• Title/Summary/Keyword: linear acceleration

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Adaptive Disturbance Compensation Control for Heavy Load Target Aiming Systems to Improve Stabilization Performances (대부하 표적 지향시스템의 안정화 성능향상을 위한 외란보상 적응제어)

  • Lim, Jae-Keun;Choi, Young-Jun;Lyou, Joon;Seok, Ho-Dong;Kim, Byung-Un;Kang, Min-Sig
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.11 s.104
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    • pp.1303-1310
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    • 2005
  • Stabilization error of target aiming systems mounted on moving vehicles is an important performance because the error directly affects hit Probability. In a heavy load targetaiming system, the disturbance torque comes from mass unbalance and linear acceleration is a main source of stabilization error. This study suggests an experimental design method of disturbance feedforward compensation control to improve the stabilization performance of heavy load target aiming systems. The filtered_x least square(FxLMS) algorithm is used to estimate the compensator coefficients adaptively. The proposed control is applied to a simple experimental set-up which simulates dynamic characteristics of a real target aiming system. The feasibility of the proposedtechnique is illustrated, along with results of experiments.

Effect of poorly-compacted backfill around embedded foundations on building seismic response

  • Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.3 no.3_4
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    • pp.549-561
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    • 2012
  • Many building foundations are embedded, however it is not easy to compact the backfill around the foundation especially for the deeply embedded ones. The soil condition around the embedded foundation may affect the seismic response of a building due to the weak contact between the soil and the foundation. In this paper, the response accelerations in the short-period range and at the period of 1 second (in the long-period range) for a seismic design spectrum specified in the IBC design code were compared considering perfect and poor backfills to investigate the effect of backfill compaction around the embedded foundation. An in-house finite-element software (P3DASS) which has the capability of horizontal pseudo-3D seismic analysis with linear soil layers was used to perform the seismic analyses of the structure-soil system with an embedded foundation. Seismic analyses were carried out with 7 bedrock earthquake records provided by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER), scaling the peak ground accelerations to 0.1 g. The results indicate that the poor backfill is not detrimental to the seismic response of a building, if the foundation is not embedded deeply in the soft soil. However, it is necessary to perform the seismic analysis for the structure-soil system embedded deeply in the soft soil to check the seismic resonance due to the soft soil layer beneath the foundation, and to compact the backfill as well as possible.

Seismic behavior enhancement of frame structure considering parameter sensitivity of self-centering braces

  • Xu, Longhe;Xie, Xingsi;Yan, Xintong;Li, Zhongxian
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.71 no.1
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2019
  • A modified mechanical model of pre-pressed spring self-centering energy dissipation (PS-SCED) brace is proposed, and the hysteresis band is distinguished by the indication of relevant state variables. The MDOF frame system equipped with the braces is formulated in an incremental form of linear acceleration method. A multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA) based brace parameter optimization method is developed to obtain an optimal solution from the primary design scheme. Parameter sensitivities derived by the direct differentiation method are used to modify the change rate of parameters in the GA operator. A case study is conducted on a steel braced frame to illustrate the effect of brace parameters on node displacements, and validate the feasibility of the modified mechanical model. The optimization results and computational process information are compared among three cases of different strategies of parameter change as well. The accuracy is also verified by the calculation results of finite element model. This work can help the applications of PS-SCED brace optimization related to parameter sensitivity, and fulfill the systematic design procedure of PS-SCED brace-structure system with completed and prospective consequences.

Snap back testing of unbonded post-tensioned concrete wall systems

  • Twigden, Kimberley M.;Henry, Richard S.
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2019
  • Unbonded Post-Tensioned (UPT) precast concrete systems have been shown to provide excellent seismic resistance. In order to improve understanding of the dynamic response of UPT systems, a series of snap back tests on four UPT systems was undertaken consisting of one Single Rocking Wall (SRW) and three Precast Wall with End Columns (PreWEC) systems. The snap back tests provided both a static pushover and a nonlinear free vibration response of a system. As expected the SRW exhibited an approximate bi-linear inertia force-drift response during the free vibration decay and the PreWEC walls showed an inertia force-drift response with increased strength and energy dissipation due to the addition of steel O-connectors. All walls exhibited negligible residual drifts regardless of the number of O-connectors or the post-tensioning force. When PreWEC systems of the same strength were compared the inclusion of further energy dissipating O-connectors was found to decrease the measured peak wall acceleration. Both the local and global wall parameters measured at pseudo-static and dynamic loading rates showed similar behaviour, which demonstrates that the dynamic behaviour of UPT walls is well represented by pseudo-static tests. The SRW was found to have Equivalent Viscous Damping (EVD) between 0.9-3.8% and the three PreWEC walls were found to have maximum EVD of between 14.7-25.8%.

Improvement of inspection system for common crossings by track side monitoring and prognostics

  • Sysyn, Mykola;Nabochenko, Olga;Kovalchuk, Vitalii;Gruen, Dimitri;Pentsak, Andriy
    • Structural Monitoring and Maintenance
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.219-235
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    • 2019
  • Scheduled inspections of common crossings are one of the main cost drivers of railway maintenance. Prognostics and health management (PHM) approach and modern monitoring means offer many possibilities in the optimization of inspections and maintenance. The present paper deals with data driven prognosis of the common crossing remaining useful life (RUL) that is based on an inertial monitoring system. The problem of scheduled inspections system for common crossings is outlined and analysed. The proposed analysis of inertial signals with the maximal overlap discrete wavelet packet transform (MODWPT) and Shannon entropy (SE) estimates enable to extract the spectral features. The relevant features for the acceleration components are selected with application of Lasso (Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) regularization. The features are fused with time domain information about the longitudinal position of wheels impact and train velocities by multivariate regression. The fused structural health (SH) indicator has a significant correlation to the lifetime of crossing. The RUL prognosis is performed on the linear degradation stochastic model with recursive Bayesian update. Prognosis testing metrics show the promising results for common crossing inspection scheduling improvement.

Dynamic Response Analysis of Twisted High-Rise Structures by Plane Rotation Angle (비틀어진 형상(Twisted) 고층 구조물의 평면 회전 각도별 동적 응답 분석)

  • Lee, Da-Hye;Kim, Hyun-Su;Kang, Joo-Won
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the dynamic response was analyzed by performing linear dynamic analysis using historic earthquake loads on twisted-shaped structures and fixed structure among free-form high-rise structures with atypical elevation shape following prior studies. In addition, the dynamic characteristics of the analysis models according to the plane rotation angle of the twisted structure were compared and analyzed. As a result of the analysis, as the plane rotation angle of the twisted structure increased, the interlayer deformation rate increased in the high-rise part of 50th floors or more. The story shear force and the story absolute acceleration were similar in the entire structure. In the case of the story shear force, the response of the twisted shape model was rather reduced in the middle part. As a result of analyzing the dynamic response, the vulnerable layer where the response amplification of the twisted structure occurs was found to be 31st story.

Seismic performance assessment of NPP concrete containments considering recent ground motions in South Korea

  • Kim, Chanyoung;Cha, Eun Jeong;Shin, Myoungsu
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.386-400
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    • 2022
  • Seismic fragility analysis, a part of seismic probabilistic risk assessment (SPRA), is commonly used to establish the relationship between a representative property of earthquakes and the failure probability of a structure, component, or system. Current guidelines on the SPRA of nuclear power plants (NPPs) used worldwide mainly reflect the earthquake characteristics of the western United States. However, different earthquake characteristics may have a significant impact on the seismic fragility of a structure. Given the concern, this study aimed to investigate the effects of earthquake characteristics on the seismic fragility of concrete containments housing the OPR-1000 reactor. Earthquake time histories were created from 30 ground motions (including those of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake) by spectral matching to the site-specific response spectrum of Hanbit nuclear power plants in South Korea. Fragility curves of the containment structure were determined under the linear response history analysis using a lumped-mass stick model and 30 ground motions, and were compared in terms of earthquake characteristics. The results showed that the median capacity and high confidence of low probability of failure (HCLPF) tended to highly depend on the sustained maximum acceleration (SMA), and increase when using the time histories which have lower SMA compared with the others.

Influence of strong ground motion duration on reinforced concrete walls

  • Flores, Camilo;Bazaez, Ramiro;Lopez, Alvaro
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.477-487
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    • 2021
  • This study focuses on the influence of strong ground motion duration on the response and collapse probability of reinforced concrete walls with a predominant response in flexure. Walls with different height and mass were used to account for a broad spectrum of configurations and fundamental periods. The walls were designed following the specifications of the Chilean design code. Non-linear models of the reinforced concrete walls using a distributed plasticity approach were performed in OpenSees and calibrated with experimental data. Special attention was put on modeling strength and stiffness degradation. The effect of duration was isolated using spectrally equivalent ground motions of long and short duration. In order to assess the behavior of the RC shear walls, incremental dynamic analyses (IDA) were performed, and fragility curves were obtained using cumulative and non-cumulative engineering demand parameters. The spectral acceleration at the fundamental period of the wall was used as the intensity measure (IM) for the IDAs. The results show that the long duration ground motion set decreases the average collapse capacity in walls of medium and long periods compared to the results using the short duration set. Also, it was found that a lower median intensity is required to achieve moderate damage states in the same medium and long period wall models. Finally, strength and stiffness degradation are important modelling parameters and if they are not included, the damage in reinforced concrete walls may be greatly underestimated.

Forced vibrations of an elastic circular plate supported by unilateral edge lateral springs

  • Celep, Zekai;Gencoglu, Mustafa
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.451-463
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    • 2022
  • The present study deals with forced vibrations of an elastic circular plate supported along its circular edge by unilateral elastic springs. The plate is assumed to be subjected to a uniformly distributed and a concentrated load. Under the combination of these loads, equations of motion are explicitly derived for static and dynamic response analyses by assuming a series of the displacement functions of time and other unknown parameters which are to be determined by employing Lagrangian functional. The approximate solution is sought by applying the Lagrange equations of motions by using the potential energy of the external forces that includes the contributions of the edge forces and the external moments, i.e., those of the effects of the boundary condition to the analysis. For the numerical treatment of the problem in the time domain, the linear acceleration procedure is adopted. The tensionless character of the support is taken into account by using an iterative process and, the coordinate functions for the displacement field are selected to partially fulfill the boundary conditions so that an acceptable approximation can be achieved faster. Numerical results are presented in the figures focusing on the nonlinearity of the problem due to the plate lift-off from the unilateral springs at the edge support.

The Characteristics of Waves on the Steep Sloping Sea Bottom (급경사 해저면에 대한 파랑의 반응특성)

  • Yeom, W.G.;Lee, J.W.
    • Journal of Korean Port Research
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.43-64
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    • 1992
  • This study discusses the interacting with deep water waves approaching from deep water based on the linear wave theory and steep sloping sea bottom floor by the numerical procedure. The results of particular interest are particle velocity and acceleration in x, y, z direction wave height amplification factor reflection coefficient and dimensionless pressure distribution on the steep sloping bottom with respect to the various incident wave angle. The wave loads relative to various bottom slopes, incident wave angles and wave periods on submerged breakwater and pipe are represented in comparison with mild sloping bottom the wave load parameters on the steep sloping bottom seemed to be influenced by variation of incident wave angle. In general the particle velocities and accelerations in x, y, z directions on the steep sloping bottom represented larger value or about two than those on the mild sloping bottom according to incident wave angle. However, the wave height amplification factors did not show distinct difference, but the slight variation with respect to the various incident angle showed on mild sloping bottom. The reflection coefficient increased with respect to increase of the incident angle on the steep sloping bottom the results also indicate that the very steep sloping beach produces a rather substantial amount of reflection as we expected. No significant variation of wave pressure was shown on the steep sloping bottom but it represented a certain amount of variation on the mild sloping bottom according to the various incident wave angle. The analysis at the OTEC site also showed similar results.

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