• Title/Summary/Keyword: laryngeal closure duration

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Laryngeal Closure Duration in Post-stroke Patients (뇌졸중 환자의 흡인유무에 따른 후두닫힘 지속시간)

  • Park, Tae-Ok;Ko, Do-Heung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.79-83
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    • 2010
  • As bolus enters the pharynx during the swallow, laryngeal closure takes place by approximating the epiglottis to the arytenoid Laryngeal Closure Duration(LCD) is the duration of contact between the arytenoids and the epiglottis from the first contact to the last(Logemann et al, 2000). Epiglottic inversion continues pharyngeal swallow stage is completed in order to protect the airway. The purpose of this study is to measure layrngeal closure duration (LCD) in three groups of subjects: a) 10 stroke patients who aspirate before and during the swallow(aspirators), b) 10 stroke patients who do not aspirate during the swallow c)10 normal control subjects. Means and standard deviation of LCD was analyzed in both 5ml and 10 ml thin liquids using 100msec timer in videoflouroscopic swallowing examination. The mean for each group was 0.15 seconds shorter from aspirators to control group. There was a significant difference between aspirators and normal subjects for laryngeal closure duration during the swallow. Laryngeal closure duration after a stroke lead to aspiration. However, only one of this temporal problem may not be enough to aspiration.

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Closure durations of Korean stops at three positions

  • Yungdo Yun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2022
  • This study investigates closure durations of Korean stops in terms of laryngeal contrasts, places of articulation, and three positions within words. Twenty-two Korean speakers produced the nonsense words containing Korean stops found in word-initial and word-final positions and between vowels. The statistical results showed that the closure durations differed significantly by laryngeal contrast and place of articulation. In addition, the differences by position within words were marginally significant. The closure durations were in the order of lenis < aspirated < fortis stops by laryngeal contrast, velar < alveolar < bilabial stops by place of articulation, and word-final < word-initial < between vowels by positions within words. The laryngeal contrasts were neutralized in word-final position as per coda neutralization in Korean phonology. This study shows that closure durations should be considered a valuable phonetic cue to identify stops on par with voice onset time and f0.

Multi-dimensional Representation and Correlation Analyses of Acoustic Cues for Stops (폐쇄음 음향 단서의 다차원 표현과 상관관계 분석)

  • Yun, Weon-Hee
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    • v.55
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    • pp.45-60
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this paper is to represent values of acoustic cues for Korean oral stops in the multi-dimensional space, and to attempt to find possible relationships among acoustic cues through correlation analyses. The acoustic cues used for differentiation of 3 types of Korean stops are closure duration, voice onset time and fundamental frequency of a vowel after a stop. The values of these cues are plotted in the two and three dimensional space to see what the critical cues are for separation of different types of stops. Correlation coefficient analyses show that multi-variate approach to statistical analysis is legitimate, and that there are statistically significant relationships among acoustic cues but Oey are not strong enough to make the conjecture that there is a possible relationship among the articulatory or laryngeal mechanisms employed by the acoustic cues.

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A preliminary study on laryngeal and supralaryngeal articulatory distinction of the three-way contrast of Korean velar stops

  • Jiyeon Song;Sahyang Kim;Taehong Cho
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.19-24
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    • 2023
  • This study investigated acoustic (VOT) and articulatory characteristics of Korean velar stops in monosyllabic CV structures to examine how the three-way distinction is realized in the laryngeal and supralaryngeal domains and how the distinction is manifested in male versus female speakers' speech production. EMA data were collected from 22 speakers. In line with previous studies, male speakers preserved the three-way differentiation of velar stops (/k*/</k/</kh/) in terms of VOT while female speakers showed only a two-way distinction (/k*/</k/=/kh/). As for the kinematic characteristics, a clear three-way distinction was found only in male speakers' peak velocity measure in the C-to-V opening movement (/kh/</k/</k*/). For the other kinematic measures (i.e., articulatory closure duration, deceleration duration of the opening movement and the entire opening movement duration), male speakers showed only a two-way distinction between fortis and the other two stops. Female speakers did not show a three-way contrast in any kinematic measure. They showed a two-way distinction between lenis and the other two stops in C-to-V deceleration duration (/k*/=/kh/</k/), and a two-way distinction between fortis and lenis stops in the opening movement duration. An overall comparison of VOT and articulatory analyses revealed that the lenis-aspirated kinematic distinction is diminishing, driven by female speakers, in line with the loss of the lenis-aspirated distinction in VOT that could influence supralaryngeal articulation.


  • 김광문;김기령;윤주헌;김창규;박용재
    • Proceedings of the KOR-BRONCHOESO Conference
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    • 1991.06a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 1991
  • 후두의 생리적 기능은 하기도를 보호하는 방어기능과 호흡기능 그리고 발성기능으로 대별할 수 있는데 이 가운데 계통발생적으로 가장 원시적이지만 중요한 기능은 하기도 방어기능으로 이는 다른 기능과 달리 전적으로 불수의적이고 반사적으로 이루어진다. 이 기능은 후두내 점막에 존재하는 촉각 수용체(tactile receptor)가 자극되면서 후두근육이 수축 반사를 일으켜 성문이 닫히는 성문폐쇄반사(glottic closure reflex)로서 다접합뇌간반사(polysynaptic brain stem response)이다. 현재까지 후두의 신경장애에서 그 부위나 정도 또는 신경재생 상태 등을 검사하는 방법으로 근전도검사가 주로 쓰여져 왔으나 그것이 주는 정보가 극히 제한되어 있다. 그러나 최근 청각뇌간유발반응과 같이 후두뇌간유발반응 이라 명명된 wave가 존재한다는 사실이 밝혀져 이에 대한 연구가 이루어지고 있어 이것이 임상에 쓰여질 수 있다면 현재 성문폐쇄반사의 소실이나 이상이 원인으로 사료되는 idiopathic laryngospasm, gastroesophageal reflux, spastic dysphonia, stuttering, sudden infant death syndrome과 같은 질환의 진단과 치료에 커다란 진전이 있을 것이다. 이에 저자들은 고양이 6마리를 이용하여 상후두신경을 전기적으로 자극하여 유발되는 반응을 far field recording을 이용 평균 가산법으로 그 wave를 측정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 상후두신경자극(2㎃, stimuli frequency 3/s, Band filter 320-1000, 0.2 ㎳ duration)에 의한 반회신경에의 유발 반응을 기록하였고 그 잠복시간은 평균 8.2 ㎳ 였다. 2. 상후두신경을 자극하여 후두뇌간유발반응을 기록하였고 후두뇌간유발반응은 4개의 양 wave와 4개의 음 wave로 구성되었다. 3. 각 wave의 평균 잠복시간은 P1은 0.8㎳, P2는 2.3㎳, P3는 3.6㎳, P4는 4.3㎳였고 N1은 1.5㎳, N2 은 2.7㎳, N3는 3.9㎳, N4는 5.5㎳ 였다.

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