• Title/Summary/Keyword: map measure

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Identification of Flooded Areas and Post-flooding Conditions: Developing Flood Damage Mitigation Strategies Using Satellite Radar Imagery (레이더 위성영상을 활용한 침수피해 지역 파악 및 완화방안 연구)

  • Lee, Moungjin;Myeong, Soojeong;Jeon, Seongwoo;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2009
  • This study applied satellite radar imagery to identify flooded areas and examined post-flooding conditions using time-series satellite radar imagery for the development of flood damage mitigation strategies. Using time-series satellite radar images, this study constructed a map delineating areas vulnerable to frequent flood damage. The extracted flooded areas were combined with reference land use maps to examine flood damage by land use type. Major landuse types with severe flood damage were agricultural and forested areas. The analysis of the damage conditions, in terms of land use, served as the basis for developing flood damage mitigation policies, in conjunction with land use planning. The policies for flood damage mitigation can be summarized as land use regulations, land use planning, and flood damage mapping. A preventive measure to minimize flood damage of properties, which regulates developing areas with high flooding potential, is highly recommended. Although this study suggested a number of policies for flood damage mitigation, they represent only a small number of possible policies useful for mitigating flood damage and other environmental problems. Based upon the results of this study, it may be concluded that satellite radar imagery has great potential in providing basic data for large-scale environmental problems such as flooding and oil spills. Nevertheless, further examinations should be conducted and the application of satellite radar imagery should be used to examine other environmental problems.

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Effects of changing position on cardiac output & on patient's discomforts after cardiac surgery (개심술을 받은 환자의 체위에 따른 심박출량 및 불편감에 관한 연구)

  • Yu Mi;Kwon Eun-Ok;Choi Yun-Kyoung;Kang Hyun-Ju;Oh Se-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.256-270
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    • 2000
  • Invasive hemodynamic monitoring has become a valuable assessment parameters in critical care nursing in patients undergoing open heart surgery patients. During cardiac surgery, the Swan Ganz catheter is placed in the pulmonary artery. Critical care nurses routinely obtain cardiac output, cardiac index, and pulmonary arterial pressure in these patients. Traditionally, patients are positioned flat and supine for cardiac output measurement. Numerous studies have dealt with the effects of changing position on the hemodynamic variables. However, there are a few studies dealing with patients who undergo cardiac surgery in Korea. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of changing position on cardiac output, PAP, CVP, BP, HR and discomfort in patients after cardiac surgery. A sample of 21 adults who had CABG and/or valve replacement with Swan Ganz catheters in place was studied. The data were collected in the cardiac ICU of a university hospital in Seoul during the period from July 28, 1999 to August 30. 1999. In this study, the independent variable is patient position in the supine, 30 degree, and 45 degree angles. Dependent variables are C.O., C.I., CVP, PAP, MAP, HR and patients' perceived discomforts. Subject discomfort was measured subjectively by visual analogue scale. Other hemodynamic data where collected by the thermodilution method and by direct measurement. The data were analyzed by percentile, t-test, ANOVA, Linear regression analysis using SPSS-/WIN program. The results are as follows : 1) Changes in cardiac output were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30. 45 degrees(F=.070, P=.932). Changes in cardiac index were absent in different angle positions, 0. 30, 45 degrees(P>.05). 2) Changes in central venous pressure were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 3) PAP had no change in different angle 0, 30, 45 degree positions; systolic PAP(P>.05), diastolic PAP(P>.05). 4) Changes in systolic blood pressure were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 5) Changes in heart rates were absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(P>.05). 6) Patients' perceived discomfort was absent in different angle positions, 0, 30, 45 degree(p<.05). In conclusion, critical care nurses can measure C.O., C.I., PAP, BP, & CVP in cardiac surgery patients at 30 degree or 45 degree positions. This can improve the patients' comfort.

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Evaluation of Forest Recreation Functions through Quantification Method II (수량화II류를 이용한 산림휴양기능의 평가)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.97 no.4
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    • pp.437-444
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    • 2008
  • This study has intended to evaluate the forest recreation functions to seek methods to designate the recreational areas inside a recreation forest. This study has Mt. Chung-ok in Korea as a study area to which Quantification method II as a valuation measure was applied. This study also has chosen a degree of recreational utility as an external criterion and six factors including Forest type, Forest age, Slope, Riparian area, Road, and Facility for the 173 stands in this area. As a result, absolute discriminated success rate was obtained, so that the first and second estimated correlation ratios were 82% and 74%, respectively. Road and Slope had great influences on the potential power of recreational functions. In the category, recreational function was more influenced by the existence of road and the lower degree of slope. Also, this study has drawn an evaluation map, which displayed the potential power of recreational functions by classifying three discrimination points such as H(High), M(Medium), and L(Low) through calculating the degree of recreational utility of the recreation forest for the stands by applying an estimation formula of recreational function in the stands. This study seems to be worthwhile in terms of actual, experimental, and intuitive interpretation for the degree of recreational utility calculated by using Quantification method theory.

Spatial Distribution of Tidal Flats in Korea (한국(韓國)의 간석지(干潟地) 분포(分布))

  • Jo, Myung-Hee;Jo, Wha-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.195-208
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    • 1997
  • On the basis of the topographic maps in the 1910's and 1990's and the classification map of Landsat TM satellite image photographed on Sept 1, 1996, the spatial distribution and the current situation concerning tidal flats in Korea were studied by measuring the area with GIS Arc/Info system and examining the regional condition required to develop the tidal flats. The results are as follow; The tidal flat resources in Korea cover an area of about 3800 square meters, including the reclaimed one since the 1910's. And they are widely distributed in the west coast of South Jeonla, Kyunggi bay, Asan bay, the south coast of South Jeonla, Kunsan bay, Chunsoo bay, and the coast of South Kyungsang and Pusan when put in the order from bigger area. Given the area under the construction at present, more than 50% of the tidal flats are reclaimed ones. The tidal flats are being developed especially in Kyunggi and Asan bays because they perfectly measure up to the conditions required. For Kunsan bay, a remarkably good supply system of the alluvial sedimentary materials and a favorable coastline requirement for the coast of the South Jeonla also contribute to the development of the tidal flats. In the case study of Kunsan bay, it was shown that the shape of the tidal flat is making a continuous change and the area is getting bigger in terms of the multi-temporal change of the tidal flat development. However, while in the first half of the 20th century, the increasing rate of the area was considered to be rather high, it is considerably lowered almost to a standstill in the latter half of the century.

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Characterization of Secondary Exposure to Chemicals and Indoor Air Quality in Fire Station (소방서 실내공간의 화학적 유해인자 2차노출과 실내공기질 특성)

  • Kim, Soo Jin;Ham, Seunghon;Jeon, Jeong Seok;Kim, Won
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.140-151
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    • 2019
  • It is to assess the indoor air quality of the chemical hazardous materials exposed to the fire after firefighters returned to the fire scene. The research subject randomly selected four fire stations located in Seoul, Korea. Two fire stations were set up as control groups after the return of the firefighting activities at the actual fire scene, and two other fire stations were set up as control groups to measure the air quality of the room at normal levels regardless of the action. We conducted 24-hour monitoring for all fire accidents that occurred in Seoul Metropolitan using fire safety map computer system. Also, indoor air quality was measured immediately after homecoming if the experiment group was to be dispatched due to an accident of intermediate or larger scale. 11 hazardous substance items such as fine dust, formaldehyde, volatile organic compounds, PAH, VCM, acidity, asbestos, CO2, NO2, O3 were measured according to the process test method. Three of 11 types of harmful substances exceeded domestic and foreign standards, and one of them was found to be close to foreign standards. In particular, total volatile organic compounds, carbon dioxide and sulfuric acids were 2.5 times, 2.2 times and 1.1 times higher than the standard. Also, for formaldehyde and sulfuric acid, it was measured higher in the control group than in the case group. This findings could be used in policies to improve indoor air quality in the fire station of the Seoul Metropolitan Government.

A Study on Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease using Raman Spectra from Platelet (혈소판 라만 스펙트럼을 이용한 알츠하이머병 진단에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Aa-Rron;Heo, Gi-Su;Baek, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we use the Raman spectra measured from platelet to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease(AD). The Raman spectra used in the experiments were preprocessed with the following method and then fed into the classifier. The first step of the preprocessing is a simple smoothing followed by background elimination to the original spectra to make it easy to measure the intensity of the peaks. The last step of the preprocessing was peak alignment with the reference peak. After the inspection of the preprocessed spectra, we found that proportion of two peak intensity at 743 and 757 $cm^{-1}$ and peak intensity at 1658 $cm^{-1}$ are the most discriminative features. Then we apply mapstd method for normalization. The method returned data with means to 0 and deviation to 1. With these two features, the classification result involving 278 spectra showed about 95.5% true classification in case of MLP(multi-layer perceptron). It means that the Raman spectra measured from platelet would be effectively used to the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.

A Study on the Measurement of River Ice Thickness by Using X-band Scatterometer (X-밴드 산란계를 이용한 하천 얼음 두께 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Hyang-Sun;Kim, Bum-Jun;Lee, Hoon-Yol
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we setup a ground-based scatterometer using an antenna of which the center frequency is 9.5 GHz (X-band), and measured radar backscatterings from air/ice and ice/water interfaces to extract ice thickness. Both of air/ice and ice/water interfaces make strong radar backscatterings and so we can clearly identify two peaks in measured data by scatterometer. By using the distance of two peaks and refractive index of ice, we confirmed that it is possible to measure ice thickness. Field survey was performed at the downstream of Jiam River flowing into Chuncheon Lake. We measured radar backscattering from river ice along a survey path and extracted ice thickness. The ice thickness map of the downstream of Jiam River was produced by using kriging which is one of well known interpolation methods. The ice thickness was about 50 cm along the mainstream while ice was thin as 30 ~ 40 cm at a fast-flowing meander. Ice thickness was particularly thinner at some locations than that of surrounding areas even in the mainstream region of constant flow. This was because of impurities in ice or artificially formed refrozen holes after fishing. We expect that this study helps to expand utilization field of X-band SAR and airborne scatterometer system.

A Study on the Present Status and Improving Measure of Sea Charts (해도의 사용실태 조사와 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • 나송진;정재용;박진수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2000
  • The ships over the certain navigation area or her length are required to carry charts under the relevant laws. Charts are indispensible to the ships and fishing vessel, because their crew should know the water depth and location of obstacle in order to avoid danger in the navigation and fishing area. But it was found that many ships do not carry proper charts onboard according to the research marine accidents files of marine accident inquiry agency, and questionnaire survey. Consequently, many ships run aground on the coast and port. This study examined the present status of the coastal ship and the fishing vessels, and explained some problems in the aspect of the covering area, the place, the number of the selling agent and adjoining chart, as well as the geographical and traffic density, the crew on board the ship's characteristics, and so on. In this study we propose the way to solve the problem. firstly, the category of the fishing vessel which should carry the chart on bard under the related laws are required to be lowered to 10 gross tons. Besides a ship inspector should examine if the charts covering the area where to navigate even when the temporary inspection is done are carried on board property. Secondly, the inspection body or the controlling office of ship's entry and departure should check throughly whether the ships concerned carry the chart on board. Thirdly the fishing vessels should used the fishing charts, and the body concerned should train the offices about how to use chart, especiany the difference between Tokyo datum and WGS-84 datum. Fourthly the customized chart such as an atlas like a map, a calenda-type chart, a small chart, as a coated chart needs to be publish for the safety of small ship and fishing vessel. Fifthly, it is advisable to draw a recommended course in the route where the coastal navigate mainly and in the narrow channel, The adjoining area should be improved, as well as the qualify of the chart paper. Sixthly, publication of additional new chart in the southern part of East Sea, the eastern part of South Sea, the western part of South Sea and middle part of Yellow Sea near Incheon port should be thought over. Seventhly, the number of chart selling agent should be increased for the sake of purchaser in proportion to the number of port, and small correction of charts in selling agent must be carried out completely.

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Analysis of Spatial Resolution Characteristics for DMC/UlatraCamXp/ADS80 Digital Aerial Image Based on Visual Method (시각적 기법에 의한 DMC/UlatraCamXp/ADS80 디지털 항공영상의 공간해상도 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Tae Yun;Lee, Jae One
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2016
  • Digital aerial images have been commonly used in a large scale map production owing to their excellent geometry, and high spatial and radiometric resolution in recent years. However, a quality verification process for acquired images should be preceded in order to secure the high precision and reliability of produced results. Several experimental studies to verify digital imaging systems have been vigorously researched by constructing permanent test field in abroad. On the other hand, it is urgently necessary to suggest a practical scheme for an image quality verification, because this related study and experiment are still in its early stage at home. Hence, this study aims to present an easy method to measure the spatial resolution of the image in a visual way using a portable Siemens star. The images used in the study were obtained with three different cameras, two frame array sensors of DMC, UltraCamXp and a linear array sensor of ADS80. The Siemens star target appeared in every image is extracted and then the spatial resolution of image is compared with theoretical GSD(Ground Sample Distance) by a visual method. In addition, the change of spatial resolution depending on the location of the Siemens star from image center and flight direction and cross-flight direction is also compared and analyzed. As study results, while the theoretical GSDs of images taken with each camera are about 6~9cm, the visual resolutions are 1.2~1.3 times as great as the theoretical ones.

Nanocommunication Design in Graduate-Level Education and Research Training (대학원 수준 교육과 연구 훈련에서의 나노소통 설계)

  • Itoh, Tadashi;Akai, Hisazumi;Takeda, Seiji;Ogawa, Hisahito;Ichikawa, Satoshi;Geshi, Masaaki;Ara, Masato;Niioka, Hirohiko
    • Journal of the Korean Vacuum Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.423-431
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    • 2010
  • In order to teach the accumulated knowledge of nanoscience, nanoengineering and nanotechnology to graduate school students and young scientists with the sense of public engagement, Osaka University started from 2004 to prepare and offer various kinds of education and training programs such as trans-disciplinary graduate-school minor program, evening course refresher program, short-term international research training program, etc. It offers a series of lectures, partly broadcasted live to satellite classrooms. In addition, the students can join intensive hands-on training programs using modern facilities, allowing them to design, fabricate, measure, characterize and functionalize nanomaterials and nanodevices. In addition, there are four specially designed lectures and research training programs aimed for nanocommunication including social, legal and ethical relationship: "Nanotechnology Career-up Lectures", "Social Engagement on Nanotechnology", "Road Map Design on Nanotechnology", and "Project-Aimed Learning and Training Programs (PAL)". The outline of the whole programs is described together with the specialized programs for nanocommunication.