• 제목/요약/키워드: language of love

검색결과 83건 처리시간 0.026초

The Ethics of the Othering in the Era of Transnationalism

  • Kim, Youngmin
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권6호
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    • pp.1013-1034
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    • 2009
  • The space of the Other assumes the space of Barthes's multiplicity and Foucault's transdiscursive position, and, therefore, aims at becoming the locus in which the speaking subject and the hearing subjects are supposed to communicate and constitute as if they were situated in the pscychoanalytic session. However, the wall of untranslatibility across language and cultures still exist there in the space of the Other in the form of trauma and aggressivity, as Lacan demonstrate perceptively through the reading of Kant avec Sade. In short, Lacan regards the moral commandment (to love one's neighbor as oneself) as the obstacle in the Freud's myth of transgression, and interprets this in terms of the emergence of the Other. Freud understands that the aggressivity in the subject's own heart was inherent in all humans, and that one's neighbor would be evil. Lacan goes beyond Freud and articulates that the aggressivity in the imaginary relation with the Other in the mirror stage insures that an evil inheres in the very being of humanity. A global phenomenon of the diasporic identities and hybridity, the phenomenon which has been represented by the complicated intermixture of terms which span from diaspora, postcolonialism, postnationalism. and transnationalism can be clarified, if they are put in the context of the ethics of Othering or becoming the Other. The ethics of Othering presupposes the situation in which the diasporic subjects encounter the lack of the cross-cultural negotiation and communication. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how the poetics of Other and the logic of the ethics of Othering can explain the postmodern or transmodern world which has become deterritorialized, diasporic, and transnational as well as how one can encounter the results of diasporic and postcolonial double consciousness, a consciousness which is a discursive category for multicultural or cross-cultural, focusing on the concept of liminality/interstitiality

패트릭 캐바나의 『대기근』에 나타난 포스트민족주의 -아일랜드 민족국가 이데올로기 비판 (A Postnationalist Critique of Irish Nation-State Ideology in Patrick Kavanagh's The Great Hunger)

  • 김연민
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제60권2호
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    • pp.315-338
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    • 2014
  • In The Great Hunger (1942) Patrick Kavanagh opens an Irish postnationalist discourse. Taking advantage of historical revisionism and postcolonialism, he not only demystifies a romantic nationalist ideology rooted in rural Ireland but also searches for an autonomous literary tradition free of the Irish Literary Revival, supposedly an outcome of a colonial influence. As a farmer-poet, Kavanagh deconstructs in two ways myths of rural areas, to which the Revivalists aspire. Contrary to Revivalism, he reveals that rural Ireland is not an idealized place where national identity arises and individual spirits are restored. It is instead a cruel place where farmer Maguire, deprived of health, wealth, and love, is tortured by hard labor in the field, moral regulations imposed by the Church, and his mother's domestic authority, all of which leave him unmarried until age sixty-five. Kavanagh also challenges the Revivalist tradition, led by W. B. Yeats commonly referred to as the poet of the nation, by indicting its reliance on former colonial authority and its lack of a sense of communal autonomy, both of which are diagnosed as "provincialism" by Kavanagh. Given that modern Irish literature has been strongly colored as nationalistic during the course of anticolonial resistance, Kavanagh's critique of the Revival in The Great Hunger, whose proponents blindly beautify the lives of farmers, runs directly against the grain of the founding ideology of the Irish nation-state. His voice, like that of a whistle-blower, disclosing the harsh realities of rural Ireland, ushers in a "post"-nationalist perspective on nation and national myths in Irish poetics.

『지성과 감성』과 『오만과 편견』에서 일탈적 감수성과 정상 (Deviant Sensibility and Normality in Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice)

  • 손영희
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제57권5호
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    • pp.839-870
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    • 2011
  • This study compares and contrasts Jane Austen's novels of sensibility with those of Rousseau and Goethe. In Julie, or The New Heloise and The Sorrows of Young Werther, the passionate but doomed love of the heroine and her lover is juxtaposed with her passionless marriage to the virtuous husband. In Sense and Sensibility and Pride and Prejudice, Austen revises Rousseau and Goethe's novels of sensibility to accommodate them to the puritanical English literary conventions. She parodies the basic plot of Menage a trois found in their novels of sensibility and transforms her novels into British Bildungsroman, focusing on the heroines' maturation. In Sense and Sensibility, Marianne stands up against the mercenary and snobbish high society. However, Austen represses Marianne's sensibility since the indulgence in sensibility can bring about sexual fall, as is evidenced by the cases of the two Elizas. Marianne's dangerous fever following Willoughby's betrayal emphasizes that female sexual desire should be punished for her continued existence in the high society. The taming of her sensibility and body through the fever is posited as a prerequisite for the happy marriage. In Pride and Prejudice, Elizabeth favors the deprived Wickham over the wealthy Darcy. As Wickham turns out to be a debauched lover, Darcy snatches sexual charms from him and is transfigured into one of the most virtuous and attractive husbands in Menage a trois of the novels of sensibility. Acknowledging sexuality as a vital element of a courtship, Austen embeds sexual desire in dances and glances. However, Elizabeth has to repress sensibility and desire and the complete gratification of desire is continuously deferred to some indefinite period in the future. Marriage is a synecdoche for the union of the bourgeois and the aristocracy in Austen's Bildungsroman and Marianne and Elizabeth are bestowed with happy marriage in return for repressing their sensibility and desire. Since their 'normality' and 'maturation' have been achieved at the expense of subversive sexual power of deviant sensibility, they look too impotent to gratify their desire when they finally secure comfortable but mediocre upper class life.

Dualism in Carlyle's Sartor Resartus: Descendentalism and Transcendentalism

  • Yoon, Hae-Ryung
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.399-413
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    • 2009
  • Pointing out the reality of criticism done mostly on Carlyle s original structure and rhetoric in his Sartor Resartus, this research paper focuses on Carlyle s dualistic philosophy revealed in the work, limiting its focus mostly to the dualistic theme of descendentalism and transcendentalism. The essence of Caryle s descendentalism is his irony and satire on human civilization, not for criticism itself, like other satirists, but rather out of his deep, secret humanism behind his mask. Roughly the two objects of his social criticism in the contemporary, descendentalisitc world, are mechanism and materialism in a variety of new ideologies. To diagnose the Zeitgeist and disillusion man living in contemporary civilization, Carlyle in this work uses a very original metaphor, the clothes-symbol. According to Carlyle, human history and progress can be said to be originated from man s adventitious invention of clothes that was not for biological need or social decency, but for decoration, the instinct of which implies man s innate vanity and desire. Interestingly enough here, however, Carlyle uses the same metaphor of clothes for his vision of transcendence, the world of Everlasting Yea. Man is also God s apparel and Matter is that of Spirit. Carlyle s Everlasting Yea world stresses especially the two attitudes, belief in God and love of man, which have been recently jeopardized in the socalled descendentalistic world. But Carlyle s transcendental and religious vision in Sartor Resartus is, as critics also have agreed, a unique and mysterious vision as something different from orthodox Christianity or other Victorian ideologies, as more like an amalgamation among Calvinism, Romanticism, Platonism and German Idealism. All in all, reading Sartor Resartus is still a valuable experience of an idiosyncratically original vision along with his warning against dehumanizing forces lurking in the name of civilization and with his ultimate eulogy on man, proving descendentalism as just part of transcendentalism, although the reader from time to time can be embarrassed by his male-centered, politically conservative, and individual-oriented dynamism.

The 1930s in Film and Novel: Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day

  • Choi, Young Sun
    • 영어영문학
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    • 제57권3호
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    • pp.515-527
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    • 2011
  • Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Winifred Watson's novel of 1938, is a fairytale in novel form. Set in London of 1938, the story revolves around a one-day adventure of an ill-starred but truthful governess who is granted a second chance. This light-hearted comedy of manners was turned into a film by director Bharat Nalluri in 2008. An Anglo-American collaboration, co-scripted by Simon Beaufoy and David McGee, the film converts Watson's quaint novel into an edged heritage piece that encapsulates the 1930s, the problematic decade between the two World Wars. The film, while sustaining the narrative core of Watson's Cinderella story, attempts to place it firmly within a wider current of the novel's setting or London in 1938, tapping into the major concerns of the interwar years that engage with characters in one way or another. Stylistically, the film presents Art Deco as a main visual idiom to convey the prevailing mood of nihilism and decadence of the day. The setting here takes on significance in that it offers a telling counterpoint to the giddy superficial world of the novel. The 1930s was a highly charged decade under the threat of fascism and the Great Depression, fraught with economic and socio-political tensions and apprehensions. The film makes an explicit reference to the dismal context which is suppressed in the original text. The thirties is, therefore, portrayed as a decade of contradiction. It features gay buoyant festivity, rampant consumerism, and shifting morals and attitudes towards love, marriage and sexuality. Yet lurking beneath the surface glamour are the symptoms of crises and the deep-seated anxieties on the eve of World War II. In this way, Watson's novel of manners has been recreated into a defining film on the 1930s with its period feel propped by the atmospheric lighting, the exuberant Jazz score, and the splendid Art Deco costume and production design.

Therapeutic Functor that calls semantic Argument -Focusing on the compound nouns in Sijo

  • Park, In-Kwa
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • 제5권3호
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 2017
  • The human body is structured as sentence of healing. This study examines how the mechanism of healing works in the human body by the narrative relation of functor and argument. So, we predict the way of extreme healing by literary or human narrative. For this purpose, we analyze the principle that the emotional and semantic arguments are called by the functor set by the sentences containing the fingerprints of mind in Gosijo and the mechanism of healing works extensively. We analyze the process of the transition from the narrative of the literary to the narrative of the human body. Thus, the barcode of the healing, which is made up of the relationship between the functor of the literature and the argument, is transferred to the human body and it is judged that the fingerprint of the human mind is operated through the stage of encoding and re-encoding due to the action potential. In addition, it was predicted that the neurotransmitters such as dopamine and the secretion of hormones would be promoted and the healing level would be increased. In results, we conclude that the function of argument and functor which contains the fingerprint of the mind in the third sound step on the last sentence of Gosijo is transferred to the human body and is especially heavily focused and operate with healing.

황진이 시조에 나타나는 브라운운동의 문학치료학 (Literary Therapeutics of Brownian Motion in Hwang Jin-yi's Sijo)

  • 박인과
    • 문화기술의 융합
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.159-163
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 인간의 서사의 브라운운동을 생리학적 관점으로 서술한다. 그리고 이러한 기능이 문학작품에 어떻게 나타나는지를 살펴서 향후 문학치료의 시행에 활용할 목적을 지니고 있다. 황진이 시조는 처음에 그리움을 베어내는 행위를 한다. 그리고 다음에 그 그리움을 접어 보관을 한다. 마지막으로 그 그리움을 펼쳐내는 것이다. 이렇게 접고 펼침의 운동으로 이 시조는 진동한다. 이것이 시조의 브라운운동이라고 할 수 있다. 이로써 끝없는 사랑을 완성한다. 이러한 문학적 감정의 브라운운동을 활용한다면, 문학치료가 인체생리학적인 치유의 조건들을 형성할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

한국전통문양을 응용한 텍스타일 패턴 디자인 연구 - 옵티컬 패턴(Optical Pattern)을 중심으로 - (A Study on Textile Pattern Designs with Applied Korean Traditional Patterns - Focused on Optical Patterns -)

  • 변영희;채금석
    • 한국패션뷰티학회지
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2007
  • Patterns have their own shapes and characteristics as a symbol in accordance with in what environment they are like a language. Especially our ancestor had wished present values as like riches and honors, longevity and health, love and happiness through all kinds of patterns of animals, plants, the sun, the moon, cloud, water and mountain, and expressed an aesthetic consciousness. Pattern design is important in fashion but it is insufficient in terms of the development of modern patterns based on Korean traditional patterns. Therefore, We need to create new senses and thoughts through the understanding and re-analysis about Korean traditional costume and a study on optical patterns could give an extreme effect without any changes of silhouette. Especially, Emilio Pucci and Missoni have been developing a variety of Pattern designs even though there are different tendencies each other. Consequently it could be a good chance to show Korean images and originality that develope the various textile patterns with applying to Korean traditional patterns based on an analysis of their works.

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Walter Van Beirendonck 패션에 재현된 펀 모티프 (Fun Motifs Represented in Walter Van Beirendonck's Fashion)

  • 이상례
    • 패션비즈니스
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 2014
  • In general, the idea of fun is understood to be associated with interesting things, playfulnesses, joy, pleasure, etc. The "fun culture," which seeks enjoyment and pleasure through life, is a characteristic of elements observed in today's society and culture. This exerts a powerful impacts on the business operation, marketing, and product manufacturing. Moreover, it is accepted as one of remarkable phenomena representing the changing trends of fashion in the 21st century. The objectives of this study were to analyze and categorize the fun motifs observed in fashion designer Walter Van Beirendonck 's collections, to examine their formative characteristics, and to establish academic approaches and analytic framework in studying the fun phenomenon emerging in fashion. As to research methods, this study laid a theoretical ground by reviewing the related literature and previous studies, and conducted a positive case study using the data on Walter Van Beirendonck's collections and exhibitions. According to the results of this study, the fun motifs represented in Walter Van Beirendonck's collections are largely categorized into "deviation from rules," "humorous and obscene graphic images," "introduction and transformation of heterogeneous elements," "women with male gender' etc. On the other side of Walter Van Beirendonck's fashion are sex, sexual humors, sexuality, fetishism, love, form, body, language, social phenomena, harmony between nature and life, consumerism, race, shamanism, tribal rituals, nation, cultural collision, transcendent things, science fictions, cyber Space, dream, alien, future, fairytale, fantasy etc. which are expressed by using fun motifs. Moreover, these themes are led to masculinity and fantasy.

Gratitude and sympathy are the first steps to healing: focusing on Hope World Song (希望世上歌)

  • Kyung Ja Ko;Hyun-Yong Cho
    • 셀메드
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    • 제13권6호
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    • pp.8.1-8.4
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest that activities consisting of sympathy and gratitude are the way to healing. In our team's Hope World (希望世上), we changed the lyrics of GunbamTaryeong, which Koreans know the most, to create a healing Taryeong. The iterative refrain changed to "It's nice, it's hope, it's a good world for everyone." "The Wind Blows, Spring Has Come, The Moon Is Bright" will be the beginning of each chapter in GunbamTaryeong. It looks like a bright lyric, but it also shows both sides. All members participated in changing the lyrics, harmonizing the lyrics and rhythm, preparing props, playing musical instruments, and exciting performances. Therefore, it can be said that it is the story of healing where everyone is together. The song of Hope World is a real Taryeong that heals those who plan together, sing together, play musical instruments together. It's a "hope-Taryeong (希望打令)" who dreams of a "everyone good world." It's a Taryeong that lingers in my mouth and comes to mind. In this way, activities consisting of mutual cooperation and love doubled gratitude and sympathy for each other, and we think healing was achieved in the process. In this study, we suggest that sympathy and gratitude are perhaps the first steps towards healing. The Hope World Song (希望世上歌) is available on our channel YouTube (https://youtu.be/hgPiD4g2-iM).