• Title/Summary/Keyword: marital aggression

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Influence of Marital Conflict on Children's Aggression: The Mediation Effect of Co-Parenting (부부갈등이 아동의 공격성에 미치는 영향: 부부공동양육의 매개효과)

  • Jang, Mi-yeon;Choi, Mi-Kyung
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.567-580
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    • 2015
  • This study examines the relation of marital conflict, co-parenting, and children's aggression and the mediating role of co-parenting between marital conflict and children's aggression. Participants consisted of 380 elementary school fifth, sixth graders (152 male and 228 female students) and their mothers from Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Gyeongsangnam-do. Children completed questionnaires on marital conflict and the mothers completed questionnaires on co-parenting and children's aggression. The collected data were analyzed using basic descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and a multiple regression analysis. The Baron and Kenny's method was used to determine the mediating model's significance. It was adapted to SPSS ver. 20.0 for Windows. The major findings were as follows: first, the marital conflict (intensity/resolution) positively influenced children's aggression. Second, supportive co-parenting negatively influenced children's aggression. In addition, the marital conflict (frequency/resolution) negatively influenced co-parenting. Co-parenting (supportive/reprehensive) also played a perfectly mediating role between marital conflict and children's aggression. Marital conflict had an indirect influence through co-parenting on the children's aggression. The results indicate that co-parenting plays a crucial role in the relationship between marital conflict and children's aggression.

The Relationship of Parent′s Marital Conflict Perceived by School-aged Children, Children′s Aggression, and Peer Harassment (아동이 지각한 부부갈등, 아동의 공격성과 또래 괴롭힘 가해 및 피해와의 관계)

  • 정은희;이미숙
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among parents' marital conflict perceived by school-aged children, children's aggression, and peer harassment six hundred thirty seven 5th and 6th graders (306 girls and 331 boys) participated in this study. Each participant completed a children's perception of parental conflict scale, a children's aggression scale, and a peer harassment scale. Major findings of this study are as follows: 1) In terms of physical harassment, boys were bullied and victimized more than girls. 2) Children's aggression was positively related to the physical and relational peer harassment. Parents' marital conflict was positively related to children's aggression. There was a statistically significant relationship between parents marital conflict and physical and relational peer harassment. 3) Parents' marital conflict and children's aggression influenced physical and relational harassment for both boys and girls.

The Influence of Parenting Behaviors, Marital Conflict, and Sibling Relations on Aggression in Children (부모의 양육행동, 부부갈등 및 아동의 형제자매관계와 아동의 공격성간의 관계)

  • Kim, Min Jung;Doh, Hyun Sim
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.149-166
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    • 2001
  • This study examined the effects of parenting behaviors, marital conflict and sibling relations on aggression with a sample of 301 6th graders (161 boys and 140 girls) living in P city. The subjects answered questionnaires regarding parenting behaviors, including sub-scales of physical punishment and psychological control, marital conflict, and sibling relations. Aggression was rated by peers. The results indicated that boys showed higher overt aggression than girls; children were aggressive when parents frequently used physical punishment and psychological control; the more children were exposed to marital conflict, the more aggressive they were, with particularly high correlations for girls; and the less positive and the more negative the sibling relations, the higher the aggression shown by children. Among the variables, parent's behaviors were the most highly correlated with aggression in both boys and girls.

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Correlates of Peer Victimization : Personality Traits, Parent Attachment, and Marital Conflict (아동의 인성특성, 부모에 대한 애착 및 부부갈등과 또래괴롭힘)

  • Park, Bo Kyung;Doh, Hyun Sim
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2002
  • In this study of the correlates of peer victimization, 584 $4^{th}$ grade children in Seoul answered questionnaires regarding their personality traits, parent attachment and the marital conflict of their parents. Subjects and their peers also reported on peer aggression and victimization by peers. Data were analyzed by partial correlation, controlling for gender. Children's sociability/activity related positively to peer-rated peer aggression and negatively to self- and peer-rated victimization by peers. Children's shyness/emotionality related positively to self-reported peer aggression and to self- and peer-rated victimization by peers. Parent attachment related negatively to self-reported peer aggression and victimization by peers and positively to peer-rated peer aggression. Marital conflict related positively to self-reported peer aggression and to self- and peer-rated victimization by peers. Marital conflict was the most influential on peer aggression and children's personality traits were on victimization by peers.

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Effects of Marital Conflict on Children's Social Relationship (부부갈등이 아동의 사회적 관계에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Soon-Wook;Kim, Choon-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.44 no.10
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of marital conflict on children's social relationship. The subjects were 1,600 elementary school students in A city of Kyungpook. They were surveyed by questionnaire and the data from 1,436 (89.8%) respondents were analysed. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed by person correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows As a result of the correlation between marital conflict and social relationship factors, there was a correlation in verbal aggression and violence, which are sub-factors of marital conflict. Between the sub-factors of marital conflict, verbal aggression negatively affected the closeness of sub-factors of parent-child relationship. Between the sub-factors of conflict, verbal aggression and violence negatively affected the peer social skills of children. Between the sub-factors of marital conflict, verbal aggression and violence negatively affected the school interest of the children.

The Effects of Marital Conflict and Conflict-Coping Method on Coulpe's Marital Satisfaction in Early Stage of Marital Life (결혼초기 남편과 아내의 부부갈등과 갈등대처방식이 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향)

  • 이선미;전귀연
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.203-220
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate how the marital conflict and the conflict-coping method of self and spouse have an effect on the marital satisfaction in the early stage of marital life. The subjects of this study are the 132 couples in the area of Taegu and Pohang city. The instruments of measurement are marital conflict scale, conflict-coping method scale and Kansas marital satisfaction scale(KMSS). The data are analysed through factor analysis, Cronbach's ${\alpha}$, frequency, percentile, mean, standard deviation, paired t-test and stepwise regression analysis. The major findings of this study are as follows: Firstly, as a result of figuring out couples' marital conflict, husbands and wives are having the highest conflict in the personality factor. The difference of marital conflict between husbands and wives is shown significant in the relative factor. Secondly, as a result of figuring out couples' conflict-coping method, husbands and wives use mostly the reasonable behavior and leastly physical aggression. The difference of conflict-coping method between husbands and wives is shown significant in the verbal aggression, adjustment renunciation and physical aggression. Thirdly, as a result of figuring out how the marital conflict and the conflict-coping method of self and spouse have an effect on the marital satisfaction, the communication factor of the conflict factors, the wives' verbal aggression perceived by husbands, and the reasonable behavior of the self have much effect on the marital satisfaction in case of husbands. And the personality factor, sexual factor and role factor of the conflict factors and the husbands' verbal aggression and reasonable behavior perceived by wives have much effect on the marital satisfaction in case of wives.

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The Relationship of Father's Child-Rearing Behavior, Parent's Marital Conflict as Perceived by Children, and Children's Aggression (아동이 지각한 부부갈등과 아버지의 양육행동 및 아동의 공격성과의 관계)

  • Lee, Jee-Hee;Moon, Hyuk-Jun
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine determine the relationships among father's child-rearing behavior, parent's marital conflict as perceived by children, and children's aggression. The subjects of this study were included 245 students of 6th-grade students living in Gyeonggi-do. Each participant completed a child's perception of parent's rearing behavior, a parental conflict scale, and a children's aggression scale. Data was analyzed using via the following methods: frequency, percentage, mean, t-test, Pearson's correlation, multiple regression analysis, and Cronbach's a. As a result of this study, it was revealed determined that a there were a significant relationship existed with regard to between the father's rearing behavior, the parent's marital conflict, and the children's aggression. This study showed indicated that the father's rearing behavior, rather than the parent's marital conflict, was the more influential on the with regard to children's aggression.

Children's Personality Traits, Parent Attachment, Parents' Marital Conflict, and Aggression/victimization Status (또래괴롭힘 집단에 따른 아동의 인성특성, 부모에 대한 애착 및 부모의 부부갈등)

  • 박보경;한세영;최미경;도현심
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2004
  • To examine group differences among four groups divided by asgression/victimization status, 655 4th graders living in Seoul reported their perceptions of peer aggression, peer victimization, personality traits, parent attachment, and their parents' marital conflict. Peers of the subjects also reported their perceptions of peer aggression and peer victimization. Based on the scores of peer aggression and peer victimization, each child was classified into one of the four groups: nonvictimized aggressors, aggressive victims, passive victims, and normative contrasts. For boys, nonvictimized aggressors were more sociable/active than both aggressive and passive victims. Aggressive victims were more shy/emotional than nonvictimized aggressors and normative contrasts, and were exposed to the highest parental marital conflict. For girls, passive victims were the least sociable/active among the four groups, and showed lower attachment to fathers than normative contrasts. Both aggressive and passive victims were more shy/emotional than nonvictimized aggressors and normative contrasts, and normative contrasts were exposed to the lowest parental marital conflict.

A Study on the Intergenerational transmission of the Family Violence: the Relationship between the Parental Violent Behavior and Child's Aggression (가족 폭력의 세대간 전이에 관한 연구: 부모의 폭력 행동과 아동의 공격성 관계)

  • 노치영
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 1992
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the intergenerational transmission of the family violence. The focus of the study is on the effect of the parental violent behavior on the child's aggression. For this purpose, 266 6th grade children in Seoul are classified into the two groups according to their aggression rated by their teachers. The results are as follow: 1. There are social class differences in the level of the child's aggression, experience of parent-to-child violence and parental marital violence. 2. Experiencing parent-to-child violence and parental marital violence greately affected the level of the child's aggression. The effects are greater for the children who observed parental marital violence than who experienced child violence. 3. Father-to-mother violence rather than mother-to-father violence affected the level of the child's aggression, especially for the boys.

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The Relationship between marital communication Style and Marital Violence (부부 의사소통 유형과 부부폭력과의 관계)

  • 김정옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to explore marital violence from a communication perspective. A total of 352 marital couples in Pusan completed a structured questionnaire. The major findings were as follows: 1,. Husbands and wives reciprocally inflicted psychological aggression and physical violence. But husbands were more to inflict sexual violence and injury toward their wives. 2. When husbands have more the distractor and the blamer of communication style. they inflicted more physical violence toward their wives. When wives have more the blamer of communication style they inflicted more psychological aggression and physical violence toward their husbands. 3, Housbands inflicted psychological aggression toward their wives when husbands experienced child abuse from their parents. husbands inflicted physical violence toward their wives when husbands have the distractor of communication style experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and experience of scho l violence experience in the middle and high school. Wives inflicted psychological aggression toward their husbands when wives experienced witness of spousal violence between father and mother and have the blamer of communication style. Wives inflicted physical violence toward their husbands when wives experienced child abuse from their parents.

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