• Title/Summary/Keyword: local topography

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Memorial Design for Relocation Site of Steam Locomotive in Jangdan Station on Kyong-Eui Railway (경의선 장단역 증기기관차 이전지 기념공간 설계)

  • Park, No-Chun;An, Seung-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2012
  • Kyong-Eui Railway used to be one of the major cross-country railways connecting Busan and Shineuiju. Being the central axis of logistics and transportation in Korea, it also signifies a symbolic meaning of the people's desire for the unification of divided Korean peninsula. A steam locomotive that had stopped in Jangdan Station was bombed out during the Korean War. The locomotive has been neglected and covered with rust in DMZ over a half century, and now is becoming a historic reminder of divided Korea. The initial design approach was based on the three main perspectives of the relocation plan of the steam locomotive in Jangdan Station which is designated as the registered cultural asset no. 78: historical significance, role of a monumental space, and influence on and from the local culture and tourism. Three design subjects were especially highlighted which would represent the identity of the cultural asset, the stream locomotive. First, a vertical watching deck was installed to provide various view points toward the locomotive while ensuring the security of visitors as well as the cultural asset. Second, the Dokgae bride area has good design potentials being on the railway. However, the site is too narrow. Thus, a new ramp and a stairway were placed responding to the existing topography so that the pedestrian environment could be secured last, to respect the local context where the locomotive was originally located, mulberry trees in the locomotive were transplanted as well. Flowering plants were planted around the display area for better ventilation to minimize the negative impact on the locomotive.

Locations and Topographical Character of the MAEULSOOP in the Southwestern and the Eastern Region (마을숲의 분포 위치와 지형적 공간특성 유형화 방안 - 경북 의성, 전북 진안 및 전남 함평지역을 대상으로)

  • Kwon, Jino;Oh, Jeong-Hak;Lee, Jeong-Youn;Park, Chan-Ryul;Choi, Myoung-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2008
  • The MAEULSOOP, Korean traditional village groves have been installed and survived since 7th Century to serve local village dwellers as a community forest. The common sense of their reasons for being is related to the surroundings such as hills, waterways and wind-ways. To understand the roles in a local community, spatial characteristics of distribution, locations and shapes were tested at the two-characterized regions, the Southwestern Flat Region and the Eastern Hilly Region. Approximately more than 500 written evidences related to trees and forests were surveyed, for example village names, folk tales and lists of designated trees for protection. Twenty sites in each region were selected and tested for the spatial analysis. Aerial photographs, DEM and the ArcGIS with a modified AML for slope analysis are applied based on the criteria of the KLCIS(Kwon, 2002; 권진오, 2008). The major factors in the role of the MAEULSOOP based on the spatial character of two regions are; the array and locations of hills for encircling or exposure, locations against corridors and waterway or not, locations of the community to serve, the conservation of energy. Although locations and shapes of the MAEULSOOP are slightly different, it seems that one of the prime roles is what makes their everyday life difficult the most in the community.

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Review of Geography Books for Joseon Dynasty Urban Research - Focused on Donggukyeojiji, Yeojidoseo, Yeodobiji and Daedongjiji - (조선시대 도시연구를 위한 지리지(地理志)의 기초연구 - 『동국여지지(東國輿地志)』·『여지도서(輿地圖書)』·『여도비지(輿圖備志)』·『대동지지(大東地志)』를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Seo-Yeon;Yoon, In-Suk
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study lies on reinterpreting the geography books in Joseon dynasty as records of the cities and consequently suggesting directions for further urban research. Geography books of Joseon dynasty are valuable references to understand the national policy, and imply that the focus of the contents is on the system. Especially, military system is an important concept to understand city type in that period, relationships between cities, selection of location, etc. The results of review are as following: First, military system is not a permanent fixture and therefore reflects changes in urban policies along with the history. The system suggests valuable clues on urban development as it is state-run, and closely associated with national land development. Second, counties and prefectures under jurisdiction of district called Eupchi(邑治) had cities as important as or even more important than local government such as Yeong-a(營衙), Jinbo(鎭堡), Yeok(驛: administrative cities). Such special regions need to be studied as other type of cities in Joseon dynasty by defining their architectural characteristics and roles. Third, the relationship of cities such as Eupch, Yeong-a, and Jinbo, was reorganized according to the local military system. Eupchi, administrative city, along with Yeong-a and Jinbo evolved into a military city as it became systematically organized. The characteristics of Yeok needs to be reconsidered in the context of such new inter-city relationship. Fourth, considerations which should be reviewed in the geography based on this concept can be mainly classified into architecture and landscape. This will also lay the foundation, and suggest new directions for further research for Eupchi, Yeong-a, Jinbo, and Yeok. Fifth, description of the geography looks simple at first sight, but with thorough understating on the system, there are chances to interpret objective reasoning of position and landscape in the overall flow of region, area, etc. Bongsu(烽燧), signal-fire, can be an object of comparison with geographical features and position. Furthermore, advantageous position is a historical and geographical element showing the major context of the region.

Effects of Damage Evolution of Eutectic Si Particle and Microporosity to Tensile Property of Al-xSi Alloys (Al-xSi 합금의 인장특성에 미치는 공정 Si 입자의 파단과 미소기공율의 영향)

  • Lee, ChoongDo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.434-444
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    • 2021
  • This study investigated the overall dependence of the tensile properties of Al-Si alloys on the distribution aspect of a eutectic Si particle in terms of defect susceptibility to the effective void area fraction, referring to the sum of pre-existing microvoids and the damage evolution of the Si particle. The network morphology of as-cast Al-xSi (x=2,5,8,11) alloys was modified to a granular type via a T4 treatment, after which a computational topography (CT) analysis and scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations were utilized to evaluate the size and distribution of the microvoids. The CT and SEM analyses indicated that the main cracks grow along local regions that possess the highest porosity level. The local plastic deformation around the microvoids and the distribution aspect of the microvoids induced a practical difference between the iso-volumetric CT measurement and the SEM fractography outcomes. The results demonstrated that the overall dependence of the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and elongation on the effective void area fraction is more sensitive to the variation of the area fraction of the Si particle in the network morphology than in the granular type; this is due to the sequential damage evolution of the neighboring Si particles in the eutectic Si colony.

Properties on the Airborne Chlorides of Offshore Bridges on the Western/Southern Coast in South Korea (국내 서/남해안 해상교량의 월별, 높이별 비래염분량 특성)

  • Jung, Jahe;Min, Jiyoung;Lee, Binna;Lee, Jong-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2022
  • In this study, the monthly airborne chlorides flying into the offshore bridges were investigated depending on the sea level. The target structures were 9 bridges located on the western and southern coast of South Korea. The airborne chlorides were measured at different sea levels on each bridge every month during 1 year. The results showed that the strongest seasonal wind from the northwest in winter expecially have led increase of the airborne chlorides, and its effect was more significant in the western coast than the southern coast. It was also found that the airborne chlorides declined with the increase of sea level. Three types of curves were suggested for analyzing the decrease trend with the sea level, based on the airborne chlorides at the lowest measurement height of main tower. The trend was varied depending on the sea area, and even in the same sea area, the local topographic condition affected the airborne chlorides. It means that the location and local topography should be considered simultaneously for durability management in the framework of the chloride source, and then the influence of the chloride source should be classified, e.g. safe and dangerous. From these results, it is expected that it could be used as baseline data for the evaluation of the deterioration environment in the Detailed guidelines for safety and maintenance of facilities [Performance evaluation]_Bridge.

Analysis of Time Series Changes in the Surrounding Environment of Rural Local Resources Using Aerial Photography and UAV - Focousing on Gyeolseong-myeon, Hongseong-gun - (항공사진과 UAV를 이용한 농촌지역자원 주변환경의 시계열 변화 분석 - 충청남도 홍성군 결성면을 중심으로 -)

  • An, Phil-Gyun;Eom, Seong-Jun;Kim, Yong-Gyun;Cho, Han-Sol;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2021
  • In this study, in the field of remote sensing, where the scope of application is rapidly expanding to fields such as land monitoring, disaster prediction, facility safety inspection, and maintenance of cultural properties, monitoring of rural space and surrounding environment using UAV is utilized. It was carried out to verify the possibility, and the following main results were derived. First, the aerial image taken with an unmanned aerial vehicle had a much higher image size and spatial resolution than the aerial image provided by the National Geographic Information Service. It was suitable for analysis due to its high accuracy. Second, the more the number of photographed photos and the more complex the terrain features, the more the point cloud included in the aerial image taken with the UAV was extracted. As the amount of point cloud increases, accurate 3D mapping is possible, For accurate 3D mapping, it is judged that a point cloud acquisition method for difficult-to-photograph parts in the air is required. Third, 3D mapping technology using point cloud is effective for monitoring rural space and rural resources because it enables observation and comparison of parts that cannot be read from general aerial images. Fourth, the digital elevation model(DEM) produced with aerial image taken with an UAV can visually express the altitude and shape of the topography of the study site, so it can be used as data to predict the effects of topographical changes due to changes in rural space. Therefore, it is possible to utilize various results using the data included in the aerial image taken by the UAV. In this study, the superiority of images acquired by UAV was verified by comparison with existing images, and the effect of 3D mapping on rural space monitoring was visually analyzed. If various types of spatial data such as GIS analysis and topographic map production are collected and utilized using data that can be acquired by unmanned aerial vehicles, it is expected to be used as basic data for rural planning to maintain and preserve the rural environment.

Evaluation of the Geological Heritages in Ulsan Area, Korea (울산 지역 지질유산의 가치평가)

  • Sujin Ha;Yong-Un Chae;Hee-Cheol Kang;Hyoun Soo Lim
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.749-761
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    • 2022
  • As the number of National and UNESCO Global Geoparks has increased, awareness of geological heritage and local government interests have also increased. In this study, data from the geological heritage sites in the Ulsan area were summarized, a practical use plan for geological heritage was prepared based on the assessment results, and the expected effects were also presented. The value for 33 of 112 geological heritage sites identified through literature surveys was evaluated. In terms of the geological heritage types in Ulsan, there were two geological, one geomorphological, and thirty mixed-heritage sites. In the context of the geological heritage of Ulsan, rivers and coastal topography were found to be dominant, and various geomorphological and geological features, such as fossils, folds, faults, shear zones, minerals, and ore deposits are included. Based on the assessment results, there were three, eighteen, nine, and three sites in Classes I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Considering the intrinsic and subsidiary values of geological heritage, the Gangdong Coast, Jujeon Coast, Taehwagang area, Daewangam area, the Daegokri-Cheonjeonri track sites, and Mujechineup are likely to be listed as potential geosites. When the endorsement of the geopark has been promoted alongside these geosites, it can contribute to the sustainable preservation and maintenance of the geosites, satisfy the demand for science education through geo-education, and support the sustainable development of the local economy following the detailed standards for geopark certification in the Natural Parks Act. This is expected to increase the brand value of Ulsan Metropolitan City.

The development of design-width prediction equation by using 12 local governments data collected from small stream of Korea (국내 12개 시·도 자료를 이용한 소하천 계획하폭 산정식 개발)

  • Choi, Changwon;Cheong, Tae Sung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.185-194
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    • 2023
  • There are more than 22,300 small streams distributed nationwide in Korea, and they have various runoff characteristics depending on basin area, topography and land use. For small stream disaster management, establishing detailed design standards suitable for the small streams is important, but most of the formulas currently proposed in the small stream design standard are based on the river design standard aimed at national and local rivers or foreign river design standards. The design-width is an important factor in determining the size of the stream. It is determined by using design-flood discharges or more variables such as design-flood discharges, basin area, slop, etc in the small stream design standard. This study collected various characteristics information such as the design-flood discharges, basin area, river length and river slop, and design-width values from 4,073 small streams distributed in 12 cities and provinces in Korea to suggest the appropriated design-width formula. This study developed two design-width formulas by using the regression analysis which one is using the design-flood discharges and the other is using various variables such as the design-flood discharges, basin area, river length and river slope collected from the small steams. It is expected that both equations developed in here can be used for small stream disaster management, such as improving small stream design standard or establishing a comprehensive small stream maintenance plan.

Development for rainfall classification based on local flood vulnerability using entropy weight in Seoul metropolitan area (엔트로피 가중치를 활용한 지역별 홍수취약도 기반의 서울지역 강우기준 산정기법)

  • Lee, Seonmi;Choi, Youngje;Lee, Eunkyung;Ji, Jungwon;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.267-278
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    • 2022
  • Recently Flood damage volume has increased as heavy rain has frequently occurred. Especially urban areas are a vulnerability to flooding damage because of densely concentrated population and property. A local government is preparing to mitigate flood damage through the heavy rain warning issued by Korea Meteorological Administration. This warning classification is identical for a national scale. However, Seoul has 25 administrative districts with different regional characteristics such as climate, topography, disaster prevention state, and flood damage severity. This study considered the regional characteristics of 25 administrative districts to analyze the flood vulnerability using entropy weight and Euclidean distance. The rainfall classification was derived based on probability rainfall and flood damage rainfall that occurred in the past. The result shows the step 2 and step 4 of rainfall classification was not significantly different from the heavy rain classification of the Korea Meteorological Administration. The flood vulnerability is high with high climate exposure and low adaptability to climate change, and the rainfall classification is low in the northern region of Seoul. It is possible to preemptively respond to floods in the northern region of Seoul based on relatively low rainfall classification. In the future, we plan to review the applicability of rainfall forecast data using the rainfall classification of results from this study. These results will contribute to research for preemptive flood response measures.

Jeju Shinyang Fishing Port Remodeling Plan Utilizing Marine Tourism Resources (해양관광자원을 활용한 제주 신양항 리모델링 계획)

  • Kim, Yelim;Sung, Jong-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.52-69
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    • 2016
  • The fishing port was once the foothold of production as well as the stronghold of communities but with the declining of the fishing industry, ports became abandoned space. Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has continued its effort to vitalize marine tourism since 2010. Shinyang Port in particular is designated as a Prearranged Marina Port Development Zone, and planning for the Jeju Ocean Marina City project is underway. Nevertheless, fishing port remodeling projects implemented on Jeju so far have focused only on civil engineering such as renovating old facilities. In addition, most Marina Port Development Projects have been irrelevant to local communities. Leading projects by the local government mostly suffer from a lack of funding, which results in the renovation of old facilities and improper maintenance, while private sector investment projects do not lead to benefit sharing with the community. Shinyang Port, also renovated in 2008, ended up with outer breakwater extension construction that neither solved the fundamental problem of the site nor gave benefits to residents. To arrange a way to solve problems for civil engineering focused development project, improper maintenance, and benefit sharing with community, first, this study proposes a development plan that connects with the outlying areas near the ports. The plan reflects existing topography, Jeju traditional stonewalls, narrow paths on the master plan and programs by reading the regional context. In this way, this paper suggests a space development plan reflecting the local landscape and characteristic factors. Second, it satisfies various needs by using existing and new Marine Tourism Resources. Third, it examines sustainable operation and management measures through residents' participation. The proposal is significant in two key ways: it is a fresh attempt at connecting the fishing port with its outlying areas from a landscape perspective; and it considers environmental, social, economic issues, and suggests participation for local communities. Thus, the model can be used in future fishing-port remodeling plans for revitalizing unused space, including invaluable traditional landscapes, and for boosting the marine-leisure industry.