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  • 제목/요약/키워드: mass transfer coefficients

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Effect of Heat/Mass Transfer in the turbine blade internal passage with various rib arrangement (회전하는 터빈 블레이드 이차유로내 요철 배열이 열/물질전달에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Sei-Young;Cho, Hyung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2001.11b
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    • pp.22-29
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    • 2001
  • The present study investigates the effects of various rib arrangements and rotating on heat/mass transfer in the cooling passage of gas turbine blades. The cooling passage has very complex flow structure, because of the rib turbulator and rotating effect. Experiments and numerical calculation are conducted to investigate the complex flow structures and heat transfer characteristics; the numerical computation is performed using a commercial code, FLUENT ver.5, to calculate the flow structures and the experiments are conducted to measure heat/mass transfer coefficients using a naphthalene sublimation technique. For the rotating duct tests, the test duct, which is the cross section of is 20mm×40mm (the hydraulic diameter, Dh, of 26.7 mm, has two-pass with 180 turning and the rectangular ribs on the wall. The rib angle of attack is 70 and the maximum radius of rotation is 21.63Dh. The partition wall has 10 mm thickness, which is 0.5 times to the channel width, and the distance between the tip of the partition wall and the outer wall of the turning region is 26.7 mm (1Dh). The turning effect of duct flow makes the very complex flow structure including Dean type vortex and high turbulence, so that the heat/mass transfer increases in the turning region and at the entrance of the second pass. The Coriolis effect deflects the flow to the trailing surface, resulting in enhancement of the heat/mass transfer on the trailing surface and reduction on the leading surface in the first pass. However, the opposite phenomena are observed in the second pass. The each rib arrangement makes different secondary flow patterns. The complex heat/mass transfer characteristics are observed by the combined effects of the rib arrangements, duct rotation and flow turning.

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R-134a Flow Boiling on a Plain Tube Bundle (평활관군의 R-134a 흐름비등에 관한 연구)

  • 김종원;김정오;김내현
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-17
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    • 2001
  • In this study, flow boiling experiments were performed using R-134a on a plain tube bundle. Tests were conducted for the following range of variables; quality from 0.1 to 0.9, mass flux from 8kg/m2s to 26kg/m2s and heat flux from 10kW/m2s to 40kW/m2s. The heat transfer coefficients were strongly dependent on the heat flux. However, they were almost independent on the mass flux or quality. The data are compared with the modified Chen model, which satisfactorily () predicted the data. Original Chen model, however, did not adequately predict the effect of quality. The reason may be attributed to the flow pattern of the present test, where the bubbly flow prevailed for the entire test range. The heat transfer coefficients of the tube bundle were 6~40% higher than those of the single tube pool boiling.

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An Experimental Study on Flow Boiling Heat Transfer within Horizontal Rectangular Channels with Small Heights (미세 수평 사각 유로에서의 비등 열전달에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Yong;Lee, Han-Ju
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.25 no.9
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    • pp.1209-1218
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    • 2001
  • The present paper proposes a new correlation for the flow boiling heat transfer coefficients in the low flow rate condition (Re(sub)LF200) within horizontal rectangular channels with small gaps (heights). The gap between the upper and the lower plates of each channel ranges from 0.4 to 2mm while the channel width being fixed to 20mm. Refrigerant 113 was used as the test fluid. The mass flux ranges from 50 to 200kg/㎡s and the channel walls were uniformly heated with the heat flux range of 3-15kW/㎡. The quality range covers from 0.19 to 0.76 and the flow pattern is considered to be annular. The measured heat transfer coefficients increase with the mass flux and the local quality; however the effect of the heat flux appears to be minor. At the low mass flux condition, which is more likely with the smaller gap size, the heat transfer is primarily controlled by the liquid film thickness. The proposed F factor for the heat transfer coefficient in the range of Re(sub)LF200 well represents the experimental data within the deviation of ±20%. The Kandlikars flow boiling correlation covers the higher flow-rate range(Re(sub)LF>200) within the deviation of ±20%.

Studies on the Evaporative Heat Transfer Characteristics and Pressure Drop of CO2 Flowing Upward in Inclined (45°) Smooth and Micro-fin Tubes (경사평활관 및 마이크로핀관에서의 이산화탄소의 증발열전달 특성과 압력강하에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Yong-Jin;Cho, Jin-Min;Kim, Min-Soo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.612-620
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    • 2008
  • New alternative refrigerants have been developed due to the ozone layer depletion and global warming. For this reason, carbon dioxide is believed to be a promising refrigerant for use in air conditioners and heat pumps. Evaporative heat transfer characteristics and pressure drop of CO2 with outer diameter of 5 mm in inclined (45) smooth and micro-fin tubes have been investigated by the experiments with respect to several test conditions such as mass fluxes, heat fluxes, evaporation temperatures in this study. The inclined (45) smooth and micro-fin tubes with length of 1.44 m were installed to measure the evaporative heat transfer coefficients of CO2 and heat was supplied to the refrigerant by direct heating method where the test tube was uniformly heated by electricity. The tests were conducted at mass fluxes from 212 to 656kg/m2s, heat fluxes from 15 to 60kW/m2 and evaporation temperatures from -10 to 20C. The heat transfer coefficients of CO2 are slightly increased with increasing mass flux, and the heat transfer characteristics in the inclined (45) tubes are enhanced about 510 compared with those in horizontal or vertical tubes.

Mass Transfer Characteristics in the Osmotic Dehydration Process of Carrots (당근의 삼투건조시 물질이동 특성)

  • Youn, Kwang-Sup;Choi, Yong-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.387-393
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    • 1995
  • Diffusion coefficients of moisture and solid, reaction rate constants of carotene destruction, and the fitness of drying models for moisture transfer were determined to study the characteristics of mass transfer during osmotic dehydration. Moisture loss and solid gain were increased with increase of temperature and concentration; temperature had higher osmotic effect than concentration. Diffusion coefficient showed similar trend with osmotic effect. Diffusion coefficients of solids were larger than those of moisture because the movement of solid was faster than that of moisture at the high temperature. Reaction rate constants were affected to the greater extent by concentration changes than by temperature changes. Arrhenius equation was applied to determine the effect of temperature on diffusion coefficients and reaction rate constants. Moisture diffusion required high activation energy in 20Brix, while relatively low in 60Brix. To predict the diffusion coefficients and reaction rate constants, a model was established by using the optimum functions of temperature and concentration. The model had high R2 value when applied to diffusion coefficients, but low when applied to reaction rate constants. Quadratic drying model was most fittable to express moisture transfer during drying. In conclusion, moisture content of carrots could be predictable during the osmotic dehydration process, and thereby mass transfer characteristics could be determined by predicted moisture content and diffusion coefficient.

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Characteristics of Absorption and Heat Transfer for Film Falling along a Vertical Inner Tube (2nd. Report, Characteristics of Heat Transfer) (수직관내(垂直管內)를 흘러내리는 액막식(液膜式) 흡수기(吸收器)의 흡수(吸收) 및 열전달특성(熱傳達特性)(제(第)2보(報) 열전달특성(熱傳達特性)))

  • Ohm, K.C.;Rie, D.H.;Choi, G.G.;Kasiwagi, Takao;Seo, J.Y.
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 1993
  • This is the second report of a three part study on the absorption and heat transfer characteristics of absorber, the correlation of refrigerating capacity and heating capacity. The 2nd report deals with the heat transfer characteristics of a vertical falling film type absorber of inner copper tube. The solute is LiBr-Water solution(60wt%) and the solvent is water vapor. The film Reynoles numbers are varied in the range of 35~130. The states of LiBr solution at the top of absorber are supercooled liquid and superheated liquid. The results are summarized as follows ; Heat transfer results reveal that for the absorption of falling film, the state of LiBr solution appears to be influential in determining the heat transfer. Thus, for the state of supercooled liquid, heat transfer coefficient decreases with increasing the film Reynolds number, but in the condition of superheated liquid, it increases conversely. The mass transfer coefficients that were presented in the and heat transfer coefficients of this paper are presented as the dimensionless correlation. The optimum water flowrate which brings about maximum value of heat flux in the film exists, and that increases with increasing the cooling water temperature.

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Boiling Heat Transfer Characteristics of R-290 in Horizontal Minichannel (수평미세관내 R-290의 비등열전달 특성)

  • Choi, Kwang-Il;Pamitran, A.S.;Oh, Jong-Taek
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.68-73
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    • 2006
  • The present paper deals with an experimental study of boiling heat transfer characteristics of R-290, and is focused on pressure gradient and heat transfer coefficient of the refrigerant flow inside horizontal smooth minichannel with inner diameter of 3.0 mm and length of 2000 mm. The direct heating method applied for supplying heat to the refrigerant where the test tube was uniformly heated by electric current which was applied to the tube wall. The experiments were conducted with R-290 with purity of 99.99% at saturation temperature of 0 to 10C. The range of mass flux is 50250kg/m2s and heat flux is 520kW/m2. The heat transfer coefficients of R-290 increases with increasing mass flux and saturation temperature, wherein the effect of mass flux is higher than that of the saturation temperature, whereas the heat flux has a low effect on increasing heat transfer coefficient. The significant effect of mass flux on heat transfer coefficient is shown at high quality, the effect of heat flux on heat transfer coefficient at low quality shows a domination of nucleate boiling contribution. The heat transfer coefficient of the experimental result was compared with six existing heat transfer coefficient correlation. Zang et al.'s correlation(2004) gave the best prediction of heat transfer coefficient.

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Effects of Duct Aspect Ratios on Heat/Mass Transfer With Discrete V-Shaped Ribs (쐐기형 단락요철이 설치된 덕트의 종횡비가 열/물질 전달에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Dong-Hyun;Rhee, Dong-Ho;Cho, Hyung-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.1453-1460
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    • 2003
  • The present study investigates the effects of rib arrangements and aspect ratios of a rectangular duct simulating the cooling passage of a gas turbine blade. Two different V-shaped rib configurations are tested with the aspect ratios (W/H) of 3 to 6.82. One is the continuous V-shaped rib configuration with 60 attack angle, and the other is the discrete V-shaped rib configuration with 45 attack angle. The square ribs with the pitch to height ratio of 10.0 are installed on the test section in a parallel arrangement for both rib configurations. Reynolds numbers based on the hydraulic diameter are changed from 10,000 to 30,000. A naphthalene sublimation method is used to measure local heat/mass transfer coefficients. For the continuous V-shaped rib configuration, two pairs of counter-rotating vortices are generated in a duct, and high transfer region is formed at the center of the ribbed walls of the duct. However, for the discrete V-shaped rib configuration with 45 attack angle, complex secondary flow patterns are generated in the duct due to its geometric feature, and more uniform heat/mass transfer distributions are obtained for all tested cases

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Evaporation Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop of Mixture Refrigerant R-22 and R-407C in a Diameter of 4.3 mm (4.3 mm 세관내 R-22와 R-407C의 증발 열전달과 압력강하)

  • Roh, G.S.;Son, C.H.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.26-31
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    • 2008
  • The evaporation heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop of R-22 and R-407C in a small diameter copper tube were investigated experimentally. The main components of the refrigerant loop are a receiver, a compressor, a mass flow mete, a condense and a double pipe type evaporate (test section). The test section consists of a smooth copper tube of 4.3 mm inner diameter. The refrigerant mass fluxes were varied from 100 to 300[kg/m2s] and the saturation temperature of evaporator were 5[C]. The evaporation heat transfer coefficients of R-22 and R-407C increase with the Increase in mass flux and vapor quality. The evaporation heat transfer coefficient of R-22 is about 7.347.1 higher than that of R-407C. The evaporation pressure drop of R-22 and R-407C increase with the increase of mass flux. The pressure drop of R-22 is about 820 higher than that of R-407C.

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Comparative Studies of Heat Transfer Coefficients for Rocket Nozzle (로켓 노즐의 열전달계수 비교 연구)

  • Hahm, Hee-Cheol;Kang, Yoon-Goo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.42-50
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    • 2012
  • The goal of heat transfer studies is the accurate prediction of temperature and heat flux distribution on material boundaries. To this purpose, general-purpose computational fluid dynamics(CFD) code is used : FLUENT. Mass fluxes and pressure ratio are calculated for two types of nozzle. The comparative studies reveal that the computational results are in agreement with the experimental data. Also, heat transfer coefficients from FLUENT for one type of nozzle are very similar and agree well with the experimental data in the diverging part of the nozzle, but the calculated results are large in the converging part. The heat transfer coefficients from Bartz equation are over-predicted. We can consider various reasons for these differences, i.e., laminarization by the highly accelerated flow in the nozzle, turbulent flow model and grid generation.