• Title/Summary/Keyword: mass cultivation

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Attraction Effects of Sex Pheromone and LED Mass-Trap to Spodoptera exigua and Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) Adults around the Tomato Greenhouse (토마토 재배지 성페로몬 및 LED 유인 트랩을 이용한 파밤나방(Spodoptera exigua)과 담배거세미나방(Spodoptera litura) 대량 포획)

  • Lee, Jung Sup;Bang, Ji Wong;Lee, Jae Han;Jang, Hye Sook
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.22-27
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    • 2022
  • The attraction effects of light emitting diode (LED) trap to Spodoptera exigua and Spodoptera litura adults were evaluated in greenhouse and compared with those of no light trap, which is typical used in commercial trap. At this time, in order to attract these two species of moths, sex pheromone traps were installed at the top side according to the degree of tomato growth inside the tomato cultivation greenhouse around the LED trap. In addition, two types of light-emitting traps (420 nm, 470 nm) were installed in the greenhouse at 1/40 m2, respectively. Also two sex pheromone were installed inside of the greenhouse according to the height of the tomato plants. 10 days later, Blue-light trap(BLB, 470 nm wavelength) was 3.1-3.5 times more attractive than Violet-light trap(VLB, 420 nm wavelength) in S. exigua (105.6 ± 7.3) and S. litura (42.0 ± 3.1) respectively, whereas the no-light trap was little attractive to S. exigua (33.7 ± 2.8) and S. litura (12.0 ± 1.5). On the other hand, after the installation of the sex pheromone trap and the LED trap, there was no damage to S. litura (Fabricius) and S. exigua in the pesticide-free area, indicating a high possibility of control. At this time, the operating cost of the two types of LED traps was 80 won/m2 per unit area, and it was confirmed that both types of moths could be controlled. In addition, as a result of confirming the number of two types of moths caught in the sexual pheromone trap and two types of LED traps after 4 months, it was judged that eco-friendly control was possible as more than 373 moths/trap were attracted to the two types of moths.

Visual Media Education in Visual Arts Education (미술교육에 있어서 시각적 미디어를 통한 조형교육에 관한 연구)

  • Park Ji-Sook
    • Journal of Science of Art and Design
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    • v.7
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    • pp.64-104
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    • 2005
  • Visual media transmits image and information reproduced in large quantities, such as a photography, film, television, video, advertisement, or computer image. Correspondence to the students' reception and recognition of culture in the future. arrangements for the field of studies of visual culture. 'Visual Culture' implies cultural phenomena of visual images via visual media, which includes not only the categories of traditional arts like a painting, sculpture, print, or design, but the performance arts including a fashion show or parade of carnival, and the mass and electronic media like a photography, film, television, video, advertisement, cartoon, animation, or computer image. In the world of visual media, Image' functions as an essential medium of communication. Therefore, people call the culture of today fra of Image Culture', which has been converted from an alphabet convergence era to an image convergence one. Image, via visual media, has become a dominant means for communication in large part of human life, so we can designate an Image' as a typical aspect of visual culture today. Image, as an essential medium of communication, plays an important role in contemporary society. The one way is the conversion of analogue image like an actual picture, photograph, or film into digital one through the digitalization of digital camera or scanner as 'an analogue/digital commutator'. The other is a way of process with a computer drawing, or modeling of objects. It is appropriate to the production of pictorial and surreal images. Digital images, produced by the other, can be divided into the form of Pixel' and form of Vector'. Vector is a line linking the point of departure to the point of end, which organizes informations. Computer stores each line's standard location and correlative locations to one another Digital image shows for more 'Perfectness' than any other visual media. Digital image has been evolving in the diverse aspects, such as a production of geometrical or organic image compositing, interactive art, multimedia art, or web art, which has been applied a computer as an extended trot of painting. Someone often interprets digitalized copy with endless reproduction of original even as an extension of a print. Visual af is no longer a simple activity of representation by a painter or sculptor, but now is intimately associated with a matter of application of media. There is some problem in images via visual media. First, the image via media doesn't reflect a reality as it is, but reflects an artificial manipulated world, that is, a virtual reality. Second, the introduction of digital effect and the development of image processing technology have enhanced a spectacle of destructive and violent scenes. Third, a child intends to recognize the interactive images of computer game and virtual reality as a reality, or truth. Education needs not only to point out an ill effect of mass media and prevent the younger generation from being damaged by it, but also to offer a knowledge and know-how to cope actively with social, cultural circumstances. Visual media education is one of these essential methods for the contemporary and future human being in the overflowing of image informations. The fosterage of 'Visual Literacy' can be considered as a very purpose of visual media education. This is a way to lead an individual to the discerning, active consumer and producer of visual media in life as far as possible. The elements of 'Visual Literacy' can be divided into a faculty of recognition related to the visual media, a faculty of critical reception, a faculty of appropriate application, a faculty of active work and a faculty of creative modeling, which are promoted at the same time by the education of 'visual literacy'. In conclusion, the education of 'Visual Literacy' guides students to comprehend and discriminate the visual image media carefully, or receive them critically, apply them properly, or produce them creatively and voluntarily. Moreover, it leads to an artistic activity by means of new media. This education can be approached and enhanced by the connection and integration with real life. Visual arts and education of them play an important role in the digital era depended on visual communications via image information. Visual me야a of day functions as an essential element both in daily life and in arts. Students can soundly understand visual phenomena of today by means of visual media, and apply it as an expression tool of life culture as well. A new recognition and valuation visual image and media education is required to cultivate the capability of active, upright dealing with the changes of history of civilization. 1) Visual media education helps to cultivate a sensibility for images, which reacts to and deals with the circumstances. 2) It helps students to comprehend the contemporary arts and culture via new media. 3) It supplies a chance of students' experiencing a visual modeling by means of new media. 4) There are educational opportunities of images with temporality and spaciality, and therefore a discerning person becomes to increase. 5) The modeling activity via new media leads students to be continuously interested in the school and production of plastic arts. 6) It raises the ability of visual communications dealing with image information society. 7) An education of digital image is significant in respect of cultivation of man of talent for the future society of image information as well. To correspond to the changing and developing social, cultural circumstances, and the form and recognition of students' reception of them, visual arts education must arrange the field of studying on a new visual culture. Besides, a program needs to be developed, which is in more systematic and active level in relation to visual media education. Educational contents should be extended to the media for visual images, that is, photography, film, television, video, computer graphic, animation, music video, computer game and multimedia. Every media must be separately approached, because they maintain the modes and peculiarities of their own according to the conveyance form of message. The concrete and systematic method of teaching and the quality of education must be researched and developed, centering around the development of a course of study. Teacher's foundational capability of teaching should be cultivated for the visual media education. In this case, it must be paid attention to the fact that a technological level of media is considered as a secondary. Because school education doesn't intend to train expert and skillful producers, but intends to lay stress on the essential aesthetic one with visual media under the social and cultural context, in respect of a consumer including a man of culture.

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Development of an Efficient Screening Method for Resistance of Chili Pepper Plants to Meloidogyne incognita (뿌리혹선충 Meloidogyne incognita에 대한 저항성 고추를 선발하기 위한 효율적인 검정법 확립)

  • Hwang, Sung Min;Jang, Kyoung Soo;Choi, Yong Ho;Choi, Gyung Ja
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.282-293
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    • 2016
  • Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are major plant pathogens that cause reductions in yield and quality of several solanaceous crops, including pepper (Capsicum spp.). These losses can be averted through planting of resistant cultivars. Plants are defined as resistant when they suppress nematode reproduction. In this study, the resistance degrees of 102 commercial cultivars of chili pepper (Capsicum annuum) to a root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, were evaluated by comparing the number of egg masses on their roots to those of 'PR huimangchan', a highly susceptible cultivar that exhibited the most egg masses of the chili pepper cultivars evaluated. Among these cultivars, forty-four (43.1%) showed resistance to M. incognita and eighteen (17.6%) were moderately resistant. The other cultivars (39.3%) were determined to be susceptible. For further study, six chili pepper cultivars (i.e., Gangryeokjosenggeon, Shinsegae, Muhanjilju, PR Bulrocho, PR Huimangchan, and Jjang) with different levels of resistance to the nematode were selected. Changes in resistance of the six cultivars under several conditions, such as inoculum concentration, plant growth stage, and cultivation period after transplanting were investigated. We found that an efficient screening method for resistance of chili pepper to M. incognita is to transplant the chili pepper seedlings 7 days before inoculation, to inoculate 28-day-old plants with M. incognita by loading 5,000 eggs per plant into the pot of soil, to cultivate the plants in a greenhouse ($25{\pm}5^{\circ}C$) for 45-60 days, to measure the number of egg masses on roots of the seedlings, and then to determine the resistance response of the plants by comparing the number of egg masses on the roots with a reference-susceptible cultivar 'PR huimangchan'.

Rice Cultivation and Demographi Development in Korea : 1429-1918 (조선시대(朝鮮時代) 도작농업(稻作農業)의 발전(發展)과 인구증가(人口增加))

  • Lee, Ho Chol
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.7
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    • pp.201-219
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    • 1989
  • Rice culture in Korea has a long history ranging over two thousand years. In the agriculture economy of pre-mordern Korea, however, its importantce was not as great as generally assumed. In fact, rice culture reached full development only after the 1920s when the Japanese colonial government carried out its drive to increase rice production in the Korea peninsula. It was not until the mid-1930s that rice became the staple in Korean diet. This can be attributed to two factors : (1) a mountainous topography that provides little irrigated fields and (2) a climate characterized by droughts in spring and heavy precipitation in summer. The present paper attempts to answer some of these questions. Specifically it will focus on these : Did the development of rice culture actually result in population growth? What are the salient features of agricultural develdpment and population grow in traditional Korea? Does the case of Korea conform the prevailing generalization about the agriculture in East Asia? I have discussed the development of rice culture and population growth in the Chos$\breve{o}$n dynasty, focusing on the relation between the rapid spread of transplanting and the rapid growth of population from the seventeenth to the nineteenth century. Here are my conclusions. (1) The spread of transplanting and other technological innovationsc contributed to the rapid growth of population in this period. However, we should also note that the impact of rice culture on population growth was rather limited, for rice culture was not the mainstay of agricultural economy in pre-modern Korea. Indeed we should consider the influence of dry field cropsn population growth. Nevertheless, it is obvious that the proliferation of rice culture was a factor crucial to population growth and regional concentration. (2) How should we characterize the spread of rice culture in the whole period? Evidently rice culture spread from less then 20% of cultivated fields in the fifteenth century to about 36% of them in the early twentieth century. Although rice as a single crop outweighed other crops, rice culture was more then counter-balanced by dry field crops as a whole, due to Korea's unique climate and geography. Thus what we have here in not a typical case of competition between rice culture and day field culture. Besides, the spread of rice culture in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries accomplished by technological innovations that overcame severe springtime drought, rather than extensive irrigation. Althougt irrigarion facilities did proliferate to some extent, this was achieved by local landlords and peasants rather than the state. This fact contradicts the classical thesis that the productivity of rice culture increased through the state management of irrigation and that this in turn determined the type of society. (3) We should further study other aspects of the transition from the stable population and production struture in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries to the rapid population growth and excessive density of population thereafter. We should note that there were continuing efforts to reclaim the land in order to solve the severe shortage of land. Changes also took place in the agricultural production relations. The increase in land producrivity developed tenancy based on rent in kind, and this in turn increased the independence of tenants from their landlords. There were changes in family relations-such as the shift to primogeniture as an effort to prevent progressive division of property among multiplying offspring. The rapid population growth also produced a great mass of propertyless farm laborers. These changes had much to do with the disintegration of traditional social institutions and political structure toward the end of the Chos$\breve{o}$n dynasty.

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Characterization of a new commercial strain "Noeul" by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis in Pleurotus salmoneostramineus (계통간 교잡에 의한 분홍느타리 품종 "노을"의 육성 및 그 특성)

  • Yoo, Young-Bok;Kong, Won-Sik;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Kim, In-Yeup;Oh, Se-Jong;Jhune, Chang-Sung
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2007
  • All intra-specific hybrids among ASI $2172{\times}2104$, $2172{\times}2307$, $2186{\times}2172$ and $2186{\times}2307$ in P. salmoneostramineus produced pink fruiting bodies as like wild parental types. However, three hybrids of them between ASI 2186 and 2104 were white fruiting bodies. A new commercial strain "Noeul" of Pink Oyster mushroom was developed by intra-specific hyphal anastomosis. It was improved with hybridization between monokaryotic strain derived from ASI 2172 and ASI 2104. The optimum temperature of mycelial growth and fruiting body development were $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$ and $19{\sim}24^{\circ}C$, respectively. The pileus was bright reddish pink. Commercial strain "Noeul" was as prolific as the more commonly cultivated Pleurotus ostreatus in the conversion of substrate mass to mushrooms using bottle cultivation. Mushroom cultivator can save money for mushroom growing on summer in Korea. Mushrooms should be picked when moderately young, and handled carefully so as to not bruise the brilliantly colored gills. This pink color makes marketing an interesting challenge depending upon the market niche.

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A Study on the Behavior of Surface-Applied Urea with $^{15}N$ Isotope Dilution Technique in Paddy Soil (논토양에서 중질소(N-15)를 이용한 표면시용 요소로부터 유래하는 질소의 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Mo;Yoo, Sun-Ho
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 1994
  • The pot experiment using $^{15}N$ isotope dilution technique was carried out to calculate the balance of nitrogen of surface applied urea in the rice-soil system. The $^{15}N$ concentration was determined by stable isotope ratio mass spcetrometer (model: VG ISO-GAS MM622). In the pots with $^{15}N$ labeled urea application at the rates of 15 and 30 kg N/10a, the percentage of nitrogen derived from fertilizer (NDFF) in rice was higher at the rate of 30 kg N/10a (average 89%) than at the rate of 15 kg N/10a (average 64%). However, the recovery as percentage of fertilizer N by rice was higher at the rate of 15 kg N/10a (65.5%) than at the rate of 30 kg N/10a (54.2%). The percentage of the fertilizer N remained in extractable inorganic N form at the rates of 15 and 30 kg N/10a were $13.5%\;(NH_4-N\;5.53%,\;NO_3-N\;7.99%)$ and $16.5%\;(NH_4-N\;7.49%,\;NO_3-N\;8.98%)$ in unplanted soil, and $2.0%\;(NH_4-N\;0.63%,\;NO_3-N\;1.32%)$ and$2.3%\;(NH_4-N\;0.87%,\;NO_3-N\;1.40%)$ in soil planted to rice, respectively. The dominant form of inorganic-N in soil after harvest was $NO_3-N$ form rather than $NH_4-N$ form regardless of urea application rate or rice cultivation. The percentage of the fertilizer N remained in organic N form at the rates of 15 and 30 kg N/10a were 65.0 and 41.8% in unplanted soil, and 23.7 and 26.9% in soil planted to rice, respectively. In conclusion, the efficiency of surface-applied urea was greater at the rate 15 kg N/10a than at the rate of 30 kg N/10a.

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Screening of Effective Medium Composition for the Cultivation of Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus reuteri Using Statistical Methods (통계적 방법을 이용한 Lactobacillus plantarum과 Lactobacillus reuteri 의 유효 배지 성분의 탐색)

  • Kim, Dong-Woon;Cho, Sang-Buem;Kim, Young-Hwa;Lee, Sung-Daw;Jung, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Sang-Ho;Cho, Kyu-Ho;Sa, Soo-Jin;Kim, In-Cheul;Won, Mi-Young;Kim, Su-Ok;Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.575-581
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to develop an economical optimum medium composition for the mass production of $Lactobacillus$ $plantarum$ and $Lactobacillus$ $reuteri$, livestock probiotics. Medium ingredient factors were selected on the basis of MRS broth composition, and the 15 ingredient variables were as follows: sucrose, glucose, molasses, yeast extract, corn steep liquor, soy peptone, dipotassium phosphate, manganese chloride, magnesium chloride, tween 80, sodium chloride, sodium acetate, ammonium citrate, sodium sulphate, and ferrous sulphate. The Plackett Burman design, consisting of 20 runs, was employed for the analysis of ingredient effects on cell growth of $L.$ $plantarum$ and $L.$ $reuteri$. As a result, sucrose, glucose, molasses, yeast extract, corn steep liquor, soy peptone, sodium acetate, and ammonium citrate positively influenced the growth of $L.$ $plantarum$. Additionally, yeast extract, soy peptone, $K_2PHO_4$, and tween 80 positively influenced the growth of $L.$ $reuteri$. Positive effects were found from sucrose, yeast extract, and soy peptone in the integrated analysis of the effects of both $L.$ $plantarum$ and $L.$ $reuteri$. Finally, effective medium components for both strains were found as follows: sucrose (20.0 g/l), glucose (5.0 g/l), soy peptone (11.0 g/l), yeast extract (5.0 g/l), $K_2PHO_4$ (0.2 g/l), $CH_3COONa$ (2 g/l), and $MgCl_2$ (0.02 g/l).

Overwintering pattern of larvae of Chilo suppressalis Walker in the bioenergy crop Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 (바이오에너지작물 거대억새 가해 해충 이화명나방 유충 월동양상)

  • An, Gi Hong;Yang, Jungwoo;Jang, Yun-Hui;Um, Kyoung Ran;Kim, Seok;Cha, Young-Lok;Yoon, Young-Mi;Moon, Youn-Ho;Ahn, Joung Woong;Yu, Gyeong-Dan
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.369-374
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    • 2014
  • The rice stem borer (Chilo suppressalis Walker) was one of the most destructive pest of rice for the 1960s and 1970s in Korea. Recently, it is newly recognized as a potential risk factor to the biomass yield of bioenergy crops. The current research was firstly conducted to investigate overwintering larvae population density and pattern of rice stem borer attacking Miscanthus sacchariflorus cv. Geodae 1 which is referred to as an ideal lignocellulosic bioenergy crop in Korea. Population density of larvae per $1m^2$ in stems and rhizomes at the Miscanthus experimental plots and rates of damage (wormhole, abscission) of M. sacchariflorus cv. Goedae 1 were investigated from October 2012 to March 2013. The population of larvae per $1m^2$ in stems of Miscanthus were 23, 4, 1, and 1 in October, November, December 2012, and January 2013, respectively. Over the same period, the population of larvae in basal stem rots and rhizomes were increased, whereas decreased in stems. Interestingly, the positions of larvae for overwintering in Miscanthus were confirmed to 5~10 cm below the soil surface such as basal stem rot and rhizome, whereas the most common overwintering position known in rice is a part of stem on the ground such as rice straw and rice stubble. It would suggest that the larvae gradually moved to bottom of stems and rhizomes in soil in line with decline in temperature. Moreover, the damage rates of stems per $1m^2$ were up to more than 50% in some places. In conclusion, this might be the first report that rice stem borer could affect the productivity of biomass of Miscanthus in case of mass cultivation. Moreover, it should be necessary to make a decision in insect control management for this bioenergy feedstock and other related crops.

Establishment of Safe Management Guideline Based on Uptake Pattern of Pesticide Residue from Soil by Radish (토양잔류 농약의 무 흡수양상 및 토양 안전관리기준 설정)

  • Hwang, Jeong-In;Kwak, Se-Yeon;Lee, Sang-Hyeob;Kang, Min-Su;Ryu, Jun-Sang;Kang, Ja-Gun;Jung, Hye-Hyeon;Hong, Sung-Hyeon;Kim, Jang-Eok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.278-285
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    • 2016
  • BACKGROUND: Uptake patterns of ${\alpha}$-, ${\beta}$-isomers and sulfate metabolite of endosulfan (ED) by radishes grown in treated soils with ED concentrations of 2 and 10 mg/kg were investigated to establish soil management guidelines for ensuring the safety of radishes from ED residues. METHODS AND RESULTS: All samples of soils and radish plants separated into shoot and root parts were analyzed for ED residues using a gas-chromatography mass spectrophotometer, and the results were used to calculate the bioconcentration factor (BCF), indicating the ratio of ED concentrations between radishes and soils. During the experimental period, uptake and distribution rates of ED-sulfate in radishes were the highest, followed by ${\alpha}$- and ${\beta}$-ED. The BCF values to initial ED concentrations in soils were greater for root parts (0.0077 to 0.2345) than for shoot parts (0.0002 to 0.0429) and used to obtain regression equations by time. Long-term BCFs estimated by the obtained equations ($R^2$ of 0.86 to 1.00) were evaluated with the maximum residue limit (0.1 mg/kg) of ED for radishes, in order to suggest safe management guidelines of ED for radish-cultivating soils. CONCLUSION: Suggested guidelines showed the significant dependency on duration for radish cultivation and exposed concentration of ED in soil.

Changes in Growth and Physiological Characteristics of Tetradium daniellii (Benn.) T. G. Hartley Container Seedlings by Shading Treatment (차광처리에 따른 쉬나무 용기묘의 생장 및 생리적 특성 변화)

  • Choi, Kyu Seong;Sung, Hwan In;Kim, Jong Jin;Song, Ki Seon
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.130-140
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted in order to closely examine about optimum shading for superior seedling production a container seedling of Tetradium daniellii, which is being increased the demand for a seedling due to being used for alternative energy, ecological restoration and honey plant. The experiment of investigating the optimum shading on T. daniellii was carried out by using plastic container types (350 ml/cavity) for the forestry facility cultivation. The shading level was treated with full sunlight and with 35%, 55%, 75% of the full sunlight. As a result of having surveyed height and root collar diameter growth of a containerized seedling in T. daniellii, a case of the shading experiment showed a noticeably high value was indicated in the full sunlight. It was surveyed that the stronger shading level leads to the lower growth value. Root development was most active in full sunlight. Dry matter production, it was investigated to be the highest in full sunlight. It was surveyed to be the similar tendency to the outcome of height and root collar diameter growth. QI, which is index of showing the quality of a seedling, stood at 0.98 in full sunlight, thereby having been investigated to be the highest. As for the chlorophyll content in a seedling, the highest chlorophyll content was indicated in the 75% shading treatment with the relatively highest shading level. The photosynthetic rate and the water use efficiency were surveyed to be the highest in full sunlight with 8.48 μmolCO2·m-2s-1, 1.40 μmolCO2·mmolm-1H2O, respectively. As a result of surveying the whole experiment, optimum shading level for superior seedling production a container seedling of T. daniellii is determined in full sunlight (0%). It is expected that this will be used as a basic data for mass production.