• Title/Summary/Keyword: mass transfer coefficients

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Prediction Model for the Extraction Weights and Extraction Rate of Barley and Cassia Tora Seed Tea by Different Extraction Conditions (보리차 및 결명자(決明子)차의 추출조건(抽出條件)의 변화(變化)에 따른 추출량(抽出量) 및 추출속도(抽出速度) 예측(豫測)모델)

  • Jeong, Mun Ho;Choi, Yong Hee
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.8
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 1990
  • The most important factors among extraction conditions in the extraction process of Barley and Casia tora seed are particle size, extraction temperature, time and initial concentration. In this research project, then, the amounts of extracted materials were measured at various conditions of above factors. They were increased as the particle sizes were decreased and were also increased in the proportional to the value of square of temperature. General mathematical prediction models were developed by an optimization technique for the amounts of extracted materials and extraction rate on the basis of each independent factor. Then, the final prediction model was obtained upon all the factors. As the results, it was also found that the values of overall mass transfer coefficients were increased as the particle sizes were decreased.

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Optimum Size Combination of Heat Exchangers in a Small Gifford-Mchon/ Joule-Thomson Refrigerator (소형 Gifford-McMahon/Joule-Thomson 냉동기에서 열교환기의 최적 조합)

  • 김영률;이상용;장호명
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.2196-2202
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    • 1992
  • The optimum size combination of heat exchangers in a Joule-Thomson(J-T) circuit for small cryogenic systems has been sought analytically, when the circuit is combined with a two-stage Gifford-McMahon(GM) cooler. Full thermodynamic cycle analysis was carried out to predict the performance of the combined refrigeration system. Relevant convective heat transfer coefficients, the computerized properties of helium, and the refrigeration capacity curve of a typical GM cooler have been used in the analysis. The result showed that, by changing the configuration(heat exchanger area ratio) of the system, the performance of the commonly-used GM/J-T refrigerators could be optimized. For the maximum refrigeration performance, the optimum mass flow rate of the refrigerant and the relative size between the heat exchangers have been obtained, when the cooling load was 0.1W at 3.995K with the total heat exchanger area being given.

A Study on the Computational Simulation of Cyclic Voltammetry using Semi-infinite Diffusion Model (반무한 확산모델을 이용한 순환전위법의 전산모사에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Ha-Na;Kim, Tae-Yong;Yoon, Do-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Electrochemical Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.138-144
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    • 2011
  • The transport phenomena of electron and ion around the electrode have been analyzed, herein the computational program to simulate the electrochemical signal of cyclic voltammetry has been implemented. For the dominant mass-transfer system, the governing equation and its boundary conditions are confined to the semi-infinite diffusion model and the reversible reaction at the electrode. In order to obtain the numerical solutions of cyclic voltammetry, MATLAB was used for the explicit finite difference method. Experimental results from the cyclic voltammetry of electrochemical system(10 mM K3Fe(CN)6K3Fe(CN)6 and 0.1M KCl) upon the ITO glass substrate were compared with the numerical solutions. Present program explains the experimental results fairly well, where they approached the simulated ones closely with deceasing the scan rate. Furthermore, the effects of electrode area, electrochemical reaction constants and transfering coefficients in the cyclic voltammetry were discussed quantitatively.

Process Modeling and Optimization Studies in Drying of Current Transformers

  • Bhattacharya, Subhendu;D'Melo, Dawid;Chaudhari, Lokesh;Sharma, Ram Avatar;Swain, Sarojini
    • Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Materials
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.273-277
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    • 2012
  • The vacuum drying process for drying of paper in current transformers was modeled with an aim to develop an understanding of the drying mechanism involved and also to predict the water collection rates. A molecular as well as macroscopic approach was adopted for the prediction of drying rate. Ficks law of diffusion was adopted for the prediction of drying rates at macroscopic levels. A steady state and dynamic mass transfer simulation was performed. The bulk diffusion coefficient was calculated using weight loss experiments. The accuracy of the solution was a strong function of the relation developed to determine the equilibrium moisture content. The actually observed diffusion constant was also important to predict the plant water removal rate. Thermo gravimetric studies helped in calculating the diffusion constant. In addition, simulation studies revealed the formation of perpetual moisture traps (loops) inside the CT. These loops can only be broken by changing the temperature or pressure of the system. The change in temperature or pressure changes the kinetic or potential energy of the effusing vapor resulting in breaking of the loop. The cycle was developed based on this mechanism. Additionally, simulation studies also revealed that the actual mechanism of moisture diffusion in CT's is by surface jumps initiated by surface diffusion balanced against the surrounding pressure. Every subsequent step in the cycle was to break such loops. The effect of change in drying time on the electrical properties of the insulation was also assessed. The measurement of capacitance at the rated voltage and one third of the rated voltage demonstrated that the capacitance change is within the acceptance limit. Hence, the new cycle does not affect the electrical performance of the CT.

Modeling Study on Nuclide Transport in Ocean - an Ocean Compartment Model (해양에서의 핵종이동 모델링 - 해양구획 모델)

  • Lee, Youn-Myoung;Suh, Kyung-Suk;Han, Kyong-Won
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.387-400
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    • 1991
  • An ocean compartment model simulating transport of nuclides by advection due to ocean circulation and intertaction with suspended sediments is developed, by which concentration breakthrough curves of nuclides can be calculated as a function of time. Dividing ocean into arbitrary number of characteristic compartments and performing a balance of mass of nuclides in each ocean compartment, the governing equation for the concentration in the ocean is obtained and a solution by the numerical integration is obtained. The integration method is specially useful for general stiff systems. For transfer coefficients describing advective transport between adjacent compartments by ocean circulation, the ocean turnover time is calculated by a two-dimensional numerical ocean model. To exemplify the compartment model, a reference case calculation for breakthrough curves of three nuclides in low-level radioactive wastes, Tc-99, Cs-137, and Pu-238 released from hypothetical repository under the seabed is carried out with five ocean compartments. Sensitivity analysis studies for some parameters to the concentration breakthrough curves are also made, which indicates that parameters such as ocean turnover time and ocean water volume of compartments have an important effect on the breakthrough curves.

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Effect of Laser Processing Patterns on the Bonding Interface Quality during Laser Sintering of Magnesium Alloys with Zirconia (마그네슘 합금 표면의 지르코니아 분말 레이저 소결과정에서 조사 패턴이 접합 계면 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Yoon, Sangwoo;Kim, Joohan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2021
  • The quality of the ceramic sintered coating on a metal surface through laser surface treatment is affected by the laser irradiation pattern. Depending on the laser irradiation pattern, the amount of residual stress and heat applied or accumulated on the surface increases or decreases, affecting the thickness attained in the ceramic sintering area. When the heat energy accumulated in the sintering area is high, the ceramic and the metal alloy melt and sufficiently mix to form a homogeneous and thick bonding interface. In this study, the thermal energy accumulation in the region sintered with zirconia was controlled using four types of laser processing patterns. The thickness of the diffusion region is analyzed by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of Mg-ZrO2 generated by laser sintering zirconia powder on the magnesium alloy surface. On the basis of the analysis of the Mg and Zr present in the sintered region through LIBS, the effect of the irradiation pattern on the sintering quality is confirmed by comparing and analyzing the heat and mass transfer tendency of the diffusion layer and the degree of diffusion according to the irradiation pattern. The derived diffusion coefficients differed by up to 9.8 times for each laser scanning pattern.

Study on Sludge Reduction by Sludge Solubilization and Change of Operation Conditions of Sewage Treatment Process (하수슬러지 가용화와 하수처리 운전조건 개선을 통한 하수슬러지 발생저감 연구)

  • Choi, In-Su;Jung, Hoe-Suk;Han, Ihn-Sup
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.31 no.12
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    • pp.1113-1122
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    • 2009
  • In order to find the way to solve the problem of sewage sludge discharge into the ocean, the sludge solubilization by ultrasonic and the improvement methods of wastewater treatment process were studied. In the membrane bioreactor the sludge retention time was stepwise increased from 5.1 day to 442 days where the biomass average concentration has been increased from cBcB=3.4 gTSSL1gTSSL1 to cBcB=14.5 gTSSL1gTSSL1 respectively. At the same time, the biomass yield coefficients were reduced from 0.5-0.7 at SRT=5.1 day to 0.005-0.007 at SRT=442 days which means the reduction of sludge production. Oxygen mass transfer coefficients and αα-factor were investigated with changing stirrer speed to find the relation between the high biomass concentration and aeration efficiency in the propeller loop reactor. As a result of sludge solubilization, the solubilization of sludge by ultrasound was increased with increasing energy input and it led to improved anaerobic digestion rate with more biogas production than that of nonsolubilized sewage sludge.

Solubility Change of Gasoline Components Under Evaporation (휘발에 의한 가솔린 성분의 조성 및 용해도 변화특성)

  • 염익태;이상현;염혜정;안규홍
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Groundwater Environment
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 1998
  • Batch experiments were conducted to study the dissolution behavior of gasoline components. First, the dissolution kinetics of gasoline components and the applicability of Raoult's law in predicting their solubilities were investigated. In addition, the effects of compositional change of gasoline due to evaporization on the solubilities of individual components and TPH were determined. The kinetics of gasoline-water man transfer was found to be very similar for most components except for MTBE, which is a major additive for commercial gasoline. At equilibrium, the gasoline-water partitioning coefficients of individual components showed a log-linear relationship with their pure solubilities, though the slope was a little less than that predicted by Raoult's law. The concentrations of the individual components in the gasolines concentrated by volatilization could be characterized by the initial increase followed by substantial decrease. Almost the same behavior was observed for their solubilities. The total solubility (TPH) of gasoline decreased rapidly with the initial volume reduction and gradually decreased afterwards. The solubilities of BTEX, the major regulatory compounds, decreased even faster than the TPH solubilities. It was concluded that the compositional change of gasoline by volatilization may greatly affect their leaching potential and the toxicity of the contacting groundwater. The toxicity reduction efficiency by evaporating gasoline could be much more than the mass removal efficiency.

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A Study on the Estimation of Monthly Average River Basin Evaporation (월(月) 평균유역증발산량(平均流域蒸發散量) 추정(推定)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Tai Cheol;Ahn, Byoung Gi
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.195-202
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    • 1981
  • The return of water to the atmosphere from water, soil and vegetation surface is one of the most important aspects of hydrological cycle, and the seasonal trend of variation of river basin evaporation is also meaningful in the longterm runoff analysis for the irrigation and water resources planning. This paper has been prepared to show some imformation to estimate the monthly river basin evaporation from pan evaporation, potential evaporation, regional evaporation and temperature through the comparison with river basin evaporation derived from water budget method. The analysis has been carried out with the observation data of Yongdam station in the Geum river basin for five year. The results are summarized as follows and these would be applied to the estimation of river basin evaporation and longterm runoff in ungaged station. 1. The ratio of pan evaporation to river basin evaporation (Ew/EpanEw/Epan) shows the most- significant relation at the viewpoint of seasonal trend of variation. River basin evaporation could be estimated from the pan evaporation through either Fig. 9 or Table-7. 2. Local coefficients of cloudness effect and wind function has been determined to apply the Penman's mass and energy transfer equation to the estimation of river basin evaporation. Rc=Ra(0.13+0.52n/D)Rc=Ra(0.13+0.52n/D) E=0.35(ese)(1.8+1.0U)E=0.35(ese)(1.8+1.0U) 3. It seems that Regional evaporation concept ER=(1a)RCEpER=(1a)RCEp has kept functional errors due to the inapplicable assumptions. But it is desirable that this kind of function which contains the results of complex physical, chemical and biological processes of river basin evaporation should be developed. 4. Monthly river basin evaporation could be approximately estimated from the monthly average temperature through either the equation of Ew=1.44×1.08TEw=1.44×1.08T or Fig. 12 in the stations with poor climatological observation data.

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Perfluoropolymer Membranes of Tetrafluoroethylene and 2,2,4Trifluofo- 5Trifluorometoxy- 1,3Dioxole.

  • Arcella, V.;Colaianna, P.;Brinati, G.;Gordano, A.;Clarizia, G.;Tocci, E.;Drioli, E.
    • Proceedings of the Membrane Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.39-42
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    • 1999
  • Perfluoropolymers represent the ultimate resistance to hostile chemical environments and high service temperature, attributed to the presence of fluorine in the polymer backbone, i.e. to the high bond energy of C-F and C-C bonds of fluorocarbons. Copolymers of Tetrafluoroethylene (TEE) and 2, 2, 4Trifluoro-5Trifluorometoxy- 1, 3Dioxole (TTD), commercially known as HYFLON AD, are amorphous perfluoropolymers with glass transition temperature (Tg)higher than room temperature, showing a thermal decomposition temperature exceeding 400C0C. These polymer systems are highly soluble in fluorinated solvents, with low solution viscosities. This property allows the preparation of self-supported and composite membranes with desired membrane thickness. Symmetric and asymmetric perfluoropolymer membranes, made with HYFLON AD, have been prepared and evaluated. Porous and not porous symmetric membranes have been obtained by solvent evaporation with various processing conditions. Asymmetric membranes have been prepared by th wet phase inversion method. Measure of contact angle to distilled water have been carried out. Figure 1 compares experimental results with those of other commercial membranes. Contact angles of about 120for our amorphous perfluoropolymer membranes demonstrate that they posses a high hydrophobic character. Measure of contact angles to hexandecane have been also carried out to evaluate the organophobic character. Rsults are reported in Figure 2. The observed strong organophobicity leads to excellent fouling resistance and inertness. Porous membranes with pore size between 30 and 80 nanometers have shown no permeation to water at pressures as high as 10 bars. However high permeation to gases, such as O2, N2 and CO2, and no selectivities were observed. Considering the porous structure of the membrane, this behavior was expected. In consideration of the above properties, possible useful uses in th field of gas- liquid separations are envisaged for these membranes. A particularly promising application is in the field of membrane contactors, equipments in which membranes are used to improve mass transfer coefficients in respect to traditional extraction and absorption processes. Gas permeation properties have been evaluated for asymmetric membranes and composite symmetric ones. Experimental permselectivity values, obtained at different pressure differences, to various single gases are reported in Tab. 1, 2 and 3. Experimental data have been compared with literature data obtained with membranes made with different amorphous perfluoropolymer systems, such as copolymers of Perfluoro2, 2dimethyl dioxole (PDD) and Tetrafluorethylene, commercialized by the Du Pont Company with the trade name of Teflon AF. An interesting linear relationship between permeability and the glass transition temperature of the polymer constituting the membrane has been observed. Results are descussed in terms of polymer chain structure, which affects the presence of voids at molecular scale and their size distribution. Molecular Dyanmics studies are in progress in order to support the understanding of these results. A modified Theodoru- Suter method provided by the Amorphous Cell module of InsightII/Discover was used to determine the chain packing. A completely amorphous polymer box of about 3.5 nm was considered. Last but not least the use of amorphous perfluoropolymer membranes appears to be ideal when separation processes have to be performed in hostile environments, i.e. high temperatures and aggressive non-aqueous media, such as chemicals and solvents. In these cases Hyflon AD membranes can exploit the outstanding resistance of perfluoropolymers.

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