• Title/Summary/Keyword: making landscape

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A Study on the Improvement of the Rural Landscape Planning in Rural Village Development Projects (농촌마을종합개발사업에서 경관형성계획의 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Choong-Sik;Yu, Joo-Eun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.11-22
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the present condition of the landscape plans(LPs) established in the Rural Village Development Projects(RVDPs) and to propose the ways to improve the LP. Toward this end, the legal system related to rural landscape and the RVDP were examined. Also, the current condition of the LPs was diagnosed through making researches on the RVDP and LP of the 10 regions. The results of examining the legal system showed that the suitable types of the LPs is 'the Specific Landscape Plan' in Rural Area. Of the development projects that have been in operation, RVDP was found to have been equipped with the system. Because the LPs can be established and the contents of formation and readjustment of rural landscape elements were broadly dealt with in RVDP. And the RVDPs consisted mostly of scenery facilities, rural village sightseeing, and income-growth. The results of examining the plan establishment procedures showed that the LPs were set up as subordinate plans of the RVDP, so structural problems such as the positions of the plans, inadequacy in the procedures of approval and collecting opinions were identified. Such problems were pointed out as the cause of the LP to deal with the contents of the basic designs of the RVDP. The schemes to resolve the problems are to give equal positions to the LPs and to the basic plans of the RVDP. When the results of this study are reflected on the policies, the LP will effectively carry out the functions of formation and management of continued scenery preservation of rural villages.

Analysis of User Satisfaction Determinants and Behavior according to Urban Park′s Character in Daegu (대구시 도시공원의 성격에 따른 이용자 만족요인 및 행태분석)

  • 김용수;김수봉
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 1989
  • ^x Good Planning, design, and maintenance will be the product of a Process which considers both the nature of man and the nature of nature. Recentry, we emphasize how social and psycological theory, behavioral studios, and community participation may contribute to practical decision making and to the development of appropriate form for human use at all scales of Landscape Architecture. The main purpose of this study was to develop more rational and user oriented theory of urban park planning, design, and maintenance in terms of social - behavioral approach. Study sites were Jungang, Dalsung, Duryu, and Apsan park, where were located Daegu city. In this study, user satisfaction determinants of each park, which were useful for park planning, design and maintenance, were discovered. Privacy and territoriality were examined as an important factors for design a park road examined as an important factors to design a Path and a comfortable space in urban park.

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Comparative Study of Master Plan for Open Spaces in Japan and China -A Comparison of Planning Drafts and Their Processes-

  • Shen, Yue;Saitoh, Yohei;Kinoshita, Takeshi;Ye, Kyungrock
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture International Edition
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    • no.1
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2001
  • The study made a comparison of the draft making process and implementation of open spaces in Japan and China, and pointed out the issues to be solved. In summary, we discovered that the Japanese plan emphasizes joint conduct and cooperation between residents and corporation/organization, while the Chinese plan is characterized by its active usage of administrative lines. Regarding the policies of their plans, there are many similarities in the basic issues for both countries. The study clarified the differences in measures responding to geographical and systematic features of each country.

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A Landscape Information System for Managing the Urban Landscape (도시경관 관리를 위한 경관정보시스템의 개발)

  • 오규식;박경호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 1997
  • In spite of intense advances in the economy and technological progress which include massive and high-rise developments, landscape resources have either been destroyed or left to deteriorate. In recent years, efforts towards landscape management have emerged in the form of legislation and policies. However, relevant computer tools have unfortunately been insufficient in the field of landscape management. In addition, although there has been much research conducted for urban landscape management, pertinent information has not been recorded or managed efficiently. Therefore, this study developed a Landscape Information System for the purpose of managing urban landscape infOlmation and analyzing visual impacts in relation to urban development projects. Main functions of the Landscape Information System consist of the following: inputting and managing the attribute data as well as graphic data, querying attributes of urban landscape, and analyzing landscape impacts of developments. A case study was conducted for downtown Seoul. Using the system, a series of visual impact analyses were implemented at major viewpoints in the area. The results have shown that valuable landscape resources could be damaged by proposed development projects. Thus, the Landscape Information System developed in this study can be used as a major tool to manage urban landscape information efficiently and as the basis for decision-making regarding landscape simulation and visual impact analysis.

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A Study on Prototype Landscape of Dosangugok - Focused on Valley4 Booncheon - (도산구곡의 원형경관에 관한 연구 - 제4곡 분천을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Eun-Hee;Jang, Woun-gi;Youn, Min-Giu;Jo, Byeong-Sang;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2014
  • Dosangugok is located at Dosan-myeon, Andong City, Gyeongbuk and its original landscape was analyzed based on Valley4 Buncheon among Dosangugok. In order to estimate original landscape of Dosangugok, landscape elements were extracted after investigating ancient literatures including 'Nongamjib' and poetry/prose relevant to Dosangugok, landscape elements that could be confirmed at local site survey were suggested and arrangement of Buncheon village was estimated based on painting works. In analysis of poetry/prose, 29 landscape elements were extracted and as a result of local site survey, 6 places including Jeomam (Jari-bawi), Nongam (Gwimeok-bawi), Sajaseok (Saja-bawi), Sangam (Elephant rock), Dae and Bungang were confirmed to be existed at present and in painting works, Rocks such as Aeildang on the rock adjacent to Bungang, Buncheon Seowon at its backyard village, Bungang Byeoneui Gwimeokbawi, Jeomam were confirmed to be expressed even though not expressed in detail. Survey was performed based on ancient site of Nongam head house in parallel with interview with 17th eldest grandson(Ph.D. Lee, sung won)of Nongam Lee, Hyeon Bo and local site survey and original landscape was reproduced by making its result as a drawing and preparing an estimated map around this area.

An Analysis of the Landscape Character in Environment Friendly Cultivated Land Based on Rural Amenity (어메니티에 기초한 친환경농업 경작지의 경관특성요소 분석)

  • Kim Hye-Min;Kang Bang-Hun
    • The Korean Journal of Community Living Science
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2006
  • This research is focused on not only cultivated land as an important factor which represented the agricultural district, but also details of the research in the landscape of cultivated land. Moreover, we also focused on the cultivated land operating environmental friendly agriculture which took a lot of interest among the landscape of the cultivated land. The reason is, we judged environmental friendly agriculture is not only the simple purpose only for manufacturing food but also the key role for preserving their environment and landscape, and making sustainable agriculture. For this reason, our research treats the analysis that operating environmental friendly landscape has what kinds of different factors in landscape characteristic compare with other general agricultural methods. Plus we selected evaluating both the degree of citizen's presence and the degree of rural residents's importance in those factors as a mainly research matter. We drew out the landscape of cultivated land and concerning factors by analyzing policies(ESA, CSS, CTE, MFSP, ACL, etc) concerned with overseas agricultural landscape to deduct landscape Character factors in internal cultivated land. Based on eleven items of landscape factors in cultivated land deducted by documents research, we started to conduct field studies during MAY. 7th. 2004 $\sim$ JUL. 8th, DEC. 1th $\sim$ 3th reaching 32 villages and concerned institutes to deduct the factors in landscape characteristic in agricultural cultivated land in detail. We analyzed degrees of importance and preference in citizen and rural residents classified by 5 province of the whole country to evaluate the landscape Character factors in environmental friendly agriculture deducted by field research and 21 documents including extra items such as a scene of duck grazing by the duck techniques which is very popular way among internal environmental friendly agriculture, gardening space composed around farm and furrow on slope ground formed by unique topology in hilly country. The research period was progressed for 20 days from MAY. 28th. 2005 $\sim$ JUN. 17th. This research is the result that cultivated land landscape as a detail item holding agricultural environment especially, it is also meaningful result in environmental friendly agriculture as a basic research, because it is not only a value of simple food producing but also very effective role in both landscape and environmental parts.

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Analysis of Wildlife Moving Route with Landscape Characteristics (경관의 특성에 따른 동물의 이동경로에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Park, Chan;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2008
  • The loss, alteration, and fragmentation of habitat have led to a reduction of biodiversity. The growing awareness of the negative effects of habitat fragmentation on natural systems has resulted in conservation strategy that is concerned with not only population and habitat level but also ecosystem and landscape level. Especially, ecological network to link core areas or major habitat patches is one of the most important issues. Recently, landscape connectivity is increasingly used in decision making for fragmented landscape management in order to conserve the biodiversity in the regional scale. The objective of this study was to find potential forest as a ecological corridor in Go-yang city, Gyung-gi province using cost-distance modelling method that can measure connectivity based on animal movement. 'Least cost-distance' modelling based on functional connectivity can be useful to establish ecological network and biodiversity conservation plan. This method calculates the distance modified with the cost to move between habitat patches based on detailed geographical information on the landscape as well as behavioural aspects of the animal movement. The least cost-distance models are based on two biologically assumptions: (1) dispersers have complete knowledge of their surroundings, and (2) they do select the least cost route from this information. As a result of this study, we can find wildlife moving route for biodiversity conservation. The result is very useful for long-term aspect of biodiversity conservation plan in regional scale, because this is reflection of geographical information and behavioural aspects of the animal movement.

A Landscape Design of Mixed Use Development Project by Project Financing in Baebang, Asan (아산배방 복합단지개발 PF사업 조경설계)

  • Roh Hwan-Kee;Choi Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.5 s.112
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    • pp.104-113
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    • 2005
  • This landscape design proposal was presented for a competition for mixed-use development project by project financing in Asan Baebang which was held by the Korea National Housing Corporation in July of 2005. The site is a center of Asan Baebang New Town Development District and has a commercial area of $57,929m^{2}$. Design guidelines and judging criteria of this competition were to build a symbolic center and cultural core for district, to elevate positive image and identity of Asan New Town by attractive place making, to link with separated block in the site and regional context, and to make environmentally sustainable design by creating an attractive waterfront of Jang Jae stream passing through the site. This is the most important condition for the design. Therefore, the authors developed design concept and strategy within the guidelines and this conditions. The schema of the design was introduced by the water in the site. To evolve design concept, we reinterpreted water and context in the site combining with landscape design strategy. So the proposal set the main design concept as 'all that is solid melt into water' as if Marshall Berman said. By doing that, design concept of the proposal evolved as follows: 'extension' of water and greer, 'a joint' of space,'newness' of experience, 'breath' of consensus with each other. The spatial concept of this project was developed by expressing five theme spaces; eco zone, entertainment zone, art zone, culture zone, leisure zone. These theme spaces were consecutively placed along the pedestrian path and to consists of vertical layer in each level and diverse design technique and spatial effects are used.

A Landscape Design of Eunpyeong New Town District 2, Seoul (서울 은평 뉴타운 2지구 조경설계)

  • Ahn Gye-Dong;Choi Jung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2005
  • The Seoul Housing Corporation pronounced a design competition for Eunpyeng New Town District 2 in March of 2005. The authors collaborated on this design and won rot prize. Design guidelines of this competition were to make environmentally sustainable design, to develop as a resort site and cultural place for everyday life of residents, to link with green fabric of the district, and to elevate positive image and identity of Eunpyeng New Town district by creating a attractive landscape. The authors developed design concept and strategy within the guidelines and site conditions. The environmental setting of this site was characterized by mountain to the rear of the site with a stream passing through the district and the front of the site. This is the most important condition for the location principle of residence in Fung Shui theory. Therefore, the schema of the design was introduced by Fung Shui and Chi of place. To evolve design concept, we reinterpret the Fung Shui and Chi in the site combining with modem landscape design strategy, so that good place making could bring about well-being life of residents. By doing that, design concept of the proposal evolved as follows: 'fullness of comfortable life', 'adaptation of nature', 'inspiration of natural force'. This design approach is critical reevaluation of regional characters employing modem strategy. It is a conscious strategy of critical regionalism as distinguished from the traditional site oriented approach. The following are some of the major features in the design: green network and water recycle system in the site, promenade of forest with the experience nature, link to community core, theme gardens with plants having strong fragrances, terrace gardens with different level of housing type, playgrounds and resting places with many types, human scale facilities for residents.

Automated Terrain Data Generation for Urban Flood Risk Mapping Using c-GAN and BBDM

  • Jonghyuk Lee;Sangik Lee;Byung-hun Seo;Dongsu Kim;Yejin Seo;Dongwoo Kim;Yerim Cho;Won Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1294-1294
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    • 2024
  • Flood risk maps are used in urban flooding to understand the spatial extent and depth of inundation damage. To construct these maps, hydrodynamic modeling capable of simulating flood waves is necessary. Flood waves are typically fast, and inundation patterns can significantly vary depending on the terrain, making it essential to accurately represent the terrain of the flood source in flood wave analysis. Recently, methods using UAVs for terrain data construction through Structure-from-Motion or LiDAR have been utilized. These methods are crucial for UAV operations, and thus, still require a lot of time and manpower, and are limited when UAV operations are not possible. Therefore, for efficient nationwide monitoring, this study developed a model that can automatically generate terrain data by estimating depth information from a single image using c-GAN (Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks) and BBDM (Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model). The training, utilization, and validation datasets employed images from the ISPRS (2018) and directly aerial photographed image sets from five locations in the territory of the Republic of Korea. Compared to the ground truth of the test data set, it is considered sufficiently usable as terrain data for flood wave analysis, capable of generating highly accurate and precise terrain data with high reproducibility.