• Title/Summary/Keyword: linear acceleration

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Electron Firehose Instabilities in High-β Intracluster Medium

  • Kim, Sunjung;Ha, Ji-Hoon;Ryu, Dongsu;Kang, Hyesung
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.55.2-55.2
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    • 2019
  • The firehose instability is driven by a pressure anisotropy in a magnetized plasma when the temperature along the magnetic field is higher than the perpendicular temperature. Such condition occurs commonly in astrophysical and space environments, for instance, when there are beams aligned with the background magnetic field. Recently, it was argued that, in weak quasi-perpendicular shocks in the high-β intracluster medium (ICM), shock-reflected electrons propagating upstream cause the temperature anisotropy. This electron temperature anisotropy can trigger the electron firehose instability (EFI), which excites oblique waves in the shock foot. Scattering of electrons by these waves enables multiple cycles of shock drift acceleration (SDA) in the preshock region, leading to the electron injection to diffusive shock acceleration (DSA). In the study, the kinetic properties of the EFI are examined by the linear stability analysis based on the kinetic Vlasov-Maxwell theory and then further investigated by 2D Particle-in-Cell (PIC) simulations, especially focusing on those in high-β (β~100) plasmas. We then discuss the basic properties of the firehose instability, and the implication of our work on electron acceleration in ICM shock.

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Accuracy improvement in motion tracking of tennis balls using nano-sensors technology

  • Shuning Yan;Chaozong Xiang;Li Guo
    • Advances in nano research
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.409-419
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    • 2023
  • Tracking the motion of tennis balls is a challenging task in using cameras around the tennis court. The most important instance of the tennis trajectory is the time of impact and touch the court which in some cases could not be detected precisely. In the present study, we aim to present a novel design of tennis balls equipped with nano-sensors to detect the touch of the ball to the court. In the impact instance, tennis ball receives significant acceleration and change in the linear momentum. This large acceleration could deform a small-beam structure with piezoelectric layer to produce voltage. The voltage could further be utilized to produce infrared waves which could be easily detected by infrared detection sensors installed on the same video cameras or separately near the tennis court. Therefore, the exact time of the impact could be achieved with higher accuracy than image analyzing method. A detailed dynamical property of such sensors is discussed using nonlinear beam equations. The results show that within the acceleration range of tennis ball during an impact, the piezoelectric patches of the nano-sensors in the tennis ball could produce enough voltages to propagate infrared waves to be detected by infrared detectors.

Dynamic Manipulability for Cooperating Multiple Robot Systems with Frictional Contacts (접촉 마찰을 고려한 다중 로봇 시스템의 조작도 해석)

  • Byun Jae-Min;Lee Ji-Hong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.10-18
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    • 2006
  • We propose a new approach to compute possible acceleration boundary, so is called dynamic manipulability, for multiple robotic systems with frictional contacts between robot end-effectors and object. As the frictional contact condition which requires each contact force to lie within a friction cone is based on the nonlinear inequality formalism is not easy to handle the constraint in manipulability analysis. To include the frictional contact condition into the conventional manipulability analysis we approximate the friction cone to a pyramid which is described by linear inequality constraints. And then achievable acceleration boundaries of manipulated object are calculated conventional linear programming technique under constraints for torque capability of each robot and the approximated contact condition. With the proposed method we find some solution to which conventional approaches did not reach. Also, case studies are Presented to illustrate the correctness of the proposed approach for two robot systems of simple planar robots and PUMA560 robots.

Estimation of Nonlinear Site Effects of Soil Profiles in Korea (국내 지반에서의 비선형 부지효과 예측)

  • Lee, Hong-Sung;Yun, Se-Ung;Park, Du-Hee;Kim, In-Tai
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.13-23
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    • 2008
  • In a nonlinear site response analysis which is performed in time domain, small strain damping is modeled as viscous damping through use of various forms of Rayleigh damping formulations. Small strain damping of soil is known to be independent of the loading frequency, but the viscous damping is greatly influenced by the loading frequency. The type of Rayleigh damping formulation has a pronounced influence on the dependence. This paper performs a series of nonlinear analyses to evaluate the degree of influence of the viscous damping formulation on Korean soil profiles. Analyses highlight the strong influence of the viscous damping formulation for soil profiles exceeding 30 m in thickness, commonly used in simplified Rayleigh damping formulation overestimating energy dissipation at high frequencies due to artificially introduced damping. When using the full Rayleigh damping formulation and carefully selecting the optimum modes, the artificial damping is greatly reduced. Results are further compared to equivalent linear analyses. The equivalent linear analyses can overestimate the peak ground acceleration even for shallow profiles less than 20 m in thickness.

Robust Gain Scheduling Based on Fuzzy Logic Control and LMI Methods (퍼지논리제어와 LMI기법을 이용한 강인 게인 스케줄링)

  • Chi, Hyo-Seon;Koo, Kuen-Mo;Lee, Hungu;Tahk, Min-Jea;Hong, Sung-Kyung
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.1162-1170
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    • 2001
  • This paper proposes a practical gain-scheduling control law considering robust stability and performance of Linear Parameter Varying(LPV) systems in the presence of nonlinearities and uncertainties. The proposed method introduces LMI-based pole placement synthesis and also associates with a recently developed fuzzy control system based on Takagei-Sugenos fuzzy model. The sufficient conditions for robust controller design of linearized local dynamics and robust stabilization of fuzzy control systems are reduced to a finite set of Linear Matrix inequalities(LMIs) and solved by using co-evolutionary algorithms. The proposed method is applied to the longitudinal acceleration control of high performance aircraft with linear and nonlinear simulations.

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Investigation of Friction Hysteresis in Miniaturized Linear Table Lubricated Withgrease (그리스 윤활 소형 이송계 마찰력의 이력현상 측정 및 분석)

  • Ahn, Sung Woo;Jeong, Young Hun;Song, Chang Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.761-766
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    • 2013
  • A precision linear motion table plays a crucial role in manufacturing systems used in various industries such as machine tools, semiconductors, and nanofabrication. In particular, one of the most typical mechanisms for a linear motion table is to use a ballscrew and LM guides. However, this mechanism is inevitably influenced by friction because of the relative motion in its joint regions. One of the most complex phenomena in friction is the hysteresis behavior of dynamic friction, which was compared with the steady dynamic friction that was presented using a Stribeck curve in this study. Therefore, we investigated the dynamic friction and its hysteresis behavior using a miniaturized linear table equipped with a ballscrew and LM guides that were lubricated with grease. Subsequently, it could be seen that hysteresis could be considered a time delay after zero-velocity crossing and that it was influenced by acceleration.

Nonlinear damage detection using linear ARMA models with classification algorithms

  • Chen, Liujie;Yu, Ling;Fu, Jiyang;Ng, Ching-Tai
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2020
  • Majority of the damage in engineering structures is nonlinear. Damage sensitive features (DSFs) extracted by traditional methods from linear time series models cannot effectively handle nonlinearity induced by structural damage. A new DSF is proposed based on vector space cosine similarity (VSCS), which combines K-means cluster analysis and Bayesian discrimination to detect nonlinear structural damage. A reference autoregressive moving average (ARMA) model is built based on measured acceleration data. This study first considers an existing DSF, residual standard deviation (RSD). The DSF is further advanced using the VSCS, and then the advanced VSCS is classified using K-means cluster analysis and Bayes discriminant analysis, respectively. The performance of the proposed approach is then verified using experimental data from a three-story shear building structure, and compared with the results of existing RSD. It is demonstrated that combining the linear ARMA model and the advanced VSCS, with cluster analysis and Bayes discriminant analysis, respectively, is an effective approach for detection of nonlinear damage. This approach improves the reliability and accuracy of the nonlinear damage detection using the linear model and significantly reduces the computational cost. The results indicate that the proposed approach is potential to be a promising damage detection technique.

Analysis and Experimental Verification of the Moving-Magnet Linear Actuator with Cylindrical Halbach and Radial Array

  • Jang, Seok-Myeong;Park, Jang-Young;Lee, Sung-Ho;Cho, Han-Wook;Jang, Won-Bum
    • KIEE International Transaction on Electrical Machinery and Energy Conversion Systems
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    • v.3B no.4
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2003
  • In the machine tool industry, direct drive linear motor technology is of increasing interest as a means to achieve high acceleration and to increase reliability. This paper analyzes and compares the characteristics of the tubular linear actuator with the cylindrical Halbach and radial array, respectively. A tubular linear actuator with cylindrical Halbach array, consisting of parallel magnetized arc segments instead of ideal radial and axial magnetized rings, is manufactured. The magnetic field solutions due to the PMs and to the currents are established analytically in terms of vector potential, using the 2-D cylindrical coordinate system. Motor thrust, flux linkage and back emf are then derived. Thrust characteristics according to such design parameters as magnet height and air gap length are also given. The results are validated extensively by comparison with finite element analysis (FEA). Test results such as thrust measurements are also given to confirm the analysis.

Vehicle Tests of a Longitudinal Control Law for Application to Stop-and-Go Cruise Control

  • Moon, Ilki;Yi, Kyongsu
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.1166-1174
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    • 2002
  • This paper presents the implementation and vehicle tests of a vehicle longitudinal control scheme for Stop and Go cruise control. The control scheme consists of a vehicle-to-vehicle distance control algorithm and throttle/brake control algorithm for acceleration tracking. The desired acceleration of a vehicle for vehicle-to-vehicle distance control has been designed using Linear Quadratic optimal control theory. Performance of the control algorithm has been investigated via vehicle tests. A millimeter wave radar sensor has been used for distance measurement. A stepper motor and an electronic vacuum booster have been used for throttle/brake actuators, respectively. It has been shown that the proposed control algorithm can provide satisfactory performance.

A Study on the Fuel Economy based on the Driving Patterns for Passenger Car in the Metropolitan Area (승용차 도심 주행패턴에 의한 연비 성능 분석)

  • 정남훈;이우택;선우명호
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.25-31
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    • 2003
  • There are a lot of factors influencing on the automobile fuel economy such as average speed, average acceleration, acceleration sum per kilometer, and so on. In this study, various driving data were recorded during road tests. The accumulated road test mileage in Seoul metropolitan area is around 1,300 kilometers. The data were analyzed by multivariate statistical techniques including correlation analysis, principal component analysis, and multiple linear regression analysis. The analyzed results show that the average trip time per kilometer is one of the most important factors to fuel consumption and the increase of the average speed is desirable for reducing emissions and fuel consumption.