• Title/Summary/Keyword: logistics research

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The Performance Formation Model of Service Quality Factors for Courier Service (택배산업의 서비스품질 성과형성 모델)

  • Song, Jang-Gwen;Kim, Tae-Ryong
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 2012
  • The popularity of courier services in Korea has made it an essential part of the country's domestic logistics industry, bolstering the growth not only of the national economy, but also the quality of people's daily lives. An effective strategy for courier companies in Korea would be to provide high-quality services to their existing target markets with the goal of maximizing customer loyalty. This study investigates structural relationships between customer loyalty and service quality as a set of factors and between customer trust and customer satisfaction. These antecedent relationships will be used to understand the "performance formation model" through service quality. In this study, service quality, as a set of factors, is considered to be the independent variable, while customer satisfaction and customer trust are both treated as intervening variables. Finally, customer loyalty is the dependent variable. Following a review of the literature, this paper's proffered hypothesis will be investigated in terms of whether the independent and intervening variables significantly affect customer loyalty. A statistical analysis of the empirical research was carried out using both SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 The results of this study's empirical analysis show three conclusions. First, among the intervening variables (customer satisfaction and customer trust), customer satisfaction is significantly correlated with customer loyalty. Customer trust, however, was shown to have little or no relationship to customer loyalty. Second, the quality of service variable seems to influence customer satisfaction, customer trust, and customer loyalty. Third, with respect to the relationship of intervening variables, customer trust affects customer satisfaction. Thus, the companies that have a competitive advantage in Korea have successfully maximized customer loyalty for their existing customers. Courier companies will need to research and study customer needs. Therefore, this research suggests that effective courier service management can be better understood through the application of the service quality performance formation model, which can enhance the quality of service provided by domestic courier services. This research is limited to investigating qualitative variables, such as the service quality factors, customer satisfaction, and customer trust. It would be helpful for future research on courier services to consider quantitative variables, such as price and weight.

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A Relational Analysis among Color Marketing, Brand Charisma and Marketing Outcome (컬러마케팅, 브랜드 카리스마와 마케팅성과 간의 관계연구)

  • Kim, Shine;Kwon, Ki-Dae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.144-156
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzes effects of color marketing on brand charisma and marketing outcomes, specifically focused on agricultural goods co brand. that is color marketing refers to the extent to which people like color marketing and consists of symbolization, association and discrimination, and so called variables of marketing outcome is defined as the extent to which a color evokes meaning (loyalty, satisfaction, and switching barrier of brand). We collected statistically usable data from 266 questionnaire respondents who live in national provinces and analyzed them with SPSS 20.0 and Amos 5.0 to achieve research's goals. Based on the past studies, a total of three hypothesis are addressed in the study. Analysis results revealed that, first, color marketing of symbolization and association had a positive impacts on brand charisma. Second, the survey found that symbolization has q positive influence on brand loyalty and satisfaction except for switching barrier, association had an effect on brand loyalty, and discrimination had an effect on brand satisfaction. Third, brand charisma had an effect on brand loyalty and satisfaction. specially switching cost had not meaning on all hypothesis by reason of do not fully understand meaning of switching barrier. Summary and strategy implication will be mention in conclusion.

e-MP service activation research to support SME financial settlement (중소기업간 금융결제를 지원하는 e-MP 서비스 활성화 방안)

  • Yoo, Soonduck;Nam, Gijung
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.12
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2013
  • The B2B e-commerce assurance system supports e-commerce purchases by Credit Guarantee Fund. This process seeks to replace a variety of current systems, including B2C, the credit card payment method on B2B, 2001 Credit Guarantee Fund and the Bank, logistics, e-MP (Market Place), and Business-to-business e-MP (business-to-business electronic payment settlement system). Over the past 10 years of its operation, the e-MP service (B2B e-commerce electronic payment systems) has contributed much to the growth of SMEs. The development of business-to-business e-commerce transactions systems and limits have provided a stable purchasing platform, improving corporate competitiveness. However. the project-based scale of credit guarantee institutions has limitations. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new model of direct or indirect government support for small business e-MP projects. This new model will support the B2B electronic commerce by allowing it to directly involve guarantee institutions directly in B2B online transactions. Therefore, this study urges government backing of the SME based B2B online business model with e-MP service.

A Comparison of Korea Standard HD Map for Actual Driving Support of Autonomous Vehicles and Analysis of Application Layers (자율주행자동차 실주행 지원을 위한 표준 정밀도로지도 비교 및 활용 레이어 분석)

  • WON, Sang-Yeon;JEON, Young-Jae;JEONG, Hyun-Woo;KWON, Chan-Oh
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.132-145
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    • 2020
  • By coming of the 4th industrial revolution era, HD map have became a key infrastructure for determining precise location of autonomous driving in areas of futuristic cars, logistics and robots. Autonomous vehicles have became more dependent on HD map to determine the exact location of objects detected by various sensors such as LiDAR, GNSS, Radar, and stereo cameras as well as self-location decisions. By actualizing autonomous driving and C-ITS technologies, the demand for precise information on HD map have increased. And also the demand for the creation of new information based on the convergence of various changes and real-time information have increased. In this study, domestic and international HD map standards and related environments have analyzed. Based on this, usability has researched which comparison with standard HD map established by various institutions. Additionally, usability of standard HD map have studied for applying actual autonomous vehicles by reworking HD map. By the result of study, standard HD map have well established to use by various institutions. If further research about layer classification and definition by institutions will carried out based on this study, it has expected that and efficient establishment and renewal of HD map will take place.

A Study on E-Commerce Consumer Dissatisfaction of HMR Products (가정편의식(HMR) 제품의 전자상거래 소비자 불만족에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Seungeun;Hong, Seungkyu;Kim, Dongsoo
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2017
  • The market for Home Meal Replacement (HMR), which is simple to cook and replace home cooking, is growing every year since customers need to find convenience and speed in purchasing, cooking, and consuming food. In addition, the purchase of HMR through online and mobile is increasing because convenience of purchasing through e-Commerce is growing. However, there are difficulties in analyzing complaints of customers who do not directly express their dissatisfaction with companies that sell products through online and mobile. Therefore, this study examines the influential relationship between customer's characteristics, dissatisfaction factors, complaint behavior, and repurchase intention of 20s who have dissatisfaction experience of purchasing HMR through online or mobile using SPSS and R. In addition, we attempt to analyze the degree of perceived dissatisfaction and its relevance even though customers did not directly experience dissatisfaction factors. As a result, it is meaningful to extend the study of customer dissatisfaction that is rarely handled in the existing HMR research, and to raise the understanding of customers for the management of complaints.

Simulation analysis of AGV introduction in the convenience store logistics distribution centers (편의점 유통물류센터의 AGV 도입에 대한 시뮬레이션 분석)

  • Kim, Jeonghoon;Kim, Younjin;Lee, Hongchul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.61-69
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    • 2016
  • Since 2000, the market of convenient stores in Korea has developed rapidly due to the explosive growth in single households but it still consists mainly of manual work due to the nature of the domestic industry. Hence the explosive increase in demand in the market is mostly due to workers. Therefore, the research aimed at encouraging efficiency via automation, which is carried out in manufacturing, such as electronic, cars and so on, is inadequate. This study performed a feasibility analysis of investment for introducing an automated system on brand A, which is domestic famous convenience store company. Productivity growth according to the introduction of an automated guided vehicle and the cost-benefits was studied with using a simulation for the picking process, which is most personnel and time consuming. As a result, the simulation showed that the equipment AGV introduced for choosing the process has the effects of cost saving and increased time efficiency for performing manual labor. Furthermore, appropriate numbers of AGV were forecasted considering the capacity of the distribution Center in the brand A convenient store, which has been growing steadily. There are increasing numbers of worker labor costs in the distribution industry these days. Before building a large new automate center, it is expected to provide a good information to investors who are considering increasing productivity through partial automation of each of unit process to achieve some cost reduction.

A Study on the Effect of Automobile Port's Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Pyeong-taek Automobile Port (자동차 항만의 서비스 품질요인이 고객만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 평택항 자동차부두를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hark-Soo;Sun, Il-Suck;Ahn, Seung-Bum
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to analyze the effects of service quality offered by automotive Ro-Ro terminal operators on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the research can be used to understand how to enhance the service level in order to manage competitiveness of the terminal operators, finally resulting in global competitiveness of the automobile industry of Korea in both exports and imports. We carried out a survey on two groups: shippers (customers) and providers (related terminal operators and stakeholders). To identify and classify the factors into groups, we conducted Exploratory Factors Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), which showed construct validity and convergent validity. We also calculated Cronbach's alpha for reliability. Five factor groups were identified: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. We found that empathy is the most influential factor group among the five groups, and that the other groups too exhibited similar effects. Based on the results of the survey and analyses, we can conclude that empathy is most important in automotive Ro-Ro terminals. In particular, specialties, training, experiences, and loyalty of employees are crucial factors because automotive Ro-Ro terminals significantly rely on work forces, differently from other bulk terminals and container terminals. Flexible working hours and fringe benefits for work forces can increase empathy, finally resulting in productivity and efficiency. Next, well-designed work schedules are followed, based on visibility through logistics and SCM activities in automobile export and import processes with information and communication networks.

A Study on 3D RTLS at Port Container Yards Using the Extended Kalman Filter

  • Kim, Joeng-Hoon;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kwon, Soon-Ryang
    • International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.228-235
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    • 2007
  • The main purpose of this paper is to manage the container property effectively at the container yard by applying the RTLS technology to the field of port logistics. Yet, many kinds of noises happen to be inputted with the distance value(between the reader and the tag) which is to be inputted into the location identification algorithm, which makes the distance value jumped due to the system noise of the ultrasonic sensor module and the measurement noise. The Kalman Filter is widely used to prevent this jump occurrence; the noises are eliminated by using the EKF(Extended Kalman Filter) while considering that the distance information of the ultrasonic sensor is non-linear. Also, the 3D RTLS system at the port container yard suggested in this research is designed not to be interrupted for its ultrasonic transmission by positioning the antenna at the front of each sector of the container where the active tags are installed. We positioned the readers, which function as antennas for location identification, to four places randomly in the absolute coordinate and let the positions of the active tags identified by using the distance data delivered from the active tags. For the location identification algorithm used in this paper, the triangulation measurement that is most used in general is applied and newly reorganized to calculate the position of the container. In the first experiment, we dealt with the error resulting in the angle and the distance of the ultrasonic sensor module, which is the most important in the hardware performance; in the second, we evaluated the performance of the location identification algorithm, which is the most important in the software performance, and tested the noise cancellation effects for the EKF. According to the experiment result, the ultrasonic sensor showed an average of 3 to 5cm error up to $45^{\circ}$ in case of $60^{\circ}$ or more, non-reliable linear distances were obtained. In addition, the evaluation of the algorithm performance showed an average of $4^{\circ}{\sim}5^{\circ}$ error due to the error of the linear distance-this error is negligible for most container location identifications. Lastly, the experiment results of noise cancellation and jump preservation by using the EKF showed that noises were removed in the distance information which was entered from the input of the ultrasonic sensor and as a result, only signal was extracted; thus, jumps were able to be removed and the exact distance information between the ultrasonic sensors could be obtained.

World Trade Network and the Roles of the Industries in the Major Trading Countries (세계무역 네트워크와 주요국 산업의 역할: 부가가치 교역 자료를 이용한 사회연결망 분석 기법을 중심으로)

  • Hyun, Kisoon;Lee, Junyeop
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.677-693
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    • 2016
  • Using Social Network Analysis and Trade in Value Added Database(TiVA), this paper examines the world trade network. Main findings are as follows. Firstly, there are three types of industries, which have dominant status in the world value added trade network. Those are the manufacturing industries in the developing countries such as China's electronics industry, the service industries in the developed countries such as U.S. R&D, and the manufacturing industries in the developed countries such as German motor vehicle industry. Secondly, the major hub industries in the world trade network have their own specific types in the brokerage roles. Most interestingly, U.S. service industries such as the R&D, the logistics industry, and the whole sale and retail industry reveal itinerant and liaison brokerage roles. Thirdly, Korean industries have been dominated by Chinese industries. However, the financial industry and the R&D industry could have revealed superior status as the brokerage role of itinerant. This implies Korean industries could sustain their competitiveness of the hubness status only by openness policy in the service industry.

Railway Track Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data (모바일 레이저 스캐닝 데이터로부터 철도 선로 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Yoonseok, Jwa;Gunho, Sohn;Jong Un, Won;Wonchoon, Lee;Nakhyeon, Song
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.111-122
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    • 2015
  • This study purposed on introducing a new automated solution for detecting railway tracks and reconstructing track models from the mobile laser scanning data. The proposed solution completes following procedures; the study initiated with detecting a potential railway region, called Region Of Interest (ROI), and approximating the orientation of railway track trajectory with the raw data. At next, the knowledge-based detection of railway tracks was performed for localizing track candidates in the first strip. In here, a strip -referring the local track search region- is generated in the orthogonal direction to the orientation of track trajectory. Lastly, an initial track model generated over the candidate points, which were detected by GMM-EM (Gaussian Mixture Model-Expectation & Maximization) -based clustering strip- wisely grows to capture all track points of interest and thus converted into geometric track model in the tracking by detection framework. Therefore, the proposed railway track tracking process includes following key features; it is able to reduce the complexity in detecting track points by using a hypothetical track model. Also, it enhances the efficiency of track modeling process by simultaneously capturing track points and modeling tracks that resulted in the minimization of data processing time and cost. The proposed method was developed using the C++ program language and was evaluated by the LiDAR data, which was acquired from MMS over an urban railway track area with a complex railway scene as well.