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Analysis on the Rainfall Triggered Slope Failure with a Variation of Soil Layer Thickness: Flume Tests (강우로 인한 조립토 사면에서의 토층 두께 변화에 따른 사면의 활동 분석: 실내 모형실험)

  • SaGong, Myung;Yoo, Jea-Ho;Lee, Sung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.91-103
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    • 2009
  • Slope failure depends upon the climatic features related to related rainfall, structural geology and geomorphological features as well as the variation of the mechanical behaviors of soil constituting a slope. In this paper, among many variables, effects of soil layer thickness on the slope failure process, and variations of matric suction and volumetric water content were observed. When the soil layer is relatively thick, the descending wetting front decreases matric suction and the observed matric suction reaches to "0" value. When the wetting front reaches to the impermeable boundary, the bottom surface of steel soil box, ascending wetting front was observed. This observation can be postulated to be the effects of various sizes of pores. When macro size pores exist, the capillary effects can be reduced and infilling of pore will be limited. The partially filled pores would be filled with water during the ascending of the wetting front, which bounces from the impermeable boundary. This assumption has been assured from the observation of variation of the volumetric water contents at different depth. When the soil layer is thick (thickness = 20 cm), for granular material, erosion is a cause triggering the slope failure. It has been found that the initiation of erosion occurs when the top soil is fully saturated. Meanwhile, when the soil layer is shallow (thickness = 10 cm), slope slides as en mass. The slope failure for this condition occurs when the wetting front reaches to the interface between the soil layer and steel soil box. As the wetting front approaches to the bottom of soil layer, reduction of shear resistance along the boundary and increase of the unit weight due to the infiltration occur and these produce complex effects on the slope failure processes.

Sensitivity analysis of the FAO Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration model (FAO Penman-Monteith 기준증발산식 민감도 분석)

  • Rim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.285-299
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    • 2023
  • Estimating the evapotranspiration is very important factor for effective water resources management, and FAO Penman-Monteith (FAO P-M) model has been applied for reference evapotranspiration estimation by many researchers. However, because various input data are required for the application of FAO P-M model, understanding the effect of each input data on FAO P-M model is necessary. Therefore, in this study, for 56 study stations located in South Korea, the effects of 8 meteorological factors (maximum and minimum temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, solar radiation, vapor pressure deficit, net radiation, ground heat flux), energy and aerodynamic terms of FAO P-M model, and elevation on FAO P-M reference evapotranspiration (RET) estimation were analyzed. The relative sensitivity analysis was performed to determine how 10% increment of each specific independent variable affects a reference evapotranspiration under given set of condition that other independent variables are unchanged. Furthermore, to select the 5 representative stations and perform the monthly relative sensitivity analysis for those stations, 56 study stations were classified into 5 clusters using cluster analysis. The study results showed that net radiation was turned out to be the most sensitive factor in 8 meteorological factors for 56 study stations. The next most sensitive factor was relative humidity, solar radiation, maximum temperature, vapor pressure deficit and wind speed, followed by minimum temperature in order. Ground heat flux was the least sensitive factor. In case of ground surface condition, elevation showed very low positive relative sensitivity. Relativity sensitivities of energy and aerodynamic terms of FAO P-M model were 0.707 for energy term and 0.293 for aerodynamic term respectively, indicating that energy term was more contributable than aerodynamic term for reference evapotranspiration. The monthly relative sensitivities of meteorological factors showed the seasonal effects, and also the relative sensitivity of elevation showed different pattern each other among study stations. Therefore, for the application of FAO P-M model, the seasonal and regional sensitivity differences of each input variable should be considered.

Satisfaction Analysis for Green Infrastructure Activation around Dam in Terms of Sustainability (지속가능성 측면에서의 댐 주변 그린인프라 활성화를 위한 만족도 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Kyu;Son, Byung-Hoon;An, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the satisfaction of green infrastructure around 39 dams, including multi-purpose dams, water dams, and flood control reservoir dams, to induce space improvement in terms of sustainability, and the results of the study are as follows. First, the satisfaction level based on the Likert scale of 5 points for the currently created dam green infrastructure was 3.76, and there were differences depending on the respondents' gender, age, residence, number of dam visits, and the need to pursue sustainability, and it was analyzed to be statistically significant. In the case of gender, p<.05, age, residence, number of dam visits, and the need to pursue sustainability were found to be p<.01. Regression analysis was conducted to confirm the effect of these respondents' characteristics on satisfaction, and it was analyzed that only the number of dam visits and the need to pursue sustainability had a statistically significant effect, and other characteristic variables had no significant effect. Second, in terms of satisfaction with the conceptual image of public bridge, view place and play space, which are the main spaces of dam green infrastructure considering sustainability, view place was the highest at 4.43, the play space was 4.35 and public bridge was analyzed as 4.21. The t-test result for the satisfaction of each space was found to be p<.01, and the difference in values was analyzed to be significant. The difference from the current satisfaction with green infrastructure was also analyzed as p<.00, showing a statistically significant difference. Third, as a way to revitalize green infrastructure around the dam through the results of satisfaction analysis, it is necessary to identify needs for major visitors in their 40s and 50s and create a space considering them. It was proposed to derive facilities and programs that can be introduced to other regions through the analysis of green infrastructure status around dams in Chungbuk, Jeonju, and Ulsan, where there are relatively many dams. Furthermore, satisfaction analysis by space showed that green infrastructure around the dam could be activated in terms of sustainability when selecting packaging materials considering the structure and shape of the dam, arranging observation facilities considering lake prospects, and introducing amusement facilities using local environmental resources. This study differs from previous studies in that it presented space improvement measures in consideration of sustainability for green infrastructure around dams for non-urban areas, and space improvement can contribute to improving it connectivity in urban and non-urban areas, which can also contribute to improving the sustainability of green infrastructure in Korea.

The Effect of Interest Rate Variability on Housing Prices (이자율 변동이 주택가격에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Myung-hoon
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2022
  • The real estate market is an important part of a country's economy and plays a major role in economic growth through the growth of many related industries. Changes in interest rates affect asset prices and have a significant impact on housing prices. This study analyzed housing prices by dividing them into nationwide, local, and Seoul housing prices in order to analyze whether the effect of changes in interest rates on housing prices shows regional differences. The analysis was conducted from the first quarter of 2011 to the fourth quarter of 2021, and was analyzed using the DOLS model. The main analysis results are as follows. First, interest rates were found to have a significant negative effect on national housing prices, and a drop in interest rates significantly increased national housing prices and an increase in interest rates significantly lowered national housing prices. The consumer price index and loan growth rate also had a positive effect on housing prices nationwide, but statistical significance was not high. Second, interest rates had a negative effect on local housing prices, unlike national housing prices, but were not statistically significant. On the other hand, it was found that the consumer price index and loan growth rate had a larger and significant positive effect on local housing prices compared to national housing prices. Finally, it was found that the interest rate had the only significant negative effect on housing prices in Seoul. And this effect was greater and more significant than the effect on national and local housing prices. In the end, it was found that the effect of interest rates on Korean housing prices differs locally. Interest rates have a significant negative effect on national housing prices, and local housing prices, but they are not statistically significant. In addition, the interest rate was found to have the largest and most significant negative effect on housing prices in Seoul. In addition, it was found that there was a difference in the effect of macroeconomic variables on housing prices. This means that there are differences between regions with different factors influencing local and Seoul housing prices, and this point should be considered when drafting and implementing real estate policies.

The Impact of Entrepreneurs' Cognitive Biases on Business Opportunity Evaluation Depending on Social Networks (기업가의 인지편향이 사회적 네트워크에 따라 사업 기회 평가에 미치는 영향)

  • Jang, Hyo Shik;Yang, Dong Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.185-196
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    • 2023
  • This paper investigates the effects of entrepreneurs' cognitive biases on business opportunity evaluation, given their strong entrepreneurial spirit, which is characterized by innovation, proactivity, and risk-taking. When making decisions related to business activities, entrepreneurs typically make rational judgments based on their knowledge, experience, and the advice of external experts. However, in situations of extreme stress or when quick decisions are required, they often rely on heuristics based on their cognitive biases. In particular, we often see cases where entrepreneurs fail because they make decisions based on heuristics in the process of evaluating and selecting new business opportunities that are planned to guarantee the growth and sustainability of their companies. This study was conducted in response to the need for research to clarify the effects of entrepreneurs' cognitive biases on new business opportunity evaluation, given that the cognitive biases of entrepreneurs, which are formed by repeated successful experiences, can sometimes lead to business failure. Although there have been many studies on the effects of cognitive biases on entrepreneurship and opportunity evaluation among university students and general people who aspire to start a business, there have been few studies that have clarified the relationship between cognitive biases and social networks among entrepreneurs. In contrast to previous studies, this study conducted empirical surveys of entrepreneurs only, and also conducted research on the relationship with social networks. For the study, a survey was conducted using a parallel survey method using online mobile surveys and self-report questionnaires from 150 entrepreneurs of small and medium-sized enterprises. The results of the study showed that 'overconfidence' and 'illusion of control', among the independent variables of entrepreneurs' cognitive biases, had a statistically significant positive(+) effect on business opportunity evaluation. In addition, it was confirmed that the moderating variable, social network, moderates the effect of overconfidence on business opportunity evaluation. This study showed that entrepreneurs' cognitive biases play a role in the process of evaluating and selecting new business opportunities, and that social networks play a role in moderating the structural relationship between entrepreneurs' cognitive biases and business opportunity evaluation. This study is expected to be of great help not only to entrepreneurs, but also to entrepreneur education and policy making, by showing how entrepreneurs can use cognitive biases in a positive way and the influence of social networks.

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Effects of Seller's Influence Tactics on Customer's Psychological Obligation, Trust, and Repurchase Intention in Offline Cosmetics Selling Channel: Moderating Effect of Perceived Service Quality (오프라인 화장품 구매경로에서 판매원의 판매설득전술이 고객의 심리적의무감과 판매원 신뢰, 재구매의도에 미치는 영향: 지각된 서비스 품질을 조절효과로)

  • Kang, Byeong Jun;Yi, Ho-Taek
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.205-221
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the authors investigated the effect of salesperson's Selling Influence Tactics (SIT) on customers' psychological obligation, trust in salespersons and repurchase intentions in the offline cosmetics purchase channel. In addition, we examined the moderating effect of service quality perceived by customers. To this end, a survey was conducted on 298 customers who had purchased cosmetics through the offline sales channel, and the authors conducted hypothesis testing through a structural equation model. As a result of the study, first, among salesperson's sales influence tactics, emotional appeal tactics (H1a), customer ingratiation tactics (H1d), and personal appeal tactics (H1e) were found to affect the psychological obligation of customers, and emotional appeal tactics (H2a), rational persuasion tactics (H2b), information provision tactics (H2c), and customer ingratiation tactics (H2d) were found to affect trust in salespeople. Third, it was found that the psychological obligation did not have a positive (+) effect on the customer's repurchase intention, and the customer's trust in the salesperson had a positive (+) effect on the repurchase intention. Third, perceived service quality showed a significant moderating effect between psychological obligation and repurchase intention, trust in salesperson and repurchase intention. In previous studies on salesperson's Selling Influence Tactics (SIT), many studies examined salesperson's Selling Influence Tactics (SIT) by specifying sub-variables in a limited way, and studies confirming marketing factors such as repurchase intention were also insufficient. Therefore, the results of the empirical research confirmed based on this study are expected to help the standard or direction of the salesperson's Selling Influence Tactics (SIT) in future studies. In addition, this study describes implications for providing help in employee education and management for small business owners who manage and operate offline cosmetics stores, and sales strategies that should be strategically established to improve perceived service quality for customers.

A Study on Startup Entrepreneurs' External Networking Behavior and Competitive Advantage: Sequential Mediation of Dynamic Capabilities, and Product Development Performance (창업자 외부네트워킹행동이 스타트업 경쟁우위성과에 미치는 영향: Process Macro를 이용한 동적역량 및 제품개발성과의 순차적 매개효과 검증)

  • kim, Hyun;Jun, Jung Gu
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2024
  • This study is intended to examine factors affecting the survival rate of startups. Based on a literature review of previous studies, this study selected competitive advantage as a variable to represent the survival rate of startups, and the following as antecedents thereof: startup entrepreneurs' external networking behavior, dynamic capabilities, and product development performance. Many previous studies have used qualitative approaches that examined the relationship between each of the variables, while few quantitative studies have empirically demonstrated the relationship. An empirical investigation was, therefore, warranted, which this study conducted. A questionnaire survey of 402 startup entrepreneurs was conducted to measure startup entrepreneurs' external networking behavior, dynamic capabilities, product development performances, and competitive advantage. The following results were obtained. First, startup entrepreneurs' external networking behavior had a statistically significant positive effect on fidynamic capabilities. Second, dynamic capabilities had a statistically significant positive effect on pproduct development performances. Fourth, product development performances had a statistically significant positive effect on competitive advantage. Finally, startup entrepreneurs' external networking behavior had a statistically significant positive effect on competitive advantage by sequentially mediating dynamic capabilities, and product development performances. This study has the following implications. First, this study empirically demonstrated the conceptual model proposed by previous studies as a research model. This study's significance is that it actually demonstrated this empirically. Second, startup entrepreneurs can obtain funds through engaging in external networking. Through interviews with successful startup entrepreneurs, Kim & Moon (2021) developed a theoretical framework to reflect the fact that startup entrepreneurs can obtain funds in exchange for trust and reciprocity to funders, which is consistent with this study's empirical findings. Therefore, if startup entrepreneurs engage in networking behavior based on trust and reciprocity to those with whom they have a business partnership outside their startups, they may be effective at raising funds.

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The Cross-Cultural Study about Effects of Service Quality Dimensions on CS in Korea and China (할인점 서비스품질의 각 차원이 CS에 미치는 영향에 대한 한(韓).중(中)간 비교 문화적 연구)

  • Noh, Eun-Jeong;Seo, Yong-Goo
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2009
  • A hypermarket as the one of the most globally standardized retailing format is also the type of store among various types of stores that the most active in expanding into other foreign markets. Recently, as several Korean retailing companies start to penetrate into Chinese market they differentiate themselves with modern facilities and customers service oriented high-end concept. China and Korea as Far East Asian countries share many common values, however precise and careful analysis should be carried out since there may also be critical differences in socio-economic aspects as well as in consumption patterns due to the level of development stages of retail industry among two countries. Even though precise and careful study is crucial on Chinese retailing market and consumers, none of researches and studies on 'how the quality of service dimensional structure is different between Korea and China', and 'what will be the most important and influential service dimensional factors for Chinese consuers compared to the hypermarkets customers in Korea' in order to improve the level of Chinese consumers satisfaction' have been fulfilled At this point of view, this study uses KD-SQS (Rho Eun Jung & Sir Yong Gu, 2008) which is a measure of Korean hypermarkets service quality to set up a hypothesis on Korean and Chinese consumers, and an empirical analysis is conducted. We try to get the answers about how the comparative importance of Service quality dimensions which decides the level of customer satisfaction is different depending on the cultural dimensions and socio-economic factors among two countries, Korea and China. Based upon the results, we try to give a valuable suggestion of what service dimensional factors should be reinforced to improve the level of CS in Chinese retailing market. Hypotheses for this study are as follows : H1. Each dimension of Service Quality significantly affects the level of CS H2. The effect of 'Basic Benefit' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H3. The effect of 'Promotion' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H4. The effect of 'Physical Aspects'in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in Korea than in China. H5. The effect of 'Personal Interaction' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS is greater in China than in Korea H6. The effect of 'Policy' in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China H7. The effect of additional convenience in service quality dimensions on the level of CS will be greater in Korean than in China. More than 1,100 data were collected directly from the surveys of Chinese and Korean consumers in order to verify the hypotheses above. In Korea, stores which have floor space of over $9,000m^2$and opened later than year 2000 were selected for the samples, and thus Gayang, Wolgye, Sangbong, Eunpyeong, Suh-Suwon, Gojan stores and their customers were surveyed. In China, notable differences in the income levels and consumer behaviors between cities and regions were considered, and thus the research area was limited to the stores only in Shanghai. 6 stores which have the size of over $6,000m^2$ and opened later than 2000, such as Ruihong, Intu, Mudanjang, Sanrin, Raosimon, and Ranchao stores were selected for the survey. SPSS 12.0 and AMOS 7.0 were used as statistical tools, and exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multi-group analysis were conducted. In order to carry out a multi group analysis that decides whether the structure variables which shows the different effects of 6 service dimensions in Korean and Chinese groups is statistically valid, configural invariance, metric invariance, and structural invariance are tested in order. At the results of the tests, 3 out of 7 hypotheses were supported and other 4 hypotheses were denied. According to the study, 4 dimensions (Basic Benefit, Physical Environment, Policy, and additional convenience) were positively correlated with CS in Korea, and 3 dimensions (i.e. basic benefit, policy, additional convenience) were significant in China. However, the significance of the service-dimensions was turned out to be partially different in Korea and China. The Basic Benefit is more influential in deciding the level of CS in china than Korea, however Physical Aspect is more important factor in Korea. 'Policy dimension' did not make significant difference between two countries. In the 'additional convenience dimension', the differences in 'socio-economic factors' than in'cultural background' were considered as more important in Chinese consumers than Korean. Overall, the improvement of Service quality will be crucial factors to increase the level of CS in Chinese market same as Korean market. In addition, more emphases need to be placed on the service qualities of 'Basic Benefit' and 'additional convenience' dimensions in China. In particular, 'low price' and 'product diversity' that constitute 'Basic Benefit' are proved to be comparatively disadvantageous and weak points of Korean companies compared to global players, and thus the prompt strengthening those dimensions would be urgent for Korean retailers. Moreover, additional conveniences such as various tenants and complex service and entertaining area will be more important in China than in Korea. Besides, Applying advanced Korean Hypermaret`s customer policy to Chinese consumers will help to get higher reliability and to differentiate themselves to other competitors. However, as personal interaction, physical aspect, promotions were proved as not significant for the level of CS in China, Korean companies need to reconsider the priority order of resource allocations when they tap into Chinese market.

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A Study on Influence of Foodservice Managers' Emotional Intelligence on Job Attitude and Organizational Performance (급식관리자의 개인적 감성지능이 직무태도 및 조직성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Hyun-Young;Kim, Hyun-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.12
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    • pp.1880-1892
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    • 2010
  • The purposes of this study were to: a) provide evidence concerning the effects of emotional intelligence on job outcomes, b) examine the impacts of emotional intelligence on employee-related variables such as 'job satisfaction', 'organizational commitment', 'organizational performance', and 'turnover intention' c) identify the conceptual framework underlying emotional intelligence. A survey was conducted to collect data from foodservice managers (N=231). Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS Win (16.0) for descriptive analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, t-test, correlation analysis, cluster analysis and AMOS (16.0) for confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. The concept of emotional intelligence (EI) has been on the radar screens of many leaders and managers over the last several decades. The emotional intelligence is generally accepted to be a combination of emotional and interpersonal competencies that influence behavior, thinking and interaction with others. The main results of this study were as follows. The four EI (Emotional Intelligence) dimensions correlated significantly with age. The means of job satisfaction score were above the midpoint (3.04 point) scale. The organizational commitment score was above the midpoint (3.41 point) scale and was higher at 'loyalty' factor than 'commitment' factor. The means of organizational performance score were above the midpoint (3.34) scale. The correlations among the four EI (emotional intelligence) factors were significant with job satisfaction; organizational commitment, organizational performance and turnover intention. The test of hypothesis using structural equation modeling found that emotional intelligence produced positive effects on job attitude and job performance. Emotional intelligence enhanced organizational commitment, and in turn, managers' attitude produced positive effects on organizational performance; emotional intelligence also had a direct impact on organizational performance. This study has identified the effect of emotional intelligence on organizational performance and attitudes toward one's job.

The Clinical Effects of Normocapnia and Hypercapnia on Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism in Cardiopulmonary Bypass (체외순환 시 뇌대사에 대한 정상 탄산분압과 고 탄산분압의 임상적 영향에 관한 비교연구)

  • 김성룡;최석철;최국렬;박상섭;최강주;윤영철;전희재;이양행;황윤호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.712-723
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    • 2002
  • Substantial alterations in cerebral blood flow(CBF) are known to occur during cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB). Many investigators have speculated that these changes may be responsible for both minor and major cerebral damages after CPB. More recently, these changes in CBF have been observed to be intimately related to the arterial carbon dioxide tension(Pa$CO_2$) maintained during CPB. The present study was prospectively designed to investigate the clinical effects of normocapnic and hypercapnic CPB on the cerebral oxygen metabolism in cardiac surgery Material and Method: Thirty-six adult patients scheduled for elective cardiac surgery were randomized to either normocapnic group (Pa$CO_2$35~40 mmHg, n=18) or hypercapnic group(Pa$CO_2$, 45~55 mmHg, n=18) with moderately hypothermic nonpulsatile CPB(nasopharyngeal temperature of 29~3$0^{\circ}C$). In each patient, middle cerebral artery blood flow velocity( $V_{MCA}$), cerebral arteriovenous oxygen content difference (C(a-v) $O_2$), cerebral oxygen extraction(COE), cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen(CMR $O_2$), cerebral oxygen transport( $T_{E}$ $O_2$), $T_{E}$ $O_2$/CMR $O_2$ ratio, cerebral desaturation(internal jugular bulb blood oxygen saturation $\leq$ 50%), and arterial and jugular bulb blood gas were evaluated throughout the operation. Postoperative neuropsychologic complications were assessed in all patients. All variables were compared between the two groups. Result: VMCA(169.13 $\pm$ 8.32 vs 153.11 $\pm$8.98%), TE $O_2$(1,911.17$\pm$250.14 vs 1,757.40$\pm$249.56), $T_{E}$ $O_2$,/CMR $O_2$ ratio(287.38$\pm$28.051 vs 246.77$\pm$25.84), $O_2$ tension in internal jugular bulb (41.66$\pm$9.19 vs 31.50$\pm$6.09 mmHg), and $O_2$saturation in internal jugular bulb(68.97$\pm$10.96 vs 58.12$\pm$12.11%) during CPB were significantly lower in normocapnic group(p=0.03), whereas hypercapnic group had lower C(a-v) $O_2$(3.9$\pm$0.3 vs 4.9$\pm$0.3 mL/dL), COE(0.3$\pm$0.03 vs 0.4$\pm$0.03), CMR $O_2$(5.8 $\pm$0.5 vs 6.8$\pm$0.6), and arterial blood pH(7.36$\pm$0.09 vs 7.46$\pm$0.07, p=0.04) during CPB. Hypercapnic group had lower incidence of cerebral desaturation than normocapnic group(3 vs 9 patients, p=0.03). Duration of the neuropsychologic complication(delirium) were shorter in hypercapnic group than in normocapnic group(36 vs 60 hrs, p=0.009). Conclusion: These findings suggest that hypercapnic CPB may have salutary effects on the cerebral oxygen metabolism and postoperative neurologic outcomes in cardiac surgery.surgery.