• Title/Summary/Keyword: male smoker

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A Cotwin Control Study of Smoking and Risk Factors of Metabolic Syndrome

  • Sung, Jooh-On;Cho, Sung-Il;Choi, Ji-Sook;Song, Yun-Mi;Lee, Ka-Young;Choi, Eun-Young;Ha, Mi-Na;Kim, Yeon-Ju;Shin, Eun-Kyung
    • Genomics & Informatics
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.166-171
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    • 2005
  • Background: Smoking effects are relatively well-documented, especially on cancers and cardiovascular diseases. However, the direction and magnitude of association between smoking and obesity remain unclear. Conflicting results so far are thought to stem from the multiple confounding structure of smoking and other obesogenic life style characteristics. Methods: Cotwin control study is a genomic epidemiology design, in which the other twin (=cotwin) serves as a control of the twin. Cotwin control study, discordant for smoking habits can provide powerful evidence of association between smoking and obesity by completely matching genomic information, intrauterine environment, and almost all environmental factors. We selected 3,697 like-sex twin pairs (2,762 male and 935 female pairs) out of 63,666 pairs of adult twins in the existing Korea Twin and Family Register, whose smoking habits are discordant. We used the information of obesity as body mass index (BMI, $kg/m^2$) blood pressure, and blood cholesterol level at the time or later than the smoking information. Paired t-test was done to compare the smoking effects. Results: Lifetime smoking rate was 80.1 % (47.9 current smoker) for men and 10% (1.7% current smoker) for women. Among 2,762 and 935 male and female like-sex twin pairs, 363 male pairs and 20 female pairs correspond to the definition of smoker-nonsmoker pair. The male smokers demonstrated increase in BMI by 0.47, while female smokers show slight decrease (by 0.13), which were not statistically significant. Diastolic and systolic blood pressure, and cholesterol level were slightly increased among smokers by 1.85 mmHg, 0.62 mmHg, and 1.28 mg/dl for men. For women, the results show increase in diastolic blood pressure (3.42mmHg) and cholesterol level (1.25 mg/dl), and systolic pressure (8.17 mmHg). Conclusion: The results refute the possibility that smoking can reduce BMI. Considering the direct adverse effect of smoking, it should be emphasized that smoking do not decrease obesity and thus increase overall metabolic syndrome.

The Association Between Smoking Tobacco After a Diagnosis of Diabetes and the Prevalence of Diabetic Nephropathy in the Korean Male Population

  • Yeom, Hyungseon;Lee, Jung Hyun;Kim, Hyeon Chang;Suh, Il
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.108-117
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    • 2016
  • Objectives: Smoking is known to be associated with nephropathy in patients with diabetes. The distinct effects of smoking before and after diabetes has been diagnosed, however, are not well characterized. We evaluated the association of cigarette smoking before and after a diagnosis of diabetes with the presence of diabetic nephropathy. Methods: We analyzed data from the 2011-2013 editions of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. A total of 629 male patients diagnosed with diabetes were classified as non-smokers (90 patients), former smokers (225 patients), or continuing smokers (314 patients). A "former smoker" was a patient who smoked only before receiving his diagnosis of diabetes. A "continuing smoker" was a patient who smoked at any time after his diabetes had been diagnosed. Diabetic nephropathy was defined as the presence of albuminuria (spot urine albumin/creatinine ratio ${\geq}30mg/g$) or low estimated glomerular filtration rate ($<60mL/min/1.73m^2$). Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess the independent association after adjusting for age, duration of diabetes, hemoglobin A1c, body mass index, systolic blood pressure, medication for hypertension, and medication for dyslipidemia. Female patients were excluded from the study due to the small proportion of females in the survey who smoked. Results: Compared to non-smokers, continuing smokers had significantly higher odds ratio ([OR], 2.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.23 to 3.83) of suffering from diabetic nephropathy. The corresponding OR (95% CI) for former smokers was 1.26 (0.70 to 2.29). Conclusions: Smoking after diagnosis of diabetes is significantly associated with the presence of diabetic nephropathy in the Korean male population.

External Validation of a Clinical Scoring System for Hematuria

  • Lee, Seung Bae;Kim, Hyung Suk;Kim, Myong;Ku, Ja Hyeon
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.16
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    • pp.6819-6822
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    • 2014
  • Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a new scoring system in Korean patients with hematuria at high risk of bladder cancer. Materials and Methods: A total of 319 consecutive patients presenting with painless hematuria without a history of bladder cancer were analyzed, from the period of August 2012 to February 2014. All patients underwent clinical examination, and 22 patients with incomplete data were excluded from the final validation data set. The scoring system included four clinical parameters: age (${\geq}50$ = 2 vs. <50 =1), gender (male = 2 vs. female = 1), history of smoking (smoker/ex-smoker = 4 vs. non-smoker = 2) and nature of the hematuria (gross = 6 vs. microscopic = 2). Results: The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (95% confidence interval) of the scoring system was 0.718 (0.655-0.777). The calibration plot demonstrated a slight underestimation of bladder cancer probability, but the model had reasonable calibration. Decision curve analysis revealed that the use of model was associated with net benefit gains over the treat-all strategy. The scoring system performed well across a wide range of threshold probabilities (15%-45%). Conclusions: The scoring system developed is a highly accurate predictive tool for patients with hematuria. Although further improvements are needed, utilization of this system may assist primary care physicians and other healthcare practitioners in determining a patient's risk of bladder cancer.

The effect of job stress in jobholders on xerostomia (직장인의 직무스트레스가 구강건조감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Myung-Eun
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the effect between job stress in jobholders and xerostomia. Methods : 250 jobholders living in Jecheon city were the subjects of this questionnaire. The questionnaire was made up of three contents and 37 items: general characteristic(13), job stress(14), degree & behavior of xerostomia(10). The data were analyzed by two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA to examine the subjects general characteristics, job stress and degree of xerostomia and were analyzed by Chi-square test to examine the subjects general characteristics, job stress and behavior of xerostomia. Results : Only 215 jobholders were evaluated due to inadequate responses. The results were as follow. 1. As general characteristic of jobholder, male(83.7%) were more than women(16.3%), 30~39 year-old(47%) in age variable, university graduation(63.7%) in the last educational background variable, 2~3 million won(31.2%) in the month average income variable, 1~5 year(33.5%) in tour of duty variable, non-smoker(47.9%) in smoking variable were most. Married(58.6%) were more than unmarried(39.5%). Alcoholic(69.8%) were more than non-alcoholic(30.2%). 2. As classification of job stress, high strain group was 28.4%, active group was 26%, low strain group was 24.2%, passive group was 21.4%. 3. Analysis of effect between general characteristic and degree & behavior of xerostomia showed smoker were statistical significantly higher than non-smoker on 'dry eat', 'Am-sal', 'Night awake', 'Slip-liq'and 'Gumcandy'(p<0.05) and showed alcoholic were statistical significantly higher than non-alcoholic on 'Dry PM', 'Night awake, $H_2O$-bed'(p<0.05). 4. Analysis of effect between job stress and degree & behavior of xerostomia showed hight strain group were statistical significantly higher than low strain group on 'Dry PM', 'Dry-day', 'Am-sal', 'Eff-life'and 'Night awake'(p<0.05). Conclusions : As high strain group were higher than other groups on degree & behavior of xerostomia, stress would be factor that have an effect on xerostomia. Thus consider and management of stress is necessary for diagnosis and treatment of xerostomia.

Clinical Observations of the Solitary Pulmonary Nodules (고립성 폐결절의 임상적 고찰)

  • Roh, Jin-Woo;Jang, Byeong-Ik;Park, Jong-Sun;Chung, Jin-Hong;Lee, Hyung-Woo;Lee, Kwan-Ho;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Lee, Jung-Cheul;Han, Sung-Sae
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 1990
  • The authors conducted a clinical observation of 55 cases of solitary pulmonary nodules at Yeungnam University Hospital from June 1986 to October 1990, and the following results were obtained : 1. The age distribution was ranged from 18 to 77 years, and the male-to-female ratio was 1.8:1. 2. Among 55 cases of nodules, 28 cases were benign and 27 cases were malignant nodules, and of malignant nodules, the primary lung cancer was 23 cases and of benign nodules, 18 cases were tuberculoma. 3. 23 cases (41.8%) was asymptomatic and the other 32 cases were symptomatic; chest pain 12 cases, hemoptysis; 8 cases, cough; 8 cases and dyspnea; 4 cases. 4. The non-smoker-to-smoker ratio was 1:1.04, but among 23 smoker over 20 pack years, 14 cases were malignant nodules. 5. According to nodular size, there is no striking differences between benign and malignant nodules except 3-4cm sized nodules. 6. The lobar distribution of nodules, 35 cases were in the right lung (upper lobe; 14 cases, middle lobe; 11 cases, and lower lobe; 10 cases) and 20 cases were in the left lung(upper lobe; 9 cases, lower lobe; 11 cases), and the malignant nodules were most commonly observed in the right upper lung.

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A Study on Health-related Quality of Life, Smoking Knowledge, Smoking Attitude, and Smoking Cessation Intention in Male Smokers (직장 흡연남성의 건강관련 삶의 질, 흡연지식, 흡연태도 및 금연의도간의 관계연구)

  • Kim Myoung-Sook
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.344-352
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to examine the relationship among health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, smoking attitude, and smoking cessation intention in male smokers. Method: The subjects were 259 male smokers in J city. The data was collected using structured questionnaires from Nov. to Dec. of 2003. The data was analyzed by the SPSS (ver. 10.0)computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, the Pearson correlation coefficient, and Stepwise Multiple Regression. Result: The smoking cessation intention had a significant positive correlation among health-related quality of life (r=.159), smoking knowledge (r=.161), and smoking attitude (r=.127). These variables account for $26.8\%$ of smoking cessation intention. Conclusion: These results suggested that the smoking cessation program to enhance the health-related quality of life, smoking knowledge, and smoking cessation intention and to increase a negative influence on smoking attitude need to be developed. Therefore, these findings give useful information for constructing a smoking cessation program in male smokers.

The Predicted Normal Value of Volume of Isoflow on Smokers and Nonsmokers (흡연자와 비흡연자에서 등기류용량(Volume of Isoflow)의 추정정상치에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jung-Gook;Jung, Tae-Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 1992
  • In order to establish predicted normal values of volume of isoflow($V_{iso}\dot{V}$), $V_{iso}\dot{V}$ were measured in a total 234 healthy adults, consisting of 78 male nonsmokers, 108 male smokers and 48 female nonsmokers. The volumes of isoflow were determined through analysis of maximal expiratory flow volume curves recorded with a mixture of 80% helium and 20% oxygen(He-$O_2$ gas) following one(1VC) and three vital capacity(3VC) maneuver and with room air. Based upon the correlation of the observed values of the parameters to age and physical characteristics, the following regression formulars for the prediction of the parameters, using age in year(A) as a variable, were obtained. 1VC method ($V_{iso}\dot{V}_1$) Male smoker : 0.614A+2.347 Male nonsmoker : 0.370A-2.792 Female nonsmoker : 0.588A-2.459 3VC method ($V_{iso}\dot{V}_3$) Male smoker : 0.467A+1.696 Male nonsmoker : 0.288A-1.538 Female nonsmoker : 0.367A-0.114.

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Serum Lipid Levels and Related Factors of Adults in Yeongdong Area (영동지역 성인의 혈청지질 농도 및 이에 영향를 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Un-Hyong;Kim, Eun-Kyung;Choi, Chong-Hee;Oh, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.405-416
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate changes in serum lipid levels with age and gender, and to determine which factors affect the serum lipid profiles. The anthropometric parameters(height, weight, waist girth, hip girth) and biochemical status(cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL-chol.) were measured for clinically normal adults(male 89, female 91) in Yeongdong area. The results are as follows: 1. The obesity index was significantly higher in female($115.2{\pm}15.2%$) than in male($109.9{\pm}13.4%$), but waist/hip girth ratio(WHR) was significantly higher in male ($0.89{\pm}0.05$) than in female($0.81{\pm}0.06$). 2. Male subjects had higher triglyceride and atherogenic index and lower HDL-cholesterol and relative cholesterol than those of female subjects. 3. Prevalences of hypercholesteolemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypoHDL-cholesterolemia were 9.0%, 9.0%, 14.6% respectively in male and 9.9%, 2.2%, 4.4% in female. 4. WHR positively correlated with serum cholesterol, TG, LDL/HDL and A.I., and negatively correlated with HDL-chol. and relative chol. Correlation analyses indicated that WHR seemed to be more closely associated with serum lipid levels(rather than obesity index). 5. Age showed positive correlations with waist girth, WHR, cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, LDL/HDL and A.I., but negative correlations with height, body weight and relative cholesterol. 6. There was significant differences in TG concentration between drinker($169.3{\pm}130.0mg/dl$) and non-drinker($111.4{\pm}64.5mg/dl$), and smoker($165{\pm}103.6mg/dl$) and non-smoker ($110.8{\pm}39.0mg/dl$). That is to say that as risk factors for hyperlipidemia are obesity index, serum lipid concentration, life style(such as alcohol drinking and smoking) and age. Specially major risk factors are drinking, smoking and regulated exercise in male and age is an important risk factor in female.

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The Factors Associated with Dental Caries Experience and Oral Hygiens Status in Smoking Adolescents (흡연청소년의 치아우식경험도 및 구강위생 관련요인)

  • Shin, Seon-Haeng;Kim, Myung-Seok
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.497-506
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to estimate the dental caries experience, oral hygiene status and the factors influencing the dental disease in the smoking adolescents and to provide the baseline data for managing smokers efficiently. We recruited 156 smokers(male: 106, female: 50) in middle, high school students in 5 day Non-smoking program in seoul city and 176 non-smokers(male: 64, female: 112) by matching method for considering sex and age from June 1 to August 31 2009. Data on general characteristics, basic oral health care, smoking factors, self-efficiency, control of oral health, oral health promotion behavior, knowledge of oral health were collected by a questionnaire interview. DMFT index, DT index, MT index, FT index, Plaque index, Calculus index were calculated by the oral examination. The results of this study were as follows. 1. Dental clinic visit(p < 0.05), self-perception of oral health status(p < 0.001), oral health concern (p < 0.01) in non-smoker group were significantly higher than that of smoker group. 2. self-efficiency(p<0.05), oral health promotion behavior(p < 0.05) in non-smoker group were significantly higher than that of smoker group. 3. DT index, Plaque index, Calculus index in non-smoker group was significantly lower than that of smoker group(p < 0.0001). 4. The fewer smoke amount, the lower DT index(p < 0.05), Plaque index(p < 0.01), Calculus index(p < 0.001). 5. It was significant correlated among DT index and self-efficiency, oral health promotion behavior, control of oral health. 6. In multiple regression analysis, oral health promotion behavior, Plaque index was proved as a significant factors related with the degree of dental caries experience in smoking adolescents. In other word, the higher oral health promotion behavior, the lower Plaque index, the fewer DT index.

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A Diagnostic Study on the Variables Related to Smoking Behavior among College Students - Based the PRECEDE Model - (대학생의 흡연 관련 요인에 대한 진단적 연구 - PRECEDE 모형을 근간으로 -)

  • Yoo, Jae-Soon
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.266-276
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify variables related to smoking behaviors (never smoked, former smoker, current smoker) among college students on the basis of the PRECEDE model. Method: Data were collected from 327 college students in Chungbuk Province from May to June 2006 using a self-reported questionnaire. Result: The rate of current smokers was 19.0%. The rate of current smokers in male students (41.1%) was significantly higher than that of female students(8.3%). Also, there were significant differences by general characteristics such as major, academic achievements, satisfaction with major and alcohol consumption. Number of smokers among five close friends was 1.72 and it showed significant differences among different gender, majors, levels of satisfaction with majors and alcohol consumption. In discriminant analysis, discriminant variables on smoking behavior were the number of smokers among close friends, the referent persons' responses about smoking and subject's belief about smoking. Conclusion: These research findings suggest that we can enhance the prevention of college students' smoking by strengthening the related factors such as enforcing a non-smoking environment and strengthening college health education strategies of non-smoking including a negative belief of smoking and the hazard of passive smoking.

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