• Title/Summary/Keyword: loathing

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A Study of Assessment Method for Site Feasibility of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (생활폐기물소각장의 입지타당성 평가기법)

  • Lee, Mu-Choon
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 1997
  • The solid waste incineration facilities which cause environmental pollution. And those are some kind of loathing facilities for residents who do not want it. This problem could be solved by location feasibility study. The purpose of location feasibility study was to determine one site out of three candidate sites. This study which was done by the law, environmental and economic factor was considered for optimum site selection. Comparative evaluation among the candidate sites was done by ordinal scale and thus the optimum site was selected.

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The Crisis of Democracy and Sensational Partisan Journalism Focusing on Political Talk Shows by Channel A and TV Chosun (민주주의의 위기와 언론의 선정적 정파성의 관계에 대한 시론 채널A와 TV조선의 정치시사토크쇼를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Junghoon;Lee, Sang-Khee
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.77
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    • pp.9-35
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    • 2016
  • This research focuses on how political talk shows by Channel A and TV Chosun provoke strong, negative emotions, such as anger or loathing, towards certain parties, politicians and groups only, and tries to explain what's the relation to Korean democracy crisis under the circumstances. Those talk shows by Channel A and TV Chosun, predominantly about anger and loathing towards oppositions, opposition politicians and pro-North Korea people, have contributed to practical exclusion of the citizens from the political process by their imaginary political participation rather than a role as a democratic public sphere, so they have functioned very well in order to sustain the system of Korean democracy as a way of 'the politics of exclusion', and have been retained regardless of their commercial success for the reason. In other words, the Korean democracy has systematically excluded every citizen and amplified ideological conflicts, and in that chaos of excessively produced emotions, has dealt with all the crucial matters using political technology, which is a serious problem. However, for the good of the political power who wants to keep such kind of political system, this became a reason why those Channel A and TV Chosun shows-sensational and politically biased-have survived, and since Channel A and TV Chosun are remarkably functional within the continuance of that political system they can keep being influential in politics.

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Characteristics of Chromium, Copper, and Arsenic Leaching from CCA-Treated Wood (CCA 방부처리 목재로부터 크롬, 구리 및 비소의 용탈 특성)

  • Kim, He-Kap;Kim, Dong-Jin
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.339-348
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    • 2007
  • A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the characteristics of leaching of Cr, Cu, and As from chromated topper arsenate (CCA)-treated wood. The wood species tested was hemlock spruce ($10\;cm\;{\times}\;10\;cm\;{\times}\;10\;cm\;tube$). The leaching experiment was conducted over 60 days using I L of leachants whose pHs were adjusted to 2.0, 3.7, and 1.6, respectively with nitric acid, and also using lake water, according to the OECD guideline. Each leachate was analyzed for Cr and Cu using flame-AAS, and for As using vapor generation-AAS. Three metals were loathed at the highest levels at pH 2.0 but almost at similar levels at the other conditions. Cumulative quantifies over 60 days of a leaching period were in order of As>Cu>Cr. As was predicted to leach with an increase in flux over a 10 year period, while Cr and Cu fluxes were predicted to decrease with time. This result suggest that arsenic can pose a health risk to humans over a long period of time, when CCA-treated wood is used for building facilities (e.g., playgrounds, residential purposes, etc.) with which humans frequently contact.

Stress Intensity Factor Analysis of Elliptical Arc Through Cracks at Mechanical Fastener Holes by Weight Function Method ( I ) - Development of Weight Function Method - (가중함수법에 의한 기계적 체결홀에 존재하는 타원호형 관통균열의 음력확대계수 해석 ( I ) - 가중함수법의 전개 -)

  • Heo, Seong-Pil;Yang, Won-Ho;Hyeon, Cheol-Seung
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.1659-1670
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    • 2001
  • It has been reported that cracks at mechanical fastener holes usually nucleate as elliptical corner cracks at the faying surface of the mechanical joints and grow as elliptical arc through cracks after penetrating the opposite surface. The weight function method is an efficient technique to calculate the stress intensity factors fur elliptical cracks using uncracked stress field. In this study the weight function method for three dimensional mixed-mode problem applied to elliptical comer cracks Is modified for elliptical arc through cracks and the stress intensity factors at two surface points of elliptical arc through cracks at mechanical fastener holes are analyzed by the weight function method. This study consists of two parts and in part I , the weight function method for elliptical arc through cracks is developed and verified.