. When the ribs are installed on the effusion plate, the local distributions of heat/mass transfer coefficients around the effusion holes are changed. The local heat/mass transfer around the stagnation regions and the effusion holes are affected by the rib positions, angle of attack and rib spacing. For low blowing ratio, the ribs have adverse effects on heat/mass transfer, but for higher blowing ratios, higher and more uniform heat transfer coefficient distributions are obtained than the case without ribs because the ribs prevent the wall jets from being swept away by the crossflow and increase local turbulence of the flow near the surface. Average heat transfer coefficients with rib turbulators are approximately 10% higher than that without ribs, and the higher values are obtained with small pitch of ribs. However, the attack angle of the rib has little influence on the average heat/mass transfer.