Effects of Marital Conflict on Children's Social Relationship

부부갈등이 아동의 사회적 관계에 미치는 영향

  • Published : 2006.10.30


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of marital conflict on children's social relationship. The subjects were 1,600 elementary school students in A city of Kyungpook. They were surveyed by questionnaire and the data from 1,436 (89.8%) respondents were analysed. The results of the questionnaires were analyzed by person correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results were as follows As a result of the correlation between marital conflict and social relationship factors, there was a correlation in verbal aggression and violence, which are sub-factors of marital conflict. Between the sub-factors of marital conflict, verbal aggression negatively affected the closeness of sub-factors of parent-child relationship. Between the sub-factors of conflict, verbal aggression and violence negatively affected the peer social skills of children. Between the sub-factors of marital conflict, verbal aggression and violence negatively affected the school interest of the children.



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