• Title/Summary/Keyword: mapping database

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Mapping IFC to Object-oriented Relational Database (IFC의 객체기반 관계형 데이터베이스로의 매핑)

  • Kim, Seon-Woo;Lee, Ghang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.301-305
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    • 2007
  • Mapping of EXPRESS, which is object-favored language to represent IFC model, to Relational Database is not straightforward. Model size can be much bigger and data can be missed through process. However mapping to the object concept added database, such as Object Oriented Database or Object Relational Database, may be simpler and have lots of advantages. This study investigates previous IFC mapping studies, concept of Relational Database and Object Oriented Database, and mapping methodology to Object Relational Database using object.

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Mapping Design between XML and Table in Relation Database (XML과 관계 데이터베이스 자료 간의 매핑 설계)

  • Kim Gil-Choon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.180-186
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    • 2004
  • XML has an essential funtion of dealing with standardized document to be used in all academic areas and industrial areas as well as e-commerce. The transformation of XML data into Relation Database table is also necessary for data search using SQL language. Mapping relation between XMLand Table in Relation Database is required for transformation of XML. This arti치e studies the mapping relation between XML and Relation Database using DTD which enables to check the unity automatically whenever document is read so that it studied mapping design for the transformation of XML data info Relation Database table.

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An RDB to RDF Mapping System Considering Semantic Relations of RDB Components (관계형 데이터베이스 구성 요소의 의미 관계를 고려한 RDB to RDF 매핑 시스템)

  • Sung, Hajung;Gim, Jangwon;Lee, Sukhoon;Baik, Doo-Kwon
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2014
  • For the expansion of the Semantic Web, studies in converting the data stored in the relational database into the ontology are actively in process. Such studies mainly use an RDB to RDF mapping model, the model to map relational database components to RDF components. However, pre-proposed mapping models have got different expression modes and these damage the accessibility and reusability of the users. As a consequence, the necessity of the standardized mapping language was raised and the W3C suggested the R2RML as the standard mapping language for the RDB to RDF model. The R2RML has a characteristic that converts only the relational database schema data to RDF. For the same reasons above, the ontology about the relation data between table name and column name of the relational database cannot be added. In this paper, we propose an RDB to RDF mapping system considering semantic relations of RDB components in order to solve the above issue. The proposed system generates the mapping data by adding the RDFS attribute data into the schema data defined by the R2RML in the relational database. This mapping data converts the data stored in the relational database into RDF which includes the RDFS attribute data. In this paper, we implement the proposed system as a Java-based prototype, perform the experiment which converts the data stored in the relational database into RDF for the comparison evaluation purpose and compare the results against D2RQ, RDBToOnto and Morph. The proposed system expresses semantic relations which has richer converted ontology than any other studies and shows the best performance in data conversion time.

Data Transformation through Mapping between XML and Relation Database (XML과 관계형 데이타베이스 매핑을 통한 자료의 변환)

  • Kim Gil-Choon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.9 no.4 s.32
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2004
  • The data transformation between XML and Relation Database is made through the Principle of mapping bewtween them. There are two ways to access SQL Server, one is to assign SQL query to URL and the other is to use template file. MS-SQL server takes advantage of OpenXML function to transform the results of executing SQL query into XML documents. That is, OpenXML first makes node tree and then transforms row set data of XML documents into XML data of relation type. In order to insert XML data into database data. data is extracted from parsing XML documents using sp_xml_preparedocument procedure, and then the document structure is mapped into tree structure and stored in a table of database. Consequently, Data transformation between XML and Relation Database is made through mapping bewtween them. This article proposes the principle of mapping between XML and Relation Database and then shows the implementation of transformation between them so that it introduces the possibilty of bringing the extension and efficiency of data and various effects.

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Trend of global land cover mapping and global land cover ground truth database

  • Tateishi, Ryutaro;Sato, Hiroshi P.;Lin, Zhu
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.715-720
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    • 2002
  • There are many global/continental or large area land cover mapping projects because land cover is one of key parameters in environmental studies. Though ground truth collection is a important and difficult task in land cover mapping, it is usually performed independently in each project without any cooperation between them. This is the background of the development of Global Land Cover Ground Truth (GLCGT) database by the cooperation of many projects and researchers. The developed GLCGT database will be used freely by any researcher. This cooperative and common development of GLCGT database will realize reliable and continuously improved land cover ground truth data. It also eliminates duplicated efforts of ground truth collection among projects.

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Case study of Journal Article and Reference Mapping (학술논문과 참고문헌의 자동매핑 사례 분석)

  • Kim, Jayhoon;Kim, Soon Young;Lim, Seok Jong;Hwang, Hyekyong
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.11
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    • pp.262-269
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    • 2019
  • References at the end of an academic paper are information that helps authors keep their research ethics, readers refer to related prior studies. Also references are useful information for linking citations and citations between articles. As bibliography metrics develops, bibliographic data is used as an important data for assessing the academic influence of countries, institutions and individual researchers. However, it is not easy to identify and link the reference data due to the diversity of the bibliographic citation formats, the loss of information due to the abbreviation of journal names and author names, and typos by authors. This study investigated the method of improving the bibliographic data mapping rate by analyzing the unmapped cases. As a result, it was found that the main cause of the article-reference mapping failure was the similarity of abbreviated journal names. Research team suggested that continuous management of journal title authority data and improving the DOI registration rate as ways to improve the identification and mapping rate. This study is differentiated from other studies in used database. Bibliography mapping was attempted for domestic and foreign integrated journal database that is mainly subscribed, used, published and cited in Korea. Through reference construction volume and mapping rate improvement, it can be used as citation analysis and service database reflecting domestic situation that is different from overseas citation index database.

Development of Mobile System Based on Android for Tunnel Face Mapping (터널 막장 매핑을 위한 안드로이드 기반의 모바일 시스템 개발)

  • Park, Sung Wook;Kim, Hong Gyun;Bae, Sang Woo;Kim, Chang Yong;Yoo, Wan Kyu;Lee, Jin Duk
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.343-351
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    • 2014
  • Tunnel face mapping plays an important role in risk analysis and infrastructure support decisions during tunnel construction. In this study, a digital mapping system using a mobile device is employed instead of existing face-mapping methods that rely upon face mapping sheets. The mobile device is then connected to the main server in the field, where a tunnel-specific database is compiled automatically. This information provides real-time feedback on the tunnel face to construction personnel and engineers, thus allowing for rapid assessment of tunnel face stability and infrastructure needs. The Douglas-Peucker algorithm, among others, is employed to resolve problems arising from the detailed mapping and speed problem by data accumulation. This system is expected to raise program optimization through field verification and additional functional improvements.

A Preliminary Study on the Multiple Mapping Structure of Classification Systems for Heterogeneous Databases

  • Lee, Seok-Hyoung;Kim, Hwan-Min;Choe, Ho-Seop
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.51-65
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    • 2012
  • While science and technology information service portals and heterogeneous databases produced in Korea and other countries are integrated, methods of connecting the unique classification systems applied to each database have been studied. Results of technologists' research, such as, journal articles, patent specifications, and research reports, are organically related to each other. In this case, if the most basic and meaningful classification systems are not connected, it is difficult to achieve interoperability of the information and thus not easy to implement meaningful science technology information services through information convergence. This study aims to address the aforementioned issue by analyzing mapping systems between classification systems in order to design a structure to connect a variety of classification systems used in the academic information database of the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, which provides science and technology information portal service. This study also aims to design a mapping system for the classification systems to be applied to actual science and technology information services and information management systems.

A Network Mobility Support Scheme in Future LISP Network (미래 LISP 망에서의 망 이동성 지원 방안)

  • Zhang, Xiaolei;Ki, Jang-Geun;Lee, Kyu-Tae
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2012
  • Network mobility support has been taken into consideration for users who have multiple terminals to enjoy the seamless connectivity. This paper proposes a network mobility support scheme in the LISP architecture. During the mobile router attachment, the EID-to-RLOC mapping database is refreshed in the map server. Furthermore, map update is developed to support smooth handoff for the mobile network. An analysis of performance is given by comparing the proposed scheme with NEMO.

Software Analysis and Design of the Image Acquisition Subsystem Using the Unified Modeling Language

  • Yom, Jae-Hong
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2001
  • Geospatial database, which is the basis for Geo-Spatial Information Systems, is produced by conventional mapping methods. Recently, with increased demand for digital forms of the geospatial database, studies are carried out to automate its production. The automated mapping system is composed of the image acquisition subsystem, positioning subsystem, point referencing subsystem and the visualization subsystem. The image acquisition subsystem is the most important part of the overall production line because it is the starting point and will affect all subsequent processes. This paper presents a software analysis and design of the image acquisition subsystem. The design was carried out using the Unified Modeling Language which is a modeling method used extensively in the software engineering field.

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