• Title/Summary/Keyword: local assembly

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Direction and Tasks of Health Care Policy of Yoon Suk-yeol Government (윤석열 정부의 보건의료정책 방향과 과제)

  • Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2022
  • The presidential election and the inauguration of the new government are a period of the policy window opening. The newly launched government is expected to improve the quality of life of the people. The Yoon Suk-yeol Government is also launched with new expectations with a transitional period in health care. The sustainability of health care in Korea is threatened. The environment of health care and the main policy issues of health care are difficult to secure the necessary finance for health care in spite of the increasing health care burden. Accordingly, the Yoon Suk-yeol Government's health care policy aims to provide intensive support to those in need of health and welfare and to improve the health of the people through investment in health. And for integrating fragmented health care and welfare services and creating people-centered community-based health care, a health care innovation center will be established for the evaluation platform of new delivery and payment systems, a health care development plan will be established for the blueprint of health care, and reorganizing the central & local government should be reviewed. Although we are facing unfavorable situations such as the distribution of the National Assembly, inflation, and the possibility of economic recession, we expect that announced health care policies will be implemented, recognizing that health care innovation is the only way to improve health care sustainability.

Fabrication and Aging effect of Micro OADM using Automatic Alignment System (자동 광축 정렬시스템을 이용한 초소형 광통신용 마이크로 OADM 제작 및 Aging effect)

  • S. K., Kim;Y. H., Seo;D. S., Choi;T. J., Jae;K. H., Whang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.644-647
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    • 2004
  • Optical add/drop multiplexers (OADMs), one of the new network elements, will play a key role enabling greater connectivity and flexibility in the dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM) networks. The importance of OADMs is that they allow the optical network to be local transmitting/extraction on a wavelength-by-wavelength basis to optimize traffic, efficient network utilization, network growth, and to enhance network flexibility. Also, the automatic assembly system of micro optical filters and fibers is a key technology in the development of optical modules with high functionality. Recently, one of remarkable tends in the development of optical communication industry is the miniaturization and integration of products. In this research, we have developed a system capable of automatic alignment of a film filter and a lensed fiber in order to improve the speed and losses in the optical fiber to filter alignment of optical modules. Using the developed automatic alignment system and silicon optical benches, we have fabricated the micro OADM and measured the insertion loss and aging effect.

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Validity Elevation Scheme of Quality Inspection System for Defect Prevention & Management in Apartment Housing Construction (공동주택 하자예방 및 관리를 위한 품질점검제도의 실효성 제고방안 연구)

  • Park, Geun-Soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.220-221
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    • 2020
  • Strarting with Buyeong Apartment in Dongtan-2 disrict in 2017, collective complaints of residents are frequently occurring due to low quality problem such as improper construction and defects of apartment houses. Because of this, the Ministry of Land and Transport is preparing a comprehensive improvement scheme to improve the quality of Apartment Housing(AH), taking into account the continuing complaints from the residents of AH and the problem raised by the National Assembly. The basic profile of the improvement scheme is induce the tenants and experts to discover and point out defects that are repaired until the date of use inspection or due date. For this purpose, we suggested this defects management system linkaged by the preliminary inspection and quality inspection system for prospective occupants. In this context, this paper aims to suggest an effective likage method between the preliminary inspection of prospective residents and the quality inspection system implemented by local governments as an ordinance.

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System Improvement Measures for Rational Procedures of Offshore Wind Power Generation Projects : Focusing on Permits (해상풍력 발전사업의 합리적 절차를 위한 제도개선 방안 : 인허가를 중심으로)

  • Seok-Kyu Kang;Jeong-Gab Moon;Mun-Kwan Jo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.59-76
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    • 2023
  • This study is to propose ways to improve the system for rational procedures for offshore wind power generation projects. The results of this study are summarized as follows. In order to quickly distribute and develop offshore wind power projects, the permitting period should be shortened through special laws, the government actively intervenes to support the formation and operation of privat-public councils to ensure residents' acceptance. In this way, it can be competitive in the future energy market. Above all, a special law (proposal) related to offshore wind power currently pending in the National Assembly should be passed as soon as possible. Finally, the government and local governments that manage public waters should provide active administrative support based on system improvement measures in consideration of these permits, and the project's main body should minimize damage to the marine environment and ecosystem. Through these subject-specific roles, offshore wind power generation will be able to reduce carbon emissions and help establish a sustainable energy production system.

Large Scale Distribution of Globular Clusters in the Coma Cluster

  • O, Seong-A;Lee, Myung Gyoon
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.41.3-42
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    • 2021
  • Coma cluster (Abell 1656) is one of the most massive local galaxy clusters such as Virgo, Fornax, and Perseus, which holds a large collection of globular clusters. Globular cluster systems (GCSs) in a galaxy cluster tell us a history of hierarchical cluster assembly and intracluster GCs (ICGCs) are known to trace the gravitational potential of the galaxy cluster. Previous studies of GCSs in Coma mainly utilized data obtained using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) with high spatial resolution. However, most of the data were based on narrow-field pointing observations. In this study we present the widest survey of GCSs in the Coma cluster using the archival Subaru/Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) g and r images, supplemented with the archival HST images. The Coma GCSs are largely extended in E-W and SW direction, along the general direction of Coma-Abell 1367 filament. This global structure of the GCSs is consistent with the spatial distribution of the intracluster light (ICL). ICGC spatial distribution is largely extended to almost ~50% of the virial radius. Most of these ICGCs are blue and metal-poor, which supports the scenario that ICGCs are mainly originated from dwarf galaxies and some proportion from brighter galaxies. Implications of the results will be discussed.

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Seismic behavior of thin-walled CFST pier-to-base connections with tube confined RC encasement

  • Xuanding Wang;Yue Liao;Jiepeng Liu;Ligui Yang;Xuhong Zhou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.217-235
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    • 2024
  • Concrete-filled steel tubes (CFSTs) nowadays are widely used as the main parts of momentous structures, and its connection has gained increasing attention as the complexity in configuration and load transfer mechanism. This paper proposes a novel CFST pier-to-footing incorporating tube-confined RC encasement. Such an innovative approach offers several benefits, including expedited on-site assembly, effective confinement, and collision resistance and corrosion resistance. The seismic behavior of such CFST pier-to-footing connection was studied by testing eight specimens under quasi-static cyclic lateral load. In the experimental research, the influences on the seismic behavior and the order of plastic hinge formation were discussed in detail by changing the footing height, axial compression ratio, number and length of anchored bars, and type of confining tube. All the specimens showed sufficient ductility and energy dissipation, without significant strength degradation. There is no obvious failure in the confined footing, while local buckling can be found in the critical section of the pier. It suggests that the footing provides satisfactory strength protection for the connection.

A Study on the Integrated Management System of Municipal Solid Waste from Seoul Metropolitan City (서울시 일반폐기물의 통합적 관리체계에 관한 연구)

  • 우세홍;홍상균
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1993
  • The integrated solid waste management for Seoul Metropolitan city can be established on the basis of the following hierarchy of priorities: 1. Efforts for source reduction should be propelled by both government and citizens to achieve the effects of resource conservation. The adequate production and consumption which are environmentally amenable and sustainable can be induced by the reasonable imposition of deposit money for waste treatment to one-time use products. To accomplish source reduction effectively, the induction of legal and institutional regulation of producer and consumer participation is requisite. 2. For resource recovery, wastes generated should be recycled as far as practicable. Community residents are responsible to separate discharge, the authorities concerned have responsibility of separate collection, and recycling industry should be assissted through tax reduction and financing. Resource separation facilities can be constructed at Kimpo Metropolitan landfill site for wastes not separately collected due to some unavoidable circumstances. 3. Garbage should be composted. Garbage is uneconomical for incineration, because it has high moisture content and low calorie, thus there is no reason for the incineration of garbage even though garbage is classified into combustibles. Composting facilities can be located at sites which are not densely populated and easily accessible to transportation, for example, Kimpo Metropolitan landfill site. Compost produced can be managed by the authorities for the use of fertilizer to a green tract of suburban land and farms. 4. Nonhazardous combustible wastes not recyclable can be utilized for thermal recovery at the incinerators which are completely equipped with pollution control devices. According to the trend of local autonomy and the equity principle of local autonomous entities, incineration facilities of minimal capacity required can be constructed at each districts of Seoul Metropolitan city which have organized local assembly. In case of Yangcheon district, the economically combustible waste quantity is about 260 tons/day which exceeds 150 tons/day, the incineration capacity of existing facility. But, from now on, waste quantity can be reduced substantially by the intensive efforts of citizens for source reduction and recycling and the institutional support of administrative organizations. Especially, it is indispensable for the government to constitute institutional and technological bases that can recycle paper and plastics form 43% of waste generated. A good time for constructing of incineration facilities for municipal solid waste can be postponed to the time that pollution control technologies of domestic enterprises are fully developed to satisfy the standards of air pollution prevention, because the life expectancy of Kimpo Metropolitan landfill site is about 25 years. Within this period, institutional improvements and technological advancements can be attained, while the air qual. ity of Seoul Metropolitan city can be ameliorated to the level to afford incineration facilities. 5. For final disposal, incombustibles and ash are landfilled sanitarily at Kimpo Metropolitan landfill site.

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Perception Survey Study on High-level Radioactive Waste: Targeting Local Residents in Gijang-gun, Busan (고준위방사성폐기물에 대한 인식 조사 연구: 부산 기장군 지역 주민을 대상으로)

  • Yeon-Hee Kang;Sung Hee Yang;Yong In Cho;Jung-Hoon Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.947-955
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to investigate the awareness of spent nuclear fuel among residents in nuclear power plant areas and use it as basic data for establishing a disposal facility for high-level radioactive waste. 204 questionnaires collected online were analyzed using SPSS Window Ver 28.0. To verify differences between groups, t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed. And correlation analysis was conducted to confirm the relationship between variables. As a result, first, risk perception regarding nuclear-related accidents showed statistically significant differences depending on gender and educational level. The position on the construction of a permanent disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel showed a statistically significant difference depending on gender, education, and age, and the perception of the importance of each evaluation standard for establishing a spent nuclear fuel management plan showed a statistically significant difference depending on education and age. In terms of trust in information-providing institutions, trust in the National Assembly was found to be the lowest. Second, the results of the correlation analysis between variables showed that local residents are aware that an alternative to the current disposal of spent nuclear fuel is needed, and that financial support for the construction of a permanent disposal facility is needed. Therefore, in order to build a high-level radioactive waste disposal site, it is believed that it is necessary to increase trust in the government, collect opinions from local residents, and provide economic support.

Success Factors of the Supdari(A Wooden Bridge) Restoration in Jeonju-River through Citizens' Initiative (적극적 주민참여를 통한 전통문화시설 복원 성공요인 분석 - 전주천 섶다리 놓기 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Wook;Kim, Gil-Joong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2010
  • This paper aims to analyze success factors for the construction of Supdari(a traditional wooden bridge to connect small streams temporarily), which is a citizens' initiative project to revitalize local community in Jeonju-River, Jeonju City. Recently Supdari has been restored for the use of belongings in local festivals. But Jeonju-River Supdari was designed and built to unite local citizens and connect river-divided villages. This project shows how investing social capital like Supdari makes the community vitalize through citizen's active participation. As a citizen leading project, there were several critical factors for sucess. At first, there were some noticeable ways to encourage local citizen's participation in online and offline. In the online, the Supdari internet cafe introduced what is a Supdari, how to make it and where we build using various media of UCCs and photos. In the offline, the small scaled model of Supdari was made and exhibited in the entrance of the village and related several seminars were hosted to discuss how to construct Supdari with citizens, local assembly men and public officials together. The Second is the movement to restore traditional and cultural resources for the community recovery triggered the supports from local councils and many civic groups. Civic groups supported ecological and structural expertise to guarantee environment friendly and stable construction. And local councils mediated citizen's and administrative office's opinions. The third is flexible administrative management to help citizen's ideas to be realized. Officials extended setting period of Supdari on the condition with the civic-control safety management.

A Study on Case for Localization of Korean Enterprise in Indonesia (인도네시아 진출 한국기업의 현지화에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Swo, Min-Kyo;Kim, Hee-Jun
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.481-508
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to research the specific ways of successful localization by analyzing the success and failures case for localization through the theoretical background and the strategic models of localization. The strategic models of localization are divided by management aspects such as the localization of production and sourcing, the localization of human resources, the localization of marketing, the localization of R&D, harmonious relationship with the local community and authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries. And the specific measures of the successful localization are proposed within the framework of the strategic models by comparing and analyzing the success and failures case for localization of individual companies operating in Indonesia. The results indicate that there are successful companies which develop a suitable products for the local climate and failed automobile company which is weak for assembly of complete vehicle in terms of localization of production and sourcing. In case of localization of human resources, most companies recognize the importance of this part and endeavor to secure superior human resource through a related education. It is found that most of the companies perform R & D in their native country. In part of a harmonious relationship with the local community, Korean companies should contribute to the community and be friendly with local residents and make a good image of the company focusing on the cultural environment. In aspect of authority transfer between headquarters and local subsidiaries, there is a tendency to be determined by the head office rather than the joint participation. In the future, in order for Korean enterprise to be successful one in Indonesia market, a highly interdependent and complex forms between headquarters and local subsidiaries shall be performed and an active exchange of information and the selection of best talent regardless of nationality shall be promoted.

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