• Title/Summary/Keyword: local assembly

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Visualizing Halogen Bonds in a Two-dimensional Supramolecular System

  • Yun, Jong-Geon;Son, Won-Jun;Jeong, Gyeong-Hun;Kim, Ho-Won;Han, Seung-U;Gang, Se-Jong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.38-38
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    • 2011
  • Covalently bonded halogen ligands possess unusual charge distributions, attracting both electrophilic and nucleophilic molecular ligands to form halogen bonds. In many biochemical systems, halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds coexist. The interplay between halogen and hydrogen bonds has been actively studied in various three-dimensional bulk molecular co-crystals. It was found that halogen bonds could be complementary to hydrogen bonds due to their similar bond strength and dissimilar directionality. In those ensemble-averaging approaches, however, it was not possible to extract local information such as individual bond configurations and nano-level domain structures, which is a crucial part of supramolecular studies. In this study, we directly visualize the individual molecular configuration of a brominated molecule and the role of halogen bonds on Au(111) using scanning tunneling microscopy. The precise arrangement of observed molecular structures was reproduced by first-principle studies and explained in the context of halogen and hydrogen bonds. We discuss the distances and the strengths of the observed halogen bonds and hydrogen bonds, which are consistent with previous bulk data.

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Development and verification of pin-by-pin homogenized simplified transport solver Tortin for PWR core analysis

  • Mala, Petra;Pautz, Andreas
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.52 no.11
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    • pp.2431-2441
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    • 2020
  • Currently, the pin-by-pin homogenized solvers are a very active research field as they can, unlike the nodal codes, directly predict the local power, while requiring significantly less computational resources than the heterogeneous transport codes. This paper presents a recently developed pin-by-pin diffusion/SP3 solver Tortin, its spatial discretization method and the reflector treatment. Regarding the spatial discretization, it was observed that the finite difference method applied on pin-cell size mesh does not properly capture the big flux change between MOX and uranium fuel, while the nodal expansion method is more accurate but too slow. If the finite difference method is used with a finer mesh in the outer two pin rows of the fuel assembly, it increases the required computation time by only 50%, but decreases the pin power errors below 1% with respect to lattice code reference solutions. The paper further describes the coupling of Tortin with a microscopic depletion solver. Several verification tests show that the SP3 pin-by-pin solver can reproduce the heterogeneous transport solvers results with very good accuracy, even for fuel cycle depletion of very heterogeneous core employing MOX fuel or inserted control rods, while being two orders of magnitude faster.

Effect of local small diameter stud connectors on behavior of partially encased composite beams

  • Nguyen, Giang Bergerova;Machacek, Josef
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.251-266
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    • 2016
  • The paper combines two distinct parts. First the behavior of welded headed studs with small diameters of 10 and 13 mm acting as shear connectors (which are not embraced in current standards) is studied. Based on standard push tests the load-slip relationships and strengths are evaluated. While the current standard (Eurocode 4 and AISC) formulas used for such studs give reasonable but too conservative strengths, less conservative and full load-slip rigidities are evaluated and recommended for a subsequent investigation or design. In the second part of the paper the partially encased beams under bending are analyzed. Following former experiments showing rather indistinct role of studs used for shear connection in such beams their role is studied. Numerical model employing ANSYS software is presented and validated using former experimental data. Subsequent parametric studies investigate the longitudinal shear between steel and concrete parts of the beams with respect to friction at the steel and concrete interface and contribution of studs with small diameters required predominantly for assembly stages (concreting). Substantial influence of the friction and effect of concrete confinement was observed with rather less noticeable contribution of the studs. Distribution of the longitudinal shear and its sharing between friction and studs is presented with concluding remarks.

Design, fabrication, and performance analysis of a twisted hollow fibre membrane module configuration

  • Palmarin, Matthew J.;Young, Stephanie;Lee, Tsun Ho
    • Membrane and Water Treatment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.15-26
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    • 2015
  • The compact structure and high-quality effluent of membrane bioreactors make them well-suited for decentralized greywater reclamation. However, the occurrence of membrane fouling continues to limit their effectiveness. To address this concern, a unique membrane module configuration was developed for use in a decentralized greywater treatment system. The module featured local aeration directly below a series of inclined membrane bundles, giving the overall module a twisted appearance compared to a module with vertically orientated fibres. The intent of this design was to increase the frequency and intensity of collisions between rising air bubbles and the membrane surface. Material related to the construction of custom-fit modules is rarely communicated. Therefore, detailed design and assembly procedures were provided in this paper. The twisted module was compared to two commercially available modules with diverse specifications in order to assess the relative performance and marketability of the twisted module with respect to existing products. Contaminant removal efficiencies were determined in terms of biochemical oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand, ammonia, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and turbidity for each module. Membrane fouling was monitored in terms of permeate flux, transmembrane pressure, and membrane resistance. Following 168 h of operation, the twisted module configuration demonstrated competitive performance, indicating good potential for further development and commercialization.

The Past, Present and Future of Health Education Specialists in Korea (보건교육사의 어제, 오늘 그리고 미래)

  • Nam, Chul-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the past and present status and roles of health education specialists in Korea, and to suggest future directions for developing health education profession. Results and conclusion: The Korean government has made various efforts for people's health. the National Health Promotion Law was enacted in Korea in 1995. As the results of Korean Association for Health Education' intensive efforts, the national certificate of health education specialist bill has been passed the National Assembly on September 29, 2003. According to The National Health Promotion Law, central and local government should recommend health promotion related corporaters, agencies and organizations to hire certified health education specialist. The first national examination for certificate of health education specialists was held in March, 2010. As the result, a total of 2,246 applicants was passed for certificate of health education specialists. It is a serious concern that community residents' knowledge level of health is very low. therefore, the role of health education specialists with the professional ability to carry out health education is essential. It is clear that the activity of health educators is essential, Then, It is necessary articles related to the appointment of health educators in the official appointment regulation or law. Thus the health education specialist must be appointed as a public officer in health centers, operaters or the health department of the government.

An analysis of the farm silo supported by ground (地盤과 構造物사이의 相互作用을 考慮한 農業用 사이로의 解析에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ) - 第 1 報 模型 및 프로그램의 開發 -)

  • Cho, Jin-Goo;Cho, Hyun-Young
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.38-46
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    • 1985
  • The reinforced concrete farm silos on the elastic foundatin are widely used in agricultural engineering because of their superior structural performance, economy and attractive appearance. Various methods for the analysis and design of farm silo, such as the analytical method, the finite difference method, and the finite element methods, can be used. But the analytical procedure can not be applied for the intricate conditions in practice. Therefore lately the finite element method has been become in the structural mechanics. In this paper, a method of finite element analysis for the cylindrical farm silo on ffness matrix for the elastic foundation governed by winkler's assumption. A complete computer programs have been developed in this paper can be applicable not only to the shell structures on elastic foundation but also to the arbitrary three dimensional structures. Assuming the small deflection theory, the membrane and plate bending behaviours of flat plate element can be assumed mutually uncoupled. In this case, the element has 5 degrees of freedom per node when defined in the local coordinate system. However, when the element properties are transformed to the global coordinates for assembly, the 6th degree of freedom should be considered. A problem arises in this procedure the resultant stiffness in the 6th degree of freedom at this node will be zero. But this singularity of the stiffness matrix can be eliminated easily by merely replacing the zero diagonal by dummy stiffness.

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A Study on the Characteristic Analysis of NUDFET by FEM (FEM에 의한 NUDFET의 특성해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Ryeul;Jung, Jong-Chuck;Kim, Young-Cig;Sung, Man-Young;Cho, Ho-Yeol
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1993.07b
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    • pp.1247-1249
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    • 1993
  • In this paper, NUDFET(NonUniformly Doped Field Effect Transistor) is presented as an alternative which offers the possibility of reducing the power necessary to operate switching circuits without a substantial loss in speed. The purpose of this NUDFET is to modify the electric field profile in order to cause carrier velocity saturation to occur at a lower voltage than it would occur in the uniformly doped device of the same channel length. The more MESFET and NUDFET circuits are realized, the more accurate model ins the performance of these devices become required. Analytic model ins was replaced by numerical analysis because of the complexity of device configuration. In this paper, FEM is selected because of simpler local mesh refinement and smaller computer memory than FDM. For accurate analysis, this paper has applied the Scharfetter-Gummel(S-G) Scheme and seven-point Gaussian Quadrature rule to assembly of the finite-element stiffness matrices and right-hand side vector of the semiconductor equations.

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A Structure-controlled Model for Hot Spring Exploration in Taiwan by Remote Sensing

  • Liu, Jin-King;Yu, Ming-Fang;Ueng, Shiun-Jenq
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.28-30
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    • 2003
  • Hot Spring Law of Taiwan was passed in legislative assembly on 3 June 2003. Hot springs would become one of the most important natural resources for recreation purposes. Both public and private sectors will invest large amount of capital in this area in the near future. The value of remote sensing technology is to give a critical tool for observing the landscape to find out mega-scaled geological structures, which may not be able to be found by conventional approaches. The occurrences of the hot springs in Taiwan are mostly in metamorphic and sedimentary rocks , other than in volcanic environments. Local geothermal anomaly or heat of springs transfer by liquid convection other than conduction or radiation. The deeply -seated fractures of hard rocks are the conduit of the convection of hot water, which could be as deep as 3000 meters in a hypothetical model of Taiwan. Clues to find outcrops of hot spring can be obtained by a structure-controlled model deduced by geological lineaments observed by satellite images and stereoscopic interpretation of aerial photographs. A case study conducted in Eastern Taiwan will be demonstrated.

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Combined Heat Treatment Characteristics of Cast Iron for Mold Materials (금형재료용 주철강의 복합열처리 특성)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Tae;So, Sang-Woo;Kim, Jong-Do
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.364-370
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    • 2011
  • Currently, there are two main issues regarding the development of core technologies in the automotive industry: the development of environmentally friendly vehicles and securing a high level of safety in the event of an accident. As part of the efforts to address these issues, research into alternative materials and new car body manufacturing and assembly technologies is necessary, and this has been carried out mainly by the automotive industries. Large press molds for producing car body parts are made of cast iron. With the increase of automobile production and various changes of design, the press forming process of car body parts has become more difficult. In the case of large press molds, high hardness and abrasive resistance are needed. To overcome these problems, we attempted to develop a combined heat treatment process consisting of local laser heat treatment followed by plasma nitriding, and evaluated the characteristics of the proposed heat treatment method. From the results of the experiments, it has been shown that the maximum surface hardness is 864 Hv by the laser heat treatment, 953 Hv by the plasma nitriding, and 1,094 Hv by the combined heat treatment. It is anticipated that the suggested combined heat treatment can be used to evaluate the durability of press mold.

An advanced core design for a soluble-boron-free small modular reactor ATOM with centrally-shielded burnable absorber

  • Nguyen, Xuan Ha;Kim, ChiHyung;Kim, Yonghee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2019
  • A complete solution for a soluble-boron-free (SBF) small modular reactor (SMR) is pursued with a new burnable absorber concept, namely centrally-shielded burnable absorber (CSBA). Neutronic flexibility of the CSBA design has been discussed with fuel assembly (FA) analyses. Major design parameters and goals of the SBF SMR are discussed in view of the reactor core design and three CSBA designs are introduced to achieve both a very low burnup reactivity swing (BRS) and minimal residual reactivity of the CSBA. It is demonstrated that the core achieves a long cycle length (~37 months) and high burnup (~30 GWd/tU), while the BRS is only about 1100 pcm and the radial power distribution is rather flat. This research also introduces a supplementary reactivity control mechanism using stainless steel as mechanical shim (MS) rod to obtain the criticality during normal operation. A further analysis is performed to investigate the local power peaking of the CSBA-loaded FA at MS-rodded condition. Moreover, a simple $B_4C$-based control rod arrangement is proposed to assure a sufficient shutdown margin even at the cold-zero-power condition. All calculations in this neutronic-thermal hydraulic coupled investigation of the 3D SBF SMR core are completed by a two-step Monte Carlo-diffusion hybrid methodology.